When yapping about socialism , who don’t Cons bring up United Arab Emerits ?

in their silly obsession over what they think is “socialism” (aka anything the gov does to help fellow countrymen) the conservatives always bring up Venezuela. Which is definitely a hot mess , because of many issues wh corruption and a would be dictator .

One thing they never bring up is socialist countrties like UAE or a number of this rich counties who do pretty well. In fact , cons love those places as they love to buy American .

Where’s the right wing bashing of the UAE?

Or Norway for that matter.

Norway is not socialist. It is more a welfare state, as is much of Europe as well as the U.S.
Since when is UAE socialist?

How are they not ? The gov owns / controls the oil biz and other industries. Citizens get healthcare and education basically free. Citizens are sent a big fat check every year !

Checking all the socialism boxes here .

They sit on a shitload of oil. Oil subsidizes their society. You're obviously no economist.
in their silly obsession over what they think is “socialism” (aka anything the gov does to help fellow countrymen) the conservatives always bring up Venezuela. Which is definitely a hot mess , because of many issues wh corruption and a would be dictator .

One thing they never bring up is socialist countrties like UAE or a number of this rich counties who do pretty well. In fact , cons love those places as they love to buy American .

Where’s the right wing bashing of the UAE?

This is so simple Timmy...
9 million people
Shit tons of oil
Dictatator rule
No thirdworld filth / wetbacks
What else can I teach you?
in their silly obsession over what they think is “socialism” (aka anything the gov does to help fellow countrymen) the conservatives always bring up Venezuela. Which is definitely a hot mess , because of many issues wh corruption and a would be dictator .

One thing they never bring up is socialist countrties like UAE or a number of this rich counties who do pretty well. In fact , cons love those places as they love to buy American .

Where’s the right wing bashing of the UAE?

Or Norway for that matter.

Maybe because no one gives a shit about some turd world shithole that's propped up by other countries?
UAE citizens are richer than American citizens , their country offers them decent living...also 80% are immigrants :)....eat your heart.

How many thirdworld wetbacks reside in UAE?
Labor camps. 100 people sharing a stove.
Yes, lets talk about the UAE, retard.
Since when is UAE socialist?

How are they not ? The gov owns / controls the oil biz and other industries. Citizens get healthcare and education basically free. Citizens are sent a big fat check every year !

Checking all the socialism boxes here .

They sit on a shitload of oil. Oil subsidizes their society. You're obviously no economist.
Certainly isnt income or corporate taxes, seeing as they dont have any lol
This thread is a testament to the success (or failure) of the combined efforts of government schooling and MSM.

How could anyone be so dumb as to believe socialism, forced and controlled by government is a good thing?

Look at the Drug War, the War on Poverty, the War on Terror, etc. Everything the government touches turns to shit.

Look what they did to health care.

Are folks brain damaged?

China has been communist since the fifties, and only by allowing a free market, have they been able to offer their population that is ten times our size, anywhere near our GDP.

How, I ask this in all honesty, can folks be so brainwashed and dumb?

I thought folks were required to take an economics course in High School?

Here's a dated article about Chavez. He made things better for the poor and increased the literacy of the population. Those at the top of the money chain don't like this since they believe most of the money should go to the wealthiest and the public be damned, as one of our money barons said here in the USA in the 1880s. Thank God for the progressive movement in the USA that resulted because of those attitudes of the money barons.

Analysis: How Chavez changed Venezuela
in their silly obsession over what they think is “socialism” (aka anything the gov does to help fellow countrymen) the conservatives always bring up Venezuela. Which is definitely a hot mess , because of many issues wh corruption and a would be dictator .

One thing they never bring up is socialist countrties like UAE or a number of this rich counties who do pretty well. In fact , cons love those places as they love to buy American .

Where’s the right wing bashing of the UAE?

Or Norway for that matter.

Maybe because no one gives a shit about some turd world shithole that's propped up by other countries?
UAE citizens are richer than American citizens , their country offers them decent living...also 80% are immigrants :)....eat your heart.

How many thirdworld wetbacks reside in UAE?
Lol go back to your hole...you probably don't even where the UAE is or what it stands for.
in their silly obsession over what they think is “socialism” (aka anything the gov does to help fellow countrymen) the conservatives always bring up Venezuela. Which is definitely a hot mess , because of many issues wh corruption and a would be dictator .

One thing they never bring up is socialist countrties like UAE or a number of this rich counties who do pretty well. In fact , cons love those places as they love to buy American .

Where’s the right wing bashing of the UAE?

This is so simple Timmy...
9 million people
Shit tons of oil
Dictatator rule
No thirdworld filth / wetbacks
What else can I teach you?

Actually they have tons of “3rd world “ immigrants . Who do you think does all the work?

Doesn’t Venezuela have a bunch of oil? Dictator rule ?
Maybe because no one gives a shit about some turd world shithole that's propped up by other countries?

Well you've just proven you know jack shit about the world.

UAE, has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. It is a first world country with cradle to the grave social programs, all paid for by by the sale of crude oil. The UAE distributes the wealth of it's oil income to its citizens via cradle to the grave social programs.


It's also more socially progressive than most predominantly Muslim countries, and is also the safest region of the Middle East to travel through. I would have no fear about visiting Dubai. I wouldn't do anywhere near most other Muslim countries, unless travelling with my husband.
in their silly obsession over what they think is “socialism” (aka anything the gov does to help fellow countrymen) the conservatives always bring up Venezuela. Which is definitely a hot mess , because of many issues wh corruption and a would be dictator .

One thing they never bring up is socialist countrties like UAE or a number of this rich counties who do pretty well. In fact , cons love those places as they love to buy American .

Where’s the right wing bashing of the UAE?

UAE has a capitalist economy, dumbass.
in their silly obsession over what they think is “socialism” (aka anything the gov does to help fellow countrymen) the conservatives always bring up Venezuela. Which is definitely a hot mess , because of many issues wh corruption and a would be dictator .

One thing they never bring up is socialist countrties like UAE or a number of this rich counties who do pretty well. In fact , cons love those places as they love to buy American .

Where’s the right wing bashing of the UAE?

UAE has a capitalist economy, dumbass.

Your point is?

The discussion is about socialist countries . You dumb ass righties think socialism = communism.
in their silly obsession over what they think is “socialism” (aka anything the gov does to help fellow countrymen) the conservatives always bring up Venezuela. Which is definitely a hot mess , because of many issues wh corruption and a would be dictator .

One thing they never bring up is socialist countrties like UAE or a number of this rich counties who do pretty well. In fact , cons love those places as they love to buy American .

Where’s the right wing bashing of the UAE?

UAE has a capitalist economy, dumbass.

Your point is?

The discussion is about socialist countries . You dumb ass righties think socialism = communism.

Your dumbass thinks the UAE is a socialist country and any country that has social programs is a socialist country. You must look at the economy of these countries, especially Scandinavian countries and you will find that they are free market countries with generous social safety nets. Like all other developed nations, the means of production are primarily owned by private individuals, not the community or the government, and resources are allocated to their respective uses by the market, not government or community planning.

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