Where are those kids taken away from their parents going ?

Why do you care? Their own parents dont.

I'm sure their parents do. Where are they taking them?

None of your beeswax.

is Trump selling them to the highest bidder. Or is the Trump admin passing them around.

Yes it is my business.

OMG, ^^^^^^ This is absolutely the funniest take on reality I've ever seen.

So, the parent drags the little darlings across the wilderness for hundreds, if not thousands of miles, on tops of trains, in backs of trucks, with no documents, no food or water in many cases for weeks at a time, across many hundreds of miles that are controlled by drug cartels that would sell those kiddies to the highest bidder, AND THIS IS YOUR OUTRAGE?

Please, tell us all you are not that stupid.

She sure is.

My milk of human kindness dried up years ago and I see no reason for we American Taxpayers to foot the bill for a bunch of illegals that Obama let in.

P seems to think its our responsibility to take care of every asshole that comes across the border and be happy to do so.

Her outrage is laughable.
Why do you care? Their own parents dont.

Is this the lie you tell yourself do you can sleep at night?

The UN has condemned the separation of families in this manner a violation of the children’s human rights.

I truly hope reports that these children, some as young as 2, are being kept in cages at border crossings, without so much as a mattress to lay on, turn out to be false.

This is dispicable and Jeff Session is lying when he says the parents are crossing illegally. These are asylum seekers and they have complied with the law.

Anyone who doesn’t condemn this inhumanity, isn’t fit for civilization.
Why do you care? Their own parents dont.

Is this the lie you tell yourself do you can sleep at night?

The UN has condemned the separation of families in this manner a violation of the children’s human rights.

I truly hope reports that these children, some as young as 2, are being kept in cages at border crossings, without so much as a mattress to lay on, turn out to be false.

This is dispicable and Jeff Session is lying when he says the parents are crossing illegally. These are asylum seekers and they have complied with the law.

Anyone who doesn’t condemn this inhumanity, isn’t fit for civilization.

If I say I'm an asylum seeker, can I get free room and board as well?
Every one of them should be booted out of America. Let Mexico deal with em.
When governments didn't have the capability or the resources to build border walls you can understand why crucifixion was so effective.
What you , the Trump admin. is just going to give them away to foster care?

Call it what it is, Child human trafficking. That is our government now.

Alright, send them back with their parents to the Country they came from...


Let me guess you prefer they live in the shadow so that Cartels, gangs and Employers can abuse them instead?
None of your beeswax.

is Trump selling them to the highest bidder. Or is the Trump admin passing them around.

Yes it is my business.
They are sold to planned parenthood to be parted out.

Many of these children weren't taken from parents but taken from traffickers. These aren't infants but young men and women in their teens.

No they are children under the age of 12. Half of them are under the tender age of children.

the Trump admin is now kidnappers.
You wake up in the morning and realize that Trump is still president. What to do? Scream helplessly at the sky and make up some new bizarre story to get you through the day.

Chop them up and feed them to the zoo animals. Send them back. Put them on an ocean garbage patch. Get them the fuck out of this country. And let the TDS people suffer another day.

You are one SOB. See I can say that because the Donald did to the kneelers right over national TV. Oh excuse me , you are a female, so you are a bitch of a bitch.

He uses them as foot rests...

Does that make you happier Pen?
Why do you care? Their own parents dont.
Yea, they had the chance to be murdered in their country of origin and their parents brought them here, the dummies, thinking their children would be safe. But we are talking Republicans. We all know Republicans only protect the fetus and NOT the born. Especially if they came from a sh!thole as the president calls them.

The complete list of how GOP policies help American children:

Republicans helping children. Sounds like a punch line to a bad joke.

So you want them to come here to live in the shadow ans be abused by the Cartel, Gangs and Employers that pay them little...

Let me guess you have no clue what goes on in Hispanic\Latino communities and believe the areas they live in are safe as can be.

What those like you do not realize is a good majority of the illegals here live under fear daily by Cartels and Gangs and if the illegal does not pay for the transportation and protection, well let just say their lives are usually voided!

So let cut the nonsense and let admit you clearly have no clue about the daily life of the illegal immigrant!
Why do you care? Their own parents dont.

Is this the lie you tell yourself do you can sleep at night?

The UN has condemned the separation of families in this manner a violation of the children’s human rights.

I truly hope reports that these children, some as young as 2, are being kept in cages at border crossings, without so much as a mattress to lay on, turn out to be false.

This is dispicable and Jeff Session is lying when he says the parents are crossing illegally. These are asylum seekers and they have complied with the law.

Anyone who doesn’t condemn this inhumanity, isn’t fit for civilization.

They need to keep you people in cages, for your own good.
What you , the Trump admin. is just going to give them away to foster care?

Call it what it is, Child human trafficking. That is our government now.

WTF are you talking about? For a putative health care worker--------you don't know much
What you , the Trump admin. is just going to give them away to foster care?

Call it what it is, Child human trafficking. That is our government now.

WTF are you talking about? For a putative health care worker--------you don't know much
We speak English here, don't be using Latin words like putative.

I spoke to you in your own language----the language of assholes
Voice is a little deep, bad breathe also.
Why do you care? Their own parents dont.

I'm sure their parents do. Where are they taking them?

None of your beeswax.

is Trump selling them to the highest bidder. Or is the Trump admin passing them around.

Yes it is my business.

OMG, ^^^^^^ This is absolutely the funniest take on reality I've ever seen.

So, the parent drags the little darlings across the wilderness for hundreds, if not thousands of miles, on tops of trains, in backs of trucks, with no documents, no food or water in many cases for weeks at a time, across many hundreds of miles that are controlled by drug cartels that would sell those kiddies to the highest bidder, AND THIS IS YOUR OUTRAGE?

Please, tell us all you are not that stupid.

Trump and his admin. Not the parents.
Why do you care? Their own parents dont.

I'm sure their parents do. Where are they taking them?

None of your beeswax.

is Trump selling them to the highest bidder. Or is the Trump admin passing them around.

Yes it is my business.

OMG, ^^^^^^ This is absolutely the funniest take on reality I've ever seen.

So, the parent drags the little darlings across the wilderness for hundreds, if not thousands of miles, on tops of trains, in backs of trucks, with no documents, no food or water in many cases for weeks at a time, across many hundreds of miles that are controlled by drug cartels that would sell those kiddies to the highest bidder, AND THIS IS YOUR OUTRAGE?

Please, tell us all you are not that stupid.

She sure is.

My milk of human kindness dried up years ago and I see no reason for we American Taxpayers to foot the bill for a bunch of illegals that Obama let in.

P seems to think its our responsibility to take care of every asshole that comes across the border and be happy to do so.

Her outrage is laughable.

Well now the other post said Obama deported many parents. You guys just can't make up your mind.

You milk of human kindness, I have news for you, as we age we get , well usually , more compassionate and more forgiving and realize the answer to life is not the almighty dollar, then again some of the people as they age get dried out like a prune, hardness of heart, and greed controls them. They live in their own little world afraid of everyone and everything that is alien to them.

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