When will the dems stop whining and impeach

Bush 1 was part of the JFK assassination, common knowledge
Common knowledge for whom? :tinfoil::tinfoil:
No military sniper has recreated the shot...…………….

This makes it a math problem


Do you also think the twin towers were brought down by internally placed explosives?
Do you think Santa Clause brought you those dildoes?

no, Santa did not bring you to me.
I know it's hard not to fantasize about your hero, but try to keep your penile urges to yourself.

Try vaseline
Republicans proved the viability of political damage via legitimate Congressional investigations when they controlled the House, so they have no say in what the Democrat led House investigates. We know the so-called President can only do EO's now and most will likely be challenged in court. Let the voters decide in 2020 if Trumpybear stays or goes.

What damage did the Republicans suffer? They went from 222 seats in the House to 223. They did lose Senate seats from 54 to 50, and they voted not to convict. Bush won the Presidency.

I think that if the Democrats really believe Trump did something wrong, then they need to begin impeachment proceedings, I don't think they all believe that at this point. I'm thinking they just want to create a lot of noise and hope they win in 2020, if not...

The damage was done to Sec. Clinton.

"What difference does it make?"
Actual quote: With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided that they’d they go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator

Indeed it was. Thank you. However, they got their sound byte for the rubes and they played it to the hilt like she was just another emotionally unhinged woman. The had to boil it down to 4 words because all that just will not fit on a bumper sticker.
Common knowledge for whom? :tinfoil::tinfoil:
No military sniper has recreated the shot...…………….

This makes it a math problem


Do you also think the twin towers were brought down by internally placed explosives?
Do you think Santa Clause brought you those dildoes?

no, Santa did not bring you to me.
I know it's hard not to fantasize about your hero, but try to keep your penile urges to yourself.

Try vaseline

Please try to keep your fan fiction to yours, nobody got time for you pervs to come around talking about other members junk.
No military sniper has recreated the shot...…………….

This makes it a math problem


Do you also think the twin towers were brought down by internally placed explosives?
Do you think Santa Clause brought you those dildoes?

no, Santa did not bring you to me.
I know it's hard not to fantasize about your hero, but try to keep your penile urges to yourself.

Try vaseline

Please try to keep your fan fiction to yours, nobody got time for you pervs to come around talking about other members junk.
You have lots of time, as you just got your welfare check
No military sniper has recreated the shot...…………….

This makes it a math problem


Do you also think the twin towers were brought down by internally placed explosives?
Do you think Santa Clause brought you those dildoes?

no, Santa did not bring you to me.
I know it's hard not to fantasize about your hero, but try to keep your penile urges to yourself.

Try vaseline

Please try to keep your fan fiction to yours, nobody got time for you pervs to come around talking about other members junk.

It is amazing how many of the Trump worshipers have made sexual comments towards me. I even had one invite me back to his hotel room.

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