Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

So wanting the death penalty for the perpetrator of the crime is not condemnation? Not sure where your mind goes when I also posted "wrong is wrong, ones politics doesn't matter, does that not mean I am condemning the act?

Okay, for you simple minded moron, I condemn the act. It is a violent act that caused a loss of life, I hold life sacred, there is no excuse for the act.

Is that simple enough? Now, do you care to answer my questions? You have made statements as facts and have failed to prove anything. You are lying, whether the facts end up true, you lied because you are pushing your bigoted agenda.
Coming from you that's a joke.

Why were you caping for his ass, and why did you have to be forced to make a clear condemnation?

I think wanting the death penalty for the creep and saying wrong is wrong is pretty clear. However, you are not very intelligent and probably confused you.

Please show me where I was "caping for his ass".

And I noticed you again side stepped my questions to you. Lol! We know why, because you started with a lie. You are a liar. Pretty simple.
Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists?

And again we have another moment.

These white nationalist terrorists have murdered someone in front of the police and the nation and Trump says nothing. Stop and consider the moment. A US president, by his silence, condones the actions of these people.

Trump issued a statement condemning ALL sides for violence, did you miss that or are you just ignoring that?

BLM members have shot dead police officers, where was your outrage? That's right, you didn't have any.

BLM members have openly called for the killing of police officers, where is your outrage? That's right, you don't have any.

Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists?
Your diversionary apologetics are rather blatant...

My diversionary tactics?

The thread topic is the Republicans, not crazy lies about BLM. Lucy was diverting, not me. All the conservatives here are diverting. I was returning to the topic, which was that the Republicans won't kick the Nazis out of their ranks.

That is, you lied you ass off about me diverting.

Why did you do that? Are you an open Nazi, like Lucy, or just a closeted Nazi supporter? I mean, there must have been some reason you thought it necessary to tell a really stupid lie to defend a Nazi. If you're not a Nazi, you're at least a sympathizer.
You're really obsessed with Nazis... And so desperately want to shackle them to conservatives and the GOP. And you're failing spectacularly.

And again we have another moment.

These white nationalist terrorists have murdered someone in front of the police and the nation and Trump says nothing. Stop and consider the moment. A US president, by his silence, condones the actions of these people.

Leftards be like "We don't need sovereignty and we don't need peoples defending the traditions of the organic constitution!!! We need one world gubermint!!!"

And again we have another moment.

These white nationalist terrorists have murdered someone in front of the police and the nation and Trump says nothing. Stop and consider the moment. A US president, by his silence, condones the actions of these people.

POTUS TRUMP Gives Powerful Remarks After Deadly Charlottesville Car Crash (VIDEO)

Wrong again genius as usual.
Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists?

And again we have another moment.

These white nationalist terrorists have murdered someone in front of the police and the nation and Trump says nothing. Stop and consider the moment. A US president, by his silence, condones the actions of these people.
The driver's motives and political affiliation haven't yet been revealed, yet Trump is supposed to go running to the nearest TV camera and denounce everything that moves.

They are anti-American. They are terrorists. There is no right, no justification, for that kind of hate in America. The President needs to take charge and unite US by speaking out against these pigs.
He already did.

Nope, Trump ad libed out of a condemnation.
How is this not a condemnation?

"We ALL must be united & condemn all that hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!"
Did Obama condemn the Black Panthers?

Why? What did they do? I mean, besides terrifying Republican wimps by existing and being black. The fact that you brought them up makes you look like one of those wimps.

How about the cop killers "BLM"? No

Obama isn't going to lie about BLM just because you'll cry if he doesn't. Lying about BLM just makes you look bad.

This isn't about Obama. It's about you and your party sucking Nazi ass, a topic you desperately want to deflect from. You know how to make the topic go away? Stop sucking Nazi ass.
Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists?
No, they were the GOOD unruly mob, that didn't have a permit to assemble and block the streets. They're totally good to go.
Did Obama condemn the Black Panthers?

Why? What did they do? I mean, besides terrifying Republican wimps by existing and being black. The fact that you brought them up makes you look like one of those wimps.

How about the cop killers "BLM"? No

Obama isn't going to lie about BLM just because you'll cry if he doesn't. Lying about BLM just makes you look bad.

This isn't about Obama. It's about you and your party sucking Nazi ass, a topic you desperately want to deflect from. You know how to make the topic go away? Stop sucking Nazi ass.

Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists?
You're really obsessed with Nazis... And so desperately want to shackle them to conservatives and the GOP. And you're failing spectacularly.

So, you're denying the alt-right is 100% behind Trump?

You're lying spectacularly if you're claiming Trump and the Republicans aren't in bed with white supremacists.

And given your reaction, I'd say I'm succeeding. If you're all crying this hard, we're on the right track.

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