When will Elon reinstate Trump on Twitter….will cities go up in flames?

No one I know watches commercials.. :dunno: Maybe fortune 500 companies are being given bogus stats so they keep paying those billions?

Nobody you know watches commercials? I'm betting that even YOU watch commercials.

Try an experiment sometime.................when you see something that you might use advertised on the internet, go ahead and click on the link to find out about it.

Later, look at all the ads that suddenly pop up on your browser advertising whatever you just clicked on.

Anytime you click on a link for something on the 'net (be it on your smartphone, tablet or computer), companies take that as a sign you are interested in that particular product and will saturate your browser (and your e-mail) with various ads for that same product. Clicking on an ad is like throwing chum into the water for the companies that have that product.
The announcement of Trumps reinstatement to Twitter is sure to piss off the unAmerican freedom haters.
So when does it happen? Will Antifa take to the streets? Will the savages burn shit down?
Why does that lunatic Trump need Twitter when he has Truth Social? Or is TS another one of his projects that he's running into the ground?
You sure are. Talk about "freedom hating." :rolleyes:
Hahaha…yeah, I suppose a free nation should have no established normalities, no standards, no expectations, no boundaries…it should be an absolute free for all….The problem is…circa 1935 you beggars made me a shareholder in Guadalupe and ShaQuita and their litters of filth so I’m a bigot with YUGE expectations of my fellow countrymen. Just meet the standard and we’re good…TA-DA!
Why does that lunatic Trump need Twitter when he has Truth Social? Or is TS another one of his projects that he's running into the ground?
Yeah…billionaires should always consult with blue haired, neck tattooed, degenerate faggot leftists in cyberspace before pursuing business endeavors.
Yeah…billionaires should always consult with blue haired, neck tattooed, degenerate faggot leftists in cyberspace before pursuing business endeavors.
Too bad TS is going up in flames just like numerous other Trump ventures. Leftists aren't running THAT into the ground because they have nothing to do with it, but Trump & his lackey Devin Nunes DOES.
Elon can’t proclaim Twitter to be the “town square” without reinstating Trump.
Trump may decide not use Twitter after reinstatement.
It is what the Content Board say...

Musk buying Twitter was awful business... He paid about 4 times the price and has just created a whole new bunch problems...

Social Media is getting higher regulation and being told they are taking more responsibility for what is being said on their sites... A local Newspaper can get sued for making a false comment in an opinion piece and has a readership of 10k but Twitter take no responsibility when a false tweet is sent to millions.

If the far right Brazilian had won this week he would have continued with his false allegations and lies. Twitter ban him then he could turn around and kill the rare metal deal that Tesla has with Brazilian companies...

I say Musk will be hands off when it comes to content... This is smarter business, Tic Toc is the highest regulated platform and also the fastest growing... Regulation is profitable..
Actually they accused the Trump Campaign...

And it turns out they were right...

Please tell us where you got the idea they didn't?
I got the idea from the Mueller Report. Should we disregard his $50 million dollar report and believe cyberspace TDS’ers instead?

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