Where Is The Condemnation of Terrorism from The Right Over the Charlottesville Massacre?

Btw I don't remember you condemning any left wing violence that occurred. Where were you when we had a left wing asshole shooting republican congressmen?
I condemned him.

I bet you thought you nailed it huh?


Sure you did. You have any proof?
Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists?

It's so good to be a Democrat, and not have racists make up a good portion of your voting base. We don't have to be terrified of alienating any racists, like Zander here.
You're an idiot.

Cat-Fag refuses to accept that the violent LWNJ's who were in VA today are just as bad as the White Supremacists.

That's because that one supports the LWNJs because they are a LWNJ.

They are deliberately ignoring that The Donald condemned ALL sides who commit violence, they are deliberately ignoring it because it doesn't fit their sordid narrative and feed into their fanatical, irrational and hysterical organic hatred of The Donald.

Pathetic and sick.

Leftism is a mental illness.
Someone's upset. They're using callouts. That always means severe butthurt.

None of the alt-left faggots will answer the simple question - Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists

Go on the record.

We don't know. Were they being attacked, or did they initiate violence? Evidence so far is they were being attacked.

If they were initiating violence, they should be condemned. And we've always said such things in the past, so why did you ask such a stupid question? Our consistent anti-violence position is well-established.

What's not well-established is any significant Republican denouncement of the alt-right white supremacists, or any wish to cut ties with their most reliable voting bloc.
Just as I thought. MarcAtl is one of the most partisan members on this board.
I am a conservative capitalist. I condemn these animals. They are thugs. They are criminals. They are anti-American. They are terrorists. There is no right, no justification, for that kind of hate in America. The President needs to take charge and unite US by speaking out against these pigs.
You're the FIRST rightwinger on USMB I've seen respond so clearly, unequivocally and vociferously against these acts of terrorism.

James Alex Fields, 20, was arrested Aug. 12 and charged with second-degree murder after a car plowed into a crowd of anti-racist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, killing one and injuring 19 others.

1. James Alex Fields, Jr. Was Booked on Suspicion of Second-Degree Murder and Other Charges

2. Fields Was a Registered Republican

3. The Charlottesville Police Chief Said the Crash Was ‘Premeditated’

James Alex Fields, Jr. : 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

I wonder why he wasn't charged with 1st degree murder?
Someone's upset. They're using callouts. That always means severe butthurt.

None of the alt-left faggots will answer the simple question - Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists

Go on the record.

We don't know. Were they being attacked, or did they initiate violence? Evidence so far is they were being attacked.

If they were initiating violence, they should be condemned. And we've always said such things in the past, so why did you ask such a stupid question? Our consistent anti-violence position is well-established.

What's not well-established is any significant Republican denouncement of the alt-right white supremacists, or any wish to cut ties with their most reliable voting bloc.

Trump condemns Charlottesville violence 'on many sides'

Wrong again as usual.
^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.
Fascism is a leftist political ideology. The Murican left was all soggy in the britches for Mussolini back in the day.

Deflect that one, professor Alinsky.
The dirty secret that the left doesn't want anyone to know is that FDR and the rest of the Dims greatly admired Mussolini and even Adolph Hitler until he occupied Czechoslovakia.
Someone's upset. They're using callouts. That always means severe butthurt.

None of the alt-left faggots will answer the simple question - Do the people who were fighting the White Supremacists deserve condemnation as well? Or just the White racists

Go on the record.

We don't know. Were they being attacked, or did they initiate violence? Evidence so far is they were being attacked.

If they were initiating violence, they should be condemned. And we've always said such things in the past, so why did you ask such a stupid question? Our consistent anti-violence position is well-established.

What's not well-established is any significant Republican denouncement of the alt-right white supremacists, or any wish to cut ties with their most reliable voting bloc.

The Cat Fag refuses to condemn the LWNJ's. Nice.

We already knew you were an idiot, but thanks for confirming. :thup:
Fascism is a leftist political ideology.

So you're excusing your fascism by declaring that you can't be a fascist, because you're on the right and fascism is leftist. Nobody's buying that historical revisionism, other than your fellow cultists.

The Murican left was all soggy in the britches for Mussolini back in the day.

And by the left, you mean "a couple professors". Nice alinsky-style big lie tactic.

No, just a few leftists liked him. You're just makign crap up. It was the American right who loved Hitler and Mussolini.

Deflect that one, professor Alinsky.

As your posts show, the American right uses "Rules for Radicals" as an operating manual. They all keep a copy of it in their vest pocket, along with Mao's little red book.
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^This is the alt-right playbook. When called out on what they are, they deflect and call the opposition fascist.
Fascism is a leftist political ideology. The Murican left was all soggy in the britches for Mussolini back in the day.

Deflect that one, professor Alinsky.
Yeah, yeah....same old bullshit from fascists just like the false contention that Hitler was a socialist.

You can't deflect this list of right wing fascist:
  • Andrew Anglin, Publisher of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer

  • Matthew Heimbach, founder of a white nationalist group; the Traditionalist Worker Party.

  • Rocky J. Suhayda, chair of the American Nazi Party

  • Don Black: Former KKK grand dragon and founder of the white supremacist website Stormfront

  • Brad Griffin, writer for the white nationalist blog Occidental Dissent

  • Peter Brimelow, the founder of the extreme anti-immigration Vdare.com

  • Earl Holt, the president of the Council of Conservative Citizens

  • Jared Taylor, who runs the site American Renaissance

  • John Friend, far right radio show host, Holocaust denier.

  • Richard B. Spencer, the president of the white nationalist National Policy Institute

  • Alex Jones: birther, 9/11 truther, infowars.com

  • White Supremacist, former Klan leader David Duke

  • Hal Turner, white nationalist, holocaust denier, radio host

  • White nationalist leader James Edwards.

  • Rachel Pendergraft, National organizer for the KKK-affiliated Knights Party

  • Alex Linder: Vanguard News Network, former member of the Neo-Nazi National Alliance

  • Vanguard News Network: "Trump is the Last Hope for Whites before America turns brown"
The Cat Fag refuses to condemn the LWNJ's. Nice.

Zander, do you really want to become a full-blown brownshirt supporter just because you're butthurt now?

Think about it. Turn back from the dark side. Reject the politics of grievance, and return to supporting democracy.

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