When you think about it, most of America’s culture war revolves around protecting children:

thats the only way you can say it doesnt matter to you is if you keep your eyes closed,,

sadly in this case it makes you one of them,,
I'll waste 5 mins. What if a teacher tells a glbt kid to talk to his parents, and the kid says his parents will punish him or seek to get him in some church pray it away group or worse? What is a teacher to do? It's illegal to hide suspected parental abuse. Been there yet, sparky?
If i see a person abusing a kid with my own eyes I would stop it.

But like I said I don't tend to hang with people who abuse kids. It seems you do though. Maybe you need a better class of friends.
to bad for you you already admitted you keep your eyes closed so you wont see it,,
my kids arent the ones being abused,, I made sure of that,,

doesnt mean I walk away and let other children get abused by sick fucks like you and your friends,,

So you are accusing me of being a child abuser?

And you walk away from all those youtube videos you watch don't you?

Why isn't there a video of you stopping all those people you say are abusers?

Could it be because you actually don't do anything but mouth off here on the internet?
It's true.

I don't have kids I don't have any family that has kids and I never touched any of the children of people I know who do have kids.

So why am I responsible for taking care of your kids?

If you don't have children you'll never understand
to bad for you you already admitted you keep your eyes closed so you wont see it,,

So tell me how do you stop something that happened in the past and can only be seen in a video?

Where have you stopped any of this abuse you see anywhere? Do you have any video of THAT do you have any newspaper articles proving you have stopped all the abuse you see?
One of who?

I am a happily married heterosexual male that has never once had any type of physical interaction with a child. Why is it my responsibility to take care of your kids?
It is your responsibility as a citizen to be concerned.

You don't have to DO something, but voicing an opinion opposed to the grooming would be better than looking the other way.

Authoritarian leftists are all about intimidating decent people into silence. People who oppose child grooming are verbally abused in order to get them to shut up and look the other way. Academia does this. Leftists do this. This very forum is oriented around doing this.

It is all about setting up an impenetrable wall of protection around those who abuse children.

Looking the other way only enables it.

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