Where do you want to put The Wall?

The Wall should go on which side of the Rio Grande?

  • Mexico side = watch them dam it and then tear down the wall

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neither works but ignore the treaty and geography and build anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
heres an explainer video on HOW to build the Wall Luddley . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- as to Americans land , i suppose that eminent domain would be used Luddley .
Great idea. Of course we all know tunnels have never been built more than 5 feet deep, and we've been to the moon, but we still can't build a 20 ft ladder. Other than the fact that Trump said it would be 50 ft high, it sounds like it would be perfect.
The OP's question concerning the land to construct the "Wall" on was written into law 110 years ago. ..... :cool:

"The Roosevelt Reservation is a 60-foot (18 m) strip of land on the United States side of the United States-Mexico Border under the jurisdiction of the United States Federal Government. It was established in a 1907 Presidential Proclamation (35 Stat. 2136) by Theodore Roosevelt in order to keep the land "free from obstruction as a protection against the smuggling of goods between the United States and Mexico".

Roosevelt Reservation - Wikipedia
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. Two different kinds of things even though spelled and pronounced the same. One is literal, and the other is metaphorically speaking. Both can have teeth, but the most powerful one is the multi-layered approach that includes the same strategies of winning a war. There needs to be a meeting of the minds, and Trump should do what he does best, and that is to evaluate, investigate, rationalize, create a strategy based upon the knowledge aquirred from it all, and get the job done. Enough of the call's by people wanting for Trump to make a fool of himself, and therefore costing us millions upon millions we or Mexico don't need to spend. A better result would be to do the right thing, and then focus on more important things like lowering the dam retirement age to 58, and then 62 for full benefits to kick in. Make social security solvent. Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again. Quit wasting this countries money already.. Enough is enough. The problem can be stopped by strict border enforcement, and lets quit locking up our border patrol agents like Ignacio Ramos.
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. Two different kinds of things even though spelled and pronounced the same. One is literal, and the other is metaphorically speaking. Both can have teeth, but the most powerful one is the multi-layered approach that includes the same strategies of winning a war. There needs to be a meeting of the minds, and Trump should do what he does best, and that is to evaluate, investigate, rationalize, create a strategy based upon the knowledge aquirred from it all, and get the job done. Enough of the call's by people wanting for Trump to make a fool of himself, and therefore costing us millions upon millions we or Mexico don't need to spend. A better result would be to do the right thing, and then focus on more important things like lowering the dam retirement age to 58, and then 62 for full benefits to kick in. Make social security solvent. Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again. Quit wasting this countries money already.. Enough is enough.

Sorry, the time for a calm discussion on the best way to address the problem, was squandered on race baiting and demagoguery.

NOw we need to do everything and do it now.

Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order
Like most moronic rightwing schemes, the notion of a ‘wall’ is predicated on fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity – and zero facts.
. Two different kinds of things even though spelled and pronounced the same. One is literal, and the other is metaphorically speaking. Both can have teeth, but the most powerful one is the multi-layered approach that includes the same strategies of winning a war. There needs to be a meeting of the minds, and Trump should do what he does best, and that is to evaluate, investigate, rationalize, create a strategy based upon the knowledge aquirred from it all, and get the job done. Enough of the call's by people wanting for Trump to make a fool of himself, and therefore costing us millions upon millions we or Mexico don't need to spend. A better result would be to do the right thing, and then focus on more important things like lowering the dam retirement age to 58, and then 62 for full benefits to kick in. Make social security solvent. Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again. Quit wasting this countries money already.. Enough is enough.

Sorry, the time for a calm discussion on the best way to address the problem, was squandered on race baiting and demagoguery.

NOw we need to do everything and do it now.

. Pride comes before the fall, and we are smarter than that. Allowing the liberals to bait Trump or anyone into making fools of themselves should be avoided. Time to show them how dam smart this nation is going to become again. Fox news host need to be highly on alert for being set up by liberals acting as if they are becoming level headed, when they are just trying to make them look like fools in every way that they can.
Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order
Around you.
Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order
Like most moronic rightwing schemes, the notion of a ‘wall’ is predicated on fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity – and zero facts.
. You are sticking to the physical wall as if that's what the whole thing was about, but of course you are sticking to it, because it fits the narrative you all want to keep going for giggles, and to try and make a republican look fool for political purposes only. You people care only about power and control, and not for the working American men and women who will pay for all the dam idiocy. No More.
. Two different kinds of things even though spelled and pronounced the same. One is literal, and the other is metaphorically speaking. Both can have teeth, but the most powerful one is the multi-layered approach that includes the same strategies of winning a war. There needs to be a meeting of the minds, and Trump should do what he does best, and that is to evaluate, investigate, rationalize, create a strategy based upon the knowledge aquirred from it all, and get the job done. Enough of the call's by people wanting for Trump to make a fool of himself, and therefore costing us millions upon millions we or Mexico don't need to spend. A better result would be to do the right thing, and then focus on more important things like lowering the dam retirement age to 58, and then 62 for full benefits to kick in. Make social security solvent. Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again. Quit wasting this countries money already.. Enough is enough.

Sorry, the time for a calm discussion on the best way to address the problem, was squandered on race baiting and demagoguery.

NOw we need to do everything and do it now.

. Pride comes before the fall, and we are smarter than that. Allowing the liberals to bait Trump or anyone into making fools of themselves should be avoided. Time to show them how dam smart this nation is going to become again. Fox news host need to be highly on alert for being set up by liberals acting as if they are becoming level headed, when they are just trying to make them look like fools in every way that they can.

The best way for Trump of Fox to stop looking like fools is to stop being fools. I'm not sure any of them can do that.
. Two different kinds of things even though spelled and pronounced the same. One is literal, and the other is metaphorically speaking. Both can have teeth, but the most powerful one is the multi-layered approach that includes the same strategies of winning a war. There needs to be a meeting of the minds, and Trump should do what he does best, and that is to evaluate, investigate, rationalize, create a strategy based upon the knowledge aquirred from it all, and get the job done. Enough of the call's by people wanting for Trump to make a fool of himself, and therefore costing us millions upon millions we or Mexico don't need to spend. A better result would be to do the right thing, and then focus on more important things like lowering the dam retirement age to 58, and then 62 for full benefits to kick in. Make social security solvent. Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again. Quit wasting this countries money already.. Enough is enough.

Sorry, the time for a calm discussion on the best way to address the problem, was squandered on race baiting and demagoguery.

NOw we need to do everything and do it now.

. Pride comes before the fall, and we are smarter than that. Allowing the liberals to bait Trump or anyone into making fools of themselves should be avoided. Time to show them how dam smart this nation is going to become again. Fox news host need to be highly on alert for being set up by liberals acting as if they are becoming level headed, when they are just trying to make them look like fools in every way that they can.

The best way for Trump of Fox to stop looking like fools is to stop being fools. I'm not sure any of them can do that.
. Your opinion, but not the majority of American's opinions unless you think the majority of Americans are fools.
. Two different kinds of things even though spelled and pronounced the same. One is literal, and the other is metaphorically speaking. Both can have teeth, but the most powerful one is the multi-layered approach that includes the same strategies of winning a war. There needs to be a meeting of the minds, and Trump should do what he does best, and that is to evaluate, investigate, rationalize, create a strategy based upon the knowledge aquirred from it all, and get the job done. Enough of the call's by people wanting for Trump to make a fool of himself, and therefore costing us millions upon millions we or Mexico don't need to spend. A better result would be to do the right thing, and then focus on more important things like lowering the dam retirement age to 58, and then 62 for full benefits to kick in. Make social security solvent. Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again. Quit wasting this countries money already.. Enough is enough.

Sorry, the time for a calm discussion on the best way to address the problem, was squandered on race baiting and demagoguery.

NOw we need to do everything and do it now.

. Pride comes before the fall, and we are smarter than that. Allowing the liberals to bait Trump or anyone into making fools of themselves should be avoided. Time to show them how dam smart this nation is going to become again. Fox news host need to be highly on alert for being set up by liberals acting as if they are becoming level headed, when they are just trying to make them look like fools in every way that they can.

The best way for Trump of Fox to stop looking like fools is to stop being fools. I'm not sure any of them can do that.
. Your opinion, but not the majority of American's opinions unless you think the majority of Americans are fools.

Ok. They can continue being fools, but it will be harder for them to keep from looking like a fool.
I got illegals living all around me, a thousand miles from the border. Twenty years down the road, after all malarkey, we don't NEED a wall. What we really need is businesses and libs/repcons to stop legitimizing hiring illegals and people making this something it isn't. Nobody is above the law, especially those that hire them. But it seems they are dominating the issue.
Sorry, Haters, but Trump’s Interior Secretary Did Not Actually Say the Border Wall Would Be Built on Mexican Soil


Anyone who's been there knows that a continuous wall is almost impossible. How do you split the Rio Grande? Or cross private property without giving the owners a “fair value” for it? So, it appears the left is, once again, going loco or something that wasn't said by the Interior Secretary.

What did he say?

At the same time, Zinke suggested the wall would not be as big or impassible as the president believes is necessary to stop illegal immigrants.

"The border is complicated, as far as building a physical wall," he said. "The Rio Grande, what side of the river are you going to put the wall? We're not going to put it on our side and cede the river to Mexico. And we're probably not going to put it in the middle of the river."

Electronic defenses may be more appropriate in some areas, Zinke said. Others with imposing physical features may not require additional reinforcements.

Sure a far cry from what is being brayed in the media.

More of the story w/links @ Sorry, Haters, but Trump’s Interior Secretary Did Not Say the Border Wall Would Be Built on Mexican Soil

Did anyone notice the power lines?
I am living in a post Trump era, 40 years ago I never saw illegal immigrants defying immigration laws. We all spoke English then. Now? Mexicans illegals are some holier than thou class of untouchables. I don't buy that.

You're wrong. I wonder why people think this is something new. Google it - it goes back to pre-WWII.

And Spanish was always taught in schools. So was French and German and Latin. I first took Spanish in school in about 1956.

Now RWNJs take pride in being uneducated while the rest of the world teaches their kids several languages. The US race to the bottom continues.
I got illegals living all around me, a thousand miles from the border. Twenty years down the road, after all malarkey, we don't NEED a wall. What we really need is businesses and libs/repcons to stop legitimizing hiring illegals and people making this something it isn't. Nobody is above the law, especially those that hire them. But it seems they are dominating the issue.

Wrong again.

You might want to look at who is hiring illegals and from which countries.

And ICE is complicit.
There is no need for a physical wall any longer, and Trump should understand this now. It is a matter of stopping the draw here from within, and the making good on existing immigration laws, deport criminals, and shore up the border with technology, gaurd towers strategically placed, man power given the ability to do their jobs, and arrest American's who stand in the way of any of this. Americans standing in the way of this nation applying immigration law will be arrested. Enough is enough.

IOW, what President Obama did.

I agree that what he did all but solved the problem. Thanks for posting.

Guard towers were tried. Didn't work and the poor BP agents damn near died in them. The last I saw, they were laying on the ground along the highway.

Neither did night vision helicopters. Very expensive and now just sitting next to other aircraft the US doesn't use. Google Earth the Pima Air Museum. They might still be sitting there.
. Two different kinds of things even though spelled and pronounced the same. One is literal, and the other is metaphorically speaking. Both can have teeth, but the most powerful one is the multi-layered approach that includes the same strategies of winning a war. There needs to be a meeting of the minds, and Trump should do what he does best, and that is to evaluate, investigate, rationalize, create a strategy based upon the knowledge aquirred from it all, and get the job done. Enough of the call's by people wanting for Trump to make a fool of himself, and therefore costing us millions upon millions we or Mexico don't need to spend. A better result would be to do the right thing, and then focus on more important things like lowering the dam retirement age to 58, and then 62 for full benefits to kick in. Make social security solvent. Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again. Quit wasting this countries money already.. Enough is enough.

Sorry, the time for a calm discussion on the best way to address the problem, was squandered on race baiting and demagoguery.

NOw we need to do everything and do it now.

. Pride comes before the fall, and we are smarter than that. Allowing the liberals to bait Trump or anyone into making fools of themselves should be avoided. Time to show them how dam smart this nation is going to become again. Fox news host need to be highly on alert for being set up by liberals acting as if they are becoming level headed, when they are just trying to make them look like fools in every way that they can.

Oh dear.

Liberals "baiting drumpf into making a fool of himself"???

The man only has to open his mouth. But, like you RWNJs, he also blames others for everything he does and says.
. Two different kinds of things even though spelled and pronounced the same. One is literal, and the other is metaphorically speaking. Both can have teeth, but the most powerful one is the multi-layered approach that includes the same strategies of winning a war. There needs to be a meeting of the minds, and Trump should do what he does best, and that is to evaluate, investigate, rationalize, create a strategy based upon the knowledge aquirred from it all, and get the job done. Enough of the call's by people wanting for Trump to make a fool of himself, and therefore costing us millions upon millions we or Mexico don't need to spend. A better result would be to do the right thing, and then focus on more important things like lowering the dam retirement age to 58, and then 62 for full benefits to kick in. Make social security solvent. Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again. Quit wasting this countries money already.. Enough is enough. The problem can be stopped by strict border enforcement, and lets quit locking up our border patrol agents like Ignacio Ramos.

"Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again."

Why don't RWNJs still not know what the "death tax" really is? Why on earth do they think it would have any effect on them at all?

beagle9 You really don't have the slightest clue about this, do you?
Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order

North of Beijing???

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