When you scream "You lie" to an African American...you're a racist.

You really need to learn that I don't give a shit what you do asshat...

I'll sleep well tonight no matter what....

Bookmark that, child...
Then stop following me around and posting to me puddlecakes.

If you don't give a shit, then show it. Ignore me.

How's that?
The problem with Republicans is they just can't admit when they are wrong. Wilson said he yelled "Liar" at Obama because he said the bill Obama references covers illegals.

The bill says EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS so even a "Geico Caveman" could read it.

How can Republicans defend this? Is this same group that still says Saddam was behind 9/11 even when Bush said he wasn't?

The problem with you is that YOU LIE.
Hey, wait, didn't Mr Wilson shout "YOU LIE", not "liar"?
Did you actually watch and listen to the speech, or do you just spout democrat talking points from The Daily Kos or whatever your chosen biased media source is?

Oh yea. You are absolutely right. He said, "You lie" and not "liar". They mean such completely different things. Why didn't I catch that?

It's the different between being someone who plays "tennis" and a "tennis" player. See the difference?

This is an example of why less than 6% of Republicans are scientists and why they believe science is a religion.
Everything after the red is pretty much bullshit on your part. Nice try junior, but you fail, unless being idiotic is your goal.
The problem with Republicans is they just can't admit when they are wrong. Wilson said he yelled "Liar" at Obama because he said the bill Obama references covers illegals.

The bill says EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS so even a "Geico Caveman" could read it.

How can Republicans defend this? Is this same group that still says Saddam was behind 9/11 even when Bush said he wasn't?

The problem with you is that YOU LIE.
Hey, wait, didn't Mr Wilson shout "YOU LIE", not "liar"?
Did you actually watch and listen to the speech, or do you just spout democrat talking points from The Daily Kos or whatever your chosen biased media source is?

Oh yea. You are absolutely right. He said, "You lie" and not "liar". They mean such completely different things. Why didn't I catch that?

It's the different between being someone who plays "tennis" and a "tennis" player. See the difference?

This is an example of why less than 6% of Republicans are scientists and why they believe science is a religion.

no we don't see the difference boombox.
Hellooooooooo out there????? I am still waiting on that link about the monkey and the kid during the campaign, could it be that really did not happen and that you actually have absolutely no facts or links to back up your claim. Ohhhhh no, you wouldn't do that now would you.

here you go. and by the way i have no reason to lie to you or anyone on internet for that matter. I would not waste my time making up lies on the internet.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vagD-4AH4Vc]YouTube - Racism at John McCain Rally--Denver, CO[/ame]
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We call a number of phenomena lies. But a true lie is in the mind of the liar and involves an intent to deceive---we also call someone liar when the facts are not in evidence.

It is an ad hominem attack to call somone a liar.
I judge a person by their character, not by the color of their skin. And when it omes to President of the United States, I judge by character and policy and not by the color of their skin.

You lie.

Every "colorblind" conservative who weedles like a baby that "I'm not racist, just conservative" needs a big strong-brewed mug of racial reality. Barack Obama as a black man is something you SHOULD be "judging" on: it's relevant. It's not "skin color", it's a reality like GRAVITY.

I fucking swear. You're going to have white Republicans whining, before they're shoved into the Homeland Security Detention Center, that "I don't judge people by the color of their skin!"

Well, dummy, the other races are judging YOU by your race. You're going to disappear without a trace if you don't wake up and realize that Barack Obama is just another big step forward in the global effort to eradicate whites.

Every day, I understand more and more why, in The Turner Diaries, the bloodiest executions are reserved for the white Republican "conservatives" who castigated "racists" and worked hand-in-hand with the left-wingers to keep whites in a state of subservience. They're our worst enemies because they LOOK like they MIGHT be on our side, and they lead whites away from the actual factual.
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Colored people do NOT like white people in general.

They in fact they despise white people behind their backs.
Colored people do NOT like white people in general.

They in fact they despise white people behind their backs.

That's a broad sweeping generalization my friend. I think it more likely that people of color acknowledge racism behind white people's backs and don't discuss it openly. JMO no science behind it.

Just a anecdote of people I know of mixed racial heritage who have reported that to me. Blacks are more conscious of and discuss race among themselves more than whites do.

BTW nice to see you again,
Colored people do NOT like white people in general.

They in fact they despise white people behind their backs.

That's a broad sweeping generalization my friend. I think it more likely that people of color acknowledge racism behind white people's backs and don't discuss it openly. JMO no science behind it.

Just a anecdote of people I know of mixed racial heritage who have reported that to me. Blacks are more conscious of and discuss race among themselves more than whites do.

BTW nice to see you again,

I am a white man who is married to a black African woman. (not African American)

She used to work at a public medical center.

The staff was composed of all races; black, white, hispanic, asian

She has told me that behind their backs, whites are talked about and despised.

Oddly enough, she told me that the more friendy a white person is to their fellow minority workers .

The worse they are thought of, and were considered fools.

I don't doubt your wife's experience. and I'm sorry she works in such a mean and petty work environment.

I have been fortunate enough to be close friends with many people of color--hispanic--asian--white and african american. They never talked about me behind my back and are very dear friends that I can really count on.

That's just me though. And it's my Buddhist community.
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That's a broad sweeping generalization my friend. I think it more likely that people of color acknowledge racism behind white people's backs and don't discuss it openly. JMO no science behind it.

Just a anecdote of people I know of mixed racial heritage who have reported that to me. Blacks are more conscious of and discuss race among themselves more than whites do.

BTW nice to see you again,

I am a white man who is married to a black African woman. (not African American)

She used to work at a public medical center.

The staff was composed of all races; black, white, hispanic, asian

She has told me that behind their backs, whites are talked about and despised.

Oddly enough, she told me that the more friendy a white person is to their fellow minority workers .

The worse they are thought of, and were considered fools.

They never talked about me behind my back.........
You might be suprised.... and how would you even know if they did??? :doubt:

I am a white man who is married to a black African woman. (not African American)

She used to work at a public medical center.

The staff was composed of all races; black, white, hispanic, asian

She has told me that behind their backs, whites are talked about and despised.

Oddly enough, she told me that the more friendy a white person is to their fellow minority workers .

The worse they are thought of, and were considered fools.

They never talked about me behind my back.........
You might be suprised.... and how would you even know if they did??? :doubt:

Because I am very close to them, and trust them implicitly. I know their characters. I trust my Buddhist community. The trust has been confirmed over and over again. Come visit and see for yourself. This is not a mean group of people who value back stabbing.
When you scream "You lie" to an African American...you're a racist.

And an idiot and a Confederate Republican. Don't forget those.
It is an ad hominem attack to call somone a liar.
Wrong, dumbass. It's an observation.

You can observe facts are not in evidence. Congressman Joe Wilson could have said " I don't believe it'. Calling someone a liar is ad hominem attack. Lying implies deliberate deceit without proving any proof and is an ad hominem attack. It took the debate off course.
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It is an ad hominem attack to call somone a liar.
Wrong, dumbass. It's an observation.

You can observe facts are not in evidence. Congressman Joe Wilson could have said " I don't believe it'. Calling someone a liar is ad hominem attack. Lying implies deliberate deceit without proving any proof and is an ad hominem attack. It took the debate off course.


Do you even know what an ad hom is? Calling someone a liar because their statement is an obvious lie isn't an ad hom, you uneducated tool.

do a Google search on Ad Hominum
Wrong, dumbass. It's an observation.

You can observe facts are not in evidence. Congressman Joe Wilson could have said " I don't believe it'. Calling someone a liar is ad hominem attack. Lying implies deliberate deceit without proving any proof and is an ad hominem attack. It took the debate off course.


Do you even know what an ad hom is? Calling someone a liar because their statement is an obvious lie isn't an ad hom, you uneducated tool.

do a Google search on Ad Hominum

At least one ad hominem in your post.
Recognize it?

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