When will our government take off the gloves?

To those of us who are aware of the corruption in government, and it's efforts to create a totalitarian regime, I ask this question. How long do you think we have before the hammer falls?

Personally, I believe it will happen before the next election. What do you think?

P.S. liberal Obama butt lickers are not welcome here, and will be ignored by myself, and hopefully everyone else.
Can you provide any evidence whatsoever that totalitarianism is even close to being on the rise?

Oh, yes. Obama is "gutting" the military in preparation of martial law.

And of course Democrats are such pussies that they will pry your gun from your cold dead fingers before bulldozing you into a FEMA-camp mass grave.

Because all these things can be simultaneously true :rolleyes:
Whee.............. The fellows in the little tin hats are out in force tonight. When you fellows shed about 50 lbs of that extra fat, get off your couches, and actually do something, I will believe that you are meaningful. Until then, you are just flapyap idiots on the net.

Well, dingleberry, I am not talking constantly about some revolution that I want other people to do. You guys do an awful lot of action flap-yap with zero action off of your couch.

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