When will our government take off the gloves?


Mar 19, 2015
To those of us who are aware of the corruption in government, and it's efforts to create a totalitarian regime, I ask this question. How long do you think we have before the hammer falls?

Personally, I believe it will happen before the next election. What do you think?

P.S. liberal Obama butt lickers are not welcome here, and will be ignored by myself, and hopefully everyone else.
To those of us who are aware of the corruption in government, and it's efforts to create a totalitarian regime, I ask this question. How long do you think we have before the hammer falls?

Personally, I believe it will happen before the next election. What do you think?

P.S. liberal Obama butt lickers are not welcome here, and will be ignored by myself, and hopefully everyone else.
Ah. You only want fellow whackjobs in this topic for a circle jerk. Check.
You mean you think the government has been wearing gloves?

You are aware of Ruby Ridge/Waco right? The only thing that's kept them at bay is that they're fully aware if they tried the same bullshit again on a larger scale the result would be their undoing.

You do know that the response to the Bundy Ranch issue scared the piss out of these sociopaths right? You do realize the level of resistance that showed up right? The last time a government backed down that much the Berlin Wall collapsed.
To those of us who are aware of the corruption in government, and it's efforts to create a totalitarian regime, I ask this question. How long do you think we have before the hammer falls?

Personally, I believe it will happen before the next election. What do you think?

P.S. liberal Obama butt lickers are not welcome here, and will be ignored by myself, and hopefully everyone else.

As soon they succeed disarming us, or arm themselves to the point that our guns become irrelevant.
I believe it's closer than most people think. All they need is a good excuse for martial law. Considering how many terrorists are sneaking across the border, I believe their excuse will be a coordinated attack by Islamic terrorists on American soil. Most people wouldn't even complain.
To those of us who are aware of the corruption in government, and it's efforts to create a totalitarian regime, I ask this question. How long do you think we have before the hammer falls?

Personally, I believe it will happen before the next election. What do you think?

P.S. liberal Obama butt lickers are not welcome here, and will be ignored by myself, and hopefully everyone else.

Looks like the hammer already fell on your head.
To those of us who are aware of the corruption in government, and it's efforts to create a totalitarian regime, I ask this question. How long do you think we have before the hammer falls?

Personally, I believe it will happen before the next election. What do you think?

P.S. liberal Obama butt lickers are not welcome here, and will be ignored by myself, and hopefully everyone else.

As soon they succeed disarming us, or arm themselves to the point that our guns become irrelevant.

I don't plan too. ;) I plan to have lasers and anti-matter bombs soon enough! On my planetary spaceship doing circles around the crazy people.
To those of us who are aware of the corruption in government, and it's efforts to create a totalitarian regime, I ask this question. How long do you think we have before the hammer falls?

Personally, I believe it will happen before the next election. What do you think?

P.S. liberal Obama butt lickers are not welcome here, and will be ignored by myself, and hopefully everyone else.

As soon they succeed disarming us, or arm themselves to the point that our guns become irrelevant.

I don't plan too. ;) I plan to have lasers and anti-matter bombs soon enough! On my planetary spaceship doing circles around the crazy people.

Free people are threat to government. Free speech and other people rights are threats to government. Gov't became self serving monster.

Take Russia for example. Its easy to control people when they can't do shit about it. Yesterday they outlawed freaking memes!!!

Washington Post

Its coming to America.
To those of us who are aware of the corruption in government, and it's efforts to create a totalitarian regime, I ask this question. How long do you think we have before the hammer falls?

Personally, I believe it will happen before the next election. What do you think?

P.S. liberal Obama butt lickers are not welcome here, and will be ignored by myself, and hopefully everyone else.

As soon they succeed disarming us, or arm themselves to the point that our guns become irrelevant.

I don't plan too. ;) I plan to have lasers and anti-matter bombs soon enough! On my planetary spaceship doing circles around the crazy people.

Free people are threat to government. Free speech and other people rights are threats to government. Gov't became self serving monster.

Take Russia for example. Its easy to control people when they can't do shit about it. Yesterday they outlawed freaking memes!!!

Washington Post

Its coming to America.
You object to Russian courts? Try something here that's derogatory to a black or a gay. See what that gets you. In Russia can a Christian bakery refuse to make a wedding cake for a gay couple? If a parent in Russia objects to a teacher instructing elementary students in gay sex what happens?

Don't complain about Russian memes. We're worse.
To those of us who are aware of the corruption in government, and it's efforts to create a totalitarian regime, I ask this question. How long do you think we have before the hammer falls?

Personally, I believe it will happen before the next election. What do you think?

P.S. liberal Obama butt lickers are not welcome here, and will be ignored by myself, and hopefully everyone else.

As soon they succeed disarming us, or arm themselves to the point that our guns become irrelevant.

I don't plan too. ;) I plan to have lasers and anti-matter bombs soon enough! On my planetary spaceship doing circles around the crazy people.

Free people are threat to government. Free speech and other people rights are threats to government. Gov't became self serving monster.

Take Russia for example. Its easy to control people when they can't do shit about it. Yesterday they outlawed freaking memes!!!

Washington Post

Its coming to America.

I don't want to control people but we're all better off funding our infrastructure and having the best science programs. Reagan would agree. Would you say he was a thug? He started the space station freedom program that turned into the international space station and was all for star wars.
To those of us who are aware of the corruption in government, and it's efforts to create a totalitarian regime, I ask this question. How long do you think we have before the hammer falls?

Personally, I believe it will happen before the next election. What do you think?

P.S. liberal Obama butt lickers are not welcome here, and will be ignored by myself, and hopefully everyone else.

As soon they succeed disarming us, or arm themselves to the point that our guns become irrelevant.

I don't plan too. ;) I plan to have lasers and anti-matter bombs soon enough! On my planetary spaceship doing circles around the crazy people.

Free people are threat to government. Free speech and other people rights are threats to government. Gov't became self serving monster.

Take Russia for example. Its easy to control people when they can't do shit about it. Yesterday they outlawed freaking memes!!!

Washington Post

Its coming to America.
You object to Russian courts? Try something here that's derogatory to a black or a gay. See what that gets you. In Russia can a Christian bakery refuse to make a wedding cake for a gay couple? If a parent in Russia objects to a teacher instructing elementary students in gay sex what happens?

Don't complain about Russian memes. We're worse.

Why every thread liberal turn into talking about gays?

I mentioned Russia for comparison only. People there have no choice then to accept government ruling over them. Whether is gay or meme, people can't say shit about it. Got it?
The proverbial "hammer" is the "justice department" and as long as Eric Holder (and his replacement) is in Barry Hussein's back pocket the "hammer" would never fall. When you factor in the fawning media who never met a corrupt democrat administration they didn't like it means Hussein is free to act like a dictator and the only thing he fears is the next election.
Whee.............. The fellows in the little tin hats are out in force tonight. When you fellows shed about 50 lbs of that extra fat, get off your couches, and actually do something, I will believe that you are meaningful. Until then, you are just flapyap idiots on the net.
Whee.............. The fellows in the little tin hats are out in force tonight. When you fellows shed about 50 lbs of that extra fat, get off your couches, and actually do something, I will believe that you are meaningful. Until then, you are just flapyap idiots on the net.


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