Where is Joe Biden?

Just relive the time in your life when you had to decipher what a two-year-old was telling you.
Was Trump a globalist?

In February 2017, Trump welcomed Abe to the White House and then to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, where they played a round of golf and Trump used a gold-plated club Abe gifted him on their first meeting.

Trump traveled to Japan in November 2017 and visited the country again in May 2019, becoming the first foreign leader to meet the newly enthroned Emperor Naruhito. Trump also attended the G-20 summit in Japan in June 2019.
Ah, he's kind of busy at the moment

It wasn't the Prime Minister who was shot.

I was going to say Trump didn't go to John McCain's funeral but that's not his fault.

Cindy McCain Says Trump Wasn't Invited to Husband's Funeral Because She Wanted to Keep It 'With Dignity'​


Did you say Statesmen? That is so fucking funny.

US President Donald Trump has attacked the late Senator John McCain, complaining that he "didn't get a thank you" for his state funeral.
"We sent him on the way, but I wasn't a fan of John McCain," the president said during a visit to an Ohio tank factory.
Mr Trump has repeatedly assailed the late Arizona senator in recent days, reigniting a feud that dates back to before his presidency.
The Vietnam War veteran died of brain cancer last August at the age of 81.

Keepin it classy and statemenlike. LOL.
Oh I did, ah that's right, he had more babies to kill, such a devout catholic.

And she did, and fuck that ho for supporting the current President, who is a shit stain.

Trump is way more statesman like than Biden.
Was Trump a globalist?

In February 2017, Trump welcomed Abe to the White House and then to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, where they played a round of golf and Trump used a gold-plated club Abe gifted him on their first meeting.

Trump traveled to Japan in November 2017 and visited the country again in May 2019, becoming the first foreign leader to meet the newly enthroned Emperor Naruhito. Trump also attended the G-20 summit in Japan in June 2019.
Do you know what a globalist is?
Oh I did, ah that's right, he had more babies to kill, such a devout catholic.

And she did, and fuck that ho for supporting the current President, who is a shit stain.

Trump is way more statesman like than Biden.
Really because I think he acted like an idiot


Sure, it's a common question asked daily, but a former Prime Minister of Japan was shot and killed (apparently Japan's gun laws are waaaaaaaaay too loose, they really need to tighten them up ;) ), and still no word from the President. Trump put out a statement almost immediately. Trump was a far better statesmen then the China puppet, Biden.
Are you drunk?

January 6th
He’s being POLITE
I just think it's funny the great divider would point out how this guy was a great uniter.

He had nothing bad to say about the guy. No reason. I'm just fascinated that Trump would talk about being a uniter. It's like when Melania chose being kind to each other as her focus.
Are you drunk?

January 6th
You must be, guns laws do not equate to safety. And Biden is an aweful President. When Trump left office after 4 yerars of investigations and attack by the media on a daily basis, he had a 40% approval rating. Biden has a 30% approval rating, he's just awful.
Sure, it's a common question asked daily, but a former Prime Minister of Japan was shot and killed (apparently Japan's gun laws are waaaaaaaaay too loose, they really need to tighten them up ;) ), and still no word from the President. Trump put out a statement almost immediately. Trump was a far better statesmen then the China puppet, Biden.
He probably hasn't been "schooled" in what to say about it. After all the screwups reading the teleprompter, primary grade school type coaching is a waste of time. Maybe his handlers are trying the pre-school approach: ignore it and see if it goes away.

He made our enemies his friends and our allies his enemies.
How so? Who were are allies? Germany?
They used Russian Gas, They didn't pay for their defence, They didn't help us on trade. So what exactally did Germany do for us?
How so? Who were are allies? Germany?
They used Russian Gas, They didn't pay for their defence, They didn't help us on trade. So what exactally did Germany do for us?
This is the part where I agree with you and Trump. I agree, our allies need to pay more for their defense that we provide and pay for.

America should cut our defense budget and Germany should increase theirs

President Donald Trump approved a colossal defense bill Friday that authorizes a topline of $738 billion for fiscal year 2020.

Japan too

This is the part where I agree with you and Trump. I agree, our allies need to pay more for their defense that we provide and pay for.

America should cut our defense budget and Germany should increase theirs

President Donald Trump approved a colossal defense bill Friday that authorizes a topline of $738 billion for fiscal year 2020.

Japan too

I do agree, we don't need to spend as much as we are on defense. And Trump wanted to withdraw from Germany and they had a heart attack.
I do agree, we don't need to spend as much as we are on defense. And Trump wanted to withdraw from Germany and they had a heart attack.
Just remember unintended consequences. So you don't want America to be the leader of the free world anymore. We will just back off and become Canada or Australia?

For the record, I agree. We should only police and patrol 100 miles out from our borders. North Korea should not be our concern. Let China police the planet for the next 200 years. Their turn.
Just remember unintended consequences. So you don't want America to be the leader of the free world anymore. We will just back off and become Canada or Australia?

For the record, I agree. We should only police and patrol 100 miles out from our borders. North Korea should not be our concern. Let China police the planet for the next 200 years. Their turn.
Well those people are letting China do everything else. Yeah, I'm done with it. If Europe and all these other countries you lefties say are better, let them run the world, after all you guys talk about how awful and racist and sexist the US is, so why should we lead the world?

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