Where does the tea party come from? Activist Republicans, study shows.

Seems that, unlike what especially many on the right like to say, which is that the Tea Party consists of many Independents and Democrats, that it is in fact, a spin-off of disgruntled Republicans. Which many, espeically on the Left have been saying for the last 3 years.

In fact, Tea Party supporters were for the most part activist Republicans well before both the financial crisis and before Obama’s election. Campbell and Putnam found that Republican affiliation was actually the single strongest predictor of Tea Party support, and that Tea Party supporters were more likely than other people to have lobbied their public officials before.

Today’s Tea Party supporters are disproportionately white social conservatives, who, Campbell and Putnam say, “had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and still do.” And while Tea Party leaders say their main concern is limiting the size of government, Campbell and Putnam found that the cause that really unites rank-and-file Tea Partiers is a desire for more religion in government. Campbell and Putnam argue that their public devotion—not their ideas about taxes—explains the appeal of figures like Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Texas governor Rick Perry to the Tea Party.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think

Good article thanks


What the hell is the point of this thread?

The anti-war movement, when it existed, was generally activist Democrats.

Somehow this has any relevancy. The left is so shallow. First it's that the Tea Party is too white, now too Republican, whoop T doo.

Yeah, it's a great article :lol:

THE PROBLEM with this ARTICLE---:cuckoo::cuckoo: The "supposed" earmarks were for 2010--and the new freshman tea party members didn't take their seats until January 2011---:lol::lol: Therefore these earmarks were submitted by DEMOCRATS who controlled the house at that time.

Nice try--LIBTARDS.
What...You actually expect them to read, comprehend and work out the time line? :lol:
Seems that, unlike what especially many on the right like to say, which is that the Tea Party consists of many Independents and Democrats, that it is in fact, a spin-off of disgruntled Republicans. Which many, espeically on the Left have been saying for the last 3 years.

Read it and weep: Where Does the Tea Party Come From? | Politeia | Big Think

Good article thanks


What the hell is the point of this thread?

The anti-war movement, when it existed, was generally activist Democrats.

Somehow this has any relevancy. The left is so shallow. First it's that the Tea Party is too white, now too Republican, whoop T doo.

Yeah, it's a great article :lol:

Yes--but have you noticed that the ONLY ones that appear to have this vile hatred about average--law abiding--tax paying citizens of this country is the LEFT side of the isle.
Anybody see this? :eek: :D

Anti-earmark Tea Party Caucus takes $1 billion in earmarks | Exclusives - Yahoo! News
"It's disturbing to see the Tea Party Caucus requested that much in earmarks. This is their time to put up or shut up, to be blunt," said David Williams, vice president for policy at Citizens Against Government Waste. "There's going to be a huge backlash if they continue to request earmarks."

Thank you. Excellent information.

It appears that some of you LIBTARDS have a reading comprehension PROBLEM--

The article linked specifically states this:

Bachmann and 13 of her Tea Party Caucus colleagues did not request any earmarks in the last Fiscal Year, according to CAGW's annual Congressional Pig Book. But others have requested millions of dollars in special projects

Furthermore this article is dated December 2, 2010--talking about earmarks in the 2010 budget--when DEMOCRATS controlled the US house of Representatives--and prior to the new freshman tea party members being seated in January of 2011.

Nice try though--I suspect that some of you believe that no one actually reads your linked articles--I do and always will--:lol::lol:

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Where were the t-publicans when Bu$h II was continuously putting in huge "emergency supplementals" (off-budget/unpaid-for requests) for Iraq?

Defending him. I remember watching the swtich from defending to.tossing under a bus. It was right before obama was elected.all of a sudden bush became the "hold your nose" guy.

The tea party in a nut shell is an extension of the GOP.
They consist mainly of white male and female voters.
some that happen to be racist but not all. Most are highly relgious and want a mix of bible and social law.
they are about 20-25 million in numbers. Which is about the gop base.( the dems have a base around the the same %)
lastly for the most part they tend to contradict themselves if given enough rope on the issues at hand.they like entitlements as.much as.the next person, they just want it run better for the money. They tend to be neocons on foreign policy. They will nannystate on certain issues.

They are the gop, but will fight tooth and nail to avoid being labeled as such.they want to feel like they are fresh, important and on the rise as if they speak for the american people(they dont).

They are simple to figure out, but hard to combat with their overly simple messages. Normally context kills them, but people have a short attention span so they tend to win the debates.

Pure and Simple Bullshit! Some Tea Party are Social Conservatives, most are Fiscal Conservatives and that is what makes us different than the regular Republican Party seeing as there is no Tea Party only a Tea Party Movement. Most are Christan but not Social Conservatives.
Where were the t-publicans when Bu$h II was continuously putting in huge "emergency supplementals" (off-budget/unpaid-for requests) for Iraq?
They were "being patriotic" supporting every. single. one of our then President's abysmal policies.
Where were the t-publicans when Bu$h II was continuously putting in huge "emergency supplementals" (off-budget/unpaid-for requests) for Iraq?

Defending him. I remember watching the swtich from defending to.tossing under a bus. It was right before obama was elected.all of a sudden bush became the "hold your nose" guy.

The tea party in a nut shell is an extension of the GOP.
They consist mainly of white male and female voters.
some that happen to be racist but not all. Most are highly relgious and want a mix of bible and social law.
they are about 20-25 million in numbers. Which is about the gop base.( the dems have a base around the the same %)
lastly for the most part they tend to contradict themselves if given enough rope on the issues at hand.they like entitlements as.much as.the next person, they just want it run better for the money. They tend to be neocons on foreign policy. They will nannystate on certain issues.

They are the gop, but will fight tooth and nail to avoid being labeled as such.they want to feel like they are fresh, important and on the rise as if they speak for the american people(they dont).

They are simple to figure out, but hard to combat with their overly simple messages. Normally context kills them, but people have a short attention span so they tend to win the debates.

Spot on!

:clap2: :clap2:
Where were the t-publicans when Bu$h II was continuously putting in huge "emergency supplementals" (off-budget/unpaid-for requests) for Iraq?
They were "being patriotic" supporting every. single. one of our then President's abysmal policies.
Where were the t-publicans when Bu$h II was continuously putting in huge "emergency supplementals" (off-budget/unpaid-for requests) for Iraq?

Defending him. I remember watching the swtich from defending to.tossing under a bus. It was right before obama was elected.all of a sudden bush became the "hold your nose" guy.

The tea party in a nut shell is an extension of the GOP.
They consist mainly of white male and female voters.
some that happen to be racist but not all. Most are highly relgious and want a mix of bible and social law.
they are about 20-25 million in numbers. Which is about the gop base.( the dems have a base around the the same %)
lastly for the most part they tend to contradict themselves if given enough rope on the issues at hand.they like entitlements as.much as.the next person, they just want it run better for the money. They tend to be neocons on foreign policy. They will nannystate on certain issues.

They are the gop, but will fight tooth and nail to avoid being labeled as such.they want to feel like they are fresh, important and on the rise as if they speak for the american people(they dont).

They are simple to figure out, but hard to combat with their overly simple messages. Normally context kills them, but people have a short attention span so they tend to win the debates.

Spot on!

:clap2: :clap2:

And whom within the tea party movement is defending G.W. Bush's spending--:cuckoo:

The stats are out:

Clinton spent 432 million a day.
G. W Bush spent 1.6 BILLION dollars a day.
And OBAMA is spending 4.6 BILLION dollars a day.

Obama has outspent what big spender G.W. Bush did in 8 years in only 2 years.


40% of the Tea Party movement in this country are Independents and Democrats--and yes it also consists of blacks and hispanics.


Black speakers within the Tea Party movement


For you libtards--telling a lie over and over again doesn't make it TRUE.
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Where were the t-publicans when Bu$h II was continuously putting in huge "emergency supplementals" (off-budget/unpaid-for requests) for Iraq?
They were "being patriotic" supporting every. single. one of our then President's abysmal policies.
Where were the t-publicans when Bu$h II was continuously putting in huge "emergency supplementals" (off-budget/unpaid-for requests) for Iraq?

Defending him. I remember watching the swtich from defending to.tossing under a bus. It was right before obama was elected.all of a sudden bush became the "hold your nose" guy.

The tea party in a nut shell is an extension of the GOP.
They consist mainly of white male and female voters.
some that happen to be racist but not all. Most are highly relgious and want a mix of bible and social law.
they are about 20-25 million in numbers. Which is about the gop base.( the dems have a base around the the same %)
lastly for the most part they tend to contradict themselves if given enough rope on the issues at hand.they like entitlements as.much as.the next person, they just want it run better for the money. They tend to be neocons on foreign policy. They will nannystate on certain issues.

They are the gop, but will fight tooth and nail to avoid being labeled as such.they want to feel like they are fresh, important and on the rise as if they speak for the american people(they dont).

They are simple to figure out, but hard to combat with their overly simple messages. Normally context kills them, but people have a short attention span so they tend to win the debates.

Spot on!

:clap2: :clap2:

This resentment and hatred toward the Tea Party is hypocritical and quite frankly simplistic.

The Democrat party consists mainly of white and female voters. Some happen to be morons but not all.

The logic behind this post is laughable, but you think it's spot on.

This is all the left really has is insulting and denigrating the Tea Party.
When you have a group of individuals who swear that things suddenly got terrible under Obama and refuse to acknowledge the previous Administration's role in the financial disaster and how they brought the country to the brink of total financial collapse, you have an ignorant group of individuals that need to be stopped at all costs before they finish destroying what's left of the country.
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Where were the t-publicans when Bu$h II was continuously putting in huge "emergency supplementals" (off-budget/unpaid-for requests) for Iraq?
They were "being patriotic" supporting every. single. one of our then President's abysmal policies.
Defending him. I remember watching the swtich from defending to.tossing under a bus. It was right before obama was elected.all of a sudden bush became the "hold your nose" guy.

The tea party in a nut shell is an extension of the GOP.
They consist mainly of white male and female voters.
some that happen to be racist but not all. Most are highly relgious and want a mix of bible and social law.
they are about 20-25 million in numbers. Which is about the gop base.( the dems have a base around the the same %)
lastly for the most part they tend to contradict themselves if given enough rope on the issues at hand.they like entitlements as.much as.the next person, they just want it run better for the money. They tend to be neocons on foreign policy. They will nannystate on certain issues.

They are the gop, but will fight tooth and nail to avoid being labeled as such.they want to feel like they are fresh, important and on the rise as if they speak for the american people(they dont).

They are simple to figure out, but hard to combat with their overly simple messages. Normally context kills them, but people have a short attention span so they tend to win the debates.

Spot on!

:clap2: :clap2:

This resentment and hatred toward the Tea Party is hypocritical and quite frankly simplistic.

The Democrat party consists mainly of white and female voters. Some happen to be morons but not all.

The logic behind this post is laughable, but you think it's spot on.

This is all the left really has is insulting and denigrating the Tea Party.

Especially when 40% of the tea party in this country are INDEPENDENTS AND DEMOCRATS

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box

And here are some of the black speakers at Tea Party Rallies across this country

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box


  • $Hope-and-Nope.jpg
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Repeating the lie over and over, like the Bush Administration did, does not make it true oreo.
When you have a group of individuals who swear that things suddenly got terrible under Obama and refuse to acknowledge the previous Administration's role in the financial disaster and how they brought the country to the brink of total financial collapse, you have an ignorant group of individuals that need to be stopped at all costs before the finish destroying what's left of the country.

What the hell are you inferring? It seems like yesterday when a leftist like yourself would be bemoaning that Bush was listening to your phone calls and was going to send us all to Gitmo--NOW you are implying that the Tea Party is a terrorist organization and must be "stopped at all costs".

What kind of fanatical nut job are you? At any cost? What are you planning? :confused:
When you have a group of individuals who swear that things suddenly got terrible under Obama and refuse to acknowledge the previous Administration's role in the financial disaster and how they brought the country to the brink of total financial collapse, you have an ignorant group of individuals that need to be stopped at all costs before the finish destroying what's left of the country.

All this resentment and loathing of the Tea Party is symptomatic of just how much of a failure the policies of this administration have been. No, of course it wasn't Obama's policies that inspired the sweeping Congressional election of 2011--it was racism.

And the reason Obama is doing so poorly is because of those racist, evil Tea Party people. Have you ever thought that perhaps the reason the Tea Party has gained so much momentum is because Obama is doing so poorly?
IAll of the TP member I personally know are ex bush supporters. And would vote for him again if they could.
Several of them even went to the Beck Palin Rally in DC and thought it was just wonderful.
If 4 in 10 tea partiers are not Republicans, I think it is hard to claim the tea party is a radical republican activist group. If anything, they are fighting against the Republican establishment (and the government establishment in general).
IAll of the TP member I personally know are ex bush supporters. And would vote for him again if they could.
Several of them even went to the Beck Palin Rally in DC and thought it was just wonderful.

I'm sure you know a slew of Tea Party people :bsflag:
When you have a group of individuals who swear that things suddenly got terrible under Obama and refuse to acknowledge the previous Administration's role in the financial disaster and how they brought the country to the brink of total financial collapse, you have an ignorant group of individuals that need to be stopped at all costs before the finish destroying what's left of the country.

The difference between Obama and Bush is that Obama is spending four times more than Bush ever did. That's one reason the Tea Party wasn't out in full force then as they are now.

Wise up!

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