When you are a white waitress or waiter it's very important that when you

I have a hard time understanding what a racist troll OP this is. Just so much happy horseshit and you're egging it on. "Its, I say, It's a joke, son."
Whats racist about it? I know plenty of Black people that assume the same thing. I'm usually the one saying give them a chance before writing them off. Best case scenario is that they are unprofessional. Worst case scenario is that they are racist. Neither will get you a good tip. A smile in the beginning always destroys both of those assumptions unless its obviously fake.
Most waiters and waitresses smile and greet patrons with some mild chit-chat. I have never given it any thought. Anyone who does generally has a chip on the shoulder and is looking for contention.
I wouldnt say most. However, you are probably white. Turn Black and come back after a year of dining out and give me your revised statement.
Won't take a year. My wife was in the restaurant business for forty years and I helped a lot so I've seen it all. We never had any problems except for people trying to steal candle holders. But we stopped them with a big grin.
You do realize that not being the customer and Black pretty much makes your post irrelevant in regards to the point right?
Here we go, you ain't black, you just can't understand!
Gotta love these tried-and-true tactics to shut down someone you don't like, or agree with.
You ain't white, bubba, so maybe you should consider not telling white people what they think, know, or feel. Try it.
Whats racist about it? I know plenty of Black people that assume the same thing. I'm usually the one saying give them a chance before writing them off. Best case scenario is that they are unprofessional. Worst case scenario is that they are racist. Neither will get you a good tip. A smile in the beginning always destroys both of those assumptions unless its obviously fake.
Most waiters and waitresses smile and greet patrons with some mild chit-chat. I have never given it any thought. Anyone who does generally has a chip on the shoulder and is looking for contention.
I wouldnt say most. However, you are probably white. Turn Black and come back after a year of dining out and give me your revised statement.
Won't take a year. My wife was in the restaurant business for forty years and I helped a lot so I've seen it all. We never had any problems except for people trying to steal candle holders. But we stopped them with a big grin.
You do realize that not being the customer and Black pretty much makes your post irrelevant in regards to the point right?
Here we go, you ain't black, you just can't understand!
Gotta love these tried-and-true tactics to shut down someone you don't like, or agree with.
You ain't white, bubba, so maybe you should consider not telling white people what they think, know, or feel. Try it.
Hey retard. I dont know what its like to be white. He doesnt know what its like to be Black. Its your fault you felt threatened by that truth and assumed I was trying to shut someone down. Stop whining and pull your panties out of your ass crack.
Maybe you could be less sensitive and not presume Racism.

Any black person who encounters a unpleasant looking white waitress will always assume racism.


Spoken like a true racist.
Spoken like a true illiterate convict.

Your ignorance is showing.
Your ignorance was never hidden. You just called attention to it by calling something racist even though dictionaries are freely available.
She likely didn't smile b/c she already knew she was going to get a shitty tip from an overly-sensitive twat.
She likely didn't smile b/c she already knew she was going to get a shitty tip from an overly-sensitive twat.

I suspect his jumping up and down on the table going "WAAAH-- NO ENGLISH MUFFINS?!?" might have been her first clue.

She likely didn't smile b/c she already knew she was going to get a shitty tip from an overly-sensitive twat.

I suspect his jumping up and down on the table going "WAAAH-- NO ENGLISH MUFFINS?!?" might have been her first clue.


This bitch of waitress won't allow herself to be my Ottoman chair. WAAH!
She likely didn't smile b/c she already knew she was going to get a shitty tip from an overly-sensitive twat.

black people do not tip- its extremely rare. At the heart of it is just one of the few ways they believe they can "get back at whitey". They think it gives them some sort of power over them.
I guess I better stop tipping all white people then. I was unaware that Black people didnt tip.
She likely didn't smile b/c she already knew she was going to get a shitty tip from an overly-sensitive twat.

black people do not tip- its extremely rare. At the heart of it is just one of the few ways they believe they can "get back at whitey". They think it gives them some sort of power over them.
I guess I better stop tipping all white people then. I was unaware that Black people didnt tip.

its very rare. I never said they never tip. The ones that would tip would be called uncle toms by you.
She likely didn't smile b/c she already knew she was going to get a shitty tip from an overly-sensitive twat.

black people do not tip- its extremely rare. At the heart of it is just one of the few ways they believe they can "get back at whitey". They think it gives them some sort of power over them.
I guess I better stop tipping all white people then. I was unaware that Black people didnt tip.

its very rare. I never said they never tip. The ones that would tip would be called uncle toms by you.
I tip and I would never call myself an uncle tom. I'm not like you one of the resident uncle tontos. I dont follow white guys around providing them with BJ's on demand.
Maybe you could be less sensitive and not presume Racism.

Any black person who encounters a unpleasant looking white waitress will always assume racism.

That, my friend, IS racism. You're the racist in that story; not the waitress. Fix your problems. We are tired of you people.

That's just how it is. Like the white girl who is my back up at work who can't look me in the eye and always nervous around me. The only conclusion I can come to is racism lol
Maybe you could be less sensitive and not presume Racism.

Any black person who encounters a unpleasant looking white waitress will always assume racism.

That, my friend, IS racism. You're the racist in that story; not the waitress. Fix your problems. We are tired of you people.

That's just how it is. Like the white girl who is my back up at work who can't look me in the eye and always nervous around me. The only conclusion I can come to is racism lol
Avoiding eye contact is a common way that non-aggressive people deal with aggressive, angry people in order to avoid the inevitable conflict with such angry, petulant bullies.
If you are often faced with "racist" whites who don't smile, avoid eye contact, cross the street, you might consider the root of your problem. Seriously, get some help.

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