When you scream "You lie" to an African American...you're a racist.

The funniest part in all this...had someone like Shelia Jackson Lee yelled the same thing to Bush during one of the many lies Bush told during his addresses to Congress, the right would have flipped their ever loving bird.
I couldn't believe what I read in this story!!!

NNPA Chairman Danny J. Bakewell Sr. said. "Rep. Wilson's remarks were racist, disrespectful, and a disingenuous violation -- not only of President Obama -- but to the institution of the presidency and only solidified our position and the importance in not spending black dollars where black people are not respected.

Black Publishers Cry Racism Over Wilson Outburst, Join Boycott of South Carolina - Political News - FOXNews.com

NNPA Chairman Danny J Bakewell Sr. is the one who is obviously racist. If he wasn't racist he would never have made that comment.
Despite the idiot outburst the assertion that the rant "you lie" is racist rather than just contrary reveals how race obessed, dare I say racist, too many African Americans still are.

There are no more racist people on earth than BLACKS. The mere fact that they feel the need to call themselves "AFRICAN Americans" is a dead giveaway.
I couldn't believe what I read in this story!!!

NNPA Chairman Danny J. Bakewell Sr. said. "Rep. Wilson's remarks were racist, disrespectful, and a disingenuous violation -- not only of President Obama -- but to the institution of the presidency and only solidified our position and the importance in not spending black dollars where black people are not respected.

Black Publishers Cry Racism Over Wilson Outburst, Join Boycott of South Carolina - Political News - FOXNews.com

No kidding, and if you question any of his policies or legislation you are a racist too. That's not allowed with this President. I did not vote for Obama because I was suspicous about his connections with rev wright, etc and I did not like that spreading of the wealth and taxing the job creators stuff, but I thought his election would end the talk of racism. It has only increased it and I will tell you now that I will think very long and very hard before I pull a lever for the next person of color. I love J.C Watts and Condelesa Rice and think both would make great Presidents, however I am down right sick and tired of being called a racist every time I disagree with this President. If you are President of the United States you had better be able to stand up to the scuritiny and criticism that any white President does or just don't run for the office. The office of President is not an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION job.
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What you have to take it context. No congressman got away with screaming LIAR at GW Bush in his presence even after many of his claims taking us into the Iraq War were proved outright lies.

The outburst was more of the same kind of town hall disruption/Jerry Springer style communication we've come to expect from certain right wing talk show hosts. The legitmacy that it was uttered by a Congressman deserved an apology. Clearly the congressman is not really sorry and is using the incident to raise money now.

This was NOT a racist incident unless you want to indict all of South Carolina as racist based on the utterance of one of its representatives.

Imagine Fox News treatment of this had it been a black congressman yelling liar to GW Bush.
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Obama is receiving a lot of disrespect from republicans. Even more than the disrespect Bush received from democrats. Obama was receiving venomous comments and disrespect the minute he was announced the democratic nominee for president. I think it's kinda of naive of republicans to recognize the racism that goes on with their members. I remember seeing those people at McCain rallies and their racist comments that went. I remember seeing one kid about 12 shouting when a picture of Obama was showed "is that the monkey from Tarzan".
the hostility towards Obama is something I never seen before. I think it would be naive to say race doesn't play at least a little part in the republican's anger towards Obama.

For some race plays a part in their views but for the majority, it doesn't.

If Obama isn't getting respect it's because of his leftist, socialist , marxist ideals. He appointed Van Jones - self-admitted communist, radical, racist - as green czar. And he's just one of many extremely questionable people holding power. Being black has shit to do with it, destroying this country does. So cry me a river that we don't show Obama any respect. B.F.H.
When you scream 'you lie' to our bi-racial President, you may be a racist and you certainly are a liar.

They looked like just regular American citizens.

(Many in their senior years)

Who are voicing their objections to Obama's health plan.

So do regular citizens go around saying stuff like this?

When you scream 'you lie' to our bi-racial President, you may be a racist and you certainly are a liar.


'Bi-racial' is accurate but that is now how Obama is portrayed. He is portrayed as black. The racists can't scream as loudly and the blacks can't claim him as their own nearly as much if he's 'bi-racial'.
A bigot who hates black people almost never announce himself. Rather, he will attack black politicians or political agendas on other grounds--but would hardly be expected to offer a piece of information that might prove the opposite point of view.
A bigot who hates black people almost never announce himself. Rather, he will attack black politicians or political agendas on other grounds--but would hardly be expected to offer a piece of information that might prove the opposite point of view.

Are you saying that if you object to Obama's marxist past and radical views and say so, you're really just a racist in hiding? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I say bullshit on that. Not saying that isn't the case for some but for the majority it's untrue.
A bigot who hates black people almost never announce himself. Rather, he will attack black politicians or political agendas on other grounds--but would hardly be expected to offer a piece of information that might prove the opposite point of view.

Are you saying that if you object to Obama's marxist past and radical views and say so, you're really just a racist in hiding? Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I say bullshit on that. Not saying that isn't the case for some but for the majority it's untrue.

Nope. Re-read what I wrote. I meant exactly what I said. IMO pure bigots account for less than 5% of Americans.

If you have a bias--you wont entertain facts and evidence to the contrary. This has been studied for years.

I am saying that there is no evidence that Obama is a Marxist except in your mind. He isn't a fascist either. He would either be one or the other but he can't be both. The folks spinning those stories are desperate because they have NOTHING to attack him on except ad hominem.
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I am saying that there is no evidence that Obama is a Marxist except in your mind. If you have a bias--you wont entertain facts and evidence to the contrary.

First sentence is false, based on second sentence.

If that sentence is true--that Obama is a marxist where is the supporting evidence and what facts and evidence to the contrary have you looked at?
What you have to take it context. No congressman got away with screaming LIAR at GW Bush in his presence even after many of his claims taking us into the Iraq War were proved outright lies.

The outburst was more of the same kind of town hall disruption/Jerry Springer style communication we've come to expect from certain right wing talk show hosts. The legitmacy that it was uttered by a Congressman deserved an apology. Clearly the congressman is not really sorry and is using the incident to raise money now.

This was NOT a racist incident unless you want to indict all of South Carolina as racist based on the utterance of one of its representatives.

Imagine Fox News treatment of this had it been a black congressman yelling liar to GW Bush.

yeah the assholes just did it nicely on the capitol steps or in front of the podium in the house so we should just overlook the asshole democncwats huh?
A bigot who hates black people almost never announce himself. Rather, he will attack black politicians or political agendas on other grounds--but would hardly be expected to offer a piece of information that might prove the opposite point of view.

The legislation can be viewed at Thomas.gov (The library of congress)
The article in the OP specifically states that the statement "you lie' was racist, and it has no proof, merely a false accusation based upon a difference of opinion. It's intellectually dis-honest and you know it.
When you scream 'you lie' to our bi-racial President, you may be a racist and you certainly are a liar.


'Bi-racial' is accurate but that is now how Obama is portrayed. He is portrayed as black. The racists can't scream as loudly and the blacks can't claim him as their own nearly as much if he's 'bi-racial'.

I am not being rude or racist but I am being accurate when I tell you that you just made no sense. Try to explain your point again, please.

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