Zone1 Where do you personally Stand on abortion laws.

What is the Abortion Regulation Level you most support?

  • Ban after 6 Weeks No exceptions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ban after 15 weeks, No exceptions

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ban at conception. Any other timeline is just a justification for abortion that is based on whim and not science.
Therefore the need for CONTRA caption. No conception needed if not wanted. Pregnancy is a preventable thing. Contraception is the natural order of things.
I believe a would-be mother should hear different perspectives (not just the advice of "Planned Parenthood") before choosing abortion, and that she should think long and hard before making a final decision. Though I do believe the act of abortion is reprehensible and barbaric, I am also empathetic with a woman or girl who is the victim of rape or incest. As a young boy, I was nearly a victim myself, so I fully understand the trauma that comes with such heinous crimes. Nevertheless, I'm also empathetic with the needs of a helpless, innocent child (unborn or born) who did nothing wrong; relies on adults to protect and care for them; and who deserves to breathe air like the rest of us.

In the end, I did vote for 6 weeks allowing for rape, incest, or mother's life, although I pray that a would-be mother thinks of the little life she's taking before she makes that final decision.
" Mental Deficiencies Of Anti-Choice Abortion Pundits "

* Anthropocentric Freak Farmer Fanatics *

Indicative of your lack of intuition about reasons for abortion , deformities were not recognized .

Deformities that make a fetus non viable are covered by non viable.
" Dictating To Individuals About Down Syndrome Is A Mental Deformity "

* More Humperdoo Fanatics From The Grail *

A down syndrome is not progeny , in that for the most part they are sterile .

The abortion anti-choice are blubbering that 90% of INDIVIDUALS option not to carry trisomy to term .

This is Zone 1, reporting for nonsensical responses and veiled insults.
" Democrats Pander Populism For Democracy As Tyranny By Collective Majority Against Independence Of The Individual "

* Compromise Has Nothing To Do With Traitorous Acts Of Sedition *

It's based on compromise, something we have forgotten how to do in this country.
A state is comprised of citizens .

A legitimate state interest is constrained by citizenship .

A citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated through a live birth requirement .

By equitable doctrine , equal protection with a citizen requires live birth , whether that is federal or state citizenship .

The dobbs decision of scotus is dumbfounded and sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , as well as malfeasance against title 1 section 8 of us code .

Given an ability for a fetus to survive an imminent live birth , the roe v wade decision substituted parturition in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , and directed that states could proscribe abortion in the third trimester .

Rather than follow us constitution and seek to proscribe abortion in third trimester , the abortion anti-choice chose sedition against the constitution of us republic .

The issue of abortion is not " when does life begin ? " , rather the issue of abortion is " when does a legitimate state interest begin ? " .

* Pseudonyms Of The Grail Deformities And Depriving Others Of An After Life *

In the preacher series , the grail is a christian religious cult intending to bring about an apocalypse , that would be triggered when humperdoo - a mentally retarded last psion of jesus - danced .

The literal meaning of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity through offspring , so that another - both figuratively and literally as ones self - may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection afforded by life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement or eternal damnation .

Sew , stop confusing the literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic continuance , with the metaphorical means by which to achieve it .

As down syndrome are sterile , they do not qualify as progeny , in that they cannot reproduce and are by scientific definition a difference species from humans .

A species (pl.: species) is often defined as the largest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the appropriate sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual reproduction.[1]

* Anthropocentric Pychosis *

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" Predators That Prey "

* Go Sell Innocence To Some Other Fool *

Nevertheless, I'm also empathetic with the needs of a helpless, innocent child (unborn or born) who did nothing wrong; relies on adults to protect and care for them; and who deserves to breathe air like the rest of us.
How innocent can the hue mammon ape be with genes for canine denture , with carnivorous , carnal knowledge ?

When a fetus has not matured to a point at which it is able to suffer cognitive dissonance of mind , then empathy for it is not valid .

The question of sentience onset , which occurs nearly concomitant with natural viability , is rhetorical in that women do not seek abortions without cause at those stages of development , rather abortions at those stages of development occur for with cause reasons such as developmental anomalies .

The anthropocentric psychosis of the abortion anti-choice is typically seeking to validate the conceit of its apex predator ego , or to normalize acceptance and dictates of its institutions to quell its anxiety about mortality .
" Democrats Pander Populism For Democracy As Tyranny By Collective Majority Against Independence Of The Individual "

* Compromise Has Nothing To Do With Traitorous Acts Of Sedition *

A state is comprised of citizens .

A legitimate state interest is constrained by citizenship .

A citizen and its constitutional protections are instantiated through a live birth requirement .

By equitable doctrine , equal protection with a citizen requires live birth , whether that is federal or state citizenship .

The dobbs decision of scotus is dumbfounded and sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments , as well as malfeasance against title 1 section 8 of us code .

Given an ability for a fetus to survive an imminent live birth , the roe v wade decision substituted parturition in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a citizen , and directed that states could proscribe abortion in the third trimester .

Rather than follow us constitution and seek to proscribe abortion in third trimester , the abortion anti-choice chose sedition against the constitution of us republic .

The issue of abortion is not " when does life begin ? " , rather the issue of abortion is " when does a legitimate state interest begin ? " .

* Pseudonyms Of The Grail Deformities And Depriving Others Of An After Life *

In the preacher series , the grail is a christian religious cult intending to bring about an apocalypse , that would be triggered when humperdoo - a mentally retarded last psion of jesus - danced .

The literal meaning of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity through offspring , so that another - both figuratively and literally as ones self - may have an opportunity to experience the sentience , sapience and introspection afforded by life , where failure to do so in perpetuity is ascribed the metaphors of final judgement or eternal damnation .

Sew , stop confusing the literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic continuance , with the metaphorical means by which to achieve it .

As down syndrome are sterile , they do not qualify as progeny , in that they cannot reproduce and are by scientific definition a difference species from humans .

A species (pl.: species) is often defined as the largest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the appropriate sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual reproduction.[1]

* Anthropocentric Pychosis *

Cool, then under equal protection, if abortion is a legal form of birth control, then the State can’t compel the Man to support a child should the woman not exercise her right to abortion.

Then no man can be forced to become a parent.

Glad we cleared that up.

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