Where did we come from?

Please answer the following questions so that we can see where we are all coming from:

I believe that the earth and universe:
a) Has always existed
b) Was created
c) Came into existence from nothing
d) Other (Please explain)

Where did life come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a rock
d) Other

Where did Human kind come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a tarsier through evolution
d) Came from a rock
e) other

Thanks in advance

You forgot the lake of goo that the rock was in.

Oh yes.... Thanks for reminding me

You mean.



Thank you for posting eots.

I forgot to post my answers. I believe:

I believe that the earth and universe:
b) Was created by God~6000 years ago

Where did life come from:
b) Was created by God~6000 years ago

Where did Human kind come from:
b) We were ceated by God ~6000 years ago

I believe you are a COMPLETELY brainwashed unit that has no ability for self education.
Please explain to us just how COMMON decent from a single celled A SEXUAL life form....evolved into TWO DIFFERENT SEXES and began reproducing through PRO CREATION?
That's easy.

Initial sexual organisms were hermaphrodites with both male and female organs, much like we see in modern worms. It wasn't until much later that the sexes split into separate organisms.

Where did the hermaphrodites come from? Why, they evolved from single-cellular conjugation, of course! Rather than tire you with jargon, I'll just show you this picture of E. coli.


While the E. Coli lack sexual differentiation as we know it, they directly share DNA through conjugation to generate genetically differentiated offspring.

Looks a lot like sex, doesn't it? Hmm...
I believe that the earth and universe:

The Earth came from a big ball of dust and gas leftover from the Sun's formation some 4.5 billion years ago, which itself was formed from a big ball of molecular oxygen floating in space. The Universe came about 13 billion years ago from a tiny dot that made a really big "bang."

Where did life come from:

Well, we know WHEN it came, but we don't know HOW it came. It was either through electrical catalyzing of monomers (i.e. amino acids) and phospholipids randomly becoming membranes OR... maybe it came from space. OR hell, maybe God made it so. I'll take any explanation at this point.

Where did Human kind come from:

From one of the above. After 3 billion years of evolution of the monomers/membranes-cum-cells, or from the aliens-cum-cells or from the God-cum-cells. Beats me.
Based on your questions none of us need your answers to know where YOU'RE coming from, do we?
I don't know about the rest of youz, but I came from my mother. Anything that happened before that is irrelevant to me.
Please answer the following questions so that we can see where we are all coming from:

I believe that the earth and universe:
a) Has always existed
b) Was created
c) Came into existence from nothing
d) Other (Please explain)
D. 'Created' is misleading

Where did life come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a rock
d) Other
Best available model thus far:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6QYDdgP9eg]YouTube - The Origin of Life - Abiogenesis[/ame]

Where did Human kind come from:
a) Always existed
b) Was created
c) Came from a tarsier through evolution
d) Came from a rock
e) other

Thanks in advance[/quote]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCayG4IIOEQ]YouTube - 8 -- Human Evolution Made Easy[/ame]
Please explain to us just how COMMON decent from a single celled A SEXUAL life form....evolved into TWO DIFFERENT SEXES

Let's Google that

Yet, interestingly, we are NEVER INSTRUCTED or LEARN exactly how INDEPENDENT MALE AND FEMALE species evolved.

What's a male species? What's a female species?

Your entire post is an argument from your own ignorance :lol:

JUST curious.....:eusa_eh: Or why exactly are there no fossil remains of these supposed rungs of evolution?


Let's Google that, too

Why does the actual fossil record demonstrate an EXPLOSION of macro biological life....

hmm... let's see what Google gives us....

Yes...very dangerous to Darwinism..

There's no such thing as 'Darwinism'
If it won't for the brothers Chudnovsky, devoutly religious mathematicians, you wouldn't know squat about primordial soup.
It has already been proven that that is not scientifically possible, but okay you can believe that if you want.


Got a link?

Allow me to let you in on a scientific secret: young earth creationism has been shown to be impossible. You're welcome to believe in it anyway if you have no problem with wallowing in ridiculous mythological delusions.

And by came into existance from nothing, do you mean absolutely nothing, zero, nada, etc. like the text books say?
Yeah. That isn't what the textbooks say.

As in:
4.2 billion years ago NOTHING exploded, it rained and rained on the rocks, the rocks turned to soup, and soup turned into living organisms and now here we are!!! ?
You can attempt to make it sound silly as much as you want. You'll still never be able to make it seem as stupid as Genesis. :lol:

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