When will Afghanistan become Obama's war?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
How long can the president keep blaming Bush? When LBJ bailed out of the war that he created and supervised it immediately became Nixon's war and the media encouraged demonstrations and riots against the war. Where is the anti-war movement that was so active during the Bush years? Are they waiting for a republican? Democrats had the total majority in congress for Bush's last two years and every important committee was run by a democrat but they never made an effort to withdraw Troops from Afghanistan even while they undermined the conflict for the previous five or six years. With Obama's election the sky was the limit for democrats but they made no effort to withdraw Troops from Afghanistan. The conflict has become so tightly controlled by the administration that Americans can't even call in an artillery strike without permission from the Pentagon and yet NATO bombed the sh-t out of Libya to pave the way for the Muslem Brotherhood takeover.
Whitehall, et al,

You have succumb to a media driven description. The military incursion into Afghanistan is neither "Bush's War" or "Obama's War." These are media short titles that are agenda driven. They are not representative of the truth, facts or reality.

The Military role in Afghanistan is an American Military Solution driven by Congress. The Military role in Afghanistan ends when Congress decides to cut funding.

How long can the president keep blaming Bush?

Currently: There is a document called the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA), and a series of Memorandums of Understandings (MOU) being initialed by Rangin Spanta, AFG National Security Advisor, and Ryan Crocker, US Ambassador that outline the tentative framework under which the US presents after 2014 will be managed. This is an agreement that President Obama and President Karzai (with the consent of Parliament) will have to formally approved; and thereafter - the Partnership will by jointly administered by an US-Afghan Bilateral Commission. The SPA will probably supersede the current SOFA.

typically, the US - after a military incursion, stays until they are asked to leave (overstays their welcome). The US has spent nearly $500B in Afghanistan to date; with no reasonable expectation of a return on our investment. For some unknown reason, there is an imperative to stay, and the US will designate Afghanistan as a “Major Non-NATO Ally." We will be sending troops and paying for the AFGHAN Security Forces for a very long time (a couple of Presidential Administrations) - anyway.

The SPA is just another form of security and defense cooperation agreement. It is the political tool the US prefers, which takes the incursion from an Occupation to an "invited" (to stay) Military Assistance role. The US can claim they were asked to stay and preform its military and intelligence missions by the democratically elected government. In reality, the Puppet Regime has no real viable choice. If the US withdraws, the Karzai Regime will fall in a matter of weeks. Karzai is hooked and gaffed.

The initial cause for going into Afghanistan was both sound and valid. To eliminate an international terrorist threat. Today, it is merely to protect the US Puppet Regime from being ousted by the Afghan Government in Exile (The Taliban). The Trillion Dollars that will be spent over the next decade in the accumulated expense (direct and indirect costs) for the continued intelligence, military and diplomatic missions, will help maintain bases of operation for the hegemony in that region of the world. Afghanistan is no longer the threat; nor is al-Qaeda or The Taliban. It is all about maintaining strategic positions to establish a military reach to other regional neighborhoods.

Most Respectfully,
The Military role in Afghanistan ends when Congress decides to withdraw funding. My point exactly. Democrats had four years to cut funding with a total majority in congress and two of those years with former community organizer who would sign anything. The point is whether the Obama administration will assume political responsibility for the mess in Afghanistan or will they hide behind bull sh-t White House fact sheets.
It will be another president’s war starting in 2017, and another president’s after that, and the one after that…

This war belongs to the American people, it exists at their behest; and they’ll crucify any politician who attempts to end it at any given election, as an elected official ‘weak on terror.’
It will be another president’s war starting in 2017, and another president’s after that, and the one after that…

This war belongs to the American people, it exists at their behest; and they’ll crucify any politician who attempts to end it at any given election, as an elected official ‘weak on terror.’

I rest my case about the hypocrisy on the left.

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