Where exactly does each liberal target demographic rank in the oppression hierarchy?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
So we know this is a thing, since liberal concepts like the progressive stack rely on it. We know it's something important, since liberal identity-based factional infighting over who gets the privileges of the oppressed label is so common that "oppression olympics" has to be a phrase. We know there have been several attempts to mathematically quantify oppression and so determine a clear winner. So I have to ask, exactly where does each demographic rank? What are the formulae to determine an individual's place in the hierarchy? Does a transgender black woman outrank a schizophrenic gay white man? How about a middle class Filipina college student and a poor Laotian-American immigrant?
So we know this is a thing, since liberal concepts like the progressive stack rely on it. We know it's something important, since liberal identity-based factional infighting over who gets the privileges of the oppressed label is so common that "oppression olympics" has to be a phrase. We know there have been several attempts to mathematically quantify oppression and so determine a clear winner. So I have to ask, exactly where does each demographic rank? What are the formulae to determine an individual's place in the hierarchy? Does a transgender black woman outrank a schizophrenic gay white man? How about a middle class Filipina college student and a poor Laotian-American immigrant?

Oh, really?






Gotta sometimes wonder why Cons pull this stuff out of their asses.
The infighting is a pretty well documented issue. Hell, just see the fallout from the street harassment video, when people realized a feminist was making fun of poor black guys from Detroit. The existence of a hierarchy can be inferred from the infighting over dominance and speaking rights, as demonstrated in the progressive stack. Of course, a core component of the ideology (especially among the hyperpartisan wing of it) is that only the evil people have an ideology and yours isn't ideology at all but merely common sense, so... :)
So we know this is a thing, since liberal concepts like the progressive stack rely on it. We know it's something important, since liberal identity-based factional infighting over who gets the privileges of the oppressed label is so common that "oppression olympics" has to be a phrase. We know there have been several attempts to mathematically quantify oppression and so determine a clear winner. So I have to ask, exactly where does each demographic rank? What are the formulae to determine an individual's place in the hierarchy? Does a transgender black woman outrank a schizophrenic gay white man? How about a middle class Filipina college student and a poor Laotian-American immigrant?
Yeah, this is a tough one, a good question, and those of us who are not part of the PC Police can only guess.

If the individual has just one (1) Identity Politics Characteristic (IDC), I would guess:
  1. Blacks
  2. Women
  3. Gays, LGBTKFOAXQCPJFJ, all those
  4. Handicapped
  5. Other ethnic groups (although not Asian, so maybe Hispanics, Arabs, etc.)
That's just a best guess. Then, those who have more than one IDC move up on the pecking order. So for example, a Black homosexual up against a handicapped woman, now that would be an interesting case. They'd probably have to either flip a coin or rock/paper/scissors or work out some kind of arrangement. However, if the handicapped woman were Hispanic, well, that's pretty much the trump card right there, three IDCs to two.

There may be a manual somewhere, or maybe something online, perhaps a flow chart or a schematic, not sure.

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