When will Obama stop his exaggerating?"mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries"

Somebody else does it so its okay that the US does it.

Is that the best you can do?

Oh well, at least the US is in the top 6 of SOMETHING!

THE POINT that went WAY WAY OVER your little dim brain.....
The president continued, suggesting that the country has to act to prevent gun violence.
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact
that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,"
Obama said. "It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

WANT the chart again to see what f...king LYING idiot this president???
"It doesn't happen in other places????? What f...k is Norway, Finland,etc....
View attachment 43118
Do any of the Countries on your UNSOURCED CHART have mass shootings MORE than the USA?

Are they more frequent in this unsourced chart of yours, that is INCOMPLETE and does not show aything that disputes what Obama said?

Maybe you need to take a reading comprehension course?

Are there any countries on this UNSOURCED chart and INCOMPLETE CHART and cherry picked chart from 2009 thru 2013 and NOT THRU 2015, or for 20 years to see a trend...have MORE Mass Murder shootings in the 5 year time period than the USA?


Is their ANY country on your limited, unsourced, and incomplete chart that has mass murder shootings more frequently than the USA....

The answer is NO.

Obama was CORRECT, in what he said... it may not be what you want to compare...but he made no mention of comparing mass murders per person living here or mass murder shootings per person living in these other advanced countries...he mentioned a comparison of FREQUENCY.

Even if you do use your, unsourced, cherry picked on years, and incomplete chart...the President was correct that no other advanced Country has mass murder shootings with the same frequency as the USA....

and BTW, there is already a thread on this with the same chart....this thread is a duplicate thread.

On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right??? A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

View attachment 43143

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014. The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.
On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.
It was not two statements that Obama said, so Politifact is looking at this from what it looks like he said in writing, but if you watch the video of Obama's statement, IT WAS ONE STATEMENT, with a pause of GRIEF in between before he was able to continue with his ONE statement.

the Statement

"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact
that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries, it doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

The ONLY thing Obama was saying, was that Mass Murder Shootings do not happen in other countries as often as it happens here....

He made NO MENTION of PER PERSON living here, compared to per person living in these advanced Countries....he only mentioned the frequency of these occurrences in the USA compared to the frequency in other advanced countries....

In others words, he was comparing how OFTEN they happen here, compared to how OFTEN they happen in these advanced countries....

But it sure the heck got all of your right wing panties in a rut, didn't it? :lol: Me thinks it was intentional on his part to word it the way he did....

NO! He advocates more gun control laws which is so f...king stupid!
We have thousands of Federal,state and local laws on the books now regarding gun control... what will one more do??
It is something people like you constantly think is necessary when the simple solution is EDUCATION!

There were over 1500 bills introduced in the 2013 legislative session, over 100 of which were enacted into law. For more information on this unprecedented activity, click on the map below to find out about the laws that were enacted in each state last year.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Why not educate people rather then pass more ineffective laws???
Somebody else does it so its okay that the US does it.

Is that the best you can do?

Oh well, at least the US is in the top 6 of SOMETHING!

THE POINT that went WAY WAY OVER your little dim brain.....
The president continued, suggesting that the country has to act to prevent gun violence.
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact
that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,"
Obama said. "It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

WANT the chart again to see what f...king LYING idiot this president???
"It doesn't happen in other places????? What f...k is Norway, Finland,etc....
View attachment 43118
Do any of the Countries on your UNSOURCED CHART have mass shootings MORE than the USA?

Are they more frequent in this unsourced chart of yours, that is INCOMPLETE and does not show aything that disputes what Obama said?

Maybe you need to take a reading comprehension course?

Are there any countries on this UNSOURCED chart and INCOMPLETE CHART and cherry picked chart from 2009 thru 2013 and NOT THRU 2015, or for 20 years to see a trend...have MORE Mass Murder shootings in the 5 year time period than the USA?


Is their ANY country on your limited, unsourced, and incomplete chart that has mass murder shootings more frequently than the USA....

The answer is NO.

Obama was CORRECT, in what he said... it may not be what you want to compare...but he made no mention of comparing mass murders per person living here or mass murder shootings per person living in these other advanced countries...he mentioned a comparison of FREQUENCY.

Even if you do use your, unsourced, cherry picked on years, and incomplete chart...the President was correct that no other advanced Country has mass murder shootings with the same frequency as the USA....

and BTW, there is already a thread on this with the same chart....this thread is a duplicate thread.

On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right??? A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

View attachment 43143

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014. The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.
On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.
It was not two statements that Obama said, so Politifact is looking at this from what it looks like he said in writing, but if you watch the video of Obama's statement, IT WAS ONE STATEMENT, with a pause of GRIEF in between before he was able to continue with his ONE statement.

the Statement

"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact
that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries, it doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."

The ONLY thing Obama was saying, was that Mass Murder Shootings do not happen in other countries as often as it happens here....

He made NO MENTION of PER PERSON living here, compared to per person living in these advanced Countries....he only mentioned the frequency of these occurrences in the USA compared to the frequency in other advanced countries....

In others words, he was comparing how OFTEN they happen here, compared to how OFTEN they happen in these advanced countries....

But it sure the heck got all of your right wing panties in a rut, didn't it? :lol: Me thinks it was intentional on his part to word it the way he did....

NO! He advocates more gun control laws which is so f...king stupid!
We have thousands of Federal,state and local laws on the books now regarding gun control... what will one more do??
It is something people like you constantly think is necessary when the simple solution is EDUCATION!

There were over 1500 bills introduced in the 2013 legislative session, over 100 of which were enacted into law. For more information on this unprecedented activity, click on the map below to find out about the laws that were enacted in each state last year.
Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Why not educate people rather then pass more ineffective laws???
I'm not really for passing more laws, nor would I be dead set against it either.... I am willing to have a serious discussion on the topic with some real numbers, real comparisons of before and after gun control...as example, maybe gun shooting murders were reduced in gun control advanced countries, but Stabbings went up equally, that replaced the shooting murders?

I want every law abiding citizen to be able to own a gun if they feel the need to own one....the problem is how to stop the black market from getting and selling guns illegally to criminals,

and how to know when one of these law abiding gun owners, like this Dylan kid, is going to go haywire and on a killing spree....?

So far, ALL of these mass murder shootings are by law abiding citizenry, when it comes to gun ownership, they all owned guns legally.....they did not buy them on the Black Market, like a criminal would..... yet they all were Criminals in the making....just waiting for the perfect time to kill the masses....

I have no idea how this could be determined or figured out beforehand?

the problem with our Nation is HATRED, festered hatred that lies deep within the souls of people like Dylann....

What kind of educating?
healthmyths now admits his facts are ipso facto minor exaggerations. You idiot. Why won't you tell us which party was in power in 1946?

Got you on the run. Again.

This is "on the run"????? Politifact.org.... YOUR bible of facts declares.......
On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right??? A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

View attachment 43143

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014. The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.
On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.


Thanks for putting that up. Politifact and Punditfact are mega left winger supposed "fact checking" outlets.

So for Politifact to publish their findings against Obama is most interesting.
healthmyths now admits his facts are ipso facto minor exaggerations. You idiot. Why won't you tell us which party was in power in 1946?

Got you on the run. Again.

This is "on the run"????? Politifact.org.... YOUR bible of facts declares.......
On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right??? A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

View attachment 43143

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014. The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.
On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.


Thanks for putting that up. Politifact and Punditfact are mega left winger supposed "fact checking" outlets.

So for Politifact to publish their findings against Obama is most interesting.
Tiny dancer you are awesome. LOVE the pic. Obama has never passed up an opportunity to divide America.
"I didn't condemn the 1946 Federal Tort Claims Act. PROVES that tort reform would cut a large portion of the $850 billion a year" That is not what you originally wrote, and you have not admitted that you were lying when Obama was making mass exaggeration about violence. You can't run away from your lies.
healthmyths now admits his facts are ipso facto minor exaggerations. You idiot. Why won't you tell us which party was in power in 1946?

Got you on the run. Again.

This is "on the run"????? Politifact.org.... YOUR bible of facts declares.......
On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right??? A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

View attachment 43143

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014. The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.
On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.


Thanks for putting that up. Politifact and Punditfact are mega left winger supposed "fact checking" outlets.

So for Politifact to publish their findings against Obama is most interesting.

Well we all know that fakey is a far left drone and will support their religious messiah to the bitter end..
The far right in America the last ten years has been the most divisive group since the Civil War. They will do anything to pull America down.
hm has gone from admitting Obama was not lying, that the major exaggerations were minor exaggerations, and that the Pubs were in passed in 1946 when the legislation he did not like was passed.

They are still lies!
Yes, you are still lying. Your "major exaggerations" are nothing of the sort. If they are, give specific examples showing that.

Here is a prominent FACT CHECKING group...

On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right???
A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.


Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that
"this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014.
The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.

On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.

Violent Media Guns and Mental Illness - Schildkraut and Muschert - Fast Capitalism 10.1

Violent Media, Guns, and Mental Illness: The Three Ring Circus of Causal Factors for School Massacres, as Related in Media Discourse
Jaclyn Schildkraut and Glenn W. Muschert

If you are smart enough you should read the above by the same people that provided the facts that
refute Obama's lies!

Americas love affair with assasinations and mass violence is no exaggeration
Americas love affair with assasinations and mass violence is no exaggeration

It is your exaggerating that promotes it! The MSM loves these one off situations as it fills the news void.
But it is to be expected that LIPs like you provided with the ONLY way you can absorb any news, i.e. 30 second sound bites or headlines by
the MSM to come away with your totally false premise. If all of us Americans were as you said in love with etc... there would be no progress.
Just mass destruction. But see it is this tendency to exaggeration by people like you that seemingly perpetuate the myths.
Americans love mass violence. healthmyths feeds off of it.

On the contrary, when people like Starkey/Obama jump to conclusions, make gross hysterical statements, depend on hyperbole to get attention much like a little kid, that the adults like me have to say "hey wait a minute... where did these little kids come up with these gross exaggerations?"
Fortunately there are a few calmer, less prone to hysteria people like myself that depend on the FACTS to form opinions rather then
forming opinions before ALL the facts are in..."police are stupid" as Obama said earlier in his presidency without knowing the facts!

I'm constantly hopeful that more people will wait before rushing to judgement as Starkey and other LIPs like him are prone to do!
Shoot first then ask questions seem to be their modus operandi.
Americans love mass violence. healthmyths feeds off of it.

On the contrary, when people like Starkey/Obama jump to conclusions, make gross hysterical statements, depend on hyperbole to get attention much like a little kid, that the adults like me have to say "hey wait a minute... where did these little kids come up with these gross exaggerations?"
Fortunately there are a few calmer, less prone to hysteria people like myself that depend on the FACTS to form opinions rather then
forming opinions before ALL the facts are in..."police are stupid" as Obama said earlier in his presidency without knowing the facts!

I'm constantly hopeful that more people will wait before rushing to judgement as Starkey and other LIPs like him are prone to do!
Shoot first then ask questions seem to be their modus operandi.
That's full of lies from you. Nothing new that. Show where I am exaggerating. Be specific. I am going to call you out if you are not specific.
Americas love affair with assasinations and mass violence is no exaggeration

It is your exaggerating that promotes it! The MSM loves these one off situations as it fills the news void.
But it is to be expected that LIPs like you provided with the ONLY way you can absorb any news, i.e. 30 second sound bites or headlines by
the MSM to come away with your totally false premise. If all of us Americans were as you said in love with etc... there would be no progress.
Just mass destruction. But see it is this tendency to exaggeration by people like you that seemingly perpetuate the myths.

You blame the media for reporting on political assasinations and shootings like Columbine, Ft Hood, Aurora, Sandy Hook and Charleston?
The president continued, suggesting that the country has to act to prevent gun violence.
"Now is the time for mourning and for healing, but let's be clear at some point, we as a country, we have to reckon with the fact that this mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries,"
Obama said. "It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency. It is in our power to do something about it."
President Obama on Charleston Shooting I ve Had to Make Statements Like This Too Many Times - NationalJournal.com
5 countries with MORE restrictive firearm regulations have more rampage shootings then USA.

View attachment 43113

If You Look at This Chart of Top 10 Nations in the World for Mass Shootings One Thing Jumps Out
You didn't build that......if you like your doctor...you can keep your doctor.

Obama's supporters don't care if he lies. He's their front-man to push their lies down everyone's throats. As long as he's able to keep screwing things up and keeps pissing everyone off they don't care. He can lie all he wants....because it's for a good cause.

Why these people continue to support a bold-faced liar like Obama only shows what their character is. They aren't honest, decent people. Those kinds of people are being pushed to the side while the assholes are taking over.

Just like happens in other 3rd world countries BTW. 3rd world countries are poor because there aren't enough honest people to run the country.
hm has gone from admitting Obama was not lying, that the major exaggerations were minor exaggerations, and that the Pubs were in passed in 1946 when the legislation he did not like was passed.

They are still lies!
Yes, you are still lying. Your "major exaggerations" are nothing of the sort. If they are, give specific examples showing that.

Here is a prominent FACT CHECKING group...

On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right???
A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

View attachment 43155

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that
"this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014.
The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.

On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.

Violent Media Guns and Mental Illness - Schildkraut and Muschert - Fast Capitalism 10.1

Violent Media, Guns, and Mental Illness: The Three Ring Circus of Causal Factors for School Massacres, as Related in Media Discourse
Jaclyn Schildkraut and Glenn W. Muschert

If you are smart enough you should read the above by the same people that provided the facts that
refute Obama's lies!

I find that FACT Check to be.......Mostly False

Obama said:
This type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency.

These two statements were presented together with the second statement clarifying the intent of the statement

It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency.

Frequency means how often something happens. It does not mean "number of deaths per capita"

The countries such as Norway and Finland listed above us in "deaths per capita" have only one or two incidents. By any stretch of the imagination, that is not "frequent"

133 shootings is FREQUENT
hm has gone from admitting Obama was not lying, that the major exaggerations were minor exaggerations, and that the Pubs were in passed in 1946 when the legislation he did not like was passed.

They are still lies!
Yes, you are still lying. Your "major exaggerations" are nothing of the sort. If they are, give specific examples showing that.

Here is a prominent FACT CHECKING group...

On balance, we rate (Obama's Claim) Mostly False.

OK you believe politifact.org right???
A totally left wing group OWNED by the Poynter Institute that owns the St. Petes Times!
Is Barack Obama correct that mass killings don t happen in other countries PolitiFact

An important point to make right off the bat is that many of the critics have pointed to the first part of Obama’s claim --
that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."
As we’ll explain, the critics have a point here -- mass violence, including mass shootings, happen in a wide variety of countries.

View attachment 43155

Still, using this data, it’s easy to dispense with the first claim Obama made -- that "this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries."

Our ruling

Obama said after the church shootings in Charleston that
"this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."

The data shows that it clearly happens in other countries, and in at least three of them, there’s evidence that the rate of killings in mass-shooting events occurred at a higher per-capita rate than in the United States between 2000 and 2014.
The only partial support for Obama’s claim is that the per-capita gun-incident fatality rate in the United States does rank in the top one-third of the list of 11 countries studied.

On balance, we rate the claim Mostly False.

Violent Media Guns and Mental Illness - Schildkraut and Muschert - Fast Capitalism 10.1

Violent Media, Guns, and Mental Illness: The Three Ring Circus of Causal Factors for School Massacres, as Related in Media Discourse
Jaclyn Schildkraut and Glenn W. Muschert

If you are smart enough you should read the above by the same people that provided the facts that
refute Obama's lies!

I find that FACT Check to be.......Mostly False

Obama said:
This type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency.

These two statements were presented together with the second statement clarifying the intent of the statement

It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency.

Frequency means how often something happens. It does not mean "number of deaths per capita"

The countries such as Norway and Finland listed above us in "deaths per capita" have only one or two incidents. By any stretch of the imagination, that is not "frequent"

133 shootings is FREQUENT

Why people are DEAD set on lying about this is disheartening to say the least!

Frequency, as in how often....

NOT Rate of Frequency, as in what PERCENTAGE of mass shootings occur PER person living in the country.

It's amazing what levels of Deceit the right wing will go through in order to cause these FABRICATED controversies of theirs.....

Sad, indeed....
I have trouble with people like Obama BLOWING WAY WAY OUT of proportion a rare situation and making it sound like it happens EVERY DAY!

YET Every day in the cities with extremely strict gun laws
Gun Deaths:
More than 30,000 people are killed by firearms each year in this country
More than 30 people are shot and murdered each day
1/2 of them are between the ages of 18 and 35
1/3 of them are under the age of 20
Homicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-24 year-olds
And the primary cause of death among African Americans of that age group
USA Gun Violence Statistics heedinggodscall.org

What is happening is rather then modifying behavior via education the Democrats especially are letting blacks die daily most in democrat controlled cities!

NOW that is frequency! Why does Obama make a big deal about this rare infrequent situation when DaILY 30 people most blacks are killed!

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