When Will The Left Finally Shut Up?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Read another article today about how we are all doomed. Climate change has become close to irreversible. We have hurricanes every year. We have earthquakes every year. We have record high temps every year. We have record low temps every year. We have flooding every year. We have record snowfalls every year. We have forest fires every year.

Anyway, it got me wondering, the left have been saying we are doomed time and time and time again for years and I wondered at what point they would just shut up. I mean, if scientists conclude that Climate Change is irreversible and that we are past the point of no return, will they finally just shut up and let us live our lives until we all burn to death or freeze to death or drown in flooding? Or, even after the point of no return, will they still be trying to get us to get rid of planes, trains, and automobiles, wear animal skin clothes, get rid of air conditioning and heat, eliminate farting cows, and spend trillions and trillions of dollars fighting a war that they have already declared is over?
When the water's up to his armpits or else his house is burning down or he is starving from the drought killing all the food supply.
We are reaching the point where Climate Change Deniers are moving away from “There is no Climate Change” to “It is too late to do anything about it”
I will start believing it when the rich elite start selling their ocean front properties,,

and since Obama just bought a 15 million dollar one I doubt it will be a problem in my lifetime,,

How about hurricanes and tornadoes hitting red states?
How about increasing forest fires?
How about Lake Meade disappearing?
How about droughts?
Read another article today about how we are all doomed. Climate change has become close to irreversible. We have hurricanes every year. We have earthquakes every year. We have record high temps every year. We have record low temps every year. We have flooding every year. We have record snowfalls every year. We have forest fires every year.

Anyway, it got me wondering, the left have been saying we are doomed time and time and time again for years and I wondered at what point they would just shut up. I mean, if scientists conclude that Climate Change is irreversible and that we are past the point of no return, will they finally just shut up and let us live our lives until we all burn to death or freeze to death or drown in flooding? Or, even after the point of no return, will they still be trying to get us to get rid of planes, trains, and automobiles, wear animal skin clothes, get rid of air conditioning and heat, eliminate farting cows, and spend trillions and trillions of dollars fighting a war that they have already declared is over?

I'm on the left. I don't say we're doomed. I ask people what the global temperatures would be if we hadn't industrialized.

But you keep claiming "the left" all thinks we're doomed.

We might be doomed. I don't know and no one else does.
I'm on the left. I don't say we're doomed. I ask people what the global temperatures would be if we hadn't industrialized.

But you keep claiming "the left" all thinks we're doomed.

We might be doomed. I don't know and no one else does.
This is exactly right. We have not been down this road before. We are changing the climate more quickly than it was changed in most of the major extinctions. We really don't know what the results are going to be, or how fast they will happen. We do know that it is happening faster than the scientists that were labeled alarmists 20 years ago predicted. The floods of this year and last year, the fires, droughts, and storms are just a preview of what is to come.
I'm on the left. I don't say we're doomed. I ask people what the global temperatures would be if we hadn't industrialized.

But you keep claiming "the left" all thinks we're doomed.

We might be doomed. I don't know and no one else does.
Why do we need the Green New Deal? Whether you want to admit it or not, the "left" keep on saying we are doomed.
I am not a denier. Climate change is real and the planet is warming. It's just that we can't really do anything about it. It is like fighting a forest fire with a garden hose.
We can stop digging the hole deeper. And we can start a number of projects that would start to reduce the amount of GHG's in the atmosphere a decade of two down the road. As China is doing with their reforestation program.
This is exactly right. We have not been down this road before. We are changing the climate more quickly than it was changed in most of the major extinctions. We really don't know what the results are going to be, or how fast they will happen. We do know that it is happening faster than the scientists that were labeled alarmists 20 years ago predicted. The floods of this year and last year, the fires, droughts, and storms are just a preview of what is to come.

Well, it would seem that in the 100,000 year cycle, there's a huge spike in temperatures that lasts anywhere from 20,000 years to 70,000 years. In the past 400,000 years this spike has got HIGHER than it currently is.

Floods, fires, these are things that have always happened. People will be like "owww, worst flood since 1948" or something, suggesting that these happened in the recent past too.

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