When will Obama stop his exaggerating?"mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries"

I have trouble with people like Obama BLOWING WAY WAY OUT of proportion a rare situation and making it sound like it happens EVERY DAY!

YET Every day in the cities with extremely strict gun laws
Gun Deaths:
More than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year in this country
More than 30 people are shot and murdered each day
1/2 of them are between the ages of 18 and 35
1/3 of them are under the age of 20
Homicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-24 year-olds
And the primary cause of death among African Americans of that age group
USA Gun Violence Statistics heedinggodscall.org

What is happening is rather then modifying behavior via education the Democrats especially are letting blacks die daily most in democrat controlled cities!

NOW that is frequency! Why does Obama make a big deal about this rare infrequent situation when DaILY 30 people most blacks are killed!

You think those stats help your case?
I have trouble with people like Obama BLOWING WAY WAY OUT of proportion a rare situation and making it sound like it happens EVERY DAY!

YET Every day in the cities with extremely strict gun laws
Gun Deaths:
More than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year in this country
More than 30 people are shot and murdered each day
1/2 of them are between the ages of 18 and 35
1/3 of them are under the age of 20
Homicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-24 year-olds
And the primary cause of death among African Americans of that age group
USA Gun Violence Statistics heedinggodscall.org

What is happening is rather then modifying behavior via education the Democrats especially are letting blacks die daily most in democrat controlled cities!

NOW that is frequency! Why does Obama make a big deal about this rare infrequent situation when DaILY 30 people most blacks are killed!

You think those stats help your case?

YOU idiot! These stats show even with the STRICTEST gun control laws blacks especially kill blacks...dumb f...k!

Here let's make it simpler!
What makes YOU buy a ford car or whatever car you choose?
So what do advertisers do? Advertise on programs people watch ...dummy!
So if these advertisers can change idiots opinions like you to buy a ford for example, why can't the same be done to educate
people about the simple fact that GUNS don't fire by themselves just as cars don't drive by themselves!
Idiots like you think MORE gun control laws will control behavior....dummy!
YOU are proof that isn't true!
YOU've got sucked in by these stupid gun control laws when in FACT it is a total lack of education on dumb f...ks like you
that are killing people...! NOT ONE single gun death occurred because the trigger was pulled by itself... geez you idiots are so dumb!
Educate the blacks especially regarding behavior modification and how GUNS don't kill people... PEOPLE will kill people with
machetes, with bats, with knives and not just guns!
Do you understand? Idiots like Obama are such advocates of education YET the single biggest cause of death in the black community
is violent behavior which with better informed people would be reduced!

Get smart and quit depending on more stupid ass unenforced laws! There are thousands of laws passed each year regarding gun
control and what good are they???
hm and his lies are getting stale. So from BHO lying to grossly exagerrating to minorily exaggerating to BLOWING IT WAY OUT OF PROPORTION, hm can't keep it all in context.

The rest of the world's countries do not have the frequency of our mass shootings.

Fact, stud, fact. So shut up.
I have trouble with people like Obama BLOWING WAY WAY OUT of proportion a rare situation and making it sound like it happens EVERY DAY!

YET Every day in the cities with extremely strict gun laws
Gun Deaths:
More than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year in this country
More than 30 people are shot and murdered each day
1/2 of them are between the ages of 18 and 35
1/3 of them are under the age of 20
Homicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-24 year-olds
And the primary cause of death among African Americans of that age group
USA Gun Violence Statistics heedinggodscall.org

What is happening is rather then modifying behavior via education the Democrats especially are letting blacks die daily most in democrat controlled cities!

NOW that is frequency! Why does Obama make a big deal about this rare infrequent situation when DaILY 30 people most blacks are killed!

You think those stats help your case?

YOU idiot! These stats show even with the STRICTEST gun control laws blacks especially kill blacks...dumb f...k!

Here let's make it simpler!
What makes YOU buy a ford car or whatever car you choose?
So what do advertisers do? Advertise on programs people watch ...dummy!
So if these advertisers can change idiots opinions like you to buy a ford for example, why can't the same be done to educate
people about the simple fact that GUNS don't fire by themselves just as cars don't drive by themselves!
Idiots like you think MORE gun control laws will control behavior....dummy!
YOU are proof that isn't true!
YOU've got sucked in by these stupid gun control laws when in FACT it is a total lack of education on dumb f...ks like you
that are killing people...! NOT ONE single gun death occurred because the trigger was pulled by itself... geez you idiots are so dumb!
Educate the blacks especially regarding behavior modification and how GUNS don't kill people... PEOPLE will kill people with
machetes, with bats, with knives and not just guns!
Do you understand? Idiots like Obama are such advocates of education YET the single biggest cause of death in the black community
is violent behavior which with better informed people would be reduced!

Get smart and quit depending on more stupid ass unenforced laws! There are thousands of laws passed each year regarding gun
control and what good are they???

Having a bad day healthmyths?

Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare didn't cause your hissyfit did it?
hm and his lies are getting stale. So from BHO lying to grossly exagerrating to minorily exaggerating to BLOWING IT WAY OUT OF PROPORTION, hm can't keep it all in context.

The rest of the world's countries do not have the frequency of our mass shootings.

Fact, stud, fact. So shut up.
FACT IDIOT Politifact.org called Obama claim:
The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.

On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

hm and his lies are getting stale. So from BHO lying to grossly exagerrating to minorily exaggerating to BLOWING IT WAY OUT OF PROPORTION, hm can't keep it all in context.

The rest of the world's countries do not have the frequency of our mass shootings.

Fact, stud, fact. So shut up.
FACT IDIOT Politifact.org called Obama claim:
The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.

On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

View attachment 43176

I find that FACT Check to be.......Mostly False

Obama said:
This type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency.

These two statements were presented together with the second statement clarifying the intent of the statement

It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency.

Frequency means how often something happens. It does not mean "number of deaths per capita"

The countries such as Norway and Finland listed above us in "deaths per capita" have only one or two incidents. By any stretch of the imagination, that is not "frequent"

133 shootings is FREQUENT
FREQUENCY being the operative word, healthmyths. You booze, you lose.
Take it up with your buddies at Politifact.org....
Exactly what Obama said ..
"At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.
WRONG according to Politifact.org!!!

It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

BUT because idiots like you nit picking on words when WORDS have meaning and implications that are made are FALSE... here is what
Politifact.org says in retort to your idiocy!!!

EDITOR’S NOTE, June 22, 2015: We heard from several of you regarding Obama's use of the word "frequency," and that frequency could refer to the incidents of mass shootings, not deaths as we examined.
Looking at Obama's claim by incident, the United States has a higher rate of incidents than Finland, Norway and Switzerland.
We agree that there is no preferred comparison and each is valid, and we've changed some language in this article to reflect that.
We also agree that China has a larger population than the United States, a fact we weren't initially clear about but have since fixed.

That said, we are sticking with our rating of Mostly False, in large measure because of Obama's claim that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
That is incorrect. We know some of you will disagree, and we'll be sure to air out some of your objections in our next reader mailbag.

But for airbags like you who don't seem to comprehend Obama's intention was again to confuse people as he has done all his life!
Remember you idiots seem to have ignored Obama's telling you he would be using tricks and tactics to FOOL and make you fit the
title of "Stupidity of American Voter" from a guy HE HIRED!!!
FREQUENCY being the operative word, healthmyths. You booze, you lose.
Take it up with your buddies at Politifact.org....
Exactly what Obama said ..
"At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.
WRONG according to Politifact.org!!!

It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

BUT because idiots like you nit picking on words when WORDS have meaning and implications that are made are FALSE... here is what
Politifact.org says in retort to your idiocy!!!

EDITOR’S NOTE, June 22, 2015: We heard from several of you regarding Obama's use of the word "frequency," and that frequency could refer to the incidents of mass shootings, not deaths as we examined.
Looking at Obama's claim by incident, the United States has a higher rate of incidents than Finland, Norway and Switzerland.
We agree that there is no preferred comparison and each is valid, and we've changed some language in this article to reflect that.
We also agree that China has a larger population than the United States, a fact we weren't initially clear about but have since fixed.

That said, we are sticking with our rating of Mostly False, in large measure because of Obama's claim that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
That is incorrect. We know some of you will disagree, and we'll be sure to air out some of your objections in our next reader mailbag.

But for airbags like you who don't seem to comprehend Obama's intention was again to confuse people as he has done all his life!
Remember you idiots seem to have ignored Obama's telling you he would be using tricks and tactics to FOOL and make you fit the
title of "Stupidity of American Voter" from a guy HE HIRED!!!
Please define "Frequency" and get back to us

Repeatedly posting a bogus claim does not help your case

What does frequency mean?
Obama doubling down on his gross exaggeration told these naive college kids... and naive people like some of you idiot LIP Obama defenders!

And as long as you can go into some neighborhoods and it is easier for you to buy a firearm than it is for you to buy a book, there are neighborhoods where it’s easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable — as long as that’s the case, we’re going to continue to see unnecessary violence,” Obama said.

Post Fact Checker columnist Glenn Kessler called the assertion “a very strange comment that appears to have no statistical basis.”

Obama also said during the town hall: “What we also have to recognize is, is that our homicide rates are so much higher than other industrialized countries. I mean by like a mile. And most of that is attributable to the easy, ready availability of firearms, particularly handguns.”

This is a stretch, according to the Post, citing Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which measures “industrialized countries” as having an average homicide rate of 4.1 per 100,000 people. While the United States is above the global average at 5.2 per 100,000, it is well behind Brazil’s 25.5 or Mexico’s 23.4. Still, Germany, France and the United Kingdome are below 1 per 100,000.

Obama also said at Benedict: “People just say well, we should have firearms in kindergarten and we should have machine guns in bars. You think I’m exaggerating — I mean, you look at some of these laws that come up.”

Because what he said was classified at mostly hyperbole and exaggerations — not outright lies — Obama earned just three out of four Pinocchios.

“The president was playing fast and loose with his language here—to a group of college students no less,” Kessler wrote. “There’s little excuse for the claim that in some neighborhoods, it is easier to buy a gun than vegetable — or to say he’s ‘not exaggerating’ when he claims that some people have proposed laws that would allow machine guns in bars.”

Again... earlier the idiot in chief thinks he has to exaggerate. Blow out of proportion! LIE!!!
Obama s odd series of exaggerated gun claims - The Washington Post
What does FREQUENCY mean, hm?

You have clearly lost your own thread yet again.

“The president was playing fast and loose with his language here—to a group of college students no less,” Kessler wrote.
“There’s little excuse for the claim that in some neighborhoods, it is easier to buy a gun than vegetable — or to say he’s ‘not exaggerating’ when he claims that some people have proposed laws that would allow machine guns in bars.”
at least 1/2 of the country already figured out that bambi was a liar even before the 2008 election.
The president continued, suggesting that the country has to act to prevent gun violence.
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,"
Obama said. "It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."
President Obama on Charleston Shooting I ve Had to Make Statements Like This Too Many Times - NationalJournal.com
5 countries with MORE restrictive firearm regulations have more rampage shootings then USA.

View attachment 43113

If You Look at This Chart of Top 10 Nations in the World for Mass Shootings One Thing Jumps Out
Look up the word frequency, dope.
he never gave any examples. just like with global warming? maybe he could name a country that has melted?
What does FREQUENCY mean, hm?

You have clearly lost your own thread yet again.

“The president was playing fast and loose with his language here—to a group of college students no less,” Kessler wrote.
“There’s little excuse for the claim that in some neighborhoods, it is easier to buy a gun than vegetable — or to say he’s ‘not exaggerating’ when he claims that some people have proposed laws that would allow machine guns in bars.”
(1) an unqualified opinion that (2) does not to support your false OP.

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