Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

Republicans call on Comrade to denounce white nationalist

That is ridiculous. Why should he?

Trump owes his presidency to David Dukes, the Alt Right, Steven Bannon, Breitbart, the GOP, the Aryan Nation and the KKK.

I know Republicans went nuts screaming that Obama couldn't say "Islamic Terrorists". But Islamic terrorists didn't help Obama get elected. Not like right wing terrorists helped Trump.

We know who Trump is. Let Trump be Trump.
Republicans call on Comrade to denounce white nationalist

That is ridiculous. Why should he?

Trump owes his presidency to David Dukes, the Alt Right, Steven Bannon, Breitbart, the GOP, the Aryan Nation and the KKK.

I know Republicans went nuts screaming that Obama couldn't say "Islamic Terrorists". But Islamic terrorists didn't help Obama get elected. Not like right wing terrorists helped Trump.

We know who Trump is. Let Trump be Trump.

Good to see the single digit IQ's of the world are still among us.
White nationalists thugs, with masks on and armed to the teeth, fighting, kicking and screaming at protesters in the streets. Reports that they reeked of alcohol.

One of theme even mowed down a group of protesters, ISIS style, and not a peep from the USMB right?

What gives?

The President himself could not bring himself to call out the terrorism, and gave some mush-mouth "all sides need to behave"-type response.

When the evidence clearly points to White Nationals run amock with rage and violence in the American streets.

This group has in one day surpassed all the perceived violence and terror you CLAIMED #BlackLivesMatter was promoting.

So far we got 1 civilian dead, 19 others severely injured or maimed, and 2 policemen dead over these far rightwing extremist terrorists.

Are you USMB rightwingers man or woman enough to condemn these acts of terrorism?

Trump condemns Charlottesville violence 'on many sides'

Read it and weep.
Your post proves my OP, that Trump gave a mush-mouthed "condemnation."


Trump gave his usual wink and nod while blowing his racist dog whistle to his racist white nationalist terrorist base.
That's cute, racist dog whistle. Meanwhile, faceless hordes of Muslims use knives or vehicle attacks to do exactly the same thing. Liberals need to condemn that, instead of pushing this into a blame conservatives game. Liberals defend Muslims that do the same thing. So, please, get of the high horse.

Muslims? What the fuck do they have to do with this thread?
Your outrage is baffling. Muslims crashed planes into Manhattan, and crash trucks into people on the London bridge. Connect the dots, Einstein. Some people's kids.
I condemned this attack. I hate assholes that do this. But on the other hand, liberals astound me they defend Muslims that crash trucks into crowds,like in Nice and killed 84 people. Liberals defending that mindset. Then condemning it at the same time.

Well, there are certainly countless leftists on this forum who act as you describe, but they do so because they AREN'T liberal rather than because they are.

The far left is just as far from actual liberalism as the cretin who crashed into the crowd, here.
I believe there are rules for messing w/people's quotes on here.

Those are not my words bub,

Micah Xavier Johnson killed 6 cops in Dallas.
At the time, I stated that he snapped due to the violence against black he witnessed day in and day out.

However, everyone condemned him.
You said "post the leftist who killed cops," and I did. There are others.
Here's the thing though, he wasn't a leftist.

He was an anarchist. He supported no side.
Horseshit. He sure as hell wasn't a libertarian. That means he was a communist.

What We Know About Dallas Shooter Micah Xavier Johnson

The profile also included a photo of the Pan-African flag and an illustration of a closed fist that read “Black Power.” He was a member of the Facebook group “Black Panther Party Mississippi” and liked pages for black nationalist groups like The New Black Panther Party, the Black Riders Liberation Party, and the African American Defense League.

Yeah, that guy sounds just like a conservative Republican!

Horseshit. He sure as hell wasn't a libertarian. That means he was a communist.

What We Know About Dallas Shooter Micah Xavier Johnson

The profile also included a photo of the Pan-African flag and an illustration of a closed fist that read “Black Power.” He was a member of the Facebook group “Black Panther Party Mississippi” and liked pages for black nationalist groups like The New Black Panther Party, the Black Riders Liberation Party, and the African American Defense League.

Yeah, that guy sounds just like a conservative Republican!
WTF is wrong with you dude?

I said he wasn't a leftist. He was an anarchist.

Are you suggesting that rightwingers are anarchists?

I didn't say that, but that's the way you're responding.
There you go trying it again... revisionist... ha!

So, from your reaction, it's seems your actually _are_ claiming fascism is leftist, contrary to standard history. Yet you refuse to back up that claim.

ha! Indeed someone's trying to rewrite history... perhaps you should study it first before you decide it needs a rewrite. If you find such juvenile, and rather transparent tactics are working you may want to upgrade your audience to something with an IQ over 70. Which rules out all the members of your peer group.

You understand that throwing tantrums won't make your crazy claims magically become true, right?

Evidence, lad, evidence. You're talking to a liberal, a member of the reason-based community. We require more than someone screaming "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".
Did Obama condemn the Black Panthers?

Why? What did they do? I mean, besides terrifying Republican wimps by existing and being black. The fact that you brought them up makes you look like one of those wimps.

How about the cop killers "BLM"? No

Obama isn't going to lie about BLM just because you'll cry if he doesn't. Lying about BLM just makes you look bad.

This isn't about Obama. It's about you and your party sucking Nazi ass, a topic you desperately want to deflect from. You know how to make the topic go away? Stop sucking Nazi ass.

Leftards here declared that all the snowflake commies with ANTIFA didn't represent leftards as they behaved badly.....but a few nationalists in Virginia is a national movement of nazism? What a bunch of bullshit.
There you go trying it again... revisionist... ha!

So, from your reaction, it's seems your actually _are_ claiming fascism is leftist, contrary to standard history. Yet you refuse to back up that claim.

ha! Indeed someone's trying to rewrite history... perhaps you should study it first before you decide it needs a rewrite. If you find such juvenile, and rather transparent tactics are working you may want to upgrade your audience to something with an IQ over 70. Which rules out all the members of your peer group.

You understand that throwing tantrums won't make your crazy claims magically become true, right?

Evidence, lad, evidence. You're talking to a liberal, a member of the reason-based community. We require more than someone screaming "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".

Now that is funny coming from your side of the fence considering the reaction to many on the left to Trump's election. Seems we have the pot calling the kettle black...again.
I condemned this attack. I hate assholes that do this. But on the other hand, liberals astound me they defend Muslims that crash trucks into crowds,like in Nice and killed 84 people. Liberals defending that mindset. Then condemning it at the same time.
You seem to think the words terrorist and Muslim are interchangeable.
Trump is such a spineless pussy.

Bannon the boozer scare him.

Why haven't the anti- Civil War/Confederate movement started a protest about the statute of Albert Pike that is prominently displayed in Washington, D.C???
There you go trying it again... revisionist... ha!

So, from your reaction, it's seems your actually _are_ claiming fascism is leftist, contrary to standard history. Yet you refuse to back up that claim.

ha! Indeed someone's trying to rewrite history... perhaps you should study it first before you decide it needs a rewrite. If you find such juvenile, and rather transparent tactics are working you may want to upgrade your audience to something with an IQ over 70. Which rules out all the members of your peer group.

You understand that throwing tantrums won't make your crazy claims magically become true, right?

Evidence, lad, evidence. You're talking to a liberal, a member of the reason-based community. We require more than someone screaming "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".
Indeed it is. And always has been. Most specifically to the point of your previous thread derailment concerning Nazis. You seem eager to learn. And that's a good thing. Now run along, and read some history books. You've got a lot of catching up to do...
I condemned this attack. I hate assholes that do this. But on the other hand, liberals astound me they defend Muslims that crash trucks into crowds,like in Nice and killed 84 people. Liberals defending that mindset. Then condemning it at the same time.

Well, there are certainly countless leftists on this forum who act as you describe, but they do so because they AREN'T liberal rather than because they are.

The far left is just as far from actual liberalism as the cretin who crashed into the crowd, here.
I believe there are rules for messing w/people's quotes on here.

Those are not my words bub,
You think so? Me too. You think the Muslim asshole that crashed that truck into those Bastille day revelers in Nice and killed 83 people was restrained by liberal ideology any more than was this moron? Please. Did Muslims apologize for THAT? Did Muslims condemn THAT? Please. What difference does it make?
About time for people to stand up and start defending themselves against these antifa thugs.
^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.
Fascism is a leftist political ideology. The Murican left was all soggy in the britches for Mussolini back in the day.

Deflect that one, professor Alinsky.
Yeah, yeah....same old bullshit from fascists just like the false contention that Hitler was a socialist.

You can't deflect this list of right wing fascist:
  • Andrew Anglin, Publisher of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer

  • Matthew Heimbach, founder of a white nationalist group; the Traditionalist Worker Party.

  • Rocky J. Suhayda, chair of the American Nazi Party

  • Don Black: Former KKK grand dragon and founder of the white supremacist website Stormfront

  • Brad Griffin, writer for the white nationalist blog Occidental Dissent

  • Peter Brimelow, the founder of the extreme anti-immigration Vdare.com

  • Earl Holt, the president of the Council of Conservative Citizens

  • Jared Taylor, who runs the site American Renaissance

  • John Friend, far right radio show host, Holocaust denier.

  • Richard B. Spencer, the president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute

  • Alex Jones: birther, 9/11 truther, infowars.com

  • White Supremacist, former Klan leader David Duke

  • Hal Turner, white nationalist, holocaust denier, radio host

  • White nationalist leader James Edwards.

  • Rachel Pendergraft, National organizer for the KKK-affiliated Knights Party

  • Alex Linder: Vanguard News Network, former member of the Neo-Nazi National Alliance

  • Vanguard News Network: "Trump is the Last Hope for Whites before America turns brown"
Other than David Duke, I can't comment on what any of these people believes because I don't know a thing about them. However, I do know we have one admitted National Socialist member of this forum and he is decidedly not a capitalist. He believes in socialism. He supports Obamacare.
So you choose to ignore this very real list far right fascists and deflect to: "I read a post the left is fascist." Like I already pointed out:

^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.
You claim they are "far right." I know nothing about them. Prove they are far right. I don't even know if they are. David Duke used to be a Democrat, so how "far right" can he be?
^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.
There you go trying it again... revisionist... ha!

So, from your reaction, it's seems your actually _are_ claiming fascism is leftist, contrary to standard history. Yet you refuse to back up that claim.

ha! Indeed someone's trying to rewrite history... perhaps you should study it first before you decide it needs a rewrite. If you find such juvenile, and rather transparent tactics are working you may want to upgrade your audience to something with an IQ over 70. Which rules out all the members of your peer group.

We require more than someone screaming "BECAUSE I SAY SO!".
Well this is only an Internet forum you realize? All one can do is "say". I'm afraid man hasn't the technology for me to issue forth that which you leftists require to gain acceptance, and belief... "feelings". A small technical hurdle I'm sure. Pehaps one day it will be overcome, but I digress...

The Cuckservatives need to specifically call out the Black Supremacists aka BLM and their faggot friends the Leftist Fascists aka the Antifa, or are they so Cucked they're afraid to do that?

Where where these Cuckservatives when the two above groups were violently attacking people and burning things down in Berkley, California, including throwing Molotov Cocktails at the police?

What about when that BLM piece of human filth shot dead the police officers in Dallas, Texas?

What about when BLM were rioting in Ferguson and then that spread to about 10 other American cities?

Spineless fucking Beta Cuck Faggots there is little Conservative about those whores in the Republican Party they have more in common with the Uni-Party, Trump should ignore them.

Obama invited police murderers and BLM filth to visit him in the WH and the Cuckservatives were silent and never condemned that.

Please expand your vocabulary. "Cucks" is a made-up word that is the word of the day for the alt-right.
Waiting for the Swamp MSM to demand The Donald denounce Jewish nationalism, and other non-White nationalism?

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