Where is Sandra Fluke these days ?

I'm married to Truth. You're hooked up with Slander.
I'm holding. You?
You're married to propaganda, shit stain. And the only thing you're holding is Obama's dick.

Oooh, conservatives can't hold it together anymore....they go apeshit with their insults pretty quick.....must suck to be part of such a sorry party....Wait till 2016!

Pure entertainment, innit?

Absolutely free, too.

And one for OCDPogo, she needs it after being bitch slapped in the Liz Warren thread!

The cartoonist.....who can't do anything but draw pictures..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I believe Mert just asked for another.....

You're married to propaganda, shit stain. And the only thing you're holding is Obama's dick.

Oooh, conservatives can't hold it together anymore....they go apeshit with their insults pretty quick.....must suck to be part of such a sorry party....Wait till 2016!

Pure entertainment, innit?

Absolutely free, too.

And one for OCDPogo, she needs it after being bitch slapped in the Liz Warren thread!

The cartoonist.....who can't do anything but draw pictures..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I believe Mert just asked for another.....

Poor Vaginal-te.....he has to resort to cartoons....must suck to not be able to express yourself, except by fake cartoons..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Oooh, conservatives can't hold it together anymore....they go apeshit with their insults pretty quick.....must suck to be part of such a sorry party....Wait till 2016!

Pure entertainment, innit?

Absolutely free, too.

And one for OCDPogo, she needs it after being bitch slapped in the Liz Warren thread!

The cartoonist.....who can't do anything but draw pictures..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I believe Mert just asked for another.....

Poor Vaginal-te.....he has to resort to cartoons....must suck to not be able to express yourself, except by fake cartoons..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Yes, that's why OCDPogo has left the thread!..Another you say!

Oooh, conservatives can't hold it together anymore....they go apeshit with their insults pretty quick.....must suck to be part of such a sorry party....Wait till 2016!

Pure entertainment, innit?

Absolutely free, too.

And one for OCDPogo, she needs it after being bitch slapped in the Liz Warren thread!

The cartoonist.....who can't do anything but draw pictures..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I believe Mert just asked for another.....

Poor Vaginal-te.....he has to resort to cartoons....must suck to not be able to express yourself, except by fake cartoons..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Now you dun it -- he'll have to find yet another one so he can get the for-the-moment last word.

It just occurred to me that he seems to think whoever posts last "wins". In spite of what already went down in the thread.


{Edit: QED. Came in while posting. It's like clockwork.
Sometimes it's boring being right all the time.... }
Pure entertainment, innit?

Absolutely free, too.

And one for OCDPogo, she needs it after being bitch slapped in the Liz Warren thread!

The cartoonist.....who can't do anything but draw pictures..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I believe Mert just asked for another.....

Poor Vaginal-te.....he has to resort to cartoons....must suck to not be able to express yourself, except by fake cartoons..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Now you dun it -- he'll have to find yet another one so he can get the for-the-moment last word.

It just occurred to me that he seems to think whoever posts last "wins". In spite of what already went down in the thread.


Bwhahaha....he'll fill the thread with his insipid cartoons.....only I won't be looking at them.....I'm done with this thread and all the whackadoodles in here...........:bye1:
Pure entertainment, innit?

Absolutely free, too.

And one for OCDPogo, she needs it after being bitch slapped in the Liz Warren thread!

The cartoonist.....who can't do anything but draw pictures..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I believe Mert just asked for another.....

Poor Vaginal-te.....he has to resort to cartoons....must suck to not be able to express yourself, except by fake cartoons..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Now you dun it -- he'll have to find yet another one so he can get the for-the-moment last word.

It just occurred to me that he seems to think whoever posts last "wins". In spite of what already went down in the thread.


OCDPogo returns, you did say more!

And one for OCDPogo, she needs it after being bitch slapped in the Liz Warren thread!

The cartoonist.....who can't do anything but draw pictures..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I believe Mert just asked for another.....

Poor Vaginal-te.....he has to resort to cartoons....must suck to not be able to express yourself, except by fake cartoons..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Now you dun it -- he'll have to find yet another one so he can get the for-the-moment last word.

It just occurred to me that he seems to think whoever posts last "wins". In spite of what already went down in the thread.


Bwhahaha....he'll fill the thread with his insipid cartoons.....only I won't be looking at them.....I'm done with this thread and all the whackadoodles in here...........:bye1:

Mert only says the sweetest things to me!

And one for OCDPogo, she needs it after being bitch slapped in the Liz Warren thread!

The cartoonist.....who can't do anything but draw pictures..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I believe Mert just asked for another.....

Poor Vaginal-te.....he has to resort to cartoons....must suck to not be able to express yourself, except by fake cartoons..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Now you dun it -- he'll have to find yet another one so he can get the for-the-moment last word.

It just occurred to me that he seems to think whoever posts last "wins". In spite of what already went down in the thread.


Bwhahaha....he'll fill the thread with his insipid cartoons.....only I won't be looking at them.....I'm done with this thread and all the whackadoodles in here...........:bye1:

You should put everybody but me on Ignore. Cleans it right up, eliminates the bullshit and it all starts to make sense.

As for Pennyante, he makes me thankful for what AdBlock Plus right click does with every post. I bet he actually thinks those Googly Images are showing up. :rofl:
The cartoonist.....who can't do anything but draw pictures..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I believe Mert just asked for another.....

Poor Vaginal-te.....he has to resort to cartoons....must suck to not be able to express yourself, except by fake cartoons..........:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Now you dun it -- he'll have to find yet another one so he can get the for-the-moment last word.

It just occurred to me that he seems to think whoever posts last "wins". In spite of what already went down in the thread.


Bwhahaha....he'll fill the thread with his insipid cartoons.....only I won't be looking at them.....I'm done with this thread and all the whackadoodles in here...........:bye1:

You should put everybody but me on Ignore. Cleans it right up, eliminates the bullshit and it all starts to make sense.

As for Pennyante, he makes me thankful for what AdBlock Plus right click does with every post. I bet he actually thinks those Googly Images are showing up. :rofl:

Of course they are, you just have to look! You're so easy!

That isn't going to happen.

Readily available BC at every possible outlet, as well as free tubal ligation and vasectomy, are need NOW.

We should be paying cash rewards for undergoing tubal ligation or vasectomy before we have to deal with the unwanted kids.

Radical measures are needed if we are going to end multi-generational dependence in this country.

Ah, another right winger who thinks that Reagan's Welfare Queens were a real thing.

Reality- Most people who find themselves on Welfare only do so for a few months.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. You want to end dependence on government? Simple way to do that. Make sure everyone has a job. Stop letting businesses outsource to China, make the rich pay their fair share, spend enough on education so people leave HS with basic job skills.

And yes, provide birth control to people when they aren't ready to start families, including abortions.

But again, most of you rubes in your Double Wides don't think it's fair the rich have to pay taxes, because some fat queer on Hate Radio told you so.
I didn't bring this topic up because I think she's a slut. I never have thought she was one. I understood her complaint from the start.

While I don't believe it was legitimate, she said her part and that was that.

Democrats insisted on using her and she was game (and she got treated like game).

But this is what you clowns don't get. There was a legitimate argument to be made against what she said. Should employers and institutions be allowed a religious exemption to providing birth control. This argument was completely lost when Limbaugh called her a slut. No one was listening to the argument on the political level anymore.

I just wondered where she was at at time when the whole war on women thing seems to have faded (48% of women voted GOP) this last election.

Again, you guys are putting too much emphasis on an election where they had the lowest voter participation rate in 72 years. Apathy was the big winner in 2014, not Republicans. If you guys really think you fixed your problems with women, minorities and working people because they didn't show up for off year elections that largely weren't even contests, then you are engaging in a bit of self delusion. In 2016 the whole country votes, and the Republicans are defending 24 seats, 12 of them in blue states.

She also talked of running for office....didn't happen.

Yes, she did. She ran in a CA legislative district but lost to a more professional liberal politician.

I could almost ask the same thing of Condie Rice. Have not heard much about her lately....but then she served...not demanded from...her country.

If you mean by serving, aided and abetted criminal policies that have destroyed America's reputation around the world, then yes, Condi did "Serve".
Yet, she defined herself as a slut.

Or did she not claim that she has so much promiscuous sex, that she is literally incapable of paying for sufficient birth control to prevent her from having to murder her pre-born child?

That IS after all, the epitome of a Slut.

The Reader should recognize that the ladies have a very strict policy to not judge other women on their promiscuous sex, as being 'slutty', because if they DO, that sort of judgment tends to boomerang... .

Here's the thing ladies... our job is to get into the end zone. Your job is to keep us out. We're offense, you're defense. PLAY YOUR POSITION! Until of course, we've committed all of our stuff, to you.

We didn't make the rules... but them's the rules, nonetheless.

Why do I get the feeling the only time you've made it into the end zone, the uniform of the opposing team was a red dress and fishnet stockings? Seriously, misogyny much?

Here's the thing. She was NEVER demanding the government pay for her birth control. What she was demanding was that if she paid $30,000 a year to Georgetown University for an education that included health care coverage, as many students do, then that health care coverage should include whatever treatment she and her doctor consider appropriate.

It should not be subject to, "Our whacky religion is against birth control, even though 96% of our sexually active members practice it."

Insurance companies have no problem with this. Contraception is cheaper than live birth, and they are in the business of not paying out claims.

Now the simple solution would be to get employers and schools and churches out of this by going to a single payer health care system like every other civilized country has.
Banning contraception? When, I remember republicans were talking about making the pill over the counter. That would make it affordable. Of course liberals were against it.

and rightfully so. Over the counter, you pay full price. Again, if you are already working for an insurance policy that costs up to $10,000 a year, you shouldn't get socked with the additional expense of paying for your own birth control pills.

You see, this is what you clowns don't get. For the 150 million of us who get health coverage through our jobs, we are working for that insurance, and in some cases paying a sizable portion of it.
Banning contraception? When, I remember republicans were talking about making the pill over the counter. That would make it affordable. Of course liberals were against it.

and rightfully so. Over the counter, you pay full price. Again, if you are already working for an insurance policy that costs up to $10,000 a year, you shouldn't get socked with the additional expense of paying for your own birth control pills.

You see, this is what you clowns don't get. For the 150 million of us who get health coverage through our jobs, we are working for that insurance, and in some cases paying a sizable portion of it.
Thank obama care for 10,000 a year insurance. Also over the counter birth control means you don't have to pay the $7000 dollar deductible in obama care to see a doctor to get a prescription for the pills.
Thank obama care for 10,000 a year insurance. Also over the counter birth control means you don't have to pay the $7000 dollar deductible in obama care to see a doctor to get a prescription for the pills.

No, actually, $10,000 for a family was the typical cost of what most employers are covering. The thing is, most of us never see more than $1000 of that because that's our co-pay.

Again, you guys had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called "RomneyCare".

Then the black guy did it.
That isn't going to happen.

Readily available BC at every possible outlet, as well as free tubal ligation and vasectomy, are need NOW.

We should be paying cash rewards for undergoing tubal ligation or vasectomy before we have to deal with the unwanted kids.

Radical measures are needed if we are going to end multi-generational dependence in this country.

Ah, another right winger who thinks that Reagan's Welfare Queens were a real thing.

Reality- Most people who find themselves on Welfare only do so for a few months.

Hey, here's a crazy idea. You want to end dependence on government? Simple way to do that. Make sure everyone has a job. Stop letting businesses outsource to China, make the rich pay their fair share, spend enough on education so people leave HS with basic job skills.

And yes, provide birth control to people when they aren't ready to start families, including abortions.

But again, most of you rubes in your Double Wides don't think it's fair the rich have to pay taxes, because some fat queer on Hate Radio told you so.
Aw, fuck yourself Joe.

You will feel better.

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