Where do you want to put The Wall?

The Wall should go on which side of the Rio Grande?

  • Mexico side = watch them dam it and then tear down the wall

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neither works but ignore the treaty and geography and build anyway

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
1. If they live their illegally is it technically legal for them to own property. Like if Trump says the rule for everyone is that is you are caught living here illegally you immediately will be deported. That's the flaw in that argument for usage it's easy to prove that it's illegal to have property if the baseline is its illegal to even be on our soil no matter where you reside.
It is a matter of priority. First degrees should go, first.
If we really want to be assholes then the Mexican side about 30 miles into Mexico...

In order to make sure they don't dam or tar it down we station 30,000 troops, 500 tanks and keep air cover over the area at all times.

IOW, occupy the country.

Trillions to get nothing.

drumpf would love it, especially if he could nuke little brown kids too.

But you don't have the balls to answer the question.

But you don't have the balls to answer the question.

No, you are the one who doesn't have the balls to ask the question in a honest manner without tons of spin.


You say we should build a wall.

So, given the givens, answer the question.

Build on Mexico's land? Or US land?
1. If they live their illegally is it technically legal for them to own property. Like if Trump says the rule for everyone is that is you are caught living here illegally you immediately will be deported. That's the flaw in that argument for usage it's easy to prove that it's illegal to have property if the baseline is its illegal to even be on our soil no matter where you reside.
It is a matter of priority. First degrees should go, first.
What do you mean who are first degrees?
Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order

1. It's not taking land away if the 12-30 MILLION Mexican Nationals living and working "undocumented/illegally" in the US claim that land for their legal residency.

2. And instead of "just building a wall"
why not build entire city complexes and campus development
for military bases and teaching hospitals, factory jobs and educational and social services:

Earned Amnesty

This can be a WIN WIN situation.
Why not create jobs and work opportunities under a collaborative plan that both immigrant workers/families, businesses and church charities, AND law enforcement/govt would support?


I have often posted win/win solutions. This particular post is about the location of the wall - Do "you" believe it should be built on American land, land that is owned by American citizens? Or on land owned by Mexico?

1. It's not taking land away if the 12-30 MILLION Mexican Nationals living and working "undocumented/illegally" in the US claim that land for their legal residency.

1. If they live their illegally is it technically legal for them to own property. Like if Trump says the rule for everyone is that is you are caught living here illegally you immediately will be deported. That's the flaw in that argument for usage it's easy to prove that it's illegal to have property if the baseline is its illegal to even be on our soil no matter where you reside.


Americans own land along the border and along the river.


Not Mexicans.


The question is, do "you" believe the wall should be built on land owned by America/Americans or on land owned by Mexico/Mexicans?

I posted links outlining some of the issues involved in building on either side.
How much does it cost to immigrate legally? I know a few Europeans that fled communism and they paid the price, lawyers and such. Mexicans aren't fleeing communism or death. Mexicans live next door, they think creeping and sneaking is the same as fleeing? I don't think so. Don't kid your self. "Mexican" so called immigrants aren't fleeing death squads, they are economic refugees. Don't we already have enough POOR that need jobs here already?

Where do get this stuff?

Do you really believe that other refugees in history, other parts of the world, do you really believe they did not "creep and sneak"?

The US destroyed Mexico's economy. Now we invite them to come here to work and to sell drugs.

The question is, IF you believe we should guild a wall, which side of the border do you believe it should built on?
Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order

1. It's not taking land away if the 12-30 MILLION Mexican Nationals living and working "undocumented/illegally" in the US claim that land for their legal residency.

2. And instead of "just building a wall"
why not build entire city complexes and campus development
for military bases and teaching hospitals, factory jobs and educational and social services:

Earned Amnesty

This can be a WIN WIN situation.
Why not create jobs and work opportunities under a collaborative plan that both immigrant workers/families, businesses and church charities, AND law enforcement/govt would support?


I have often posted win/win solutions. This particular post is about the location of the wall - Do "you" believe it should be built on American land, land that is owned by American citizens? Or on land owned by Mexico?

1. It's not taking land away if the 12-30 MILLION Mexican Nationals living and working "undocumented/illegally" in the US claim that land for their legal residency.

1. If they live their illegally is it technically legal for them to own property. Like if Trump says the rule for everyone is that is you are caught living here illegally you immediately will be deported. That's the flaw in that argument for usage it's easy to prove that it's illegal to have property if the baseline is its illegal to even be on our soil no matter where you reside.


Americans own land along the border and along the river.


Not Mexicans.


The question is, do "you" believe the wall should be built on land owned by America/Americans or on land owned by Mexico/Mexicans?

I posted links outlining some of the issues involved in building on either side.
I would say that it would be best to build it on land ,why would be build it on their land?
There is no need for a physical wall any longer, and Trump should understand this now. It is a matter of stopping the draw here from within, and the making good on existing immigration laws, deport criminals, and shore up the border with technology, gaurd towers strategically placed, man power given the ability to do their jobs, and arrest American's who stand in the way of any of this. Americans standing in the way of this nation applying immigration law will be arrested. Enough is enough.

IOW, what President Obama did.

I agree that what he did all but solved the problem. Thanks for posting.

Guard towers were tried. Didn't work and the poor BP agents damn near died in them. The last I saw, they were laying on the ground along the highway.

Neither did night vision helicopters. Very expensive and now just sitting next to other aircraft the US doesn't use. Google Earth the Pima Air Museum. They might still be sitting there.
. The fact that we have thousands crossing illegally a year, and drugs flowing freely still, uh is a poor assessment of Obama's securing the border. The excuses won't work any longer, and the sanctuary cities are gonna be sanctioned for their roles in the draw. It's over, and it's just a matter of time now.
. Two different kinds of things even though spelled and pronounced the same. One is literal, and the other is metaphorically speaking. Both can have teeth, but the most powerful one is the multi-layered approach that includes the same strategies of winning a war. There needs to be a meeting of the minds, and Trump should do what he does best, and that is to evaluate, investigate, rationalize, create a strategy based upon the knowledge aquirred from it all, and get the job done. Enough of the call's by people wanting for Trump to make a fool of himself, and therefore costing us millions upon millions we or Mexico don't need to spend. A better result would be to do the right thing, and then focus on more important things like lowering the dam retirement age to 58, and then 62 for full benefits to kick in. Make social security solvent. Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again. Quit wasting this countries money already.. Enough is enough. The problem can be stopped by strict border enforcement, and lets quit locking up our border patrol agents like Ignacio Ramos.

"Do away with the dam inheritance tax or death tax as was promised, and start making America great again."

Why don't RWNJs still not know what the "death tax" really is? Why on earth do they think it would have any effect on them at all?

beagle9 You really don't have the slightest clue about this, do you?
. What part did you not understand about us moving on to bigger fish to fry ??? The border will get stronger and stronger under Trump, it is a done deal.
Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order
Like most moronic rightwing schemes, the notion of a ‘wall’ is predicated on fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity – and zero facts.

Like the majority of your posts. This one included. The facts are that mexico pushes its malcontents north to the USA so that they can maintain their corrupt government without fear of the revolution that that country so desperately needs. The facts are that La raza is a group preaching the invasion, and takeover of the lands they claim were stolen from mexico ignoring the fact that after we took them away from them, we then purchased them. Ask yourself why is ten percent of the mexican population (lowest possible estimate) living here in the USA rather than back where they belong?
There is no need for a physical wall any longer, and Trump should understand this now. It is a matter of stopping the draw here from within, and the making good on existing immigration laws, deport criminals, and shore up the border with technology, gaurd towers strategically placed, man power given the ability to do their jobs, and arrest American's who stand in the way of any of this. Americans standing in the way of this nation applying immigration law will be arrested. Enough is enough.

This is the second time (in my memory) and were a disaster, just as the first time was.

Feds ready to build virtual fence along Arizona-Mexico border

. The towers need to be strategically located, and in fixed locations. They need to be built with all the accommodations, restrooms, and equipment for the extended purposes for which they will serve. This will be far more strategic than a continuous wall, and the towers will be high-tech observation post, as well as representing of small military installations as well. The picture you submitted was very interesting as satellite mobile towers that can be moved and set up randomly in order to keep the bad guy's (human and drug smugglers) spotted, and mostly defeated on the border.. We must use all instruments available to us, and we must untie the hands of our BP agents, ICE officials, and local law enforcement to do their jobs.
Last edited:
If we really want to be assholes then the Mexican side about 30 miles into Mexico...

In order to make sure they don't dam or tar it down we station 30,000 troops, 500 tanks and keep air cover over the area at all times.

IOW, occupy the country.

Trillions to get nothing.

drumpf would love it, especially if he could nuke little brown kids too.
. Your desperation in losing the debate here is now showing with post like this.

But you don't have the balls to answer the question.

But you don't have the balls to answer the question.

No, you are the one who doesn't have the balls to ask the question in a honest manner without tons of spin.


You say we should build a wall.

So, given the givens, answer the question.

Build on Mexico's land? Or US land?

i disagree with your givens. You want to just ask the question without spin? Or would that ruin the whole point for you?
1. If they live their illegally is it technically legal for them to own property. Like if Trump says the rule for everyone is that is you are caught living here illegally you immediately will be deported. That's the flaw in that argument for usage it's easy to prove that it's illegal to have property if the baseline is its illegal to even be on our soil no matter where you reside.
It is a matter of priority. First degrees should go, first.
What do you mean who are first degrees?

Danielpalos is purposefully obtuse for two reasons. 1. he thinks it makes him sound smarter. and 2. to hide his real agenda, which is that he is a loyal Mexican.
How much does it cost to immigrate legally? I know a few Europeans that fled communism and they paid the price, lawyers and such. Mexicans aren't fleeing communism or death. Mexicans live next door, they think creeping and sneaking is the same as fleeing? I don't think so. Don't kid your self. "Mexican" so called immigrants aren't fleeing death squads, they are economic refugees. Don't we already have enough POOR that need jobs here already?

Where do get this stuff?

Do you really believe that other refugees in history, other parts of the world, do you really believe they did not "creep and sneak"?

The US destroyed Mexico's economy. Now we invite them to come here to work and to sell drugs.

The question is, IF you believe we should guild a wall, which side of the border do you believe it should built on?

Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order

1. It's not taking land away if the 12-30 MILLION Mexican Nationals living and working "undocumented/illegally" in the US claim that land for their legal residency.

2. And instead of "just building a wall"
why not build entire city complexes and campus development
for military bases and teaching hospitals, factory jobs and educational and social services:

Earned Amnesty

This can be a WIN WIN situation.
Why not create jobs and work opportunities under a collaborative plan that both immigrant workers/families, businesses and church charities, AND law enforcement/govt would support?


I have often posted win/win solutions. This particular post is about the location of the wall - Do "you" believe it should be built on American land, land that is owned by American citizens? Or on land owned by Mexico?

1. It's not taking land away if the 12-30 MILLION Mexican Nationals living and working "undocumented/illegally" in the US claim that land for their legal residency.

1. If they live their illegally is it technically legal for them to own property. Like if Trump says the rule for everyone is that is you are caught living here illegally you immediately will be deported. That's the flaw in that argument for usage it's easy to prove that it's illegal to have property if the baseline is its illegal to even be on our soil no matter where you reside.


Americans own land along the border and along the river.


Not Mexicans.


The question is, do "you" believe the wall should be built on land owned by America/Americans or on land owned by Mexico/Mexicans?

I posted links outlining some of the issues involved in building on either side.
I would say that it would be best to build it on land ,why would be build it on their land?

Okay, so Daysahead is in favor of taking Americans' property, ruining entire towns. wrecking small American businesses.

Thank you for answering.
Last edited:

But you don't have the balls to answer the question.

But you don't have the balls to answer the question.

No, you are the one who doesn't have the balls to ask the question in a honest manner without tons of spin.


You say we should build a wall.

So, given the givens, answer the question.

Build on Mexico's land? Or US land?

i disagree with your givens. You want to just ask the question without spin? Or would that ruin the whole point for you?


You posted that you believe we should build a wall. You even posted an adorable meme to help you make your point.

If you cannot answer the question, just say so.

If I have missed salient points, please enlighten me.

What are the factors you believe I missed?

You want a wall. Where do you believe it should be built?
How much does it cost to immigrate legally? I know a few Europeans that fled communism and they paid the price, lawyers and such. Mexicans aren't fleeing communism or death. Mexicans live next door, they think creeping and sneaking is the same as fleeing? I don't think so. Don't kid your self. "Mexican" so called immigrants aren't fleeing death squads, they are economic refugees. Don't we already have enough POOR that need jobs here already?

Where do get this stuff?

Do you really believe that other refugees in history, other parts of the world, do you really believe they did not "creep and sneak"?

The US destroyed Mexico's economy. Now we invite them to come here to work and to sell drugs.

The question is, IF you believe we should guild a wall, which side of the border do you believe it should built on?

Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order

1. It's not taking land away if the 12-30 MILLION Mexican Nationals living and working "undocumented/illegally" in the US claim that land for their legal residency.

2. And instead of "just building a wall"
why not build entire city complexes and campus development
for military bases and teaching hospitals, factory jobs and educational and social services:

Earned Amnesty

This can be a WIN WIN situation.
Why not create jobs and work opportunities under a collaborative plan that both immigrant workers/families, businesses and church charities, AND law enforcement/govt would support?


I have often posted win/win solutions. This particular post is about the location of the wall - Do "you" believe it should be built on American land, land that is owned by American citizens? Or on land owned by Mexico?

1. It's not taking land away if the 12-30 MILLION Mexican Nationals living and working "undocumented/illegally" in the US claim that land for their legal residency.

1. If they live their illegally is it technically legal for them to own property. Like if Trump says the rule for everyone is that is you are caught living here illegally you immediately will be deported. That's the flaw in that argument for usage it's easy to prove that it's illegal to have property if the baseline is its illegal to even be on our soil no matter where you reside.


Americans own land along the border and along the river.


Not Mexicans.


The question is, do "you" believe the wall should be built on land owned by America/Americans or on land owned by Mexico/Mexicans?

I posted links outlining some of the issues involved in building on either side.
I would say that it would be best to build it on land ,why would be build it on their land?

Okay, so Daysahead is in favor of taking Americans' property, ruining entire towns. wrecking small American businesses.

Thank your answering.
what I am not in favor of any of those things where did you even come up with that? I never said any of that
There is no need for a physical wall any longer, and Trump should understand this now. It is a matter of stopping the draw here from within, and the making good on existing immigration laws, deport criminals, and shore up the border with technology, gaurd towers strategically placed, man power given the ability to do their jobs, and arrest American's who stand in the way of any of this. Americans standing in the way of this nation applying immigration law will be arrested. Enough is enough.

This is the second time (in my memory) and were a disaster, just as the first time was.

Feds ready to build virtual fence along Arizona-Mexico border

. The towers need to be strategically located, and in fixed locations. They need to be built with all the accommodations, restrooms, and equipment for the extended purposes for which they will serve. This will be far more strategic than a continuous wall, and the towers will be high-tech observation post, as well as representing of small military installations as well. The picture you submitted was very interesting as satellite mobile towers that can be moved and set up randomly in order to keep the bad guy's (human and drug smugglers) spotted, and mostly defeated on the border.. We must use all instruments available to us, and we must untie the hands of our BP agents, ICE officials, and local law enforcement to do their jobs.

You mean like Obama already did. Thanks but that's not the topic of the poll.

If we really want to be assholes then the Mexican side about 30 miles into Mexico...

In order to make sure they don't dam or tar it down we station 30,000 troops, 500 tanks and keep air cover over the area at all times.

IOW, occupy the country.

Trillions to get nothing.

drumpf would love it, especially if he could nuke little brown kids too.
. Your desperation in losing the debate here is now showing with post like this.


So far, there has been no debate about the poll because RWNJs have been afraid to answer the question so it can be debated:

Where do you believe the wall should be built? On US land or Mexican land? Why do you believe that? Thanks.
How much does it cost to immigrate legally? I know a few Europeans that fled communism and they paid the price, lawyers and such. Mexicans aren't fleeing communism or death. Mexicans live next door, they think creeping and sneaking is the same as fleeing? I don't think so. Don't kid your self. "Mexican" so called immigrants aren't fleeing death squads, they are economic refugees. Don't we already have enough POOR that need jobs here already?

Where do get this stuff?

Do you really believe that other refugees in history, other parts of the world, do you really believe they did not "creep and sneak"?

The US destroyed Mexico's economy. Now we invite them to come here to work and to sell drugs.

The question is, IF you believe we should guild a wall, which side of the border do you believe it should built on?

Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order

1. It's not taking land away if the 12-30 MILLION Mexican Nationals living and working "undocumented/illegally" in the US claim that land for their legal residency.

2. And instead of "just building a wall"
why not build entire city complexes and campus development
for military bases and teaching hospitals, factory jobs and educational and social services:

Earned Amnesty

This can be a WIN WIN situation.
Why not create jobs and work opportunities under a collaborative plan that both immigrant workers/families, businesses and church charities, AND law enforcement/govt would support?


I have often posted win/win solutions. This particular post is about the location of the wall - Do "you" believe it should be built on American land, land that is owned by American citizens? Or on land owned by Mexico?

1. It's not taking land away if the 12-30 MILLION Mexican Nationals living and working "undocumented/illegally" in the US claim that land for their legal residency.

1. If they live their illegally is it technically legal for them to own property. Like if Trump says the rule for everyone is that is you are caught living here illegally you immediately will be deported. That's the flaw in that argument for usage it's easy to prove that it's illegal to have property if the baseline is its illegal to even be on our soil no matter where you reside.


Americans own land along the border and along the river.


Not Mexicans.


The question is, do "you" believe the wall should be built on land owned by America/Americans or on land owned by Mexico/Mexicans?

I posted links outlining some of the issues involved in building on either side.
I would say that it would be best to build it on land ,why would be build it on their land?

Okay, so Daysahead is in favor of taking Americans' property, ruining entire towns. wrecking small American businesses.

Thank your answering.
what I am not in favor of any of those things where did you even come up with that? I never said any of that

You said build on the US side of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo river.

Did you read the links?

What do you believe would happen?
Herr drumpf has said he wants to take land away from Americans as well as Mexicans. Some Americans agree, though not the ones who would lose their homes!

Then there's the cost - Quoted at $4million per mile or more. No problem though, cuz Mexico is paying. Right? The president of the US promised that. Many many many many many many many times. All lies and coincidentally, the same number of times he lied about Mexico paying for it. He also said he loves debt and that's the truth of this - just charge it to our elderly and our descendants.

Many of the most ignorant will say foolish things like "round them up and deport them". Obviously, they don't think that rash statement through. Those same people will also say they are against driver's licenses or other ways of actually tracking undocumented/illegals. Go figure.

So, now that we've covered that, let's get to location, location, location ...

No, the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo does not belong only to the US. Nor does it belong wholly to Mexico. There are treaties to consider and no, the US does not get to just steal the river, even though drumpf will likely say otherwise.

Almost 1900 miles long, the river flows through three US states and two countries. Its still the third largest US river but has been dammed and polluted until most of what it once was is gone. It is sometimes dry and sometimes floods. There are times when Mexico does not share and times when the US does not.

There's actually a lot of moving parts to this question so ===

Happy reading ... What do you think?

Rio Grande/Rio Bravo


Rio Grande - Wikipedia

The wall: Building a continuous US-Mexico barrier would be a tall order
Like most moronic rightwing schemes, the notion of a ‘wall’ is predicated on fear, ignorance, hate, and stupidity – and zero facts.

Like the majority of your posts. This one included. The facts are that mexico pushes its malcontents north to the USA so that they can maintain their corrupt government without fear of the revolution that that country so desperately needs. The facts are that La raza is a group preaching the invasion, and takeover of the lands they claim were stolen from mexico ignoring the fact that after we took them away from them, we then purchased them. Ask yourself why is ten percent of the mexican population (lowest possible estimate) living here in the USA rather than back where they belong?


Would you mind answering on topic?

If you believe the US should build a wall and that US tax payer's should pay for it, on which side of the Rio Grande/RioBravo river should the wall be built?

Thanks for your answer.

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