Zone1 When Your Government is Your God

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
This, folks is why the Founders enshrined the First Amendment in our Constitution. The Death Cult worshipping governments don't like other gods to even exist

This, folks is why the Founders enshrined the First Amendment in our Constitution. The Death Cult worshipping governments don't like other gods to even exist

Isn't it kind of disrespectful to refer to Christianity as a "death cult"?
This, folks is why the Founders enshrined the First Amendment in our Constitution. The Death Cult worshipping governments don't like other gods to even exist speak of the 1'st amendment..but your link is in England?

Anyway, of course, you're wrong. The Separation of Church and State was a direct result to the English Civil War and the Establishment of the Anglican Church as the State church of England, with the King as titular Head of the Church.
Our founders wished to avoid that sort of thing, and to avoid conflict based on religion entirely. This is understandable given the violent history in Europe as regards religious differences.

Arguably, it's the very best thing about our Constitution.

I've not the faintest idea of what you mean by 'Death Cult worshiping Govt.' although, with name like "Death Angel" shall I assume you're an IRS agent?
Wait ... the Bible explicitly says God is King ... the King of Kings in fact ... so Christians live in a monarchy, and under monarchy, yes, government is GOD and GOD is government ... Democracy and Republics are strictly inventions of Man ... and fully poisoned by Satan ...

See how easy it is to legalize adultery? ... the demons dance today ... you're never gonna see Charles III commit ... oh wait ... [sigh] ... nevermind ... I guess God wants us to murder our wives ...
Wait ... the Bible explicitly says God is King ... the King of Kings in fact ... so Christians live in a monarchy, and under monarchy, yes, government is GOD and GOD is government ... Democracy and Republics are strictly inventions of Man ... and fully poisoned by Satan ...

See how easy it is to legalize adultery? ... the demons dance today ... you're never gonna see Charles III commit ... oh wait ... [sigh] ... nevermind ...
How ironic..that Islam believes the very same.
Theocracies remain some of the most corrupt and repressive Govt.'s on the planet.~
How ironic..that Islam believes the very same.
Theocracies remain some of the most corrupt and repressive Govt.'s on the planet.~

All Abrahamic religions do ... "a judging, paternal, fully external god to which the individual and nature are subordinate" ... Charles III is annointed by God to be His representative here on Earth ... and thus Charles is given God's sovereignty over all God's domains ... de jure ...

Islam only rejects Jesus' divinity ... not His wisdom ... otherwise everything is exactly the same ... adultery is a capital offense ... only the godless allows for the practice ...
Wait ... the Bible explicitly says God is King ... the King of Kings in fact ... so Christians live in a monarchy, and under monarchy, yes, government is GOD and GOD is government ... Democracy and Republics are strictly inventions of Man ... and fully poisoned by Satan ...

See how easy it is to legalize adultery? ... the demons dance today ... you're never gonna see Charles III commit ... oh wait ... [sigh] ... nevermind ... I guess God wants us to murder our wives ...
Yeah, you got me. 😂. I do worship THAT king. Just like the anarchist worships the SELF And leftists worship the Government as long as THEIR people are in power
No we're not ... Mormons are as strong as ever ... KKK is still burning crosses ... Catholics thrive ...

Two words .. UC Berkeley ...
Nope Americans have been seeing steady decline in their First Amendment Rights.

Btw, can you show me a cross burning in this decade, and show me what happened to those burning crosses?
Yeah, you got me. 😂. I do worship THAT king. Just like the anarchist worships the SELF And leftists worship the Government as long as THEIR people are in power

What power? ... don't you believe all power comes from God? ... we are IN the world, we are not OF the world ... oh wait, we have Amish and you don't ... such a shame ...
What power? ... don't you believe all power comes from God? ... we are IN the world, we are not OF the world ... oh wait, we have Amish and you don't ... such a shame ...
Not in the mood for silly leftist death cult worshipping Nonsense. Don't you have Christmas stuff to do?
Nope Americans have been seeing steady decline in their First Amendment Rights.

The 1st Amendment right is NO National Religion ... "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" ... this has been interpreted as Freedom of Religion ... the next clause covers the right to peaceably speak about your religion ... although practice can be controlled ... the Methodist Church I attended as a child offered us grape juice instead of wine at communion, the drinking age of 21 has nothing to do with suppressing religion ...

Btw, can you show me a cross burning in this decade, and show me what happened to those burning crosses?

I can burn one in my yard later today ... it's protected speech in the United States ... in fact, I'm in the mood to burn an American Flag ... another Constitutionally protected right ...

Use of initive petitions is on the rise ... so that 1st Amendment right is on the rise ... Neo-Nazis are allowed to march in neighborhoods full of Jewish Holocast survivers still, that right is secure ... aren't Neo-Nazis illegal in England? ... they're all over the place here in the United States ... and they carry guns ... all perfectly legal here ...

Oh ... you mean Free Press ... yeah ... you're correct about that ... I'm sad to say ... but that's less about government and more about money ... and capitalism in general ... the spending of money is protected Free Speech ... I have no solution other than repealing that part of the 1st Amendment, leave the matter to the state to decide ... especially if that breaks up these major media companies into state-by-state companies ... then press anti-trust laws down their throats ...

England doesn't have anti-trust laws? ...
Not in the mood for silly leftist death cult worshipping Nonsense. Don't you have Christmas stuff to do?

I'm not that kind of Christian ... I have nothing better to do than to explain to you why Christians live in a Kingdom, not a democracy ... you seem confused about that tiny little detail ...

Just need to burn some things out in my front yard is all ... and the Oregon flag is first ... them bastards ...
Are you an anti-First Amendment death cult government worshiper? Or were you making a funny?
I'm just making fun of Christianity - the real "death cult". I mean, their primary symbol is essentially torture porn.

In any case, no, I don't worship the government and I'm a strong supporter of liberty in general, including the First amendment. speak of the 1'st amendment..but your link is in England?

Anyway, of course, you're wrong. The Separation of Church and State was a direct result to the English Civil War and the Establishment of the Anglican Church as the State church of England, with the King as titular Head of the Church.
Our founders wished to avoid that sort of thing, and to avoid conflict based on religion entirely. This is understandable given the violent history in Europe as regards religious differences.

Arguably, it's the very best thing about our Constitution.

I've not the faintest idea of what you mean by 'Death Cult worshiping Govt.' although, with name like "Death Angel" shall I assume you're an IRS agent?
The Founding Fathers observed the abuses of the State controlling the church of England and preaching from the pulpit, much like Warnock running on the Far Religious Left in America telling his congregation that baby Jesus loves abortion and how they need to pay for it.

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