Where is the Constitution does it say the media calls the election?

It doesn't but the point is they do.
The right made a grave mistake when it allowed to Left to Rule the Schools, Entertainment industries and Media.

LONG ago the domestic enemies knew exactly how to defeat America from within.
In that respect, it seems they were the geniuses and the Right the fools in the long run.

To this day Righties flock to and adamantly refuse to leave the social media institutions that now kick them square in the face.

I guess they like pain.
What is going to happen is simple, conservatives and libertarians of all kinds will be Cancelled. Especially online through social media. They simply won't exist.

You are going to have an Echo Chamber and a push for one party allegiance, especially since even loyal GOP see that their leadership, outside of Trump, has been weak. Not unlike the One Party system in China. They've already broken through in Texas, your best state. What states will defy the move? The West has imported Communist ideals, exported our wealth and advantage.

The future for all of the planet is going to be based on the East German model. Policing your thoughts, ideas and opinions rather than defending liberty and rights to be an individual. I won't live to see it completely enacted, but it will be the world we leave our kids.

Until the day I die, I can't imagine not believing that the entry of China into the W.T.O wasn't the impetus this drastic shift in such a short period of time.
What is going to happen is simple, conservatives and libertarians of all kinds will be Cancelled. Especially online through social media. They simply won't exist.

You are going to have an Echo Chamber and a push for one party allegiance, especially since even loyal GOP see that their leadership, outside of Trump, has been weak. Not unlike China. They've already broken through in Texas, your best state. What states will defy the move.

The future for all of the planet is going to be based on the East German model. Policing your thoughts, ideas and opinions rather than defending liberty and rights to be an individual. I won't live to see it completely enacted, but it will be the world we leave our kids.

Until the day I die, I can't imagine not believing that the entry of China into the W.T.O wasn't the impetus this drastic shift in such a short period of time.

Pretty much agree.
Only bad things can come from the path we're on in the USA.
It's so obvious the extent to which the Left has perverted the system in the name of Power Mongering.

What wasn't expected was the masses of truly ignorant fools who have been suckered into the muck by the Left Elites using Hollywood and their media and Television power.
Just cite the passage. Where does it say once the media calls it, the other candidate must step down.

Hillary still claims that Trump stole the 2016 election and you fools bought it.

Remember your boy Mueller? :laughing0301:
First Amendment, freedom of the press.
The Media didn't call it first. I did as of 4am this morning. And I stated my reasons why. I guess I must be their source that they don't give credit to. I been Robbed, I tell you, Robbed.
Just cite the passage. Where does it say once the media calls it, the other candidate must step down.

Hillary still claims that Trump stole the 2016 election and you fools bought it.

Remember your boy Mueller? :laughing0301:
The election results are not firm, until they are certified, about 10 days from now.

The different media made their call, based on the actual vote counts and projections made, off of those counts...and percentage rates of votes, each candidate has been trending, with considering the amount of remaining votes.

If the certified vote count changes the winner the media projected, then the certified count is what counts....determines the winner.
One more fucking tRUMP idiot with their head so far up his ass they havent seen real truth for so long
Each state makes their own call on who wins!
Stick your head back up where you like it.

Just cite the passage. Where does it say once the media calls it, the other candidate must step down.

Hillary still claims that Trump stole the 2016 election and you fools bought it.

Remember your boy Mueller? :laughing0301:
What is going to happen is simple, conservatives and libertarians of all kinds will be Cancelled. Especially online through social media. They simply won't exist.

You are going to have an Echo Chamber and a push for one party allegiance, especially since even loyal GOP see that their leadership, outside of Trump, has been weak. Not unlike China. They've already broken through in Texas, your best state. What states will defy the move.

The future for all of the planet is going to be based on the East German model. Policing your thoughts, ideas and opinions rather than defending liberty and rights to be an individual. I won't live to see it completely enacted, but it will be the world we leave our kids.

Until the day I die, I can't imagine not believing that the entry of China into the W.T.O wasn't the impetus this drastic shift in such a short period of time.

Pretty much agree.
Only bad things can come from the path we're on in the USA.
It's so obvious the extent to which the Left has perverted the system in the name of Power Mongering.

What wasn't expected was the masses of truly ignorant fools who have been suckered into the muck by the Left Elites using Hollywood and their media and Television power.

I've read a number of books of the Stasi and how they operate. People have asked "how could anyone spy on their friends, family and neighbours"? These books were written soon after the Berlin Wall came down and people gained access to their Stasi Files.

I am aware of how it works. Humans are grossly imperfect, and others exploit this. They never realize that what they leave theit next of kin is always worse and nobody is ever secure, no matter their station.

This fascism took hold in Europe and defeated, in the Far East and it has been exported.
Just cite the passage. Where does it say once the media calls it, the other candidate must step down.

Hillary still claims that Trump stole the 2016 election and you fools bought it.

Remember your boy Mueller? :laughing0301:

They don't call an election but they do project. This is nothing new. In this case however with the massive F-ups, they are also preparing war in case the courts allow a manual recount in the states that were affected by this faulty software, and of course in PA where they broke the law and refused to comply with court orders. If the decisions are reversed, you're going to see Democrats destroy their cities like you've never seen before.
The media has been calling elections based on vote tallies since the 1950s. What is new are political losers who now find it unacceptable because their candidate lost.
The media has been calling elections based on vote tallies since the 1950s. What is new are political losers who now find it unacceptable because their candidate lost.

In the 50's Democrats had integrity, something they haven't had in well over 20 years. Today's Democrat motto is win any way possible, even if you have to cheat.
The media has been calling elections based on vote tallies since the 1950s. What is new are political losers who now find it unacceptable because their candidate lost.

They've also used polls and they are rarely accurate, especially of late.

I've seen some of these turds call a stated with 1 or 2% in. What is this, Chavez Venezuela? "Don't count the votes, we already know what they are going to do".

That's NOT how democracy works, but it does guarantee disenfranchising.
The media has been calling elections based on vote tallies since the 1950s. What is new are political losers who now find it unacceptable because their candidate lost.
Trump was right about one thing. That after election day, you wouldn't see coverage of the cornavirus.

Instead you see coverage of the presidential election results. Once that's settled, the exploding coronavirus deaths will again be in the news.
There may even be an election day induced spike.
The media has been calling elections based on vote tallies since the 1950s. What is new are political losers who now find it unacceptable because their candidate lost.

The media can call elections all they want, but the call has no legality!

Nowhere in the Constitution does it say the media can call elections.

Just cite the passage. Where does it say once the media calls it, the other candidate must step down.

Hillary still claims that Trump stole the 2016 election and you fools bought it.

Remember your boy Mueller? :laughing0301:
ah. which tard sent you morons this talking point. yer not the foist asshole to offer this weak sauce.
Just cite the passage. Where does it say once the media calls it, the other candidate must step down.

Hillary still claims that Trump stole the 2016 election and you fools bought it.

Remember your boy Mueller? :laughing0301:
The election results are not firm, until they are certified, about 10 days from now.

The different media made their call, based on the actual vote counts and projections made, off of those counts...and percentage rates of votes, each candidate has been trending, with considering the amount of remaining votes.

If the certified vote count changes the winner the media projected, then the certified count is what counts....determines the winner.

The Math doesn't lie. And I made that determination 4 hours before the Media using Math. While all other things are hokus Pokus, math is a science.
Media is not the official call but it is clear Trump lost and after the recount and court battle where the USSC reject Trump claim then maybe you guys will accept Trump defeat...

Who am I kidding Trump could say he lost and many of you would call him a liar because none of you can believe Biden won...
It doesn't but the point is they do.
The right made a grave mistake when it allowed to Left to Rule the Schools, Entertainment industries and Media.

LONG ago the domestic enemies knew exactly how to defeat America from within.
In that respect, it seems they were the geniuses and the Right the fools in the long run.

To this day Righties flock to and adamantly refuse to leave the social media institutions that now kick them square in the face.

I guess they like pain.
No, the media does not call the winner as long as GOP candidates get recounts, observation and confirm each and every vote.

When you get cheated, you don't just say oh well and walk away. You persist in demanding repayment, and if that doesn't work you take out what they owe you from what they own X5.
Just cite the passage. Where does it say once the media calls it, the other candidate must step down.

Hillary still claims that Trump stole the 2016 election and you fools bought it.

Remember your boy Mueller? :laughing0301:
So are you suggesting that Trump’s 2016 victory wasn’t legitimate?

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