whenever i need cheering up, i play this.

Most of the free world feels the same way as the people in the video

Russia is still celebrating
well yeah , course TRUMP can do a lots of good work in his 8 [remaining 6 years] years plus hopefully training his VP Pence well . Thats maybe 22 years total in-it HJ .
Whenever I need cheering up I play this:

1800 tequila.jpg
not pence. that guy is trouble. Most likely Ivanka and she's just as bad, in the other direction. I hope it's Don Jr, he's got a fairly level head and you can bet big money that he's learning a lot about what's what in DC.
Poor LWNJ's. They believed the fake news and the fake polls.

Life is sweet some days.

How many know Van Jones is an admitted COMMUNIST? I wonder if any on the left know or care. I think they all know, and I don't think or yone cares. This is who the left aligns themselves with. Bernie Sanders is the same, and they wonder why they lost!

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