When Will The Left Finally Shut Up?

Read another article today about how we are all doomed. Climate change has become close to irreversible. We have hurricanes every year. We have earthquakes every year. We have record high temps every year. We have record low temps every year. We have flooding every year. We have record snowfalls every year. We have forest fires every year.

Anyway, it got me wondering, the left have been saying we are doomed time and time and time again for years and I wondered at what point they would just shut up. I mean, if scientists conclude that Climate Change is irreversible and that we are past the point of no return, will they finally just shut up and let us live our lives until we all burn to death or freeze to death or drown in flooding? Or, even after the point of no return, will they still be trying to get us to get rid of planes, trains, and automobiles, wear animal skin clothes, get rid of air conditioning and heat, eliminate farting cows, and spend trillions and trillions of dollars fighting a war that they have already declared is over?
Seawalls that include energy generation, saltwater desalination and pump fresh water to the interior!
Read another article today about how we are all doomed. Climate change has become close to irreversible. We have hurricanes every year. We have earthquakes every year. We have record high temps every year. We have record low temps every year. We have flooding every year. We have record snowfalls every year. We have forest fires every year.

Anyway, it got me wondering, the left have been saying we are doomed time and time and time again for years and I wondered at what point they would just shut up. I mean, if scientists conclude that Climate Change is irreversible and that we are past the point of no return, will they finally just shut up and let us live our lives until we all burn to death or freeze to death or drown in flooding? Or, even after the point of no return, will they still be trying to get us to get rid of planes, trains, and automobiles, wear animal skin clothes, get rid of air conditioning and heat, eliminate farting cows, and spend trillions and trillions of dollars fighting a war that they have already declared is over?
So terribly sorry to have annoyed you trying to save all of fucking human culture. God are you stupid.
How much longer will you embrace Climate Change denial?

I don't deny Climate Change ... I embrace it!

Read another article today about how we are all doomed. Climate change has become close to irreversible. We have hurricanes every year. We have earthquakes every year. We have record high temps every year. We have record low temps every year. We have flooding every year. We have record snowfalls every year. We have forest fires every year.

Anyway, it got me wondering, the left have been saying we are doomed time and time and time again for years and I wondered at what point they would just shut up. I mean, if scientists conclude that Climate Change is irreversible and that we are past the point of no return, will they finally just shut up and let us live our lives until we all burn to death or freeze to death or drown in flooding? Or, even after the point of no return, will they still be trying to get us to get rid of planes, trains, and automobiles, wear animal skin clothes, get rid of air conditioning and heat, eliminate farting cows, and spend trillions and trillions of dollars fighting a war that they have already declared is over?
Well if you haven't figured it out by now, this world is in big trouble. Fires and floods, plagues and famine, yes these that happened before but never on this scale, it's affecting everyone. If you want to continue having a planet that looks similar to the one we're used to we need to make drastic changes and that's the truth. It represents a huge problem, but change always does. It also gives us great opportunities at the same time. It all depends how you look at it. But the facts have been known for decades now and the entire planet is now on a red list. The time for reacting to it is over; it's time for action.
Why do you keep repeating that lie?
Lie? What lie?

How about hurricanes and tornadoes hitting red states?
How about increasing forest fires?
How about Lake Meade disappearing?
How about droughts?
How about them? Are you saying that these things never happened before and would never happen again if we got serious?
Read another article today about how we are all doomed. Climate change has become close to irreversible. We have hurricanes every year. We have earthquakes every year. We have record high temps every year. We have record low temps every year. We have flooding every year. We have record snowfalls every year. We have forest fires every year.

Anyway, it got me wondering, the left have been saying we are doomed time and time and time again for years and I wondered at what point they would just shut up. I mean, if scientists conclude that Climate Change is irreversible and that we are past the point of no return, will they finally just shut up and let us live our lives until we all burn to death or freeze to death or drown in flooding? Or, even after the point of no return, will they still be trying to get us to get rid of planes, trains, and automobiles, wear animal skin clothes, get rid of air conditioning and heat, eliminate farting cows, and spend trillions and trillions of dollars fighting a war that they have already declared is over?

Never. The Environmental movement is fascist in its goals. They will never shut up until they have total control over all aspects of your life.
I'm on the left. I don't say we're doomed. I ask people what the global temperatures would be if we hadn't industrialized.

But you keep claiming "the left" all thinks we're doomed.

We might be doomed. I don't know and no one else does.
But if we aren't doomed then why go back to wearing animal skins, get rid of planes, trains, automobiles, heating, air conditioning, and farting cows, not to mention spending quadrillions of dollars when we might not be doomed after all?
How about them? Are you saying that these things never happened before and would never happen again if we got serious?
Its not that they never happened before but the frequency and severity are much worse

But you knew that already
This is exactly right. We have not been down this road before. We are changing the climate more quickly than it was changed in most of the major extinctions. We really don't know what the results are going to be, or how fast they will happen. We do know that it is happening faster than the scientists that were labeled alarmists 20 years ago predicted. The floods of this year and last year, the fires, droughts, and storms are just a preview of what is to come.
We don't really know that it isn't just a coincidence that a warming on our planet just happens to be happening at the same time of industrialization. It could very well just be a coincidence. You can prove anything you want to prove.
We can stop digging the hole deeper. And we can start a number of projects that would start to reduce the amount of GHG's in the atmosphere a decade of two down the road. As China is doing with their reforestation program.
Yes, we can totally destroy our economy, go back to wearing animal skins and eating berries, get rid of our planes, trains, automobiles, heating, air conditioning, and hike our debt up to quintillions of dollars in this fight while India, China, and other countries live the good life.
Well if you haven't figured it out by now, this world is in big trouble. Fires and floods, plagues and famine, yes these that happened before but never on this scale, it's affecting everyone. If you want to continue having a planet that looks similar to the one we're used to we need to make drastic changes and that's the truth. It represents a huge problem, but change always does. It also gives us great opportunities at the same time. It all depends how you look at it. But the facts have been known for decades now and the entire planet is now on a red list. The time for reacting to it is over; it's time for action.
Yes, the US can go back to being hunter gatherers and increase the national debt into the quintillions while India, China, and other countries live the good life.

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