Where Does the Buck Stop in the Benghazi Situation?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Where Does the Buck Stop in the Benghazi Situation?​

ByMichael Curtis
January 3, 2013

An important political, if not constitutional, question has arisen over the meaning of the statement by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on October 15, 2012 that "I take responsibility" for the actions or non-action of the State Department over the events in Benghazi, leading to the death of four Americans. What action by the State Department or by the White House should follow from such a confession? Clinton herself declared, "I'm in charge of the State Department's 60,000 people all over the world," and took the matter very personally.

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Articles: Where Does the Buck Stop in the Benghazi Situation?
You have proven you are not the slightest bit interested in the truth about Benghazi by posting manufactured bullshit between the attack and the election. Your motives are transparent, and your exploitation of the dead is sickening.
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I wonder how long it will take for Hillary to become Obama's Vince Foster?
the same place the Buck stopped with Iraq.

You right wingers will never learn, will you. You all fucked up your reputation during Bush II's 2 terms. Maybe when you can find WMD's, someone will listen. Till then, go kick rocks.
Unfortunately I believe the buck already stopped; this administration will stonewall ad nauseum.
the same place the Buck stopped with Iraq.

You right wingers will never learn, will you. You all fucked up your reputation during Bush II's 2 terms. Maybe when you can find WMD's, someone will listen. Till then, go kick rocks.



It never gets old.
just take party politics out of this for a minuet.

Why was no one held accountable for Iraq? Why is there no in jail for the lies what got us into that quagmire? No one will own Libya for the same reasons no one was held accountable in Iraq.

See, its the system and the idiots we vote in. These foreign policy disasters go way back well before Iraq and Libya. Seriously, don't be so short sighted.
Unfortunately I believe the buck already stopped; this administration will stonewall ad nauseum.


I lack the type of mind that can imagine what will be said but whatever it is somehow will be inconclusive.

Since 'the policy' is vague perhaps that will provide the premise.
Where Does the Buck Stop in the Benghazi Situation?

Under the rug in the Oval Office.
the same place the Buck stopped with Iraq.

You right wingers will never learn, will you. You all fucked up your reputation during Bush II's 2 terms. Maybe when you can find WMD's, someone will listen. Till then, go kick rocks.



It never gets old.

It is kind of funny there were ten attacks on our overseas diplomatic missions on Bush's watch and none of the piss drinkers were the slightest bit concerned about them. But then along comes a negro in the Oval Office and suddenly its a crisis of unprecedented proportions when a consulate is attacked, and several metric tons of manufactured bullshit were created surrounding the incident. I bet most of the piss drinkers weren't even aware of all the attacks which occurred on Bush's watch, or of all the people who died on his watch during those attacks, much less ask any questions or devote god knows how many hours of mock anguish on Fox News over them.


This is how we know they are not really interested in the truth, and have no limits on how low they will stoop, even to the point of exploiting the dead for political purposes.

Sooooo...yeah. The piss drinkers never feel being naked hypocrites gets old. They seem to require constant flags thrown on their bullshit, and never learn.
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You have proven you are not the slightest bit interested in the truth about Benghazi by posting manufactured bullshit between the attack and the election. Your motives are transparent, and your exploitation of the dead is sickening.

all wehrwolfen ever does here is post rw newsmaxx/drudge/fox links Notice that she didn't include any of her own zaney commentary :wink_2:
the same place the Buck stopped with Iraq.

You right wingers will never learn, will you. You all fucked up your reputation during Bush II's 2 terms. Maybe when you can find WMD's, someone will listen. Till then, go kick rocks.



It never gets old.

It is kind of funny there were ten attacks on our overseas diplomatic missions on Bush's watch and none of the piss drinkers were the slightest bit concerned about them. But then along comes a negro in the Oval Office and suddenly its a crisis of unprecedented proportions when a consulate is attacked, and several metric tons of manufactured bullshit were created surrounding the incident. I bet most of the piss drinkers weren't even aware of all the attacks which occurred on Bush's watch, or of all the people who died on his watch during those attacks, much less ask any questions or devote god knows how many hours of mock anguish on Fox News over them.


This is how we know they are not really interested in the truth, and have no limits on how low they will stoop, even to the point of exploiting the dead for political purposes.

How many of our ambassadors died during the attacks during the Bush administration? And cry me a fucking river over your perceived Fox News' over coverage of Benghazi. If you want to talk exploitation and the talk about the Bush years, then let's talk about the feeding frenzy the media had over Abu Graib and why.
What happened in Benghazi was the result of incompetence and negligence and the fact that Obama tried to cover it over so that it wouldn't impact his reelection campaign was lowlife.
You have proven you are not the slightest bit interested in the truth about Benghazi by posting manufactured bullshit between the attack and the election. Your motives are transparent, and your exploitation of the dead is sickening.

all wehrwolfen ever does here is post rw newsmaxx/drudge/fox links Notice that she didn't include any of her own zaney commentary :wink_2:

off topic--that explains a strong response I received shortly after I joined when I posted a link from Drudge.

Admittedly I do scan his headlines but have never really 'understood' his mission.

'A few' State deparment staffers are said to have been removed.

I don't know what other outcome might be possible. It would seem that many serve at the pleasure of the POTUS but the FBI, CIA and others seem to have several versions of what happened. <insert appropriate expletives>
the same place the Buck stopped with Iraq.

You right wingers will never learn, will you. You all fucked up your reputation during Bush II's 2 terms. Maybe when you can find WMD's, someone will listen. Till then, go kick rocks.

maybe if you paid attention to the news you would realize that WMDs were found. Not nearly as much as every intelligence community in the world expected, but some were found nonetheless. Claiming none were found doesn't make it true any more than repeating "Bush lied" made it true.
Oh and in the real world, the Buck would stop with the President. But considering the President hasn't taken responsibility for anything bad, I doubt the media will ever hold him to it.


It never gets old.

It is kind of funny there were ten attacks on our overseas diplomatic missions on Bush's watch and none of the piss drinkers were the slightest bit concerned about them. But then along comes a negro in the Oval Office and suddenly its a crisis of unprecedented proportions when a consulate is attacked, and several metric tons of manufactured bullshit were created surrounding the incident. I bet most of the piss drinkers weren't even aware of all the attacks which occurred on Bush's watch, or of all the people who died on his watch during those attacks, much less ask any questions or devote god knows how many hours of mock anguish on Fox News over them.


This is how we know they are not really interested in the truth, and have no limits on how low they will stoop, even to the point of exploiting the dead for political purposes.

How many of our ambassadors died during the attacks during the Bush administration? And cry me a fucking river over your perceived Fox News' over coverage of Benghazi. If you want to talk exploitation and the talk about the Bush years, then let's talk about the feeding frenzy the media had over Abu Graib and why.
What happened in Benghazi was the result of incompetence and negligence and the fact that Obama tried to cover it over so that it wouldn't impact his reelection campaign was lowlife.

Fox News and the Piss Drinkers invented a stand down order and that Obama watched as the four Americans died.

This betrays their true motives, and it has nothing to do with a search for the truth.

As for Abu Ghraib, our troops were torturing prisoners. That is certainly worthy of a deep examination, dipshit.

In fact, it is the callous excuses made for torture that finally tipped me away from the Republican Party.

The GOP has gone way around the bend, and all I see are signs it is getting worse.

The piss drinkers worked hard for Obama, and they deserve him. That "Obama watched while they died" bullshit is what kept me home once again on Election Day.
It is kind of funny there were ten attacks on our overseas diplomatic missions on Bush's watch and none of the piss drinkers were the slightest bit concerned about them. But then along comes a negro in the Oval Office and suddenly its a crisis of unprecedented proportions when a consulate is attacked, and several metric tons of manufactured bullshit were created surrounding the incident. I bet most of the piss drinkers weren't even aware of all the attacks which occurred on Bush's watch, or of all the people who died on his watch during those attacks, much less ask any questions or devote god knows how many hours of mock anguish on Fox News over them.


This is how we know they are not really interested in the truth, and have no limits on how low they will stoop, even to the point of exploiting the dead for political purposes.

How many of our ambassadors died during the attacks during the Bush administration? And cry me a fucking river over your perceived Fox News' over coverage of Benghazi. If you want to talk exploitation and the talk about the Bush years, then let's talk about the feeding frenzy the media had over Abu Graib and why.
What happened in Benghazi was the result of incompetence and negligence and the fact that Obama tried to cover it over so that it wouldn't impact his reelection campaign was lowlife.

Fox News and the Piss Drinkers invented a stand down order and that Obama watched as the four Americans died.

This betrays their true motives, and it has nothing to do with a search for the truth.

As for Abu Ghraib, our troops were torturing prisoners. That is certainly worthy of a deep examination, dipshit.

In fact, it is the callous excuses made for torture that finally tipped me away from the Republican Party.

The GOP has gone way around the bend, and all I see are signs it is getting worse.

The piss drinkers worked hard for Obama, and they deserve him. That "Obama watched while they died" bullshit is what kept me home once again on Election Day.

If Obama was doing anything OTHER than watching the drone feed then he doesn't deserve to be the CinC. And we don't yet know if there was a stand down order or not as we've not heard from the first Benghazi survivor to find out what really happened. According to you and your ilk anyone questioning Benghazi and Obama's response or lack there of to it are just out of line. How dare anyone question the great Wizard of Washington. And your team can't even be honest enough to admit that if this had happened under a Republican administration the press and Congress would be demanding answers. There is no way that the open lies put out would have been accepted.
And tell me, what would you expect an American president to be doing once informed that an American consulate was under an active attack?

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