When will old white politician get off the treadmill and fuck off??


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I was watching the senate hearings this morning and listening to Patrick Leahey talk was just mind cringing, this guy is about as old as the pyramids and sounded even older. And it brought me back to Senator Robert Byrd being wheeled in back in the day, to cast a vote for something or watching Ruth Gingsburg fall asleep on the court bench or Hillary, collapsing from exhaustion during the campaign and suddenly realizing that half the senate and congress have been around since the Nixon days......it just makes you sick. Today, Prince Philip announced he will no longer engage in touring his country, he's tired.....the queen, this bitch is never gonna let go and give her son a chance and on and on and on.....this need for old white people to cling to shit FOREVER HAS GOT TO END!!!

I'm 60 years old, I want to see a new generation of leaders in Washington. Number one reason this country is so behind on everything, except making a blessid buck, is because we got these old white mf's that want to die in office, rather than call it a day. Please for the sake of a new day in this country, retire your white as's off the playing fields and take that odd orange old bastard Trump with you....its time we let the young people in this country have a voice!!

i like it , pretty funny TRed but why would they voluntarily leave a cushy job , Anyway , i'm 68 and i say , feck the younger politicians , heck man , i just went through both 'gwb' and the 'mrobama' and both would be described as youngish i think . To me the youngish politicians with socialist and pro imported or pro immigrant leanings are more of a problem than an old white guy that simply works for the perks of office TRed .
and heck , its the old guys that want a rebuilding of the military and many are pro gun rather than gun control advocates like mrobama and hillary TRed !!
I was watching the senate hearings this morning and listening to Patrick Leahey talk was just mind cringing, this guy is about as old as the pyramids and sounded even older. And it brought me back to Senator Robert Byrd being wheeled in back in the day, to cast a vote for something or watching Ruth Gingsburg fall asleep on the court bench or Hillary, collapsing from exhaustion during the campaign and suddenly realizing that half the senate and congress have been around since the Nixon days......it just makes you sick. Today, Prince Philip announced he will no longer engage in touring his country, he's tired.....the queen, this bitch is never gonna let go and give her son a chance and on and on and on.....this need for old white people to cling to shit FOREVER HAS GOT TO END!!!

I'm 60 years old, I want to see a new generation of leaders in Washington. Number one reason this country is so behind on everything, except making a blessid buck, is because we got these old white mf's that want to die in office, rather than call it a day. Please for the sake of a new day in this country, retire your white as's off the playing fields and take that odd orange old bastard Trump with you....its time we let the young people in this country have a voice!!

Let's hand it to the n!ggers then we can be a 3rd world shit hole just like South Africa and Rhodesia.
Typical leftwing "identity politics" type thinking. It's not what they think, say or do, it's the color of their skin and their age that matter. This country is replete with young politicians of every color and age that are idiots. Sometimes I think being an idiot is a prerequisite for political ambitions.
i like it , pretty funny TRed but why would they voluntarily leave a cushy job , Anyway , i'm 68 and i say , feck the younger politicians , heck man , i just went through both 'gwb' and the 'mrobama' and both would be described as youngish i think . To me the youngish politicians with socialist and pro imported or pro immigrant leanings are more of a problem than an old white guy that simply works for the perks of office TRed .

Listen, I give props to all us seniors....I do. But we've had our chances, we've led good productive lives, some of us got good retirements, some don't, and I get it.....my job looks like a fuckin nursing home its so many old mf's hanging on.....because your generation is a selfish me first generation. You were'nt forced to fight in any wars, your generation lucked out of NAFTA and you've been privy to great pensions and benefits and if you're white, its been up hill all the way and you've had the political wind at your backs, so I get it. But waiting for their turn are millions of young minds with new ideas and people like you and todays' politicians, force up a wall to those ideas. And you leave this country stuck....we're so behind when it comes to advancing this country beyond the almighty dollar, that we're becoming a global joke. We elect our first black president and then turn around and elect Hitler Jr....200 plus steps backwards and its only getting worse.

This country and its people will rule the day, they kept one foot stuck into yesterdays ways of doing things....time waits for no one. Young people are turning more and more to violence and drugs, women are slowly being left behind and minorities are multipying with a vengous, only with anger.
and heck , its the old guys that want a rebuilding of the military and many are pro gun rather than gun control advocates like mrobama and hillary TRed !!
Yesterdays military might, couldn't stop a computer hacking, now could it? Its time we get real, and get into a century that is quickly leaving us behind.
I was watching the senate hearings this morning and listening to Patrick Leahey talk was just mind cringing, this guy is about as old as the pyramids and sounded even older. And it brought me back to Senator Robert Byrd being wheeled in back in the day, to cast a vote for something or watching Ruth Gingsburg fall asleep on the court bench or Hillary, collapsing from exhaustion during the campaign and suddenly realizing that half the senate and congress have been around since the Nixon days......it just makes you sick. Today, Prince Philip announced he will no longer engage in touring his country, he's tired.....the queen, this bitch is never gonna let go and give her son a chance and on and on and on.....this need for old white people to cling to shit FOREVER HAS GOT TO END!!!

I'm 60 years old, I want to see a new generation of leaders in Washington. Number one reason this country is so behind on everything, except making a blessid buck, is because we got these old white mf's that want to die in office, rather than call it a day. Please for the sake of a new day in this country, retire your white as's off the playing fields and take that odd orange old bastard Trump with you....its time we let the young people in this country have a voice!!

Let's hand it to the n!ggers then we can be a 3rd world shit hole just like South Africa and Rhodesia.
Let me get this straight, its our fault you hillbilly shit eaters are so stuck on stupid that you actually believe Trump has your best interest at heart? Bitch please...its you white ingrates that make this country stupid and 3rd world challenged....I mean you motherfuckers reeeeeeekkkkkkk of ignorance
Typical leftwing "identity politics" type thinking. It's not what they think, say or do, it's the color of their skin and their age that matter. This country is replete with young politicians of every color and age that are idiots. Sometimes I think being an idiot is a prerequisite for political ambitions.
Yeah, and its you white old mf's thinking coal mines are the thing of the future...Next and bye bitch!!
I was watching the senate hearings this morning and listening to Patrick Leahey talk was just mind cringing, this guy is about as old as the pyramids and sounded even older. And it brought me back to Senator Robert Byrd being wheeled in back in the day, to cast a vote for something or watching Ruth Gingsburg fall asleep on the court bench or Hillary, collapsing from exhaustion during the campaign and suddenly realizing that half the senate and congress have been around since the Nixon days......it just makes you sick. Today, Prince Philip announced he will no longer engage in touring his country, he's tired.....the queen, this bitch is never gonna let go and give her son a chance and on and on and on.....this need for old white people to cling to shit FOREVER HAS GOT TO END!!!

I'm 60 years old, I want to see a new generation of leaders in Washington. Number one reason this country is so behind on everything, except making a blessid buck, is because we got these old white mf's that want to die in office, rather than call it a day. Please for the sake of a new day in this country, retire your white as's off the playing fields and take that odd orange old bastard Trump with you....its time we let the young people in this country have a voice!!

Let's hand it to the n!ggers then we can be a 3rd world shit hole just like South Africa and Rhodesia.
Let me get this straight, its our fault you hillbilly shit eaters are so stuck on stupid that you actually believe Trump has your best interest at heart? Bitch please...its you white ingrates that make this country stupid and 3rd world challenged....I mean you motherfuckers reeeeeeekkkkkkk of ignorance

Yep just look at the success of your chocolate cities you stupid black bitch.
I was watching the senate hearings this morning and listening to Patrick Leahey talk was just mind cringing, this guy is about as old as the pyramids and sounded even older. And it brought me back to Senator Robert Byrd being wheeled in back in the day, to cast a vote for something or watching Ruth Gingsburg fall asleep on the court bench or Hillary, collapsing from exhaustion during the campaign and suddenly realizing that half the senate and congress have been around since the Nixon days......it just makes you sick. Today, Prince Philip announced he will no longer engage in touring his country, he's tired.....the queen, this bitch is never gonna let go and give her son a chance and on and on and on.....this need for old white people to cling to shit FOREVER HAS GOT TO END!!!

I'm 60 years old, I want to see a new generation of leaders in Washington. Number one reason this country is so behind on everything, except making a blessid buck, is because we got these old white mf's that want to die in office, rather than call it a day. Please for the sake of a new day in this country, retire your white as's off the playing fields and take that odd orange old bastard Trump with you....its time we let the young people in this country have a voice!!

The brainless racist also hates older people. Who else will she pretend to hate before admitting she really hates herself?
Time for Term Limits and a mandatory retirement age for politicians
but that would wipe out most of the Dems in office too,
Time for term limits for life.
When a person reaches the age of 60 they should automatically expire.
I was watching the senate hearings this morning and listening to Patrick Leahey talk was just mind cringing, this guy is about as old as the pyramids and sounded even older. And it brought me back to Senator Robert Byrd being wheeled in back in the day, to cast a vote for something or watching Ruth Gingsburg fall asleep on the court bench or Hillary, collapsing from exhaustion during the campaign and suddenly realizing that half the senate and congress have been around since the Nixon days......it just makes you sick. Today, Prince Philip announced he will no longer engage in touring his country, he's tired.....the queen, this bitch is never gonna let go and give her son a chance and on and on and on.....this need for old white people to cling to shit FOREVER HAS GOT TO END!!!

I'm 60 years old, I want to see a new generation of leaders in Washington. Number one reason this country is so behind on everything, except making a blessid buck, is because we got these old white mf's that want to die in office, rather than call it a day. Please for the sake of a new day in this country, retire your white as's off the playing fields and take that odd orange old bastard Trump with you....its time we let the young people in this country have a voice!!

Let's hand it to the n!ggers then we can be a 3rd world shit hole just like South Africa and Rhodesia.
Let me get this straight, its our fault you hillbilly shit eaters are so stuck on stupid that you actually believe Trump has your best interest at heart? Bitch please...its you white ingrates that make this country stupid and 3rd world challenged....I mean you motherfuckers reeeeeeekkkkkkk of ignorance
Ignorance is the one topic you should steer way clear of in these forums.

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