Zone1 Analyzing Trump's Recent Deeply Racist Comments To Cheering Black Conservatives

The most raccist people are the ones putting up memes about how the most racist people cry racist all the time.

I'm rooting for you to overcome your demons.

You are built with the same capabilities and potential as people like Barrack Obama, Condaleezza Rice, Allen West, etc,. etc,.

You can do this, I just know it.


I'm rooting for you to overcome your demons.

You are built with the same capabilities and potential as people like Barrack Obama, Condaleezza Rice, Allen West, etc,. etc,.

You can do this, I just know it.


I have no demons. I'm doing qute fine.

Trump is a racist. And anyoone black supporting him is an idiot.
And your opinion is wrong. A white mans opinion of racism against blacks is like a mans opinion of what a woman feels like to be pregnant.

You can't tell me anything about a white man and his opinion.

You're not white.

I get this from you, I've seen you use it many times here. So it must be true.


Is there a difference between a man and woman now??

I thought they were obsolete?

You can't tell me anything about a white man and his opinion.

You're not white.

I get this from you, I've seen you use it many times here. So it must be true.


Is there a difference between a man and woman now??

I thought they were obsolete?

I can tell you more about that than you can tell me about how Trump isn't a racist. You see, the problem you have with trying to use what I said to you against me is that there are 5 times more whites than blacks, so my experience in dealing with or around whites is much greater than yours dealing with or being around blacks. And your last sentemce just further shows your moronic nature.
I can tell you more about that than you can tell me about how Trump isn't a racist. You see, the problem you have with trying to use what I said to you against me is that there are 5 times more whites than blacks, so my experience in dealing with or around whites is much greater than yours dealing with or being around blacks. And your last sentemce just further shows your moronic nature.


You can't tell me squat.

Your opinion of me and white people in general amounts to...........Nothing.

It's empty rhetoric coming from a shallow thinking individual.

I have faith in you though. Keep digging.
Many blacks said after the talk that President Trump was right and they were in no way offended. What's joe said recently...if ya don't vote fo me you ain't black. What was that remark about black kids intelligence?? Black Americans are not stupid..they know that America was better, they were better with President Trump.

More and more black voters are supporting President Trump.

The only people calling these remarks controversial are the people that hate President Trump, hate this country and want to see it fail. If it got no chance ever at ever think of that?
Very true.

If our nation goes down, the Chinese will take over the world. If you think the Chinese give a shit about giving blacks whose ancestors were slaves, reparations — you are wrong.
And your opinion is wrong. A white mans opinion of racism against blacks is like a mans opinion of what a woman feels like to be pregnant.
Says the guy who votes for the party that claims men can get pregnant……
Many blacks did not say that. I am black, I don't need some white dude to tell me how blacks see Trump or felt about his racist comments.
Good to know that black people are a monolith and that we are so honored to have their representative here on the board to educate everyone about what all black people think. Because believing people all think or believe the same thing because of their skin color isn’t racist as fuck. I promise.
Good to know that black people are a monolith and that we are so honored to have their representative here on the board to educate everyone about what all black people think. Because believing people all think or believe the same thing because of their skin color isn’t racist as fuck. I promise.
What trump said was racist. I get tired of whites like you saying garbage like this. If I agreed with trump, I'd be the national black representative. I don't see any other black person here running into this thread defending trump. Only whites. I do believe that most blacks believe that for a white man to say blacks love him because of his indictments is racist. But a white racist will make the comments you have. I'm black, so I do think I know how black people think.
Who the fuck has 50 minutes to waste on this?

Please QUOTE the "racist" statements and explain why they are racist. In ALL previous attempts do this, a close analysis of what Trump actually says disproves any racist meaning or intention. But I'm not going to give away an hour of my time to make the case this time.

Quotes, if you please.

And as I have stated often in this forum, the Democrats have no "platform" this year other than "Orange Man Bad." They cannot win on policy; they cannot produce a tolerable candidate; they have only slander to fall back on.

Orange Man Bad. That's it.
What trump said was racist. I get tired of whites like you saying garbage like this. If I agreed with trump, I'd be the national black representative. I don't see any other black person here running into this thread defending trump. Only whites. I do believe that most blacks believe that for a white man to say blacks love him because of his indictments is racist. But a white racist will make the comments you have. I'm black, so I do think I know how black people think.
Doesn't take away from the fact that Trump has gotten the highest percentage of the black vote for a Republican in generations.

Some black people like him because he hits back against woke culture. Others just like him because we live in a society that mistakes celebrity for merit.

The only reason why he got in in 2016 is because black folks didn't show up for Hillary.
Who the fuck has 50 minutes to waste on this?

Please QUOTE the "racist" statements and explain why they are racist. In ALL previous attempts do this, a close analysis of what Trump actually says disproves any racist meaning or intention. But I'm not going to give away an hour of my time to make the case this time.

Quotes, if you please.

And as I have stated often in this forum, the Democrats have no "platform" this year other than "Orange Man Bad." They cannot win on policy; they cannot produce a tolerable candidate; they have only slander to fall back on.

Orange Man Bad. That's it.
That's kind of all we need.

Of course, if we had an honest conversation on policy, Biden's done a pretty good job. He inherited an economy that was an absolute mess and turned it around. He turned the corner on Covid. He's gotten inflation under control without triggering a recession.

But since you guys have decided to make this about personality, you have a decent guy who occasionally forgets things because he's old vs. an Orange shitgibbon who is by every measure a horrible human being.
Who the fuck has 50 minutes to waste on this?

Please QUOTE the "racist" statements and explain why they are racist. In ALL previous attempts do this, a close analysis of what Trump actually says disproves any racist meaning or intention. But I'm not going to give away an hour of my time to make the case this time.

Quotes, if you please.

And as I have stated often in this forum, the Democrats have no "platform" this year other than "Orange Man Bad." They cannot win on policy; they cannot produce a tolerable candidate; they have only slander to fall back on.

Orange Man Bad. That's it.
Only an idiot can't see the racism in what Trumo said.

Watch the film. You do have 50 minutes. You're here almost all day.
That's kind of all we need.

Of course, if we had an honest conversation on policy, Biden's done a pretty good job. He inherited an economy that was an absolute mess and turned it around. He turned the corner on Covid. He's gotten inflation under control without triggering a recession.

But since you guys have decided to make this about personality, you have a decent guy who occasionally forgets things because he's old vs. an Orange shitgibbon who is by every measure a horrible human being.

The economy was artificially depressed due to COVID and the policies that were enacted because of it. The natural progression of those policies going away is what drove the economic increase unless you can give a specific policy directive from the current Admin which was different from the last one that caused the economy to pick up post COVID. Otherwise, it's just Biden happened to be President when something happened so I'm going to give him credit for it. Which is fine I guess but then he has to take the blame for everything that didn't go well too regardless of whether what happened was his fault or not.

As far as "turning the corner on COVID" what does that mean? COVID did what everyone said it was going to do regardless of anything we did. Ran its course like every other infectious disease in history until the population was made up of people who had either gotten said disease and survived it or were for one reason or another not overtly affected by the disease? What exactly did this admin do that was different than the last one which caused this "turning of the corner"?
I watched about 12 minute of the video. The “racist” things trump said was (to paraphrase) that black people like sneakers and that Trumps mug shot was popular with black people. Both of those statements are true. The guy in the video just inferred that Trump said those thing because “racism”.

It’s like it is racist to say black people like fried chicken but apparently not racist for a democrat president to eat a fried chicken dinner with black people. Basically, Democrats tell black people when to be selectively be offended.

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