Where do jobs come from?


Left Coast Isolationist
Oct 28, 2004
the govt. does not create jobs

the govt. creates conditions which in turn causes companies to expand, stabalize, contract, or leave.

which party supports the employer and which party supports the employed

and the question on the moment is: which is required at the moment?
manu1959 said:
the govt. does not create jobs

the govt. creates conditions which in turn causes companies to expand, stabalize, contract, or leave.

which party supports the employer and which party supports the employed

and the question on the moment is: which is required at the moment?
The best things that the government can do is to lower taxes, and get rid of unnecessary regulations on economic activity.

The Founding Fathers had a vision of a limited government. However, since the time of FDR, we've been hoodwinked into believing that we need the government for everything. Actually, the politicians need us. The way they get a job is to scare us into believing that we need another government program or that "they have a plan". Government programs are often times ineffective and their real purpose is to buy votes from us to the benefit of politicians (and we wind up paying the bill).

True, government is necessary for some things e.g. running the military, building roads and looking after the public health. We probably could cut out nearly half of government programs and not even feel it (except in a good way).
KarlMarx said:
The best things that the government can do is to lower taxes, and get rid of unnecessary regulations on economic activity.

The Founding Fathers had a vision of a limited government. However, since the time of FDR, we've been hoodwinked into believing that we need the government for everything. Actually, the politicians need us. The way they get a job is to scare us into believing that we need another government program or that "they have a plan". Government programs are often times ineffective and their real purpose is to buy votes from us to the benefit of politicians (and we wind up paying the bill).

True, government is necessary for some things e.g. running the military, building roads and looking after the public health. We probably could cut out nearly half of government programs and not even feel it (except in a good way).
America’s economy is a reflection of two famous economists (well as famous as economists can be) and their principles:

Adam Smith - limited Government involvement (around the time of The Declaration Of Independence)

John Maynard Keynes - more govt involvement (hit the scene around 1930's and FDR's New Deal ushered in Big govt shortly thereafter).

FDR employed many Keynesian economic policies in his New Deal, which was challenged by many as leaning too close to statism. However, America was comfortable with statism compared to living in poverty during the depression. Moreover, the New deal was only to get us through the Depression which it did until WWII. But America still has not been able to rid itself of her big government tendencies. These tendencies include an overwhelming idea from the American public that the economy is controlled by the government. And boy do some politicians play to this ignorance.

It is also interesting to note:
In 1932, the impact of the Great Depression resulted in revived support for the Socialist Party, and 896,000 votes were cast for the Party's Presidential candidate, Norman Thomas. But, by 1936, the left-liberal policies of the New Deal took a severe toll. In that year, David Dubinsky and other socialist union leaders in New York called on their membership to vote for Roosevelt, and formed the Social Democratic Federation to promote socialism within the ranks of the liberal/labor wing of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Source: http://sp-usa.org/about/history/early-years.html
It will forever suprise me that people expect unlce sam to find them a job.

I was watching the news - it doesnt seem to matter where or when - and a crowd of people were standing around with signs. One man said to the reporter....

Bush hasn't been able to get me a job...

So basically he was voting - if he can find his way to the voting poll that is -for Kerry. Because 'Bush' couldn't find HIM a job. He rambled on about supporting a family.....

I did not realize the President, commander and chief of this country was responsible for finding Joe Moron a job?
Now I realize God blessed us with a brain to think and a body to move around it and if we put the two together we might be able to go about our business and find a job - but now I didn't realize the government would actually find people jobs.

Does this man believe Kerry will find a job also?

I guess Kerry will do that. Then he wont do that - but then he will before he wont while is doing that as he can't do it now but will tomarow - Kerry's flip flopping....
winston churchi said:
It will forever suprise me that people expect unlce sam to find them a job.
Yes, my brother-in-law commented to me a month or two ago that he has been poor ever since Bush has been in office. I had to explain the deal to him because he was buying in to the hype; luckily he is intelligent enough to comprehend the facts in the face of the media’s spin and Kerry’s rhetoric. He’s since gotten off his ass and landed an incredibly higher paying job.
Said1 said:
Or anyone who is dedicated and willing to work hard.
This looks like a good spot for my favorite quote, LOL!!
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." ~ Thomas A. Edison
Said1 said:
Or anyone who is dedicated and willing to work hard.

That's true too. A hard worker with a cohesive plan for organizing the daily efforts of others in a profitable fashion, also creates jobs. You needn't be rich actually.
Zhukov said:
Oh yes they do. The Federal Government is the single largest employer in this country.

But I know what you mean.
Better stated....the government does not produce wealth
Zhukov said:
Oh yes they do. The Federal Government is the single largest employer in this country.

But I know what you mean.

the jobs that the govt creates are a response to control the efforts of private companies no private companies = no govt jobs....they would be unnecessary as there would be nothing to govern and no money to pay for it
manu1959 said:
the jobs that the govt creates are a response to control the efforts of private companies no private companies = no govt jobs....they would be unnecessary as there would be nothing to govern and no money to pay for it

Are you kidding?

Soviet Union => no private companies, lots of government jobs.
shadrack said:
The government helps manage resources.

The government is fairly unresponsive to true market needs. They do what they want whether it's needed or not. Hence amazing wasteful bloat occurs. Hence, why they should handle as few functions of life as necessary.
Zhukov said:
Are you kidding?

Soviet Union => no private companies, lots of government jobs.
The government is fairly unresponsive to true market needs. They do what they want whether it's needed or not. Hence amazing wasteful bloat occurs. Hence, why they should handle as few functions of life as necessary.

But you knew this!
Zhukov said:
That's what happens when you aren't profit driven.

When success isn't the driving force all sorts of uselessness acumulates.
Success is a little subjective isn't it?

Maybe you mean survival?

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