Where is Janeane Garofalo?

Is she tucked inside of the concrete cornerstone of a new building someplace in New Jersey? Maybe near Jimmy Hoffa...
Is she tucked inside of the concrete cornerstone of a new building someplace in New Jersey? Maybe near Jimmy Hoffa...

I love how the most outspoken leftist of this country were on the blame Buoooosh bandwagon and now we hear nothing from them when of of their own does keeps doing and adding to what Bush did.. I guess he wasn't such a bad President after all.
no asswipe. you are an intellegual elite asswipe cause you think your the only asswipe who has intellect. sitting there call the rest of us rednecks and simpletons, makes you an intellectual you think.. I think you suck donkey dick Garafolala
She was such a cute and perky thing when I first saw here in movies about 15 years ago. Now she's nothing but a hateful hag. She took a wrong turn.

I must have missed those movies I see nothing cute about her. Shes one of those hollywood elites.
no asswipe. you are an intellegual elite asswipe cause you think your the only asswipe who has intellect. sitting there call the rest of us rednecks and simpletons, makes you an intellectual you think.. I think you suck donkey dick Garafolala


"...culture loses its manners when a right-winger like that get gets in office."

And whose fault is that, Janeane? Perhaps if you and your fellow liberals wouldn't screech about every real or imagined slight with mindless profanity-laden invective, the culture would stay a little classier.

But, no, it's the right's fault for making you do that, isn't it?

Oh, and re: the redefinition of liberalism: That, too, is liberals' fault. You've chosen to abandon the ideal of classical liberalism: individual freedom. You now embrace government control over individual lives, and glorify the collective over the individual.
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"...culture loses its manners when a right-winger like that get gets in office."

And whose fault is that, Janeane? Perhaps if you and your fellow liberals wouldn't screech about every real or imagined slight with mindless profanity-laden invective, the culture would stay a little classier.

But, no, it's the right's fault for making you do that, isn't it?

Dave you know that the progressives are not accountable for anything.

"...culture loses its manners when a right-winger like that get gets in office."

And whose fault is that, Janeane? Perhaps if you and your fellow liberals wouldn't screech about every real or imagined slight with mindless profanity-laden invective, the culture would stay a little classier.

But, no, it's the right's fault for making you do that, isn't it?

Dave you know that the progressives are not accountable for anything.
"It's just this war and that lying son of a bitch Johnson!"

Nope, no responsibility at all.
no asswipe. you are an intellegual elite asswipe cause you think your the only asswipe who has intellect. sitting there call the rest of us rednecks and simpletons, makes you an intellectual you think.. I think you suck donkey dick Garafolala

and yet you routinely act like a redneck simpleton in thread after thread.

this is the extent of your posting power. ... what a sad, angry little over-compensator you make yourself out to be. ....

i'm no fan of JG, but you wouldn't last 3 minutes on the same debate stage with her... not without going red, giving up and punching her.

it's much the same as your ability here on this forum, where you meltdown and rifle off tarrets-laiden neg reps. ... please suffer a domestic accident.
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no asswipe. you are an intellegual elite asswipe cause you think your the only asswipe who has intellect. sitting there call the rest of us rednecks and simpletons, makes you an intellectual you think.. I think you suck donkey dick Garafolala

and yet you routinely act like a redneck simpleton in thread after thread.

this is the extent of your posting power. ... what a sad, angry little over-compensator you make yourself out to be. ....

i'm no fan of JG, but you wouldn't last 3 minutes on the same debate stage with her... not without going red, giving up and punching her.

it's much the same as your ability here on this forum, where you meltdown and rifle off tarrets-laiden neg reps. ... please suffer a domestic accident.

please suffer a domestic accident

Janeane Garofalo is a politiical hack. who is not honest and with you defending her makes you dishonest.
no asswipe. you are an intellegual elite asswipe cause you think your the only asswipe who has intellect. sitting there call the rest of us rednecks and simpletons, makes you an intellectual you think.. I think you suck donkey dick Garafolala

and yet you routinely act like a redneck simpleton in thread after thread.

this is the extent of your posting power. ... what a sad, angry little over-compensator you make yourself out to be. ....

i'm no fan of JG, but you wouldn't last 3 minutes on the same debate stage with her... not without going red, giving up and punching her.

it's much the same as your ability here on this forum, where you meltdown and rifle off tarrets-laiden neg reps. ... please suffer a domestic accident.
And what you just did is different...how, exactly?

Oh, right...a leftist wishing violence on someone is intellectual, tolerant, and compassionate. I forgot.
no asswipe. you are an intellegual elite asswipe cause you think your the only asswipe who has intellect. sitting there call the rest of us rednecks and simpletons, makes you an intellectual you think.. I think you suck donkey dick Garafolala

and yet you routinely act like a redneck simpleton in thread after thread.

this is the extent of your posting power. ... what a sad, angry little over-compensator you make yourself out to be. ....

i'm no fan of JG, but you wouldn't last 3 minutes on the same debate stage with her... not without going red, giving up and punching her.

it's much the same as your ability here on this forum, where you meltdown and rifle off tarrets-laiden neg reps. ... please suffer a domestic accident.
And what you just did is different...how, exactly?

Oh, right...a leftist wishing violence on someone is intellectual, tolerant, and compassionate. I forgot.

Shit man, ya' keep beating me to the punch. Keep it up and i'm going to have to start not liking you!

and yet you routinely act like a redneck simpleton in thread after thread.

this is the extent of your posting power. ... what a sad, angry little over-compensator you make yourself out to be. ....

i'm no fan of JG, but you wouldn't last 3 minutes on the same debate stage with her... not without going red, giving up and punching her.

it's much the same as your ability here on this forum, where you meltdown and rifle off tarrets-laiden neg reps. ... please suffer a domestic accident.
And what you just did is different...how, exactly?

Oh, right...a leftist wishing violence on someone is intellectual, tolerant, and compassionate. I forgot.

Shit man, ya' keep beating me to the punch. Keep it up and i'm going to have to start not liking you!

:lol: Blame the coffee.

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