Where do religious folk who are climate deniers reconcile this?

I'm well acquainted with the meanings. I wonder if you are. You keep demanding proof of God.

Faith precludes proof. Proof of God would render faith meaningless, and utterly negate Man's free will.

Let's have a thought experiment. In this experiment, God created the universe 10 minutes ago, in its current state as of 10 minutes ago, with all the "evidence" it's billions of years old built-in, with the light from distant stars created in transit, and us with all our memories of a lifetime in place.

Now...how could you disprove this?​
I've been presenting this thought experiment to militant atheists for years now. None has ever responded rationally to it.

Thing is, I could well be wrong about God. And I'm okay with that.

But militant atheists can never admit they might be wrong. They state categorically there is no God.

They're remarkably closed-minded.
Again...no understanding of faith.

An immortal being in a universe governed by entropy would be proof of a creator.

No, no, no, no, no.....faith is easy to understand. Very easy. You have faith there is a god. Good for you. I don't. Shrug...

How about the creator just pop his head up and say "here I am". The nature of faith, as you describe it, is a big cop out. And something invented by the religious in order to cover up what should really be an easy thing to do - show yourself.
Again...no understanding of faith.

An immortal being in a universe governed by entropy would be proof of a creator.

No, no, no, no, no.....faith is easy to understand. Very easy. You have faith there is a god. Good for you. I don't. Shrug...

How about the creator just pop his head up and say "here I am". The nature of faith, as you describe it, is a big cop out. And something invented by the religious in order to cover up what should really be an easy thing to do - show yourself.


I've wasted enough time on you.


I've wasted enough time on you.

not as much time as you've wasted on believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster it seems..


I've wasted enough time on you.

not as much time as you've wasted on believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster it seems..
LOL! You're not nearly as clever as you believe. Matter of fact -- you're pretty dumb.
Well, that's your definition (ie there is a difference between god and religion).
Okay, Fair enough, if that's your opinion.

But stop and ask yourself why Catholicism isn't the same as Shinto Buddhism if there is no difference between God and religion. Or why Mormons don't believe the same thing as Hindus or Muslims. Or why Jews are different from Wiccan Pagans.

You'd have to be the king of denial to say religion itself isn't a man made construct that changes radically from culture to culture. God made the universe, both macro and micro.
But man has made the religions he lives under and what sort of God that is contained and described within all those different religions.

That being said, I would suggest that since it is the religious who set these standards, they are the ones guilty of conflating god and religion.
I would agree but that doesn't change what I say.

There is only one God, presumably. How come they are dozens and dozens of different religions? list of religions in the world - info.com - Search The Web Web Search
Okay, Fair enough, if that's your opinion.

But stop and ask yourself why Catholicism isn't the same as Shinto Buddhism if there is no difference between God and religion. Or why Mormons don't believe the same thing as Hindus or Muslims. Or why Jews are different from Wiccan Pagans.

You'd have to be the king of denial to say religion itself isn't a man made construct that changes radically from culture to culture. God made the universe, both macro and micro.
But man has made the religions he lives under and what sort of God that is contained and described within all those different religions.
I would agree but that doesn't change what I say.

There is only one God, presumably. How come they are dozens and dozens of different religions? list of religions in the world - info.com - Search The Web Web Search

On your first point, fair enough. I'm not going to debate you on that because I agree with most of what you say.

As for your last point, well, I wouldn't know because I don't believe. I think with regard to the monolithic religions you are right (and that includes the Mormons). As for the rest, wouldn't have a clue.
On your first point, fair enough. I'm not going to debate you on that because I agree with most of what you say.

As for your last point, well, I wouldn't know because I don't believe. I think with regard to the monolithic religions you are right (and that includes the Mormons). As for the rest, wouldn't have a clue.
A clue about what? The religions themselves are irrelevant. The point is so many different religions exist and they are all culturally tied to the societies they came from.

Therefore I say again, religion itself is a human construct. They ALL believe their God has given them special recognition and blessings. They can't all be right. In fact, in theory only ONE of them can be right though that's very unlikely.
Says the guy who doesn't seem to be taking into consideration the reason I said what I did in my post you are quoting....
I'm not a scholar on your exchanges with other posters. I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.
Says the guy who doesn't seem to be taking into consideration the reason I said what I did in my post you are quoting....
I'm not a scholar on your exchanges with other posters. I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

"I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation."

and I know old, trite, cliched christian memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

"I have faith" is NOT productive thought or conversation.
"I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation."

and I know old, trite, cliched christian memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

"I have faith" is NOT productive thought or conversation.
It could be. That depends on the context and what is claimed. Calling someone's God a "flying spaghetti monster" is counter productive and disrespectful no matter what you think of the concept of God.

If you want to simply lob thought bombs at each other keep up the name calling. It makes atheists look so mature and thoughtful.
Says the guy who doesn't seem to be taking into consideration the reason I said what I did in my post you are quoting....
I'm not a scholar on your exchanges with other posters. I just know hoary cliched atheists memes are an anathema to productive thought and conversation.

You are no scholar, yet take the time to take issue with my post without addressing why I posted what I did. Why was that particular post 'anathema to productive thought and conversation'. Context matters.
You are no scholar, yet take the time to take issue with my post without addressing why I posted what I did. Why was that particular post 'anathema to productive thought and conversation'. Context matters.
If you have a good reason for dragging out the tired old flying spaghetti monster b.s. I haven't heard it and I don't think
there is a good reason in tit for tat childishness.
Someone else's name calling does not erase your own.

Never said it did. However, I do take umbrage with somebody chastising my online behaviour but then gives somebody else (who happens to agree with said person taking umbrage POV) a free pass. It doesn't do anything to add to your credibility. It's like Joe hitting Bob in the face, then Bob hitting back, and Joe whines, "why did you hit me?". For every action there is a reaction.

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