When will the dumbass protesters learn

Yet another thread with RWs wanting to trash the Constitution.

Move to Russia where people get disappeared for protesting.
This is not about the right to protest moron. It's about the stupidity of those doing so.

like he cares. I'd he cared about the truth he wouldn't be spouting hate and propaganda 24/7
It isn't protests which harm a cause. It is choosing "martyrs" who are perceived as thugs by the larger audience.
That change begins at the ballot box and not in a shopping mall or on the streets of our major cities?

The right to protest is in our Constitution and has rich history in America. something that escapes a convicted felon like you. Go whine about 7 dollar light bulbs

what kind of intellectual dishonesty does it take to attack the same straw man someone else already was corrected on.

smart men learn from their mistakes. Wise men learn from the mistakes of others. Fools never learn but just echo propaganda from other fools
That change begins at the ballot box and not in a shopping mall or on the streets of our major cities?

The right to protest is in our Constitution and has rich history in America. something that escapes a convicted felon like you. Go whine about 7 dollar light bulbs
Who said they didn't have the right? Anyone? Nope....

Just too stupid to understand the point. Seems as a felon I've got more common sense than you huh

We all realize you're too stupid to understand the point...civil (emphasis on civil) disobedience is a time-honored method of instituting change.

What change? A deeper seated hatred of segments of society?
No shitbrains.

Awareness of the problems they perceive. Be it a tea tax, having to sit in the back of a bus, or getting a lousy cheeseburger at a lunch counter.

A further erosion of race relations?
Ya know, it's funny what you call an "erosion" of race relations.

I remember a time when a black astronaut would make news
I remember a time when a black cabinet member would make news
I remember a time when a black quarterback would make news

None of these make news now. For the most part, the society just shrugs at whom is selected or nominated and hopes for the best. You and your "get off my lawn" types seem to be the only ones who have the problem.

The murder of cops? The burning, vandalization & looting of businesses?
Which is why the word "CIVIL" was emphasized. It would be just dandy if you could read what you're responding to at some point.

The threats of a race war?

These morons are just ensuring that cops continue to be distrustful.

Are you saying that had they stayed at home and done nothing, there would be a net zero change in the atmosphere?


Lets look at the choices.

A. Stay at home and continue to not be trusted by the cops.
B. Protest and make our grievances known and not be trusted by the cops.

Seems to me that the "B" option is preferable since while cops may not trust 50, 500 or 5,000 people marching in the streets, the politicians who are not guaranteed a job in a few years do.

Thanks for making their point for them.
That change begins at the ballot box and not in a shopping mall or on the streets of our major cities?

The right to protest is in our Constitution and has rich history in America. something that escapes a convicted felon like you. Go whine about 7 dollar light bulbs

what kind of intellectual dishonesty does it take to attack the same straw man someone else already was corrected on.

smart men learn from their mistakes. Wise men learn from the mistakes of others. Fools never learn but just echo propaganda from other fools

You're the same jerk who said we would be attacked by terrorists if Obama were elected.
Eric Garner may be a legitimate martyr. Michael Brown is not.

It does not matter if the Ferguson cop ran over Brown with his car, backed up and ran over him again, then planted child porn on Brown's body. Michael Brown was a thug, and no amount of malfeasance by the cop will erase that fact.

Eric Garner, on the other hand, was not acting like a violent thug like Brown. I don't know if he had a violent police record. There have been no reports that he did. If he didn't, he is a good choice for martyrdom.

That man was murdered by the cops, plain and simple. It was manslaughter. You and I would go to prison if we choked a fat guy to death, even if we weren't intending to kill him. We'd be sentenced for manslaughter at the very least.
Burning down buildings is free speech and if the people don't understand free speech when their business is burned, then the protesters will burn down their homes too. It's just like when the people of Boston threw tea into the harbor. Same thing.
Eric Garner may be a legitimate martyr. Michael Brown is not.

It does not matter if the Ferguson cop ran over Brown with his car, backed up and ran over him again, then planted child porn on Brown's body. Michael Brown was a thug, and no amount of malfeasance by the cop will erase that fact.

Eric Garner, on the other hand, was not acting like a violent thug like Brown. I don't know if he had a violent police record. There have been no reports that he did. If he didn't, he is a good choice for martyrdom.

That man was murdered by the cops, plain and simple. It was manslaughter. You and I would go to prison if we choked a fat guy to death, even if we weren't intending to kill him. We'd be sentenced for manslaughter at the very least.

Very true. Brown hit a cop and once you do that, you are rightfully in danger of losing your life.

Good post.
Burning down buildings is free speech and if the people don't understand free speech when their business is burned, then the protesters will burn down their homes too. It's just like when the people of Boston threw tea into the harbor. Same thing.

Not the same thing.

Civil disobedience is one thing. Personal/public endangerment is another.
That change begins at the ballot box and not in a shopping mall or on the streets of our major cities?
But sometimes it does.

A worthy cause rather than this unworthy cause.

Race-relations can only improve with kindness and understanding ... not with threats and violence.
The only reason any of us have even heard of Michael Brown or Eric Garner is because of protests. The only reason we are still talking about Michael Brown and Eric Garner is because of protests.
That change begins at the ballot box and not in a shopping mall or on the streets of our major cities?

The right to protest is in our Constitution and has rich history in America. something that escapes a convicted felon like you. Go whine about 7 dollar light bulbs
Who said they didn't have the right? Anyone? Nope....

Just too stupid to understand the point. Seems as a felon I've got more common sense than you huh

We all realize you're too stupid to understand the point...civil (emphasis on civil) disobedience is a time-honored method of instituting change.

civil disobedience only works when trying to change the hearts of others for a just cause. When the problem is your own heart it's quite useless. When it turns to violence it ceases to be civil disobedience.

stop attacking a straw man that's already been refuted and listen to what people are actually saying.

when is rioting and killing cops civil disobedience? Civil disobedience is based on the concept of turning the other cheek and submitting oneself to the abuse of evil to reconcile with your supposed enemies.

there is no attempt to reconcile with the police here. There is no attempt to submit to unjust laws, or even any example of an unjust law in play. Just a bunch of people stirring up hatred and anger. That's not civil disobedience. That's a mob
Once again the far left demonstrates they do not understand what a "right" is.

There is a "right" to peacefully assemble, that does not necessarily mean protest.

That "right" is a limited "right".

You have to file at the local city hall, show what you plan to do and if you are marching, you need to show the planned path of the march.

So far many of these protests have not been legal (as in filing the proper paper work to comply with the laws in the respective areas), yet they are allowed to carry on.
Eric Garner may be a legitimate martyr. Michael Brown is not.

It does not matter if the Ferguson cop ran over Brown with his car, backed up and ran over him again, then planted child porn on Brown's body. Michael Brown was a thug, and no amount of malfeasance by the cop will erase that fact.

Eric Garner, on the other hand, was not acting like a violent thug like Brown. I don't know if he had a violent police record. There have been no reports that he did. If he didn't, he is a good choice for martyrdom.

That man was murdered by the cops, plain and simple. It was manslaughter. You and I would go to prison if we choked a fat guy to death, even if we weren't intending to kill him. We'd be sentenced for manslaughter at the very least.

Eric Garner was very obviously resisting arrest. He has a long criminal history. Why didn't he just get arrested like he had been arrested so many times before? Why did he choose this time to resist?

I do not think that Garner should have been arrested but my objection doesn't go to the police who are just enforcing the laws that the city has passed. My objection goes to the law itself. It should never have been. The city itself raised taxes to the point where cigarettes would fall into a black market. The city passed the laws against selling untaxed cigarettes. The city made Eric Garner a criminal, then sent police to enforce the law they set down.
Burning down buildings is free speech and if the people don't understand free speech when their business is burned, then the protesters will burn down their homes too. It's just like when the people of Boston threw tea into the harbor. Same thing.

Not the same thing.

Civil disobedience is one thing. Personal/public endangerment is another.
I should have included a winkey.

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