Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

Horseshit. He sure as hell wasn't a libertarian. That means he was a communist.

What We Know About Dallas Shooter Micah Xavier Johnson

The profile also included a photo of the Pan-African flag and an illustration of a closed fist that read “Black Power.” He was a member of the Facebook group “Black Panther Party Mississippi” and liked pages for black nationalist groups like The New Black Panther Party, the Black Riders Liberation Party, and the African American Defense League.

Yeah, that guy sounds just like a conservative Republican!
WTF is wrong with you dude?

I said he wasn't a leftist. He was an anarchist.

Are you suggesting that rightwingers are anarchists?

I didn't say that, but that's the way you're responding.
Self-proclaimed anarchists are usually leftists, dumbass. Some libertarians are anarchists. They are true anarchists, not the fake kind that support socialism.
So far, not one LWNJ has condemned the AntiFa idiots that were fighting the White Supremacists......
Fascism is a leftist political ideology. The Murican left was all soggy in the britches for Mussolini back in the day.

Deflect that one, professor Alinsky.
Yeah, yeah....same old bullshit from fascists just like the false contention that Hitler was a socialist.

You can't deflect this list of right wing fascist:
  • Andrew Anglin, Publisher of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer

  • Matthew Heimbach, founder of a white nationalist group; the Traditionalist Worker Party.

  • Rocky J. Suhayda, chair of the American Nazi Party

  • Don Black: Former KKK grand dragon and founder of the white supremacist website Stormfront

  • Brad Griffin, writer for the white nationalist blog Occidental Dissent

  • Peter Brimelow, the founder of the extreme anti-immigration Vdare.com

  • Earl Holt, the president of the Council of Conservative Citizens

  • Jared Taylor, who runs the site American Renaissance

  • John Friend, far right radio show host, Holocaust denier.

  • Richard B. Spencer, the president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute

  • Alex Jones: birther, 9/11 truther, infowars.com

  • White Supremacist, former Klan leader David Duke

  • Hal Turner, white nationalist, holocaust denier, radio host

  • White nationalist leader James Edwards.

  • Rachel Pendergraft, National organizer for the KKK-affiliated Knights Party

  • Alex Linder: Vanguard News Network, former member of the Neo-Nazi National Alliance

  • Vanguard News Network: "Trump is the Last Hope for Whites before America turns brown"
Other than David Duke, I can't comment on what any of these people believes because I don't know a thing about them. However, I do know we have one admitted National Socialist member of this forum and he is decidedly not a capitalist. He believes in socialism. He supports Obamacare.
So you choose to ignore this very real list far right fascists and deflect to: "I read a post the left is fascist." Like I already pointed out:

^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.
You claim they are "far right." I know nothing about them. Prove they are far right. I don't even know if they are. David Duke used to be a Democrat, so how "far right" can he be?
^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.

I , and a lot of other conservatives, condemn the violence by both of these groups of wingnuts. I haven't seen any LWNJ's condemn the AntiFa weirdos who were there to fight the White Supremacist weirdos.
I condemned this attack. I hate assholes that do this. But on the other hand, liberals astound me they defend Muslims that crash trucks into crowds,like in Nice and killed 84 people. Liberals defending that mindset. Then condemning it at the same time.
You seem to think the words terrorist and Muslim are interchangeable.
They pretty much are.
^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.
Fascism is a leftist political ideology. The Murican left was all soggy in the britches for Mussolini back in the day.

Deflect that one, professor Alinsky.
Yeah, yeah....same old bullshit from fascists just like the false contention that Hitler was a socialist.

You can't deflect this list of right wing fascist:
  • Andrew Anglin, Publisher of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer

  • Matthew Heimbach, founder of a white nationalist group; the Traditionalist Worker Party.

  • Rocky J. Suhayda, chair of the American Nazi Party

  • Don Black: Former KKK grand dragon and founder of the white supremacist website Stormfront

  • Brad Griffin, writer for the white nationalist blog Occidental Dissent

  • Peter Brimelow, the founder of the extreme anti-immigration Vdare.com

  • Earl Holt, the president of the Council of Conservative Citizens

  • Jared Taylor, who runs the site American Renaissance

  • John Friend, far right radio show host, Holocaust denier.

  • Richard B. Spencer, the president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute

  • Alex Jones: birther, 9/11 truther, infowars.com

  • White Supremacist, former Klan leader David Duke

  • Hal Turner, white nationalist, holocaust denier, radio host

  • White nationalist leader James Edwards.

  • Rachel Pendergraft, National organizer for the KKK-affiliated Knights Party

  • Alex Linder: Vanguard News Network, former member of the Neo-Nazi National Alliance

  • Vanguard News Network: "Trump is the Last Hope for Whites before America turns brown"
I believe you said something about deflection?

Fascism is in fact a leftist political ideology, no matter what irrelevant bullet pointed lists you can toss around to try and cloud the issue.
I condemned this attack. I hate assholes that do this. But on the other hand, liberals astound me they defend Muslims that crash trucks into crowds,like in Nice and killed 84 people. Liberals defending that mindset. Then condemning it at the same time.
You seem to think the words terrorist and Muslim are interchangeable.
They pretty much are.
There is a stronger correlation between masculinity and terrorism than there is between Islam and terrorism.

Shall we use the terms male and terrorist interchangeably?
He already strongly condemned the violence.

Apply liberally LWNJ's......


But he won't condemn alt right. He is as racist as they are.

two can play that game ....

Did Obama condemn the Black Panthers? ? No? How about the cop killers "BLM"? No?

He is as racist as they are.

How about "radical Islam"?

He is as full of hate at they are.

You are a LWNJ.

Condemn the black Panthers for what?

Yes. Obama: 'Nothing justifies violence against law enforcement'

He condemns actions not religions.

Obama explains why he doesn't use 'radical Islam'

Condemn BLM for what?

He didn't condemn the Tea Party for the actions of individuals in it when they killed cops in Las Vegas either...
I would like Muslims to condemn, and actually stop terrorism. It would be a start.On the other hand, liberals need to stop empowering Muslims. Don't Liberals oppose Muslims agenda anyway?Burning people alive, throwing people off buildings, stuff like that. I used to like Islam, too. We condemn the 10 commandments, but we want Sharia law? No, we don't.
Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists?

Whoever initiated the violence needs to be condemned, however there are bigots who will only blame the white supremacists because it pushes their agenda.
So far, not one LWNJ has condemned the AntiFa idiots that were fighting the White Supremacists......
Yeah, yeah....same old bullshit from fascists just like the false contention that Hitler was a socialist.

You can't deflect this list of right wing fascist:
  • Andrew Anglin, Publisher of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer

  • Matthew Heimbach, founder of a white nationalist group; the Traditionalist Worker Party.

  • Rocky J. Suhayda, chair of the American Nazi Party

  • Don Black: Former KKK grand dragon and founder of the white supremacist website Stormfront

  • Brad Griffin, writer for the white nationalist blog Occidental Dissent

  • Peter Brimelow, the founder of the extreme anti-immigration Vdare.com

  • Earl Holt, the president of the Council of Conservative Citizens

  • Jared Taylor, who runs the site American Renaissance

  • John Friend, far right radio show host, Holocaust denier.

  • Richard B. Spencer, the president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute

  • Alex Jones: birther, 9/11 truther, infowars.com

  • White Supremacist, former Klan leader David Duke

  • Hal Turner, white nationalist, holocaust denier, radio host

  • White nationalist leader James Edwards.

  • Rachel Pendergraft, National organizer for the KKK-affiliated Knights Party

  • Alex Linder: Vanguard News Network, former member of the Neo-Nazi National Alliance

  • Vanguard News Network: "Trump is the Last Hope for Whites before America turns brown"
Other than David Duke, I can't comment on what any of these people believes because I don't know a thing about them. However, I do know we have one admitted National Socialist member of this forum and he is decidedly not a capitalist. He believes in socialism. He supports Obamacare.
So you choose to ignore this very real list far right fascists and deflect to: "I read a post the left is fascist." Like I already pointed out:

^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.
You claim they are "far right." I know nothing about them. Prove they are far right. I don't even know if they are. David Duke used to be a Democrat, so how "far right" can he be?
^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.

I , and a lot of other conservatives, condemn the violence by both of these groups of wingnuts. I haven't seen any LWNJ's condemn the AntiFa weirdos who were there to fight the White Supremacist weirdos.
Look, look! Those people protesting the fascists are the problem! Not the fascists!
I would like Muslims to condemn, and actually stop terrorism. It would be a start.On the other hand, liberals need to stop empowering Muslims. Don't Liberals oppose Muslims agenda anyway?Burning people alive, throwing people off buildings, stuff like that. I used to like Islam, too. We condemn the 10 commandments, but we want Sharia law? No, we don't.
Muslims do condemn terrorism. Sorry they haven't been able to stop it yet, obviously neither have we. How do you think liberals empower Muslims? I just think we respect freedom of religion. No Muslims I know burn people alive... how many Muslims do you know? If anyone of any race is burning people alive you should call 911 immediately.
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You claim they are "far right." I know nothing about them. Prove they are far right. I don't even know if they are. David Duke used to be a Democrat, so how "far right" can he be?
For the moonbats, "fascist" = someone whose political opinions I don't like. It's the new "racist". ;)
Btw I don't remember you condemning any left wing violence that occurred. Where were you when we had a left wing asshole shooting republican congressmen?
I condemned him.

I bet you thought you nailed it huh?


Sure you did. You have any proof?
My word is my bond. If that's not good enough for you, then go fetch.

You already made unsubstantiated claims at the beginning of this thread, so your track record suggests your word is not your bond. :dunno:

It seems that your political agenda comes before your word.
^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.
Fascism is a leftist political ideology. The Murican left was all soggy in the britches for Mussolini back in the day.

Deflect that one, professor Alinsky.
Yeah, yeah....same old bullshit from fascists just like the false contention that Hitler was a socialist.

You can't deflect this list of right wing fascist:
  • Andrew Anglin, Publisher of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer

  • Matthew Heimbach, founder of a white nationalist group; the Traditionalist Worker Party.

  • Rocky J. Suhayda, chair of the American Nazi Party

  • Don Black: Former KKK grand dragon and founder of the white supremacist website Stormfront

  • Brad Griffin, writer for the white nationalist blog Occidental Dissent

  • Peter Brimelow, the founder of the extreme anti-immigration Vdare.com

  • Earl Holt, the president of the Council of Conservative Citizens

  • Jared Taylor, who runs the site American Renaissance

  • John Friend, far right radio show host, Holocaust denier.

  • Richard B. Spencer, the president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute

  • Alex Jones: birther, 9/11 truther, infowars.com

  • White Supremacist, former Klan leader David Duke

  • Hal Turner, white nationalist, holocaust denier, radio host

  • White nationalist leader James Edwards.

  • Rachel Pendergraft, National organizer for the KKK-affiliated Knights Party

  • Alex Linder: Vanguard News Network, former member of the Neo-Nazi National Alliance

  • Vanguard News Network: "Trump is the Last Hope for Whites before America turns brown"
I believe you said something about deflection?

Fascism is in fact a leftist political ideology, no matter what irrelevant bullet pointed lists you can toss around to try and cloud the issue.
^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.
I condemn the violence regardless of where it originated from.

The bigger picture that is apparently being overlooked here is that this is yet another sign of the escalating tensions which could lead to a national conflict and eventual martial law. Where did it basically begin? Remember the guy who was going to unite us? Obama. He and Holder fanned the flames of racial tension of the several riots in major US cities like Baltimore. The killings of a few errant young black boys with a chip on their shoulder. The whole BLM thing. Through the whole thing, Obama and Holder played an active roll in fueling hatred against cops, martyring those couple of youths and aiding the division of the country rather than its unity. Rather than speak out against racially motivated actions and events, they repeatedly defended them, therefore justifying the feelings in many eyes.

I thought this whole thing had been settled in the '60's---- until it was dug up again in the last decade or so by the preaching of victimhood by the Democrats. White supremacists don't help the matter but many blacks have been particularly proactive in racial identity and separatism over the years. Everyone is entitled to their view and lifestyle choices but if people can't stop HATING and BLAMING each other for things and just MOVE ON and accept each other and live together, this country is in for a really big problem.
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I condemned this attack. I hate assholes that do this. But on the other hand, liberals astound me they defend Muslims that crash trucks into crowds,like in Nice and killed 84 people. Liberals defending that mindset. Then condemning it at the same time.
You seem to think the words terrorist and Muslim are interchangeable.
They pretty much are.
There is a stronger correlation between masculinity and terrorism than there is between Islam and terrorism.

Shall we use the terms male and terrorist interchangeably?
Go right ahead if you want to be laughed out of this forum.
after reading all this shit all i have to say is.....this country needs a leader and we need one now......
I would like Muslims to condemn, and actually stop terrorism. It would be a start.On the other hand, liberals need to stop empowering Muslims. Don't Liberals oppose Muslims agenda anyway?Burning people alive, throwing people off buildings, stuff like that. I used to like Islam, too. We condemn the 10 commandments, but we want Sharia law? No, we don't.
Muslims do condemn terrorism. Sorry they haven't been able to stop it het, obviously neither have we. How do you think liberals empower Muslims? I just think we respect freedom of religion. No Muslims I know burn people alive... how many Muslims do you know? If anyone of any race is burning people alive you should call 911 immediately.

You obviously haven't been to the threads in religion. There is no respect from some lefties for Christianity.

I have found good and bad people in many religions and political parties. So I don't think your blanket statement fits.
Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists?

Whoever initiated the violence needs to be condemned, however there are bigots who will only blame the white supremacists because it pushes their agenda.
What I've read says the people protesting the removal of Lee's statue were protesting peacefully until the BLM thugs showed up.
They are anti-American. They are terrorists. There is no right, no justification, for that kind of hate in America. The President needs to take charge and unite US by speaking out against these pigs.
He already did.

Nope, Trump ad libed out of a condemnation.
How is this not a condemnation?

"We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!"

Thank you. I just saw this now.

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