Where are the job bills?

All those numbers have been artificially propped up by the fed's continuing to print money. It simply can't be sustained. And again, we can't have a true recovery with double digit unemployment...and those numbers are not changing. Also, the jump in oil prices will only serve to undo any positive signs. States are nearing bankruptcy and the only solution is layoffs. That will increase the unemployment numbers.
It is all smoke and mirrors until those numbers begin to decline and many economist are predicting a double dip recession. You have to agree that a 14+ trillion deficit only helps to move things in the wrong direction and neither side have put forth any meaningful cuts to the spending. No one wants to touch the big three Medicare, Medicaid and SS. Just going after the waste in all of those would be a big step in reducing the deficit.
It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a post with so many things that are just not true. First of all the Fed cannot as you say prop up those numbers. The government and the Fed can provide monetary and fiscal stimulus but economic indicators such as retail sales, the stock market, and unemployment depend on a response from consumers and businesses. If the economy does not respond, those indicators are not going to improve. Unemployment is 8.9% down from it’s high of 10.1% 18 months ago. All of the unemployment indicators, U1-U6 are down. Most economists are not predicting a double dip. On the contrary, most economist are predicting a continued slow recovery through 2011 and 2012.

Deficit spending is a long-term problem in this country as it is in most of the world and will continue to be. It is has little impact on the current recovery but threatens long-term growth of the economy.

Both parties want to do something about entitlement programs, but they can’t because these programs either directly or indirectly effect about half the population.

Never stated the Fed propped up the numbers, I stated that the cause was printing money and that was what was propping up the economy. The govt is and has been printing money in order to "save us", read up in this link as you stated untruths from me The Problem With the Federal Reserve's Money-Printing - WSJ.com
You can choose to ignore that fact but eventually inflation will come into play. As far as unemployment goes, The Labor Department's statistics don't include the underemployed and those who have stopped looking for work. The Bureau of Labor statistics shows the actual number at 16.6%. Real unemployment rate higher than federal figures - MSN Money - New Investor Center

You can also choose to ignore the deficit and state that it does not affect the current economic situation but at some point, probably in the mid 30's for my kids ( they are both early 20's), they will bear the burden of the run away spending from the past 2 administrations. Please explain how a 14 trillion and counting deficit does not affect our economy...this should be fun
The fact that both parties feel like they can't touch entitlement spending is irrelevant as it is one if the 3 major contributing factors in reducing the deficit. I realize the govt has created a "cradle to grave nanny state" but without making changes, this country's economic system will eventually fail. You may not care since it might not happen in the immediate future, I do.
In regard to deficit, the CBO says 9.5 trillion in deficits over the 10 years. That’s an average deficit of 950 billion, a decrease of 400 billion from the 2010 deficit. Both sides have promised further reductions in the deficit. Both sides have called for a cuts in corporate taxes, which should be a help. So no, I don’t think financial disaster is ahead of us.

As far as inflation goes, we've seen it over 10% and have come back just fine. I can remember when inflation of less than 5% was considered healthy. Inflation is now 2.11% including the run up in food and gas prices. Will we have inflation? You can count on it, but that doesn't mean financial disaster.

Whenever you quote U6, you are not quoting actual unemployment. You including people that are employed part time and people that are discourage and not looking for a job. U6 is always higher than U3, the standard reported unemployment rate. A few years ago when Bush was in office, Republicans raved about the low 4.6% unemployment and Democrats sited U6, "the real unemployment rate" as 9%.
The government can and does create jobs. Saying government does not is bullshit propaganda, believing it does not is stupidity.

Proof? Sure! The United States Navy; employs officers and enisted personnel; uses products and services from the private sector to feed and cloth its employees; said employees spent their earnings on products and services sold by the private sector in shops which surround all naval facitites.

Countless examples to disprove the canard the government can't create jobs. Stupid people believe it, liars continue to post it.

More proof? Why bother. Non liars and thinking people get it.

When you compare military employment to other government employment (job creations) you are comparing apple to oranges and it doesn't work. The military is one of the few primary purposes of government. The majority of the other programs of so called job creation are not. So please, before you speak about lying or BS propaganda, clean up your own points of debate!

You are exactly right!
Floppper is in denial. When have the CBO estimated ever been accurate?

The U.S. is heading for financial ruin. A banana republic is our future.
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Floppper is in denial. When have the CBO estimated ever been accurate?

The U.S. is heading for financial ruin. A banana republic is our future.
Numerical economic projections are never correct regardless of who makes them because there are always unexpected issues that arise. The CBO is the only non-partisan organization that both parties rely on for economic projections. If you don't believe the CBO, then your are left with right and left wing economists, talk show hosts, and politicians, which is why both sides quote the CBO.
The government creates jobs all the time. Anyone who says it doesn't is completely wrong.

Do you know people who work for your state or federal government? Even if you don't...they exist. That's a job created by the government. Boom. End match. Done. Over.

States actually hire private individuals to do lots of specialized jobs in various industries. Take my profession - the law. I recently represented a lady against the Alabama Department of Education. Instead of using in-house counsel, they hired 9 attorneys from a local, private firm. They actually had an on-going contract with those attorneys.

The government can create jobs...but what I'd rather see is that legislatures create climates for business and private individuals to thrive and improve the economy themselves.
...but what I'd rather see is that legislatures create climates for business and private individuals to thrive and improve the economy themselves.

I'd like to see the same thing, and then I'd like to see the legislature adjourn for about a decade.
New jobs not payin' enough...
The Real Poverty Line in America
April 04, 2011 — For all the optimistic talk of growth in the labor market - and the economy as a whole - the vast majority of jobs that are expected to be created in the coming years will not pay enough for average American families to get by, a new report shows.
Of the jobs that the U.S. Department of Labor predicts will be added by 2018, less than half pay average salaries that provide economic security for a household with two workers and two children, and only about 13% pay enough to adequately support a single parent household with two children, according to data from Wider Opportunities for Women, a nonprofit group. “The American Dream of working hard to support your family is being rewritten by the growth of low-paying industries and rising expenses,” said Joan Kuriansky, the nonprofit’s executive director.

These lower paying jobs include positions like construction workers, food prep workers, and even in some states, registered nurses, all of whom are expected to increase their ranks in the coming years. While each of these positions generally pay salaries well above the minimum wage, the report finds they pay less than one needs to attain economic security, as the minimum wage is not necessarily an adequate living wage. WOW crunched the numbers and found that a single adult with no children would need to earn an average of $30,012 a year – or nearly twice the federal minimum wage - to be considered financially stable, while a household with two income earners and two children would need to earn $67,920 annually.

In order to determine this, the nonprofit group took a sweeping look at the necessary monthly expenses of an average worker, calculated for each region and for the U.S. as a whole based on government data. So, for example, a single worker with no family pays an average of $688 each month for housing, $244 for food and $136 for health care, among other costs, as well as another $150 for emergency savings and retirement savings, which the group deems essential for one’s financial security. When added up, WOW got the $30,012 number, which ends up being a salary of just more than $14 an hour.


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