Where Are Their Balls?

I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.

What's up with that? One one side you have Sanders pretty much dirt free and you have him going up against a real estate swindler and losing? What honest voter is buying into that crap?

People lost their savings their that swindler. Bernie maybe only worth 330k but he came by it honest. So what gives? You reward the swindler and punish the honest person? That IS what the American voter sees.

And what is with this PRE pledged delegate crap? Before even one single issue was EVER on the table you were backing the real estate swindler. In a system, ANY system sold to the public as just and fair that really blows the mark you know?

How do you argue party ethics AFTER that? Feel free to explain how those ethics denote anything positive for you or about your party. PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler. That's what supports your platform?

So please feel free to explain to the members here how PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler show you are the party above corruption and truly are the beacon of freedom of liberty and truth and justice in the American way.

To you Sanders supporters I ask where ARE your balls? Why do you NOT defend him? Why does it appear that he is standing alone? Are you afraid of the DNC? Are you afraid to say what you think?

Why are you Sanders supporters letting "Team Swindle" run over you? Are you Sanders supporters in name ONLY but not heart? I like him, don't agree with his politics but like him. Why is it I a rabid conservative find myself starting more PRO Sanders threads then Sanders supporters?

I do it because I think he is at least honest but from you folks, the ones who SHOULD matter? Close to squat, too close. Some of you so called Sanders supporters are about as much help as a limp dick in a whore house. Why are you letting that real estate swindler Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton beat on you that way?


Defend Sanders? From whom?

Apparently we're supposed to go out to each state and nullify votes for Clinton. And if we don't, it means we don't have "balls".


Never ceases to amaze me how those from the shallow end of the gene puddle can't get over their Composition Fallacies. They think we're all some sort of Borg. Weird.
Democrat voters arent the Borg but cultural marxists are.

Well they do have something in common, in that both The Borg and "cultural marxists" [sic] are fictions.
I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.

What's up with that? One one side you have Sanders pretty much dirt free and you have him going up against a real estate swindler and losing? What honest voter is buying into that crap?

People lost their savings their that swindler. Bernie maybe only worth 330k but he came by it honest. So what gives? You reward the swindler and punish the honest person? That IS what the American voter sees.

And what is with this PRE pledged delegate crap? Before even one single issue was EVER on the table you were backing the real estate swindler. In a system, ANY system sold to the public as just and fair that really blows the mark you know?

How do you argue party ethics AFTER that? Feel free to explain how those ethics denote anything positive for you or about your party. PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler. That's what supports your platform?

So please feel free to explain to the members here how PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler show you are the party above corruption and truly are the beacon of freedom of liberty and truth and justice in the American way.

To you Sanders supporters I ask where ARE your balls? Why do you NOT defend him? Why does it appear that he is standing alone? Are you afraid of the DNC? Are you afraid to say what you think?

Why are you Sanders supporters letting "Team Swindle" run over you? Are you Sanders supporters in name ONLY but not heart? I like him, don't agree with his politics but like him. Why is it I a rabid conservative find myself starting more PRO Sanders threads then Sanders supporters?

I do it because I think he is at least honest but from you folks, the ones who SHOULD matter? Close to squat, too close. Some of you so called Sanders supporters are about as much help as a limp dick in a whore house. Why are you letting that real estate swindler Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton beat on you that way?


Defend Sanders? From whom?

Apparently we're supposed to go out to each state and nullify votes for Clinton. And if we don't, it means we don't have "balls".


Never ceases to amaze me how those from the shallow end of the gene puddle can't get over their Composition Fallacies. They think we're all some sort of Borg. Weird.
Democrat voters arent the Borg but cultural marxists are.

Well they do have something in common, in that both The Borg and "cultural marxists" [sic] are fictions.
Ever been to a university?
should have asked, ever been to a university without having to clean their toilets for a living.
214 doesn't only deflect in threads about Trump....his entire frame of mind causes him to deflect away from the train wreck that his heroes are giving us. He wants very badly to talk about the Democratic nomination process.
Fine then YOU explain to all the other members on this board how and why a real estate swindler could be and is ahead of an honest man.

Dummy, I am a Bernie supporter. However, I'll be satisfied with Hillary. She is ahead because she's a qualified candidate with a very strong organization and high name recognition.

Bernie has done what he set out to do. He's going to support her with all of his effort should she become the nominee.

Why are you trying to label Hillary as a real estate swindler? Are you trying to saddle her with Trumps baggage? Really weird.

You are so bad at this punditry shit. You should stop.
I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.
Bernie can't win, and HC has bigger balls...

......and I'll take the liberty to add...........chains!........:laugh:
I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.

What's up with that? One one side you have Sanders pretty much dirt free and you have him going up against a real estate swindler and losing? What honest voter is buying into that crap?

People lost their savings their that swindler. Bernie maybe only worth 330k but he came by it honest. So what gives? You reward the swindler and punish the honest person? That IS what the American voter sees.

And what is with this PRE pledged delegate crap? Before even one single issue was EVER on the table you were backing the real estate swindler. In a system, ANY system sold to the public as just and fair that really blows the mark you know?

How do you argue party ethics AFTER that? Feel free to explain how those ethics denote anything positive for you or about your party. PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler. That's what supports your platform?

So please feel free to explain to the members here how PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler show you are the party above corruption and truly are the beacon of freedom of liberty and truth and justice in the American way.

To you Sanders supporters I ask where ARE your balls? Why do you NOT defend him? Why does it appear that he is standing alone? Are you afraid of the DNC? Are you afraid to say what you think?

Why are you Sanders supporters letting "Team Swindle" run over you? Are you Sanders supporters in name ONLY but not heart? I like him, don't agree with his politics but like him. Why is it I a rabid conservative find myself starting more PRO Sanders threads then Sanders supporters?

I do it because I think he is at least honest but from you folks, the ones who SHOULD matter? Close to squat, too close. Some of you so called Sanders supporters are about as much help as a limp dick in a whore house. Why are you letting that real estate swindler Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton beat on you that way?


Defend Sanders? From whom?

Apparently we're supposed to go out to each state and nullify votes for Clinton. And if we don't, it means we don't have "balls".


Never ceases to amaze me how those from the shallow end of the gene puddle can't get over their Composition Fallacies. They think we're all some sort of Borg. Weird.
Democrat voters arent the Borg but cultural marxists are.

Well they do have something in common, in that both The Borg and "cultural marxists" [sic] are fictions.
I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.

What's up with that? One one side you have Sanders pretty much dirt free and you have him going up against a real estate swindler and losing? What honest voter is buying into that crap?

People lost their savings their that swindler. Bernie maybe only worth 330k but he came by it honest. So what gives? You reward the swindler and punish the honest person? That IS what the American voter sees.

And what is with this PRE pledged delegate crap? Before even one single issue was EVER on the table you were backing the real estate swindler. In a system, ANY system sold to the public as just and fair that really blows the mark you know?

How do you argue party ethics AFTER that? Feel free to explain how those ethics denote anything positive for you or about your party. PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler. That's what supports your platform?

So please feel free to explain to the members here how PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler show you are the party above corruption and truly are the beacon of freedom of liberty and truth and justice in the American way.

To you Sanders supporters I ask where ARE your balls? Why do you NOT defend him? Why does it appear that he is standing alone? Are you afraid of the DNC? Are you afraid to say what you think?

Why are you Sanders supporters letting "Team Swindle" run over you? Are you Sanders supporters in name ONLY but not heart? I like him, don't agree with his politics but like him. Why is it I a rabid conservative find myself starting more PRO Sanders threads then Sanders supporters?

I do it because I think he is at least honest but from you folks, the ones who SHOULD matter? Close to squat, too close. Some of you so called Sanders supporters are about as much help as a limp dick in a whore house. Why are you letting that real estate swindler Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton beat on you that way?


Defend Sanders? From whom?

Apparently we're supposed to go out to each state and nullify votes for Clinton. And if we don't, it means we don't have "balls".


Never ceases to amaze me how those from the shallow end of the gene puddle can't get over their Composition Fallacies. They think we're all some sort of Borg. Weird.
Democrat voters arent the Borg but cultural marxists are.

Well they do have something in common, in that both The Borg and "cultural marxists" [sic] are fictions.
Ever been to a university?

At least a dozen. Interesting question, I just started to see if I could count them all. Gotta remember that one as a get-to-sleep aid.

I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.
Bernie can't win, and HC has bigger balls...

......and I'll take the liberty to add...........chains!........:laugh:
Welcome to politics...
I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.
Bernie can't win, and HC has bigger balls...

......and I'll take the liberty to add...........chains!........:laugh:
Welcome to politics...

Welcome to FBI investigations.......
I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.
Bernie can't win, and HC has bigger balls...

......and I'll take the liberty to add...........chains!........:laugh:
Welcome to politics...

Welcome to FBI investigations.......
No one who matters, cares...
214 doesn't only deflect in threads about Trump....his entire frame of mind causes him to deflect away from the train wreck that his heroes are giving us. He wants very badly to talk about the Democratic nomination process.
Fine then YOU explain to all the other members on this board how and why a real estate swindler could be and is ahead of an honest man.

Dummy, I am a Bernie supporter. However, I'll be satisfied with Hillary. She is ahead because she's a qualified candidate with a very strong organization and high name recognition.

Bernie has done what he set out to do. He's going to support her with all of his effort should she become the nominee.

Why are you trying to label Hillary as a real estate swindler? Are you trying to saddle her with Trumps baggage? Really weird.

You are so bad at this punditry shit. You should stop.
Why are you and others AFRAID to write PRO Bernie threads? Why do you sit back and do NOTHING as "team swindle" rolls over an honest man? Why are YOU willing to settle for what YOU
admit is second best?

Have you no faith in him? Is your heart not in it? Are you afraid? Just what does Bernie have to do to fire you guys up?
So I've got a dilemma..........

My state's primary actually comes up sooner than it has in the past (early voting starts today). As an unaffiliated voter I can choose which party's primary to vote in. Last time 'round that was easy, since O'bama was already an incumbent I voted in the Republican primary but by then it was too late to make a difference. This time it's earlier.

Which means...
I can either vote in the Democratic primary to support Bernie Sanders; or...
I can vote in the Republican primary to dump Rump.

Unfortunately ---- I can't do both.

Think I'll make a poll out of this....
Last edited:
The bernieites will vote HRC if they have to, because they are opposed to the cultural McCarthyism of Trump and his followers.
214 doesn't only deflect in threads about Trump....his entire frame of mind causes him to deflect away from the train wreck that his heroes are giving us. He wants very badly to talk about the Democratic nomination process.
Fine then YOU explain to all the other members on this board how and why a real estate swindler could be and is ahead of an honest man.

Dummy, I am a Bernie supporter. However, I'll be satisfied with Hillary. She is ahead because she's a qualified candidate with a very strong organization and high name recognition.

Bernie has done what he set out to do. He's going to support her with all of his effort should she become the nominee.

Why are you trying to label Hillary as a real estate swindler? Are you trying to saddle her with Trumps baggage? Really weird.

You are so bad at this punditry shit. You should stop.
Why are you and others AFRAID to write PRO Bernie threads? Why do you sit back and do NOTHING as "team swindle" rolls over an honest man? Why are YOU willing to settle for what YOU
admit is second best?

Have you no faith in him? Is your heart not in it? Are you afraid? Just what does Bernie have to do to fire you guys up?

Who the fuck suggested anybody was "afraid" other than the voices in your head, Pinkie?
So I've got a dilemma..........

My state's primary actually comes up sooner than it has in the past (early voting starts today). As an unaffiliated voter I can choose which party's primary to vote in. Last time 'round that was easy, since O'bama was already an incumbent I voted in the Republican primary but by then it was too late to make a difference. This time it's earlier.

Which means...
I can either vote in the Democratic primary to support Bernie Sanders; or...
I can vote in the Republican primary to dump Rump.

Unfortunately ---- I can't do both.

Think I'll make a poll out of this....

Either way dumbf^ck, your vote doesn't count........so :gives:......;.
214 doesn't only deflect in threads about Trump....his entire frame of mind causes him to deflect away from the train wreck that his heroes are giving us. He wants very badly to talk about the Democratic nomination process.
Fine then YOU explain to all the other members on this board how and why a real estate swindler could be and is ahead of an honest man.

Dummy, I am a Bernie supporter. However, I'll be satisfied with Hillary. She is ahead because she's a qualified candidate with a very strong organization and high name recognition.

Bernie has done what he set out to do. He's going to support her with all of his effort should she become the nominee.

Why are you trying to label Hillary as a real estate swindler? Are you trying to saddle her with Trumps baggage? Really weird.

You are so bad at this punditry shit. You should stop.
Why are you and others AFRAID to write PRO Bernie threads? Why do you sit back and do NOTHING as "team swindle" rolls over an honest man? Why are YOU willing to settle for what YOU
admit is second best?

Have you no faith in him? Is your heart not in it? Are you afraid? Just what does Bernie have to do to fire you guys up?

Who the fuck suggested anybody was "afraid" other than the voices in your head, Pinkie?
Same question idiot. WHO is more HONEST Clinton or Sanders?
I'm talking to you democrats here. There seems to be a real sack shortage in your group and I want to know why? Here you got a decent man, an honest man getting his ass handed to him by a real estate swindler. That's right, Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton.

What's up with that? One one side you have Sanders pretty much dirt free and you have him going up against a real estate swindler and losing? What honest voter is buying into that crap?

People lost their savings their that swindler. Bernie maybe only worth 330k but he came by it honest. So what gives? You reward the swindler and punish the honest person? That IS what the American voter sees.

And what is with this PRE pledged delegate crap? Before even one single issue was EVER on the table you were backing the real estate swindler. In a system, ANY system sold to the public as just and fair that really blows the mark you know?

How do you argue party ethics AFTER that? Feel free to explain how those ethics denote anything positive for you or about your party. PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler. That's what supports your platform?

So please feel free to explain to the members here how PRE pledged delegates going to a real estate swindler show you are the party above corruption and truly are the beacon of freedom of liberty and truth and justice in the American way.

To you Sanders supporters I ask where ARE your balls? Why do you NOT defend him? Why does it appear that he is standing alone? Are you afraid of the DNC? Are you afraid to say what you think?

Why are you Sanders supporters letting "Team Swindle" run over you? Are you Sanders supporters in name ONLY but not heart? I like him, don't agree with his politics but like him. Why is it I a rabid conservative find myself starting more PRO Sanders threads then Sanders supporters?

I do it because I think he is at least honest but from you folks, the ones who SHOULD matter? Close to squat, too close. Some of you so called Sanders supporters are about as much help as a limp dick in a whore house. Why are you letting that real estate swindler Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton beat on you that way?

You sound frightened.

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