Where do you live and why? Why don't you live elsewhere? Where instead might you live?

I'm at 1700 feet. I'm used to 300 feet, lol.

I gotta write out the pros and cons of staying..or going back when they call with a unit. Part of me wants to stay. We get excellent health benefits here. Lots of conservatives. All are pro gun. Most are fat old white people or young duck dynasty type people with tatts, lol. Everything I want, I can go to the one of the MANY thrift stores here and pay a couple of bucks. Nature it right outside my back door. A raccoon chatted with me while I hung out the window having a cig and it was in my garden eating some of my corn. It was a nice visit. We do have a wonderful gas heater and an air conditioner in our room. No real near neighbors and those we do have all look out for each other.
At home...medical needs is a hit and miss. They are all liberals. Gotta know spanish to have any transactions with anyone. Lived there 30 years and really didn't have any close friends. The beach.


Next time I go back to the West Coast, I'm gonna kidnap you and take you to the beach at Carmel.. I'll be disappointed if you don't surf.. LOL...
Carmel is gorgeous. I don't surf, but I used to boogey board and body surf. I also snorkel, but only in Maui. Water here is too friggin' cold! I'm too old now to do any of that stuff except snorkel in my bathtub IF I had a bathtub, lol. My bones ache just thinking about it. :(

Go to Cambria. Wanna see a stunning beach? It's like Carmel, but a tad smaller. Moonstone Beach in Cambria. Yer young enough. Check it out. Google pics. :)
I'm at 1700 feet. I'm used to 300 feet, lol.

I gotta write out the pros and cons of staying..or going back when they call with a unit. Part of me wants to stay. We get excellent health benefits here. Lots of conservatives. All are pro gun. Most are fat old white people or young duck dynasty type people with tatts, lol. Everything I want, I can go to the one of the MANY thrift stores here and pay a couple of bucks. Nature it right outside my back door. A raccoon chatted with me while I hung out the window having a cig and it was in my garden eating some of my corn. It was a nice visit. We do have a wonderful gas heater and an air conditioner in our room. No real near neighbors and those we do have all look out for each other.
At home...medical needs is a hit and miss. They are all liberals. Gotta know spanish to have any transactions with anyone. Lived there 30 years and really didn't have any close friends. The beach.


Next time I go back to the West Coast, I'm gonna kidnap you and take you to the beach at Carmel.. I'll be disappointed if you don't surf.. LOL...
Carmel is gorgeous. I don't surf, but I used to boogey board and body surf. I also snorkel, but only in Maui. Water here is too friggin' cold! I'm too old now to do any of that stuff except snorkel in my bathtub IF I had a bathtub, lol. My bones ache just thinking about it. :(

Go to Cambria. Wanna see a stunning beach? It's like Carmel, but a tad smaller. Moonstone Beach in Cambria. Yer young enough. Check it out. Google pics. :)

I always preferred Avila Beach. Simply gorgeous!
I'm at 1700 feet. I'm used to 300 feet, lol.

I gotta write out the pros and cons of staying..or going back when they call with a unit. Part of me wants to stay. We get excellent health benefits here. Lots of conservatives. All are pro gun. Most are fat old white people or young duck dynasty type people with tatts, lol. Everything I want, I can go to the one of the MANY thrift stores here and pay a couple of bucks. Nature it right outside my back door. A raccoon chatted with me while I hung out the window having a cig and it was in my garden eating some of my corn. It was a nice visit. We do have a wonderful gas heater and an air conditioner in our room. No real near neighbors and those we do have all look out for each other.
At home...medical needs is a hit and miss. They are all liberals. Gotta know spanish to have any transactions with anyone. Lived there 30 years and really didn't have any close friends. The beach.


Next time I go back to the West Coast, I'm gonna kidnap you and take you to the beach at Carmel.. I'll be disappointed if you don't surf.. LOL...

I never could surf. I loved body surfing, and scuba, and all of that. But I could never get up on the board.

It's not how elegantly you get up -- it's more about the exit.. :beer: Used to love body surfing as well. Several times I shared waves with dolphins. Upset my wife once, because I had my daughter out showing her how to catch waves bodysurfing, and she was screaming when we got in because she claims a dolphin ran our daughter over while she was watching. :eusa_clap:
Have you been to Avila since the oil spill some years ago? All new, with even new sand! Yes, avila is great...and so is the fishing off the pier! It was only about 8 miles as the crow flies from where I used to live. When its foggy and icky on the central coast...always head to Avila where its always sunny! Want fog and neat beaches with elephant seals nearby and the wail of sea gulls and awesome driftwood? Go to Cambria.

Now stop it. You're making me change my mind again!!!
Have you been to Avila since the oil spill some years ago? All new, with even new sand! Yes, avila is great...and so is the fishing off the pier! It was only about 8 miles as the crow flies from where I used to live. When its foggy and icky on the central coast...always head to Avila where its always sunny! Want fog and neat beaches with elephant seals nearby and the wail of sea gulls and awesome driftwood? Go to Cambria.

Now stop it. You're making me change my mind again!!!

I stopped by to inspect the work after they had demolished the town just prior to the rebuild. Haven't been back since but I was one of the people who put that deal together. It took well over a decade and I had retired by the time it got started. And it wasn't just the oil spill. There were decades of oil tank leaks that had to be dealt with. That's why they scooped the whole region.
At the moment, I live in a DC outlier city. Before this, I lived in the bay area for a handful of years. I grew up in NYC. I've also lived in Delaware and south Florida.

I love NY for the seasons, and the way it feels like home. I liked the hills of the bay area, and I liked the weather in San Francisco. I hated everything about Delaware, and Florida.

So far, it's a little too swampy for me here. But the weather seems to be turning.
Where I lived in California, I was two hours away from Lake Tahoe. I was 3 hours away from Crater Lake. I was 1.5 hours away from the Pacific Ocean. I was 1 hour away from one of the worlds greatest wine area's, NAPA Valley. I was 3.5 hours away from Sequoia National Forest. I was 5 hours away from Yosemite National Park.

I could snow ski in May in the morning, water ski lake Tahoe in the afternoon, and by evening, surf in the Pacific. Within hours of My front door, I could white water raft any number of world class rivers. There was mountain hiking, historic sites, and ancient ruins.

Simply put, California is one of the most wonderful places geographically in the world. I miss much of it but still won't return because of the people and their politics.

It is what it is.

I love CA too, but unlike my mother, earthquakes freak me out.

Momma and Dad were in AK during March 1964. Dad was returning from Fairbanks when the 1964 quake struck. He'd had some business and a brother-in-law working up there, and since he was going, Momma go along to visit and help my aunt get situated in the cabin she and my uncle had recently bought. The place was a little bit of a fixer-upper, but nothing the two of them couldn't handle.

According to Momma, she and my aunt spent 16 to 18 hours a day for three days, "working their fingers to the bone from dark to dark" to get everything done before Dad and my uncle got back from Fairbanks. My aunt was pregnant, so Momma sent her to the guest house to get some rest while she kept working on the floors. She got everything done and cooked a bunch of stuff for the next day's dinner. By the time Momma was done, though, she was just to tired and didn't feel like traipsing over to the guest house, so she tossed some blankets on the bed went to sleep.

Dad eventually made his way to the cabin where Momma was. He was both flabbergasted and relieved when upon seeing him, she woke, looked around and asked him how he managed to move the bed across the room without waking her and did he already take the buffer back to the equipment rental place.

When we kids were grown, Dad would embellish that story saying Momma didn't wake up because she having a good dream about the "motion in the ocean" and the quake wasn't out the ordinary. LOL Momma's got a quick tongue, but she would never say a word when he'd say that. She turned beet red and sacheted out of the room. She'd go upstairs, then come back down and fumble around in the kitchen and then she'd show up askin' if anyone wanted dessert. LOL
I live in Foley Alabama.
Why? Good value for your dollar in Real Estate, low taxes, growing economy and very, very few Liberals.
Where else? Maybe Lillian, AL Why? It's about 7 miles east of here and has even less Liberals.
Good value because there are Negroes everywhere around you no doubt.

Absolutely a lie. But so what if there were. I love it here for many reasons, but mostly the beautiful white beachs.



The white sand beaches of the Florida Panhandle are the most beautiful I've ever seen.
I had to see who you were referring to Kat..so I peeked. I put him on iggie cuz all he does is shit all over people's response and where they live and why.

Why come into a thread just to be an asshole?? Jeez. So...iggie he went.
Where I live and why:
  • Where: Orlando, Florida
  • Why: My father retired from the Navy and came here for the jobs, I was 15, been here ever since. I have a great job, house, family.
Why I don't live elsewhere:
  • I don't want to quit my job.
Where else do I think I could live happily?
  • In the U.S.
    • Any place in the southwest of the US, except Southern California
  • Outside the U.S.
    • No place outside of the US

I hope you've found a safe place to be this weekend. Wish you all the best.

I'm going to get brushed by the storm. If it stays on track, shouldn't be too bad. I live in a recently built house that measures up to the modern hurricane standards. I only really worry about the huge oak tree in my front yard falling on my house.
I live in Foley Alabama.
Why? Good value for your dollar in Real Estate, low taxes, growing economy and very, very few Liberals.
Where else? Maybe Lillian, AL Why? It's about 7 miles east of here and has even less Liberals.
Good value because there are Negroes everywhere around you no doubt.
There actually are. Thank you for pointing that out. I hadn't really noticed.
Where I live and why:
  • Where: Orlando, Florida
  • Why: My father retired from the Navy and came here for the jobs, I was 15, been here ever since. I have a great job, house, family.
Why I don't live elsewhere:
  • I don't want to quit my job.
Where else do I think I could live happily?
  • In the U.S.
    • Any place in the southwest of the US, except Southern California
  • Outside the U.S.
    • No place outside of the US

I hope you've found a safe place to be this weekend. Wish you all the best.

I'm going to get brushed by the storm. If it stays on track, shouldn't be too bad. I live in a recently built house that measures up to the modern hurricane standards. I only really worry about the huge oak tree in my front yard falling on my house.

Good to hear the risk you face is modest.

I only really worry about the huge oak tree in my front yard falling on my house.

Yes. My home is in a mature neighborhood adjacent to woods. The best one can do is maintain the trees and hope for the best.
40 miles north of Twin Cities in rural exurb. Woods out back, stars at night and the only shooting is goose hunters.
Love MN lakes and can't imagine living without the scenery here. Could do without the punishing liberal taxes.
Where I live and why:
  • Where: Orlando, Florida
  • Why: My father retired from the Navy and came here for the jobs, I was 15, been here ever since. I have a great job, house, family.
Why I don't live elsewhere:
  • I don't want to quit my job.
Where else do I think I could live happily?
  • In the U.S.
    • Any place in the southwest of the US, except Southern California
  • Outside the U.S.
    • No place outside of the US

I hope you've found a safe place to be this weekend. Wish you all the best.

I'm going to get brushed by the storm. If it stays on track, shouldn't be too bad. I live in a recently built house that measures up to the modern hurricane standards. I only really worry about the huge oak tree in my front yard falling on my house.

Good to hear the risk you face is modest.

I only really worry about the huge oak tree in my front yard falling on my house.

Yes. My home is in a mature neighborhood adjacent to woods. The best one can do is maintain the trees and hope for the best.

Yeah I meant to get it trimmed but never got around to it.
Where I live and why:
  • Where: Orlando, Florida
  • Why: My father retired from the Navy and came here for the jobs, I was 15, been here ever since. I have a great job, house, family.
Why I don't live elsewhere:
  • I don't want to quit my job.
Where else do I think I could live happily?
  • In the U.S.
    • Any place in the southwest of the US, except Southern California
  • Outside the U.S.
    • No place outside of the US

I hope you've found a safe place to be this weekend. Wish you all the best.

I'm going to get brushed by the storm. If it stays on track, shouldn't be too bad. I live in a recently built house that measures up to the modern hurricane standards. I only really worry about the huge oak tree in my front yard falling on my house.

Good to hear the risk you face is modest.

I only really worry about the huge oak tree in my front yard falling on my house.

Yes. My home is in a mature neighborhood adjacent to woods. The best one can do is maintain the trees and hope for the best.

Yeah I meant to get it trimmed but never got around to it.

That kind of gardening is the stuff I put on "autopilot." I told the guy who mows the lawn to pay attention the shrubbery and trees and just deal with it when it needs it. He and his crew have been very good about keeping up with it. Every spring, any branches that don't have new growth happening get cut and every so often I see some new logs piled up in the far corner of the backyard.

It works out well and saves me the trouble of buying wood for the fireplaces and stove. About the only downside is that now that my boys are all grown and off to college, I have to either pay the guy to chop the logs or do it myself. LOL

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