Where are those kids taken away from their parents going ?

I'm sure their parents do. Where are they taking them?

None of your beeswax.

is Trump selling them to the highest bidder. Or is the Trump admin passing them around.

Yes it is my business.

OMG, ^^^^^^ This is absolutely the funniest take on reality I've ever seen.

So, the parent drags the little darlings across the wilderness for hundreds, if not thousands of miles, on tops of trains, in backs of trucks, with no documents, no food or water in many cases for weeks at a time, across many hundreds of miles that are controlled by drug cartels that would sell those kiddies to the highest bidder, AND THIS IS YOUR OUTRAGE?

Please, tell us all you are not that stupid.

She sure is.

My milk of human kindness dried up years ago and I see no reason for we American Taxpayers to foot the bill for a bunch of illegals that Obama let in.

P seems to think its our responsibility to take care of every asshole that comes across the border and be happy to do so.

Her outrage is laughable.

Well now the other post said Obama deported many parents. You guys just can't make up your mind.

You milk of human kindness, I have news for you, as we age we get , well usually , more compassionate and more forgiving and realize the answer to life is not the almighty dollar, then again some of the people as they age get dried out like a prune, hardness of heart, and greed controls them. They live in their own little world afraid of everyone and everything that is alien to them.

You may but I sure don't.

These people have no business in America. They all need to go back to wherever they came from.

Maybe you want to spend you're hard earned money on em but I sure don't.

Obama opened this door and the left so someone else would have to deal with his mess.

For my money they can all get the boot. Every. Single. One.
None of your beeswax.

is Trump selling them to the highest bidder. Or is the Trump admin passing them around.

Yes it is my business.

OMG, ^^^^^^ This is absolutely the funniest take on reality I've ever seen.

So, the parent drags the little darlings across the wilderness for hundreds, if not thousands of miles, on tops of trains, in backs of trucks, with no documents, no food or water in many cases for weeks at a time, across many hundreds of miles that are controlled by drug cartels that would sell those kiddies to the highest bidder, AND THIS IS YOUR OUTRAGE?

Please, tell us all you are not that stupid.

She sure is.

My milk of human kindness dried up years ago and I see no reason for we American Taxpayers to foot the bill for a bunch of illegals that Obama let in.

P seems to think its our responsibility to take care of every asshole that comes across the border and be happy to do so.

Her outrage is laughable.

Well now the other post said Obama deported many parents. You guys just can't make up your mind.

You milk of human kindness, I have news for you, as we age we get , well usually , more compassionate and more forgiving and realize the answer to life is not the almighty dollar, then again some of the people as they age get dried out like a prune, hardness of heart, and greed controls them. They live in their own little world afraid of everyone and everything that is alien to them.

You may but I sure don't.

These people have no business in America. They all need to go back to wherever they came from.

Maybe you want to spend you're hard earned money on em but I sure don't.

Obama opened this door and the left so someone else would have to deal with his mess.

For my money they can all get the boot. Every. Single. One.

Deportation Separated Thousands Of U.S.-Born Children From Parents In 2013 | HuffPost

another poster on this thread gave me a link of Obama and immigration, the difference is he didn't take kids away from parents at the boarder, but he sounded pretty tough on immigration.
The children should be reunited with their families in the loving embrace of their homelands.
is Trump selling them to the highest bidder. Or is the Trump admin passing them around.

Yes it is my business.

OMG, ^^^^^^ This is absolutely the funniest take on reality I've ever seen.

So, the parent drags the little darlings across the wilderness for hundreds, if not thousands of miles, on tops of trains, in backs of trucks, with no documents, no food or water in many cases for weeks at a time, across many hundreds of miles that are controlled by drug cartels that would sell those kiddies to the highest bidder, AND THIS IS YOUR OUTRAGE?

Please, tell us all you are not that stupid.

She sure is.

My milk of human kindness dried up years ago and I see no reason for we American Taxpayers to foot the bill for a bunch of illegals that Obama let in.

P seems to think its our responsibility to take care of every asshole that comes across the border and be happy to do so.

Her outrage is laughable.

Well now the other post said Obama deported many parents. You guys just can't make up your mind.

You milk of human kindness, I have news for you, as we age we get , well usually , more compassionate and more forgiving and realize the answer to life is not the almighty dollar, then again some of the people as they age get dried out like a prune, hardness of heart, and greed controls them. They live in their own little world afraid of everyone and everything that is alien to them.

You may but I sure don't.

These people have no business in America. They all need to go back to wherever they came from.

Maybe you want to spend you're hard earned money on em but I sure don't.

Obama opened this door and the left so someone else would have to deal with his mess.

For my money they can all get the boot. Every. Single. One.

Deportation Separated Thousands Of U.S.-Born Children From Parents In 2013 | HuffPost

another poster on this thread gave me a link of Obama and immigration, the difference is he didn't take kids away from parents at the boarder, but he sounded pretty tough on immigration.
Any parent who endangers the lives of their children has no right to object. Entering a country illegally, especially somewhere as dangerous as the US/Mexican border is just that.
If we built a wall that they couldn't penetrate we wouldn't have to worry about where we put them because they wouldn't be here to put them anywhere.

Where do we put the children of Bank Robbers.
Where do we put the children of Tax Cheats.
Where do we put the children of illegal aliens.
It's not our fault their parents are all criminals.
If we built a wall that they couldn't penetrate we wouldn't have to worry about where we put them because they wouldn't be here to put them anywhere.

Where do we put the children of Bank Robbers.
Where do we put the children of Tax Cheats.
Where do we put the children of illegal aliens.
It's not our fault their parents are all criminals.

We don't need a wall, and Mexico is not paying for it, you got screwed over big time by Trump and his lies.
The children should be reunited with their families in the loving embrace of their homelands.

Are you native American, if not, they have the same right as you to be here, what about those Russian anchor babies. how we pretend they don't exist.
The children should be reunited with their families in the loving embrace of their homelands.

Are you native American, if not, they have the same right as you to be here, what about those Russian anchor babies. how we pretend they don't exist.
Then keep them out of the loving arms of their parents, who don't have a right to be there. Your choice.

Myself, I prefer to keep families together.
The children should be reunited with their families in the loving embrace of their homelands.

Are you native American, if not, they have the same right as you to be here, what about those Russian anchor babies. how we pretend they don't exist.

Suuuurrrrrreeeeee looney

Where are your kin from, everyone is from somewhere other than the US, blacks probably have a longer lineage in the US than you, I know they have been here longer than me, and most of the whites.
Why do you care? Their own parents dont.

Is this the lie you tell yourself do you can sleep at night?

The UN has condemned the separation of families in this manner a violation of the children’s human rights.

I truly hope reports that these children, some as young as 2, are being kept in cages at border crossings, without so much as a mattress to lay on, turn out to be false.

This is dispicable and Jeff Session is lying when he says the parents are crossing illegally. These are asylum seekers and they have complied with the law.

Anyone who doesn’t condemn this inhumanity, isn’t fit for civilization.
Would you prefer we sent the kids to prison with their parents?

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