Where are the "atheist" mass murderers in this country?

Forgot one

Planned parenthood
Zealots often choose to forget that planned parenthood provides women's health care services.

I suppose you're a bit dull accepting that xtians get abortions? Consider keeping your jeebus on the car dashboard instead of poking him in other peoples' faces.
Person A says, "Allah created the Universe."

Person B says, "the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the Universe." Person B has rejected atheism because of the fallacy that you have described.

Person A says, "You are full of crap. The Flying Spaghetti Monster does not exist."

Person A and Person B are on equal footing because neither one can prove that neither Allah nor the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the Universe.

Person A has opened his mouth to declare that Person A is 'full of crap'. Now person A is stuck with the burden of proving that the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not exist.

Correct, but had person B made the charge of "You are full of crap, Allah does not exist" then he would bear the burden of proof. So it doesn't really do anything other than establish that anyone who makes a claim of absolutes for or against the existence of God bears the burden of proving it. Well big deal. It's expected that if someone makes a claim about anything they are expected to support their claim so it's just a cute and fancy way of stating the obvious. We see it on these boards every day. Someone starts a thread that basically says "God does/does not exist" and within the first page someone says "prove it". Well the OP can't,regardless of what position they take, so it's pretty much over except for the heckling.

Some people are turning to the Flying Spaghetti Monster because it stacks the deck against theistic claims. It's kind of a check mate. If you accuse me of attacking your god then I will create a more realistic god and accuse you of attacking my god. The Flying Spaghetti Monster is way more realistic than the concept of Allah. The Flying Spaghetti Monster argument is way superior to Russell's Flying Teapot.

But it's not a check mate. At best it's a stalemate. Once you cut it down to the bare bones, it still boils down to "you can't prove it and neither can I, so we're stuck". It's the same impasse that theists and atheists have been at for the last several centuries. It's just a cutsier way of saying the same thing that has been said for years.

The standard atheist argument is that Allah does not exist. The Pastafarian argument is that Allah and the Flying Spaghetti Monster both exist. It is a stalemate at that point. The score is negative 1 to negative 1. Both debaters have told one unverifiable lie.

Human nature begs the Muslim to make the assertion that the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not exist. Now the score is negative 2 to negative 1. The Muslim loses the debate. He has told two unverifiable lies. This does not take into account that the Flying Spaghetti Monster has characteristic that make Him more feasible than the other popular gods of our age.

He is invisible, fallible, careless, cruel, forgetful, insensitive, aloof, silent, contradictory and makes no demands of anybody. These are observable to all creatures not just Pastafarians. The Pastafarian god has created an imperfect world. He didn't do it on purpose. He screwed up. In the Pastafarian religion it is our god who really needs our forgiveness for being such a dumb ass. The Pastafarian god is not worthy of killings in His name. That explains why they have 0 deaths attributed to their religion. Their God isn't worthy of unquestionable and mindless devotion. Why would we kill for a cruel and silent dumb ass.

Compare that to an all loving and flawless god who has never made a mistake. So many believe this type of god to exist and would gladly commit murders on His behalf. Shoot! I would too. I can't blame them. Let's all be honest with ourselves. If there is truly a creator what traits does he/she/it possess based upon your personal observation of the world? All loving? All powerful? Perfect? Invisible? Demanding? I really don't think so. If God exists He doesn't deserve to have an army to kill on His behalf. If He is all powerful then give Him the finger and tell Him to kill the bad guys himself.

This nonsense has to stop in the next couple generations. It is imperative that the atheists study the Bible and the Qu'ran thoroughly and teach our kids what it says. A perfect god does not need anybody's help killing people. An imperfect God does not deserve your help.

Check mate. Killing for your god is stupid and needs to stop soon. Killing in the name of atheism is equally cruel but at least it makes sense.
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This thread should be closed.

So you declare checkmate (which I would strongly differ about) and then ask to have the thread closed? That's mighty sporting of you. :lol: Now as far as your self-proclaimed checkmate, all you have done is give us your opinion. Fine, but that is hardly definitive. As far as human nature begging the Muslim to declare the FSM imaginary, that's not the case. I am a Christian. Have you heard me make that charge? Now personally, I don't buy the FSM, but if you do, knock yourself out. I hope it provides meaning in your life.

As far as the nature of God, different people believe different things. Some do not view God as infallible although most do.Most don't think killing in the name of God is justified...some people clearly feel differently. Remember that one man's pathology is another man's common sense.
This thread should be closed.

So you declare checkmate (which I would strongly differ about) and then ask to have the thread closed? That's mighty sporting of you. :lol: Now as far as your self-proclaimed checkmate, all you have done is give us your opinion. Fine, but that is hardly definitive. As far as human nature begging the Muslim to declare the FSM imaginary, that's not the case. I am a Christian. Have you heard me make that charge? Now personally, I don't buy the FSM, but if you do, knock yourself out. I hope it provides meaning in your life.

As far as the nature of God, different people believe different things. Some do not view God as infallible although most do.Most don't think killing in the name of God is justified...some people clearly feel differently. Remember that one man's pathology is another man's common sense.

This thread should be closed.

So you declare checkmate (which I would strongly differ about) and then ask to have the thread closed? That's mighty sporting of you. :lol: Now as far as your self-proclaimed checkmate, all you have done is give us your opinion. Fine, but that is hardly definitive. As far as human nature begging the Muslim to declare the FSM imaginary, that's not the case. I am a Christian. Have you heard me make that charge? Now personally, I don't buy the FSM, but if you do, knock yourself out. I hope it provides meaning in your life.

As far as the nature of God, different people believe different things. Some do not view God as infallible although most do.Most don't think killing in the name of God is justified...some people clearly feel differently. Remember that one man's pathology is another man's common sense.

It sounds like we agree. It also sounds like you have a god that is opposite of the Christian god. What is the name of your god?

If it is not checkmate then why has everybody decided to avoid this thread like the plaque?

Where is rdean?

Nobody can debate the concept of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. All they can do is dismiss it as lunacy or nonsense. They have to accept defeat and disappear.

Muslims used to be only ones that could enjoy this type of victory. Atheist used to dismiss Allah as lunacy or nonsense and Muslims would enjoy the victory. The tables have turned. Now Muslims dismiss Pastafarians instead of Atheists dismissing Muslims. The tables have turned and it is fun to watch all the Muslims disappear.
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It sounds like we agree. It also sounds like you have a god that is opposite of the Christian god. What is the name of your god?

My God is just God. I don't think there are different gods that cater to specific religions. I think there is one God who gave His message to people of different cultures in ways that those people could understand and relate to. Jesus, Vishnu, Buddha, Allah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster...to me it is all the same divine entity. People just take according to their ability to understand.

If it is not checkmate then why has everybody decided to avoid this thread like the plaque?

Because you overestimate the intelligence and the ability to grasp abstractions of the average USMB poster. They are not responding because you and I are talking on a level that the average poster can't comprehend. That realization is a bit disturbing because, in truth, we are not talking on very elevated levels. I mean we have not introduced any real advanced concepts. But essentially...no one is responding because you and I are the only ones following this thread who have any idea what we are talking about.

Where is rdean?

Watching MSNBC so he can craft his "why I hate Republicans" threads for tomorrow.

Nobody can debate the concept of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. All they can do is dismiss it as lunacy or nonsense. They have to accept defeat and disappear.Muslims used to be only ones that could enjoy this type of victory. Atheist used to dismiss Allah as lunacy or nonsense and Muslims would enjoy the victory.

That's totally incorrect. The FSM, I am pretty sure, was designed to be a trap for theists to walk into. It's simply an argument to be made for the purpose of proving a point if I understand it correctly. IF that is the case, its purpose is not to provide a spiritual sense of completion so much as to create a caricature of religion in general.

BTW...I know you are new to the boards (and a welcome addition) but just a hint about USMB culture. When you declare victory, most people interpret it as you just got your ass kicked and you are hoping that your self-declaration of victory will fool everyone into thinking you actually didn't just get schooled. As you are new, we will overlook it, but it's something to keep in mind for the future. The moment you unilaterally declare victory it means you just got throttled. Let others determine whether you won or lost...assuming winning is your goal (which I personally think is a pretty shallow goal, but...whatever).
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It sounds like we agree. It also sounds like you have a god that is opposite of the Christian god. What is the name of your god?

My God is just God. I don't think there are different gods that cater to specific religions. I think there is one God who gave His message to people of different cultures in ways that those people could understand and relate to. Jesus, Vishnu, Buddha, Allah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster...to me it is all the same divine entity. People just take according to their ability to understand.

If it is not checkmate then why has everybody decided to avoid this thread like the plaque?

Because you overestimate the intelligence and the ability to grasp abstractions of the average USMB poster. They are not responding because you and I are talking on a level that the average poster can't comprehend. That realization is a bit disturbing because, in truth, we are not talking on very elevated levels. I mean we have not introduced any real advanced concepts. But essentially...no one is responding because you and I are the only ones following this thread who have any idea what we are talking about.

Where is rdean?

Watching MSNBC so he can craft his "why I hate Republicans" threads for tomorrow.

Nobody can debate the concept of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. All they can do is dismiss it as lunacy or nonsense. They have to accept defeat and disappear.Muslims used to be only ones that could enjoy this type of victory. Atheist used to dismiss Allah as lunacy or nonsense and Muslims would enjoy the victory.

That's totally incorrect. The FSM, I am pretty sure, was designed to be a trap for theists to walk into. It's simply an argument to be made for the purpose of proving a point if I understand it correctly. IF that is the case, its purpose is not to provide a spiritual sense of completion so much as to create a caricature of religion in general.

BTW...I know you are new to the boards (and a welcome addition) but just a hint about USMB culture. When you declare victory, most people interpret it as you just got your ass kicked and you are hoping that your self-declaration of victory will fool everyone into thinking you actually didn't just get schooled. As you are new, we will overlook it, but it's something to keep in mind for the future. The moment you unilaterally declare victory it means you just got throttled. Let others determine whether you won or lost...assuming winning is your goal (which I personally think is a pretty shallow goal, but...whatever).

That sounds like Baha'i. God inspires war because followers of God are better than those who don't follow God. It is very difficult to take a human life. The only way that it can be done is for the killer to become superior to the victim. If you are religious then you have already become more vulnerable to commit murder. A person who possesses a worldview of equality would have an extremely difficult time killing another human being. Pastafarians are immoral, lazy and gluttonous drunks. They have no room to feel superior to others.

It is my firm belief that bad people never commit murder. Only good people have reached the pinnacle of ego necessary to take another human life.

Example: Adulterers are usually murdered by the non-cheating spouse. Adulterers rarely kill their spouse. Bad people lack the egotistical qualities necessary for murder. Only good people can kill. Religion inspires people to pursue a life of advanced ethical behavior. (Buddhism is an exception.) Murder and or killing amongst religious people is going to be higher than the non-religious.
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Forgot one

Planned parenthood
Zealots often choose to forget that planned parenthood provides women's health care services.

I suppose you're a bit dull accepting that xtians get abortions? Consider keeping your jeebus on the car dashboard instead of poking him in other peoples' faces.

Or how about you comes to Christ and stop supporting a culture of death?
Forgot one

Planned parenthood
Zealots often choose to forget that planned parenthood provides women's health care services.

I suppose you're a bit dull accepting that xtians get abortions? Consider keeping your jeebus on the car dashboard instead of poking him in other peoples' faces.

Or how about you comes to Christ and stop supporting a culture of death?
Or, how about you read the history of Christianity as delineated in the bibles? Your gawds slaughter relentlessly. The gawds that Christianity edited/revised after stealing them from Judaism were barely less psychopathic.
That sounds like Baha'i. God inspires war because followers of God are better than those who don't follow God.

That's not what it is.

It is very difficult to take a human life. The only way that it can be done is for the killer to become superior to the victim. If you are religious then you have already become more vulnerable to commit murder.

If religions were based upon establishing superiority you might have a point. Now there are certainly those who profess their superiority because of their religion, but there are just as many who do so because of their atheism. One need only take a short stroll across these boards to see atheists proclaim their intellectual superiority over theists with reckless abandon. Other people use their wealth to establish their superiority, still others use use their education. So it seems that the desire to establish oneself as superior has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with human nature.

Example: Adulterers are usually murdered by the non-cheating spouse. Adulterers rarely kill their spouse. Bad people lack the egotistical qualities necessary for murder. Only good people can kill. Religion inspires people to pursue a life of advanced ethical behavior. (Buddhism is an exception.) Murder and or killing amongst religious people is going to be higher than the non-religious.

Pfft....adulterers kill their spouses all the time. People kill for greed mostly; Your last statement is completely ludicrous. Please back it up with statistics. Yes, of course there are people that kill and are religious or kill for religious reasons, see ISIS, but most religions do not endorse war or indiscriminate slaughter unless it is out of self-defense. Some of the biggest mass murderers in history have been atheists and while many will state that religion is the main cause of war, I would argue that money is the biggest cause of war and religion is merely a frequent and convenient excuse to give justification to the people. I would even go so far as to suggest that the Crusades had just as much to do about seizing the trade routes to the east as it did about liberating the Holy Lands. Maybe even more. But that is not the fault of religion, that is the fault of those who misuse religion to further a political or monetary agenda. So religion may inspire people to pursue a life of advanced ethical behavior, but your crafty argument that it leads to the enhancement of the capacity for murder due to a sense of superiority seems highly dubious. I have never seen more self-aggrandizement and egocentrism than in the atheist community.
That sounds like Baha'i. God inspires war because followers of God are better than those who don't follow God.

That's not what it is.

It is very difficult to take a human life. The only way that it can be done is for the killer to become superior to the victim. If you are religious then you have already become more vulnerable to commit murder.

If religions were based upon establishing superiority you might have a point. Now there are certainly those who profess their superiority because of their religion, but there are just as many who do so because of their atheism. One need only take a short stroll across these boards to see atheists proclaim their intellectual superiority over theists with reckless abandon. Other people use their wealth to establish their superiority, still others use use their education. So it seems that the desire to establish oneself as superior has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with human nature.

Example: Adulterers are usually murdered by the non-cheating spouse. Adulterers rarely kill their spouse. Bad people lack the egotistical qualities necessary for murder. Only good people can kill. Religion inspires people to pursue a life of advance bd ethical behavior. (Buddhism is an exception.) Murder and or killing amongst religious people is going to be higher than the non-religious.

Pfft....adulterers kill their spouses all the time. People kill for greed mostly; Your last statement is completely ludicrous. Please back it up with statistics. Yes, of course there are people that kill and are religious or kill for religious reasons, see ISIS, but most religions do not endorse war or indiscriminate slaughter unless it is out of self-defense. Some of the biggest mass murderers in history have been atheists and while many will state that religion is the main cause of war, I would argue that money is the biggest cause of war and religion is merely a frequent and convenient excuse to give justification to the people. I would even go so far as to suggest that the Crusades had just as much to do about seizing the trade routes to the east as it did about liberating the Holy Lands. Maybe even more. But that is not the fault of religion, that is the fault of those who misuse religion to further a political or monetary agenda. So religion may inspire people to pursue a life of advanced ethical behavior, but your crafty argument that it leads to the enhancement of the capacity for murder due to a sense of superiority seems highly dubious. I have never seen more self-aggrandizement and egocentrism than in the atheist community.

I have been in message boards a lot. I don't provide facts. They are so easily available by using google. A person in a forum is likely to find false data or skewed data to prove his/her point. I will be treated as suspect by all. It's best that you find the data yourself if that is what you are trying to find. It's just as easy for me to find it as it is for you to find it. If you find it then you will believe it. If I find it then you will dismiss it.

No thanks. Go find the information yourself. Christians produce more murderers than Pastafarians. That's actually a tradition that Pastafarians hold near and dear to their heart. Nobody has killed or been killed in the name of the Pastafarian religion. I'll stand by that statement. If I am lying then you will have to go find that out yourself. If I am telling the truth then you will have to go find that out yourself.

Let's leave the discussion forum as a place of discussion instead of a court of law.
I have been in message boards a lot. I don't provide facts.

Well that has become abundantly clear.

They are so easily available by using google. A person in a forum is likely to find false data or skewed data to prove his/her point. I will be treated as suspect by all. It's best that you find the data yourself if that is what you are trying to find.

No thanks. Go find the information yourself. Christians produce more murderers than Pastafarians. That's actually a tradition that Pastafarians hold near and dear to their heart. Nobody has killed or been killed in the name of the Pastafarian religion. I'll stand by that statement. If I am lying then you will have to go find that out yourself. If I am telling the truth then you will have to go find that out yourself.

Let's leave the discussion forum as a place of discussion instead of a court of law.

Ok pardner...another little lesson on USMB culture for the newbie. What is suspect round these parts is making a charge, being challenged to support your charge with external documentation, and refusing to do so. You are the one making the charge, the burden of proof lies upon you. It's not my responsibility to prove or disprove your claim for you. If you make a claim you had better be able to back it up or you are just another rDean with a better vocabulary.

BTW....I am not talking about Pastafarians vs. Christian or any other specific religion. I am talking about atheists vs. theists in general.
I have been in message boards a lot. I don't provide facts.

Well that has become abundantly clear.

They are so easily available by using google. A person in a forum is likely to find false data or skewed data to prove his/her point. I will be treated as suspect by all. It's best that you find the data yourself if that is what you are trying to find.

No thanks. Go find the information yourself. Christians produce more murderers than Pastafarians. That's actually a tradition that Pastafarians hold near and dear to their heart. Nobody has killed or been killed in the name of the Pastafarian religion. I'll stand by that statement. If I am lying then you will have to go find that out yourself. If I am telling the truth then you will have to go find that out yourself.

Let's leave the discussion forum as a place of discussion instead of a court of law.

Ok pardner...another little lesson on USMB culture for the newbie. What is suspect round these parts is making a charge, being challenged to support your charge with external documentation, and refusing to do so. You are the one making the charge, the burden of proof lies upon you. It's not my responsibility to prove or disprove your claim for you. If you make a claim you had better be able to back it up or you are just another rDean with a better vocabulary.

BTW....I am not talking about Pastafarians vs. Christian or any other specific religion. I am talking about atheists vs. theists in general.

If you don't want the information then that is fine. If you do want the information then I cannot and will not stop you from obtaining it.

I never imposed a responsibility or duty upon you. You are free to not find the information that you desire. (which sounds dumb since you really want to know) People that provide facts are ignored, dismissed and accused of cheating. Of course you know that. You are disappointed that I didn't take the bait and you should be. It probably would have been entertaining to watch me get ripped to shreds.

Again. No thanks.
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You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.
are you kidding me? Some people who believe in God kills for him or in his name. what you believe about God is not with the next guy believes you are like snowflake
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

In the tiny minds of the GOP, everything is, pardon the expression, "black or white". They are such binary people. You have atheists who don't believe in God, but believe in spirituality. You have religious people who attend church on a regular basis with the same beliefs.

No you don't. Atheists don't believe in "spirituality." That's pure bullshit.

I know these Republicans will scratch their heads having no clue what I'm talking about. For them, every question is simple, every answer is simple and that's because the vast majority are simpletons.
They feel that if you believe in the right wing Jesus God and go to church, you are religious. Even though, to them, help the poor means tough love - they can learn to help themselves and help the sick means "die quickly". If I did have occult beliefs, it wouldn't be the somewhat Satanic Religion Republicans seem to follow.

Religion and the Unaffiliated Pew Research Center

You realize your post is pure bullshit, don't you? It's not even worth arguing with.

the only thing you can say for sure about all atheists is that we do not believe in a god. Everything else you think after that is just b*******
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

In the tiny minds of the GOP, everything is, pardon the expression, "black or white". They are such binary people. You have atheists who don't believe in God, but believe in spirituality. You have religious people who attend church on a regular basis with the same beliefs.

No you don't. Atheists don't believe in "spirituality." That's pure bullshit.

I know these Republicans will scratch their heads having no clue what I'm talking about. For them, every question is simple, every answer is simple and that's because the vast majority are simpletons.
They feel that if you believe in the right wing Jesus God and go to church, you are religious. Even though, to them, help the poor means tough love - they can learn to help themselves and help the sick means "die quickly". If I did have occult beliefs, it wouldn't be the somewhat Satanic Religion Republicans seem to follow.

Religion and the Unaffiliated Pew Research Center

You realize your post is pure bullshit, don't you? It's not even worth arguing with.

the only thing you can say for sure about all atheists is that we do not believe in a god. Everything else you think after that is just b*******

Do atheist kill out of obedience to their deity?

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