Where is politcal girl when you need her?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Im a so pissed today I am abosuletely pissed off at American history books when I read in the 80's for fibbing like hell....because I can not even defend the truth that I read it. I so hate the school system....because I found out today there own history books was lying to me. god damn I am pissed off at the left. These tards try to rewrite history and think we will, Idk bother to call them and research it..
and p.s. I know there is typos and grammer..... but I am so pissed at how the left trys to rewrite history.

Im a so pissed today I am abosuletely pissed off at American history books when I read in the 80's for fibbing like hell....because I can not even defend the truth that I read it. I so hate the school system....because I found out today there own history books was lying to me. god damn I am pissed off at the left. These tards try to rewrite history and think we will, Idk bother to call them and research it..
and p.s. I know there is typos and grammer..... but I am so pissed at how the left trys to rewrite history.


Try reading the PIG books ... they cover a lot of subjects and you might like them better.
the biggest thing I am so pissed about, is when your in Jr. high or high school and they give you a text book as a kid, you just figure you read it and its the truth.....untill you find out the truth lattter in life you found out they were FUCKING lying about it. These god damn Union liberal piece of crap school teachers promote text books that are so full of half truths and no facts.
the biggest thing I am so pissed about, is when your in Jr. high or high school and they give you a text book as a kid, you just figure you read it and its the truth.....untill you find out the truth lattter in life you found out they were FUCKING lying about it. These god damn Union liberal piece of crap school teachers promote text books that are so full of half truths and no facts.

Oooh ... you really are pissed, aren't you? They've got to get them while they're young ... easier to indoctrinate. Like I said ... try the PIG books. You've heard of those, right?
the biggest thing I am so pissed about, is when your in Jr. high or high school and they give you a text book as a kid, you just figure you read it and its the truth.....untill you find out the truth lattter in life you found out they were FUCKING lying about it. These god damn Union liberal piece of crap school teachers promote text books that are so full of half truths and no facts.

just for the record

the publishing company is responsible for the info in the text book.

the school district chooses the book that most closely follows the curriculum for the subject taught in the county.
Estimates that only 60% of any course is covered by the text.

So no, there is no involvement by the teachers and unions, they are out of the loop on that.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
the biggest thing I am so pissed about, is when your in Jr. high or high school and they give you a text book as a kid, you just figure you read it and its the truth.....untill you find out the truth lattter in life you found out they were FUCKING lying about it. These god damn Union liberal piece of crap school teachers promote text books that are so full of half truths and no facts.

now you are spreading fucking lies.....

This week in Texas, the State Board of Education (SBOE) will consider curriculum modifications that could impact millions of students across America. That’s because what Texas ultimately decides has great influence among textbook publishers. The Lone Star state is one of their biggest customers in the world, so publishers craft their books to meet Texas standards. Those books are then sold nationwide. While the Texas SBOE debates whether to include things like Christmas, Paul Revere and the Liberty Bell – some are calling the textbook showdown the newest frontline of the culture war in the U.S.

Read more: Who Decides What?s In Your Kids? Textbooks? « Liveshots

and its a fox news source....liberals dont decide what is in the text books but conservative texans...but dont let facts bother you....
the biggest thing I am so pissed about, is when your in Jr. high or high school and they give you a text book as a kid, you just figure you read it and its the truth.....untill you find out the truth lattter in life you found out they were FUCKING lying about it. These god damn Union liberal piece of crap school teachers promote text books that are so full of half truths and no facts.

WTF are you ranting about?

How about some nice examples?
Im a so pissed today I am abosuletely pissed off at American history books when I read in the 80's for fibbing like hell....because I can not even defend the truth that I read it. I so hate the school system....because I found out today there own history books was lying to me. god damn I am pissed off at the left. These tards try to rewrite history and think we will, Idk bother to call them and research it..
and p.s. I know there is typos and grammer..... but I am so pissed at how the left trys to rewrite history.


Perhaps I just came along later....I recall no mention if the Tirpitz in history classes, maybe none of the Bismark except in passing as a timeline type thing.

Now I have known about the Tirpitz, sone books empathize this or that. Her speed was good but not legendary so that torpedo reference in the linj was interesting. Maybe the write served in an R class WWI ship the Brits were still floating around so it seemed fast as could be.

For something interesting look up the service record of Warspite. She saw as much action as the 1701 Enterprise or the Galactice lol.

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