When will Obama stop his exaggerating?"mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries"

The president continued, suggesting that the country has to act to prevent gun violence.
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,"
Obama said. "It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."
President Obama on Charleston Shooting I ve Had to Make Statements Like This Too Many Times - NationalJournal.com
5 countries with MORE restrictive firearm regulations have more rampage shootings then USA.

View attachment 43113

If You Look at This Chart of Top 10 Nations in the World for Mass Shootings One Thing Jumps Out
he should of used that "Epic Battle" between the San Diego Chicken and Barney as a perfect example.
hm, you are not taken seriously. And not for a very long time. You simply regurgitate facts and numbers that never add up, it is pointed out to you, and you deny it. It is what it is.
hm, you are not taken seriously. And not for a very long time. You simply regurgitate facts and numbers that never add up, it is pointed out to you, and you deny it. It is what it is.
So if the "facts" don't add up then how can they be "facts"?
Besides... NOT one submission that I've ever made is from numbers that can't be substantiated!
1) Obama counted 10 million illegals as part of the 46 million BEFORE ACA was passed.... after it was passed he admitted... 10 million not legal!
2) Obama further counted 18 million people THAT NEVER WANTED! NEVER NEEDED! But idiots like him and YOU force these people for what reason????
They were paying their health expenses out of pocket or better yet through Health Savings accounts which Obama hated! Many of these 18 million didn't need health insurance as their health savings accounts were more then sufficient for their daily health expenditures... BUT OBAMA bogusly counted them!
3) Finally 14 million people the CENSUS admits that were counted as "uninsured"....ALL they needed to do was be registered by Obama's inept administration couldn't
even do that and YOU want THEM to manage health care???

See the problem IS I KNOW how health financials work... YOU are a blithering blathering idiot as YOU've proved time and time again!
You ignore the EMTALA act of 1986! You ignore how the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act that forbids suing doctors under contract with the government and slather all over
the lawyers who make $270 billion a year much from 94% of lawsuits settled out by insurance companies that simply add the costs to the premiums and then idiots
like you blame the insurance companies for recovering those costs that CAUSE $850 billion a year in health care expenses called "defensive medicine"!

These are the facts that dumbos like you can't even comprehend! Which is WHY the guy hired by Obama to design Obamacare said people like you were the
"Stupidity of the American Voter"! That had to be fooled! LIED to. Remember Obama has told you what kind fools you are when he said he uses tricks tactics to
convince fools like you!!!
There you go again. Facts can be analyzed wrongly, and you are a master at that. Your errors have been pointed out to you many, many times and you blithely drive on into never never land.

The fact is that you are exaggerating when you say that Obama does not say mass murder happen here. Of course he does, and you, of course, are wrong.

You are aware the Pubs were the majority party in both chambers in 1946. One example you have with analyzing the facts.
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There you go again. Facts can be analyzed wrongly, and you are a master at that. Your errors have been pointed out to you many, many times and you blithely drive on into never never land.

The fact is that you are exaggerating when you say that Obama does not say mass murder happens here. Of course he does, and you, of course, are wrong.


NOT ONE person has PROVEN that the following 3 gross EXAGGERATION of the "46 million uninsured" is WRONG!

10 million of the 46 million were not legal Americans!
Proof: Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
From the above... The Census counted 9,936,000 "NOT A CITIZEN" as "UNINSURED"! That is a FACT.
That leaves 36 million WHICH Obama NOW uses after ACA passed!
Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 9.01.58 PM.png

14 million Medicaid eligible Americans were counted erroneously as "uninsured"!

Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 9.04.28 PM.png

WHAT the f...k is 1/3 of 44.7 million???? 14 MILLION that WERE REACHABLE through MEDICAID AND SCHIP!!!
Prove me wrong!!! That leaves 22 million!!!

Even though 18 million people didn't want, need health insurance were bogusly counted as wanting health insurance!

Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 9.07.43 PM.png

BUT YOU idiots seemingly can't comprehend the simple fact that 18 million people of the 22 million left make over $50,000 a year.
SO why were they counted??? They didn't want it!

That leaves less then 5 million that wanted and needed health NOT 46 million!!!
Somebody else does it so its okay that the US does it.

Is that the best you can do?

Oh well, at least the US is in the top 6 of SOMETHING!

THE POINT that went WAY WAY OVER your little dim brain.....
The president continued, suggesting that the country has to act to prevent gun violence.
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact
that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,"
Obama said. "It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

WANT the chart again to see what f...king LYING idiot this president???
"It doesn't happen in other places????? What f...k is Norway, Finland,etc....
View attachment 43118
Do any of the Countries on your UNSOURCED CHART have mass shootings MORE than the USA?

Are they more frequent in this unsourced chart of yours, that is INCOMPLETE and does not show aything that disputes what Obama said?

Maybe you need to take a reading comprehension course?

Are there any countries on this UNSOURCED chart and INCOMPLETE CHART and cherry picked chart from 2009 thru 2013 and NOT THRU 2015, or for 20 years to see a trend...have MORE Mass Murder shootings in the 5 year time period than the USA?


Is their ANY country on your limited, unsourced, and incomplete chart that has mass murder shootings more frequently than the USA....

The answer is NO.

Obama was CORRECT, in what he said... it may not be what you want to compare...but he made no mention of comparing mass murders per person living here or mass murder shootings per person living in these other advanced countries...he mentioned a comparison of FREQUENCY.

Even if you do use your, unsourced, cherry picked on years, and incomplete chart...the President was correct that no other advanced Country has mass murder shootings with the same frequency as the USA....

and BTW, there is already a thread on this with the same chart....this thread is a duplicate thread.
I just watched that speech on TV. He said it happens everywhere, but more often here.
Somebody else does it so its okay that the US does it.

Is that the best you can do?

Oh well, at least the US is in the top 6 of SOMETHING!

THE POINT that went WAY WAY OVER your little dim brain.....
The president continued, suggesting that the country has to act to prevent gun violence.
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact
that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,"
Obama said. "It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

WANT the chart again to see what f...king LYING idiot this president???
"It doesn't happen in other places????? What f...k is Norway, Finland,etc....
View attachment 43118
Do any of the Countries on your UNSOURCED CHART have mass shootings MORE than the USA?

Are they more frequent in this unsourced chart of yours, that is INCOMPLETE and does not show aything that disputes what Obama said?

Maybe you need to take a reading comprehension course?

Are there any countries on this UNSOURCED chart and INCOMPLETE CHART and cherry picked chart from 2009 thru 2013 and NOT THRU 2015, or for 20 years to see a trend...have MORE Mass Murder shootings in the 5 year time period than the USA?


Is their ANY country on your limited, unsourced, and incomplete chart that has mass murder shootings more frequently than the USA....

The answer is NO.

Obama was CORRECT, in what he said... it may not be what you want to compare...but he made no mention of comparing mass murders per person living here or mass murder shootings per person living in these other advanced countries...he mentioned a comparison of FREQUENCY.

Even if you do use your, unsourced, cherry picked on years, and incomplete chart...the President was correct that no other advanced Country has mass murder shootings with the same frequency as the USA....

and BTW, there is already a thread on this with the same chart....this thread is a duplicate thread.

On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right??? A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 9.23.26 PM.png

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014. The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.
On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.
healthmyths now admits his facts are ipso facto minor exaggerations. You idiot. Which party was in power in 1946?

I don't admit to anything Pay attention to what POliticfact.org agreeing with ME!!! Dummy!!

On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right??? A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

View attachment 43143

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014. The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.
On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.
healthmyths now admits his facts are ipso facto minor exaggerations. You idiot. Why won't you tell us which party was in power in 1946?

Got you on the run. Again.
healthmyths now admits his facts are ipso facto minor exaggerations. You idiot. Why won't you tell us which party was in power in 1946?

Got you on the run. Again.

This is "on the run"????? Politifact.org.... YOUR bible of facts declares.......
On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right??? A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

View attachment 43143

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014. The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.
On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.
None of what you post makes sense.

Why are you still ignoring the legislation in 1946 you condemn above was passed by the Republican senate and house? Yup on the run.
So what about Chicago? Baltimore? NYC???

All cities with strict gun laws...(by the way NOT really enforced!!!)....
Where is the mention by Obama about his home town or any of these other Democrat controlled cities?
Where is the clamor for black on black gun violence??
So what about Chicago? Baltimore? NYC???

All cities with strict gun laws...(by the way NOT really enforced!!!)....
Where is the mention by Obama about his home town or any of these other Democrat controlled cities?
Where is the clamor for black on black gun violence??
You said Obama was lying. He wasn't. Admit it.
hm has gone from admitting Obama was not lying, that the major exaggerations were minor exaggerations, and that the Pubs were in passed in 1946 when the legislation he did not like was passed.
Somebody else does it so its okay that the US does it.

Is that the best you can do?

Oh well, at least the US is in the top 6 of SOMETHING!

THE POINT that went WAY WAY OVER your little dim brain.....
The president continued, suggesting that the country has to act to prevent gun violence.
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact
that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,"
Obama said. "It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

WANT the chart again to see what f...king LYING idiot this president???
"It doesn't happen in other places????? What f...k is Norway, Finland,etc....
View attachment 43118
Do any of the Countries on your UNSOURCED CHART have mass shootings MORE than the USA?

Are they more frequent in this unsourced chart of yours, that is INCOMPLETE and does not show aything that disputes what Obama said?

Maybe you need to take a reading comprehension course?

Are there any countries on this UNSOURCED chart and INCOMPLETE CHART and cherry picked chart from 2009 thru 2013 and NOT THRU 2015, or for 20 years to see a trend...have MORE Mass Murder shootings in the 5 year time period than the USA?


Is their ANY country on your limited, unsourced, and incomplete chart that has mass murder shootings more frequently than the USA....

The answer is NO.

Obama was CORRECT, in what he said... it may not be what you want to compare...but he made no mention of comparing mass murders per person living here or mass murder shootings per person living in these other advanced countries...he mentioned a comparison of FREQUENCY.

Even if you do use your, unsourced, cherry picked on years, and incomplete chart...the President was correct that no other advanced Country has mass murder shootings with the same frequency as the USA....

and BTW, there is already a thread on this with the same chart....this thread is a duplicate thread.

On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right??? A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

View attachment 43143

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014. The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.
On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.
It was not two statements that Obama said, so Politifact is looking at this from what it looks like he said in writing, but if you watch the video of Obama's statement, IT WAS ONE STATEMENT, with a pause of GRIEF in between before he was able to continue with his ONE statement.

the Statement

"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact
that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries, it doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

The ONLY thing Obama was saying, was that Mass Murder Shootings do not happen in other countries as often as it happens here....

He made NO MENTION of PER PERSON living here, compared to per person living in these advanced Countries....he only mentioned the frequency of these occurrences in the USA compared to the frequency in other advanced countries....

In others words, he was comparing how OFTEN they happen here, compared to how OFTEN they happen in these advanced countries....

But it sure the heck got all of your right wing panties in a rut, didn't it? :lol: Me thinks it was intentional on his part to word it the way he did....
None of what you post makes sense.

Why are you still ignoring the legislation in 1946 you condemn above was passed by the Republican senate and house? Yup on the run.

Again Starkey.... READ you idiot!!!
I didn't condemn the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. PROVES that tort reform would cut a large portion of the $850 billion a year
physicians make claims for duplicate services,test. all out of fear of lawsuits!
In this study... http://www.jacksonhealthcare.com/media/8968/defensivemedicine_ebook_final.pdf
90% of physicians said they practice defensive medicine. But only 48% of physicians interviewed and that were "govt. contracted" did!
That meant most physicians knowing they will be sued practice...hence the $850 billion... those under federal contract DON"T because
of the 1946 act!

Again... do more research starkey and just be less prone to believe the MSM which has as it's motto "if it bleeds it leads"... and in
this 24 hour news cycle they have to feed the majority of people with issues like "gun control" it sells advertising!
hm has gone from admitting Obama was not lying, that the major exaggerations were minor exaggerations, and that the Pubs were in passed in 1946 when the legislation he did not like was passed.

They are still lies!

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