Where does wealth hatred come from?

Okay, I thought you were talking about Democrat followers and not the politicians. Of course they are wealthy. The other day Limbaugh said that Piglosi and her husband are worth over 100 million dollars today. That's why she gave the "crumbs" comment. A thousand or two dollars is crumbs to her, but she like most Democrat politicians are so out of touch with the real world they don't understand what that money means to some people, just like they thought it was crumbs for the government to keep your income tax refund if you didn't have health insurance. They can easily afford insurance, so you must be able to as well.

But I'll still stick with the premise that most of these libs were raised in an entitlement household. They were given things all through their upbringing and never had to work for money until they go older.......if they even did that.

When I see a more successful person than myself, I admire their success because they tried harder than I did. When a lib sees a more successful person, that person must have gotten more entitlements than they did. They had a head start in life, they lived on easy street, they never had to do any physical labor, and that drives them crazy whether true or not.

I agree. The left has worked for decades to create an underclass of entitled, dependent useful idiots. There are those who feel that government should take care of them.

And the left takes more and more money. Of course, they are expanding government as they go so much of the confiscated wealth pays for all the new government bureaucrats that are hired with each new "entitlement" program. It's another means of wealth redistribution because they are turning private citizens into government workers. Just keeps getting bigger.

If people were willing and able to do for themselves, liberal politicians would be irrelevant. Can't have that. Must keep people down and believing they are victims who need government to go after the big bad rich white people.
You mean the lying cheating thieving brainwashing greedy idiot big bad GOP white people, super dupe? The ones who have been pandering to themselves for 35 years and Wrecking the country? My goodness you're a brainwashed functional moron...

Go out, get a job...you'll feel better in about a week.
I'm 66 and happily retired, stupid. But I am sick of your stupid party wrecking the world and everyone but the rich...

You're 66, happily retired and stupid...check.
The stupid people are the ones who vote for the party that allowed 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars in our history, and a world depression through pure corruption... Moron oops brainwashed functional moron...
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.
Hate wealthy people because I'm jealous I'm not wealthy.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19064069,
No, supermarkets can't survive in the ghetto because of the thefts committed by blacks. If it's not the shoplifting it's the armed robberies.

Another racist fake reality stereotyper.

"In 2012, USDA researchers crunched the data again and found once more that low-income neighborhoods had more—not fewer—grocery stores."

Getting Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Into Poor Neighborhoods Doesn’t Make Poor People Healthier

How can Ray's knee jerk (blame the black's) pronouncement be true if low income neighborhoods have more grocery stores than higher income areas?

Do Ray's blacks who rob stores only rob big name supermarkets located in ghettos?

Big supernarket chains stay out of low income neighborhoods because they cannot be profitable mostly because there is not a lot of disposable capital in those areas to by higher cost foods like steak and fresh vegetables.

Studies show that people living in poverty don't buy fresh fruits meats and vegetables even if they have access to them because of governmental incentive programs.

Plus in the past Supernarket Chains move out of inner cities and shutter their buildings rather than allow a competitor to re-use them.

It's called deed restrictions:

This problem is only exacerbated in urban areas, where large tracts of real estate suitable for a supermarket are hard to come by.

Walmart ( WMT), the world's largest retailer, also takes advantage of this anti-competitive practice. As of 2010, the company had 250 abandoned stores across the country sitting empty because of deed restrictions.

The retail giant openly defends this tactic, saying, "We welcome competition in the marketplace, but what we can't be doing is providing infrastructure for our competitors in the same market."

Food Deserts: Where Have All the Inner-City Grocery Stores Gone?

Here's another.

"Schnucks officials said they were losing money on the store, which now sits boarded up with weeds growing in its parking lot."

Supermarket chains avoid low-income neighborhoods, even though they promised not to

No mention of armed robberies as the reason to leave the poorest neighborhoods.

But Ray's fake world rambles on / Blame the blacks.
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So who was bribed? Any names in particular?

Let me put something to bed right now: there is no share of income. It's not like the US had this pile of money, and some got more of it than others. If you are poor, it's not because the rich have too much, it's because you didn't try enough.
Who was bribed?
Start with those who voted "aye" for NAFTA in 1993.
H.R. 3450 (103rd): North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act -- House Vote #575 -- Nov 17, 1993

Unlike wealth, income is a finite number, so if the rich use campaign donations to bribe elected legislators for favorable tax and trade policies, they will indeed acquire more after-tax income at your expense.

"GDP vs National Income

“GDP” or Gross Domestic Product and National Income are financial terms that are related to the finance of a country.

"National Income is the total value of all services and goods that are produced within a country and the income that comes from abroad for a particular period, normally one year.

"Read more: Difference Between GDP and National Income | Difference Between Difference Between GDP and National Income | Difference Between

"Gross Domestic Product is defined as the value of the goods and services generated within a country. The GDP, which is based on ownership, measures the overall economic output of a country.

"The GDP also determines the local income of a nation.

"The National Income determines the overall economic health of the country, trends in economic growth, contributions of various production sectors, future growth and standard of living."

Read more: Difference Between GDP and National Income | Difference Between http://www.differencebetween.net/business/finance-business-2/difference-between-gdp-and-national-income/#ixzz54GKor1OM
Ray, liberals don’t hate the wealthy. Most liberals aspire to BE wealthy. What they hate, is skewing the economy to heavily favour the wealthy.

Spoke too soon:

In other words, tax 99% of the billionaires into extinction (and prison)

When Reagan was elected President, there was an economic balance in the US where a rising tide lifted all boats. The American economy was strong because the working and middle class had financial security and savings. Reagan changed that balance and tilted it to the wealthy. The working class stopped getting raises. Profits mattered more than people.

So what you're trying to say is that because Reagan lowered their taxes, they quit giving raises? How does that work anyway?

Reagan removed most anti-trust provisions were lifted, allowing larger and larger corporations to be created. Now almost all retail is mega-chains and big box stores. Mega corporations employ millions but the money all goes to the top and the shareholders, while the employees who generate that income receive government assistance.

Wages for low income front line workers have been stagnant since the 1980’s. Not coincidentally, government assistance programs have grown under Republicans. The number of people receiving food stamps doubled the first two years of Reagan’s administration and never declined thereafter.

No, that's completely wrong. When Reagan got in, 23 million were collecting food stamps. When he left, it was about 18 million, but nothing compared to what happened during Clinton and of course DumBama who doubled it within a few short years:

View attachment 171526

When Reagan was elected, the working class had savings. They owned 5% of the wealth of America. Not a lot to be sure, but they had a stake in things. That was gone before the outsourcing began in earnest under George W. Bush. The American middle class is shrinking and the recent tax cuts made by Trump will only accelerate that process.

W’s tax cut and refusal to raise minimum wages got the destruction of the middle class going big time. Trump just doubled down by cutting taxes with a huge deficit and full employment. Dumb and dumber.

Presidents have nothing to do with outsourcing. Outsourcing is a company decision and not a government one.

Can you explain to me how giving middle-class workers tax breaks are destroying the middle-class? How does that work exactly?
Those tax cuts are being financed through additional debt. Why are the rich, getting the biggest break?
Corporations have been awash in cash since they started outsourcing. The tax cut will do nothing for investment, wages or job creation.

Then there’s the whole question of cutting taxes and increasing government spending to increase jobs in a full-employment economy. Who does that and why would they?
In response to the OP:

Wealth hatred is driven by the very natural human sentiment of "envy". Being taught proper values and living in a decent civil society enables people to overcome such negativity. A rational person should focus on his own betterment instead of trying to tear down someone else's success or good fortune.
In response to the OP:

Wealth hatred is driven by the very natural human sentiment of "envy". Being taught proper values and living in a decent civil society enables people to overcome such negativity. A rational person should focus on his own betterment instead of trying to tear down someone else's success or good fortune.
There is no hatred required to resent the widening economic inequality in the US due to increasing concentration of political power among corporate and financial elite and their influence on the rules by which the economy functions. Over the last four decades this phenomena hasn't been affected much by which of the two major parties voters favored at the polls.
In response to the OP:

Wealth hatred is driven by the very natural human sentiment of "envy". Being taught proper values and living in a decent civil society enables people to overcome such negativity. A rational person should focus on his own betterment instead of trying to tear down someone else's success or good fortune.
I agree, certainly is alot of envy.
But I suggest its more than that when you have the ultra wealthy with such strong influence over policy. Take for instance the Koch brothers, who own the majority of republicans these days. When you have them driving policies to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of the country, its no wonder there might be a bit of hatred out there. Such as in Wisconsin.
Even Bannon saw it.

At the core, we used to be a one-person/one-vote society, but we've become 1-dollar/1-vote.
In response to the OP:

Wealth hatred is driven by the very natural human sentiment of "envy". Being taught proper values and living in a decent civil society enables people to overcome such negativity. A rational person should focus on his own betterment instead of trying to tear down someone else's success or good fortune.
I agree, certainly is alot of envy.
But I suggest its more than that when you have the ultra wealthy with such strong influence over policy. Take for instance the Koch brothers, who own the majority of republicans these days. When you have them driving policies to enrich themselves at the expense of the rest of the country, its no wonder there might be a bit of hatred out there. Such as in Wisconsin.
Even Bannon saw it.

At the core, we used to be a one-person/one-vote society, but we've become 1-dollar/1-vote.

I'm far less worried by the libertarian Koch influence than I am by the Globalist Soros influence.

Want the wealthy to have less influence on public policy? Then make the government scope much smaller...i.e., back the the original scope defined in the Constitution. Less taxpayer money means less opportunities for graft and redistribution. The Commerce Clause has been grossly abused to justify the Feds monetizing our private decisions. Stop their ability to do that as well.
I agree. The left has worked for decades to create an underclass of entitled, dependent useful idiots. There are those who feel that government should take care of them.

And the left takes more and more money. Of course, they are expanding government as they go so much of the confiscated wealth pays for all the new government bureaucrats that are hired with each new "entitlement" program. It's another means of wealth redistribution because they are turning private citizens into government workers. Just keeps getting bigger.

If people were willing and able to do for themselves, liberal politicians would be irrelevant. Can't have that. Must keep people down and believing they are victims who need government to go after the big bad rich white people.
You mean the lying cheating thieving brainwashing greedy idiot big bad GOP white people, super dupe? The ones who have been pandering to themselves for 35 years and Wrecking the country? My goodness you're a brainwashed functional moron...

Go out, get a job...you'll feel better in about a week.
I'm 66 and happily retired, stupid. But I am sick of your stupid party wrecking the world and everyone but the rich...

You're 66, happily retired and stupid...check.
The stupid people are the ones who vote for the party that allowed 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars in our history, and a world depression through pure corruption... Moron oops brainwashed functional moron...

I cannot indict everyone, most simply don't know the truth and worse yet they don't want to. You though, you're just a silly hate filled stooge too stupid to understand that the corruption is endemic to the system. You're a deluded child of a man.
Mostly comes from those too lazy, bitter, "victimized" or immature to even attempt to pursue it
Illegal or dependent and broke is not noble my friends
You mean the lying cheating thieving brainwashing greedy idiot big bad GOP white people, super dupe? The ones who have been pandering to themselves for 35 years and Wrecking the country? My goodness you're a brainwashed functional moron...

Go out, get a job...you'll feel better in about a week.
I'm 66 and happily retired, stupid. But I am sick of your stupid party wrecking the world and everyone but the rich...

You're 66, happily retired and stupid...check.
The stupid people are the ones who vote for the party that allowed 911 through sheer incompetence, the stupidest Wars in our history, and a world depression through pure corruption... Moron oops brainwashed functional moron...

I cannot indict everyone, most simply don't know the truth and worse yet they don't want to. You though, you're just a silly hate filled stooge too stupid to understand that the corruption is endemic to the system. You're a deluded child of a man.
Yes it's just a coincidence that all the corruption on Wall Street happens under Republicans deregulation idiocy and cronyism, super dupe...
Mostly comes from those too lazy, bitter, "victimized" or immature to even attempt to pursue it
Illegal or dependent and broke is not noble my friends
This hate of the wealthy b*******is just more GOP propaganda... Democrats certainly don't hate democratic billionaires who fight for higher taxes on themselves and investment in Americans so we can get healthy demand for product... And then actual healthy economy and middle-class.
Mostly comes from those too lazy, bitter, "victimized" or immature to even attempt to pursue it
Illegal or dependent and broke is not noble my friends
This hate of the wealthy b*******is just more GOP propaganda... Democrats certainly don't hate democratic billionaires who fight for higher taxes on themselves and investment in Americans so we can get healthy demand for product... And then actual healthy economy and middle-class.

You leftists are such saps.

Of course they are for higher taxation--because they are not going to be paying them. People like Buffet and Soros don't have their money tied up in taxable investments. They make their money through capital gains or tax free bonds.

The people at the top of the hill want to stay there and nobody else join them. So tax the people trying to get to the top of that hill and it makes it better for them.

Nobody needs laws or the government to pay more taxes. All these wealthy Democrat people can pay as much tax as they desire. But I'll bet you my months salary to your weeks welfare check that every singe one of them uses every possible deduction government will allow. As George Bush once said about people saying they weren't taxed enough: The IRS accepts personal checks and money orders.
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Because the breaks are going to the wealthy - over 70% of the debt created to pay for this tax cut ties to the wealthy and corporations. Middle class business owners get less of a cut than shareholders. Investing in the stock market is doing nothing for the dividends this money earns. It’s like a rich guy’s version of a government handout since the rich guys and corporations use more government services and return much less than what they use to government coffers.

Corporations use roads for transportation of goods and services and to get employees to work efficiently. They use waste treatment facilities at a higher level. They need an educated work force but they don’t want to pay for their training.

Rural areas complain about the high taxes in cities but cities with public transportation and access to jobs provide shelter for the working poor.

There’s a thread on this board about how higher wages for restaurant workers in Seattle is threatening the return of the $5 foot long sandwich. I see that as a good thing for everyone.

This campaign to keep fast food restaurant wages low so Americans can eat the worst possible food for the cheapest possible price would make for high farce if another thread didn’t make also make the claim that America was the only country in the world where poor people are fat.

Yes because fast food restaurant prices are being subsidized by EIC’s. It may be hard to find a supermarket in the ghetto but MickeyD is everywhere.

No, supermarkets can't survive in the ghetto because of the thefts committed by blacks. If it's not the shoplifting it's the armed robberies.

Our Target store--closed, our Walmart store--closed, our K-mart store--closed, all for the same reason.

A handout is when you give somebody something they don't have. Taking less from somebody is not a handout.

This nonsense that the wealthy use more government services than the average person is liberal nonsense. The rich person doesn't need the police as often if at all, they don't need Medicare, they don't need Social Security, they don't need food stamps. Yes, they pay into all that, but take nothing in return.

Corporations add to city and state taxation which is why cities and states fight to get businesses to come there. They offer tax abatements because even with the break, they make out like bandits. When a business employs hundreds or thousands of workers, each worker creates taxes for the city and state. A city with large industry areas does much better than cities that have little industry.

If you believe wealthy use government services less than the poor you are absolutely delusional. Like the police. It is not about domestic violence calls or chasing off gang bangers. It is about the protection of PROPERTY. And I can tell you from experience. I have lived in poor rural areas and I have lived in upper class neighborhoods. In the poor rural areas I could go years without ever seeing a law enforcement officer. In the upper class neighborhoods I spoke to them weekly. Social Security, most wealthy people I know have disability insurance. Social Security is built in to those policies, without it the premium would be triple, at least. And I can assure you, no rich person refuses Medicare Part A, very few turn down Part B. Without Medicare they would be paying full retail for health services. When Donald Trump went to the doctor, he paid Medicare rates, he didn't pay full price.

But you ignore the big expenses. As Dragonlady mentioned, the highways. Corporations depend on them to move their goods, hell you should know that better than anyone. But what about the airports and air traffic controllers. The wealthy depend on those airports to land their private jets, they depend on the controllers to keep them from running in to each other. Not to mention they use commercial airlines at a far greater frequency than any poor person. And then there is defense spending, the protection of intellectual property rights, and of course, the protection of the banking system.

That's silly.

Police in upper crust areas are bored to death. No crime means nothing to do, so they often take laser of cars or patrol streets and businesses. Cities depend highly on business revenue to make the city run. Without it, the city falls apart and that has happened to several suburbs in my area. If businesses are getting broken into or employees cars are constantly damaged, the business eventually moves out to a better location.

Transportation companies pay a ton of taxes for roads and highways. In fact, we get taxed by the mile and by how many axles the vehicle has. That's on top of diesel fuel tax which is something like 30 some cents a gallon. However those costs get passed down to our customers who have to indirectly pay them, so they actually pay more for the roads than anybody else. Nobody is doing the businesses any favors, trust me.

Most wealthy people have long-term health insurance that covers them through the remainder of their lives. They don't need SS and they don't need Medicare, and SS does not subsidize them either.

For the most part, airports are self supportive. They are not financed by cities, states or the federal government. Because businesses use the airport more, they also pay more. Nobody is getting a free ride.

Man but you are a hoot. Long term care insurance covers one thing, long term care. It is specifically designed to cover costs NOT COVERED by Medicare. The FAA requested over 16 billion dollars for 2018. Funny, you seem to easily see the 70 billion spent on food stamps but the FAA's 16 billion is invisible. Of course, that is only a part of the Department of Transportation's budget of 98 billion dollar, which eclipses food stamp spending.

Now, to the grocery stores and the inner city. Often times a grocery store moves locations. They upgrade to a new, more modern, facility. Think of one of those stores that closed in your nearby suburb. Did they locate somewhere else? And that old location, is it occupied? Probably not, and not because another grocery store does not want to go in. It is because of deed restrictions. Walmart has 250 old locations sitting empty due to deed restrictions. They claim they welcome competition but refuse to provide infrastructure to competitors. But hell, they didn't build the building, they didn't even own it. They leased it, and when they signed that lease it including deed restrictions preventing another competitor from leasing the facility in the future. It is an insidious form of rent seeking.

If they're paying for it they can do as they please. I'm a landlord, and if one of my tenants moves somewhere else but still paying rent, I could care less as long as the unit is being paid for. In fact I'll make out in the end because nobody is using water and sewer.

Now tell me, if a Walmart moved out of a store, WTF would they care if somebody else moved in? Walmart and similar outlets are what's known as an Anchor Store. What that means is that Walmart will attract customers for all the other stores. Most times that is also written in the contract. If the anchor store folds up, then the other surrounding stores have the option to get out of their lease.

Walmart is not afraid of competition outside of online buying.

What part of DEED restrictions do you not understand? Walmart is not paying rent anymore, but the DEED is restricted. Have you never been part of an HOA? They have deed restrictions. Like mine, no fences in the front yard, a minimum of two trees and those have to be located on opposite sides of the front yard. No pigs, or chickens, or llamas. It doesn't matter who owns the home, the DEED is restricted. So Walmart builds a new store, they sell the building to an investor or REIT and a DEED restriction is attached forbidding another retailer from leasing the property. When Walmart refuses to renew the lease, or pays the penalty for breaking it, the owner is pretty much screwed.

And it is an extension of a common practice. I started out in the grocery business and my father spent his entire career climbing the ladder in that industry. Way back then it was common practice for operators do tear out all the wiring and plumbing when leaving a building. Just like Walmart, they claimed it was not about competition, it was about providing infrastructure to the competition. Rather they continued to operate in that area was irrelevant.
Well.......the quickest answer is that it comes from the Democrat party and politicians. Hate people because they own businesses, hate people because they don't pay their workers enough, hate people because they get tax breaks, hate people because they have stuff the rest doesn't. It's brainwashing as usual.

But in my opinion, it must have deeper roots than politics.

Hate is usually a defense mechanism. Hate comes from fear or threat. You may hate your supervisor because he or she threatens your future with the company. Hate may come in forms of race where you feel a threat or fear for the safety of your family or investment of your home. Hate may be of gender where a person was abused by their spouse or even a stranger. It comes from somewhere. You don't wake up one morning and say "I really hate that Donald Trump. I didn't mind him yesterday, but today I wish he'd fall off a cliff."

I guess this question is really for the libs since they lead the charge in wealth hatred. If you agree with my assessment that hate derives from fear or threat, what has the wealthy done to you in the past that makes you feel this way? Or is it you were told by the Democrat party to hate wealthy people?

Well.......not all wealthy people of course. Liberals tend to give waivers to sports figures, entertainment figures, lottery winners, people that do things they enjoy instead of working for wealth. But if you went to college, worked your way up the ladder, made investments, and became wealthy through work, you are the worst creature on earth, and the Democrat party simply fuels that flame.

Wealth hatred comes from the poor who have to rationalize being poor, so they demonize anyone with more than them, this is sad because it basically programs children that they must be poor or evil. Very sad

This is such bullshit. The poor don’t hate the wealthy. They hate the lack of opportunities. That where they are born or the colour of their skin determines what they are expected to achieve.

In neighbourhoods where public schools are being replaced by charter schools, the poorest children are dropping out of school. Their parents can’t pay the difference between the vouchers and the tuition so they just get dropped from school rolls.

Lack of funding for inner city schools ensures the generation growing up there now will remain poor.

Our schools are locally funded unless they reach emergency levels where the feds come in and help them out. The people of each community vote how much they wish to contribute to their schools. If they decide to fund as little as possible, they get as little as possible.

However as a whole, the US spends more per capita on education than just about any industrialized country in the world. We have only mediocre results to show for it, but throwing even more money at the problem won't solve it.

The reason lower income areas experience drop outs and substandard education is because the parent is less involved than in better areas. Schools can't educate children alone. The parents need to be involved as well. If a kid isn't paying attention in school, not passing tests, not showing up, there is nothing the best school in the world can do for that kid. And if the parent is not involved, then nothing will work.

However as a whole, the US spends more per capita on education than just about any industrialized country in the world.

You know the problem with that argument right? "as a whole", that is the problem. Sure, the United States spends more "per capita". But that is not due to the spending in inner city school districts with a declining property tax base. There are public schools around here that provide laptops to every student, where the athletic field is astroturf, where the school pays for field trips to France for the French club and has a learjet to fly the debate team around.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19055800
That's part of it, the other part is working to make whites a minority in this country ASAP. Once they accomplish that, they have the ability to make this a one-party government forever and be like every other socialist shithole.

If we head for one Democratic Party it won't be because of your worst nightmare of minorities overbreeding. My theory is that the white conservatives in his country have been over-lying.

Conservatives can't give Obama credit for anything. He's black. It's not in a conservatives DNA.

Just today I had Rush Last Limbaugh on a he radio and he was gushing all over Trump for taking the Black unemployment rate down to 7.9 percent.

And Rush said it 'all' was since Trump took office. All. All Trump. Obama had absolutely nothing to do with.

Rush said it was as all Trump:

Quick check here Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Obama reduced black unemployment about 8 % over six years. Under Trump it's gone down a little over 1%.

It's very easy for the minorities in this country to figure out blatant lies like that from conservatives.

Rush is still lying about Obama.

So Ray, you want conservatism to survive politically in this country you might want your party to quit lying - specifically quit lying about the first black president and his accomplishments.

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