Where Did Dogs Come From


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

All sorts of research and guesses. But an interesting article @ The Origins of Dogs | DiscoverMagazine.com
And.............if you have a dog, you have proof that evolution happens.

Not really, but keep telling yourself that.

"The idea of the dog as a tame wolf has a huge romantic attraction for us. We imagine the great grey wolf of the northern regions of the Earth, a powerful wild animal weighing 160–220 pounds, who spends his days hunting deer, moose or elk. We dream of our own ancestors finding (or stealing) a wolf puppy and raising him with lots of TLC. We imagine this pup growing up to be man’s friend and companion, and bearing tame pups for us. After thousands generations of this, we supposedly produced the dog as we now know him. We see a direct line of descent going from our own dog straight to the mighty grey wolf we see on Discovery Channel. Wow, a wolf in our living room, what a powerful feeling!

"We now know that this isn’t how it happened. Our ancestors didn’t tame the dog at all. The dog most likely tamed himself. Besides, the dog’s ancestor isn’t the mighty grey wolf of Discovery Channel. That wolf didn’t exist yet when the dog began to split off into a new species — the grey wolf as he is today had yet to evolve, just as the domestic dog did. What you need to imagine is a much smaller animal, who had already split off from the wolf family line, some 200,000–500,000 years ago. This ancestor wasn’t a specialised hunter like the wolf is, but rather what biologists call a ‘generalist’ — an animal that is not limited to one special food source or environment, but that can adapt to various situations. This smaller ancestor probably looked somewhat like the dingo and other primitive dogs who still live in the wild today. It may not have been a pack animal. In fact, pack living is rare among
canids. So, like most of the generalist canids we see today, the dog’s ancestor probably lived in pairs and temporary family groups, able to deal both with being together and with being alone."

Myths About the Dog's Origin and Nature

You remain a half wit, gaybiker.
"Fact: The dog and the wolf are related to each other in the same way you are related to your sixth
cousin, and in the same way we are all related to some other types of primates (monkeys and apes).
We share an ancestor, that’s all. But the dog most definitely didn’t descend from the grey wolf, any
more than you descended from your cousin."

and thus, gaybiker's retarded statement that the fact that you own a dog is proof that we descended from monkeys is, as always, wrong.
"Fact: The dog and the wolf are related to each other in the same way you are related to your sixth
cousin, and in the same way we are all related to some other types of primates (monkeys and apes).
We share an ancestor, that’s all. But the dog most definitely didn’t descend from the grey wolf, any
more than you descended from your cousin."

and thus, gaybiker's retarded statement that the fact that you own a dog is proof that we descended from monkeys is, as always, wrong.

Never said anything about monkeys. As usual, the Kaiser Twit is putting words on people they didn't actually say.

What's the matter Kaiser Twit, take an extra helping of bitch pudding this morning?
There is NO actual mammal proof that one species of mammal developed into one or more distinctly different species.
"Fact: The dog and the wolf are related to each other in the same way you are related to your sixth
cousin, and in the same way we are all related to some other types of primates (monkeys and apes).
We share an ancestor, that’s all. But the dog most definitely didn’t descend from the grey wolf, any
more than you descended from your cousin."

and thus, gaybiker's retarded statement that the fact that you own a dog is proof that we descended from monkeys is, as always, wrong.

Never said anything about monkeys. As usual, the Kaiser Twit is putting words on people they didn't actually say.

What's the matter Kaiser Twit, take an extra helping of bitch pudding this morning?

"And.............if you have a dog, you have proof that evolution happens." ----GayBiker
I read a series of books some years ago that included the migration from Asia to the Americas. One of them included humans and dogs first finding themselves allies. Bigger, stronger humans were able to hunt down animals found by dog's great senses.
I read a series of books some years ago that included the migration from Asia to the Americas. One of them included humans and dogs first finding themselves allies. Bigger, stronger humans were able to hunt down animals found by dog's great senses.
We're all bigger and stronger than gaybiker.

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