Where Are The Parents?

Here's one that I owe a big hug to.......


For the benefit of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, THAT is what is known as "Parenting a Troubled Teen".

Of course only idiots who lack parenting skills would think that's what parenting is about. Hell, that's probably why the kid is messed up to begin with.

It fucked me up for many years, yet when I had kids I found out how to make them behave without violence..

I remembered it when my mom slapped me around. I learned a lesson. It isn't the only solution however....

........I used lectures as a tool.......my nephew remembered them. He said years later that he would rather have had an asswhipping.

I know the feeling, my Mom never spanked me after i was bigger than her at 11, so I got those lectures also...Hell, I even got a paddling for skipping two a days for football one summer..by my coaches....sadistic bitches....
Here's one that I owe a big hug to.......


For the benefit of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, THAT is what is known as "Parenting a Troubled Teen".

Of course only idiots who lack parenting skills would think that's what parenting is about. Hell, that's probably why the kid is messed up to begin with.

It fucked me up for many years, yet when I had kids I found out how to make them behave without violence..

I remembered it when my mom slapped me around. I learned a lesson. It isn't the only solution however....

........I used lectures as a tool.......my nephew remembered them. He said years later that he would rather have had an asswhipping.

I know the feeling, my Mom never spanked me after i was bigger than her at 11, so I got those lectures also...Hell, I even got a paddling for skipping two a days for football one summer..by my coaches....sadistic bitches....

I got the paddle a few times in school. The one I remember most was when the principal caught me singing Billy Squier's "The Stroke" in the hallway when I should have been in class.

I think he was jealous of my free spirit.
Here's one that I owe a big hug to.......


For the benefit of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, THAT is what is known as "Parenting a Troubled Teen".

Of course only idiots who lack parenting skills would think that's what parenting is about. Hell, that's probably why the kid is messed up to begin with.

It fucked me up for many years, yet when I had kids I found out how to make them behave without violence..

I remembered it when my mom slapped me around. I learned a lesson. It isn't the only solution however....

........I used lectures as a tool.......my nephew remembered them. He said years later that he would rather have had an asswhipping.

I know the feeling, my Mom never spanked me after i was bigger than her at 11, so I got those lectures also...Hell, I even got a paddling for skipping two a days for football one summer..by my coaches....sadistic bitches....

You should have been benched permanently for skipping two-a-days. Took 3 weeks for the soreness to wear off.
When I was a kid, my parents (and most of the members' parents I suspect) would have spanked me and grounded me forever if I had joined in a mob looting the town.

Where are the parents in Baltimore? We know ONE MOM cares, but where are the rest?

Yesterday, saw footage of women getting their kids from school and taking them home. More of the same today. Another woman kept the school library open for kids whose parents worked and the parents picked them up there. And 2 or more mothers (I wasn't clear how many there were) kept some kids at a church until their parents could get them.

Its a working class neighborhood, most of the actual residents were at work when the kids were released from schools. People DO have to work, you know.
Here's one that I owe a big hug to.......


For the benefit of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, THAT is what is known as "Parenting a Troubled Teen".

Of course only idiots who lack parenting skills would think that's what parenting is about. Hell, that's probably why the kid is messed up to begin with.

It fucked me up for many years, yet when I had kids I found out how to make them behave without violence..

You and LL are right.

I was beaten through my whole childhood, burned with cigs and worse and I've never ever beat a child. Don't need to, no excuse for it. Period.

For the benefit of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, THAT is what is known as "Parenting a Troubled Teen".

Of course only idiots who lack parenting skills would think that's what parenting is about. Hell, that's probably why the kid is messed up to begin with.
It fucked me up for many years, yet when I had kids I found out how to make them behave without violence..

I remembered it when my mom slapped me around. I learned a lesson. It isn't the only solution however....

........I used lectures as a tool.......my nephew remembered them. He said years later that he would rather have had an asswhipping.
I know the feeling, my Mom never spanked me after i was bigger than her at 11, so I got those lectures also...Hell, I even got a paddling for skipping two a days for football one summer..by my coaches....sadistic bitches....

You should have been benched permanently for skipping two-a-days. Took 3 weeks for the soreness to wear off.
I lived in Moore, Ok and it was a small town then and we barely had enough to play 11 man football, so I started anyway...
Here's one that I owe a big hug to.......


For the benefit of the Intellectually Less Fortunate, THAT is what is known as "Parenting a Troubled Teen".

Of course only idiots who lack parenting skills would think that's what parenting is about. Hell, that's probably why the kid is messed up to begin with.

It fucked me up for many years, yet when I had kids I found out how to make them behave without violence..

You and LL are raight.

I was beaten through my whole childhood, burned with cigs and worse and I've never ever beat a child. Don't need to, no excuse for it. Period.

That sucked..
When I was a kid, my parents (and most of the members' parents I suspect) would have spanked me and grounded me forever if I had joined in a mob looting the town.

Where are the parents in Baltimore? We know ONE MOM cares, but where are the rest?

are you being serious? We know where one of the "parents" are, (men) in jail or out having sex with tons of other "women".

Broadbrush much?
When I was a kid, my parents (and most of the members' parents I suspect) would have spanked me and grounded me forever if I had joined in a mob looting the town.

Where are the parents in Baltimore? We know ONE MOM cares, but where are the rest?

O... MG!

I can tell you, if my old man had seen me on television, doing what these reprobates are doing... He would have found me, beat my ass and drug what was left directly to the police station and signed a witness report.

Mine to. My parents would have beat my ass and would have had no problem with me in jail.

Of course when I grew up there were always consequences for bad behavior. There were no gray areas. If you did it you got punished for it.

I always thought about what I did and if doing so would have consequences. Yep. I knew better. Too bad those asshole rioters werent' shot by police or store owners.
When I was a kid, my parents (and most of the members' parents I suspect) would have spanked me and grounded me forever if I had joined in a mob looting the town.

Where are the parents in Baltimore? We know ONE MOM cares, but where are the rest?
Really? The kids joining in this chaos are teenagers. Seriously? I think it is highly unlikely that the parents of teenagers are spanking their kids.
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When I was a kid, my parents (and most of the members' parents I suspect) would have spanked me and grounded me forever if I had joined in a mob looting the town.

Where are the parents in Baltimore? We know ONE MOM cares, but where are the rest?

O... MG!

I can tell you, if my old man had seen me on television, doing what these reprobates are doing... He would have found me, beat my ass and drug what was left directly to the police station and signed a witness report.

Here's the thing: we would never even have considered behaving that way. Our parents set proper boundaries.

Good Lord no... But in our defense, this was due to our natural instinct of survival. I also never considered setting my testicles on an anvil and smashing them with a 12lb sledge. Neither did I consider gouging out my own eye with a fork... or opening defying my parents, cursing in their presence or anything else that was sure to induce serious pain form severe physical injury.
Hardly believable that you all were such paragons of virtue. No kids ever disobeyed their parents or got in trouble with the law until now? Right.
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I thought about that. She'll probably be arrested for child abuse because of the way she grabbed the kid and whacked him a couple times. Discipline has all but been eliminated. I am thinking the time outs haven't quite done the trick.
I once slapped my 16yr old daughter for calling her mother a bitch. An hour later school officials called the police and I had a visit shortly after that. I was told if it happened again I would be arrested for assault & child abuse. I told the workers they were welcome to raise my child otherwise kindly gtfo my property

You say that with such pride.
How many kids have your raised? Or are you like Barney Fife, with his imaginary child. Seems like Andy did a great job raising his kid, without Barney's ignorance getting in his way.

Andy Griffith?

I love nutters! They never disappoint.
I'll ask again Barney, how many kids have you raised?
You cannot ask about other posters' families. That is against the rules!!
Look at how many nutters have the tough parents story line down pat. It seems like every one of these freaks is boasting about having parents who would beat the shit out of them. We know they are lying....but it is still fucking weird.
I once slapped my 16yr old daughter for calling her mother a bitch. An hour later school officials called the police and I had a visit shortly after that. I was told if it happened again I would be arrested for assault & child abuse. I told the workers they were welcome to raise my child otherwise kindly gtfo my property

You say that with such pride.
How many kids have your raised? Or are you like Barney Fife, with his imaginary child. Seems like Andy did a great job raising his kid, without Barney's ignorance getting in his way.

Andy Griffith?

I love nutters! They never disappoint.
I'll ask again Barney, how many kids have you raised?
You cannot ask about other posters' families. That is against the rules!!

I'm not concerned. I put the dummy in his place.
Look at how many nutters have the tough parents story line down pat. It seems like every one of these freaks is boasting about having parents who would beat the shit out of them. We know they are lying....but it is still fucking weird.

Kinda part of the "when I was a kid, I had to walk 20 miles to and from school, backwards, in the snow, without boots or shoes! I'm tough, damnit!"

Yeah, yeah...

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