Where Should Politician Funding Come From?

There are two things which amuse me about the campaign finance debate.

The first is that some idiots never seem to catch on that money flows to where the power is. The more power you keep giving to the government, the more money is going to flow toward it and capture it.

If you take away power from politicians, you take away the incentive to give them money.

But instead, the dumb shits do stupid things like allow the government to take over health care. Those of you who support ObamaCare actually exacerbated the problem. You just put the government control of health care on steroids, and now you are going to see the money influence rise accordingly.


You give more and more and more power to politicians, and then whine like a retard about all the money they are given because they have all that power you gave them. Jesus H. Christ!

The second thing is that propaganda only works on rubes. If you have any critical thinking skills at all, campaign ads will have zero impact on you.

Unfortunately, this forum proves day after day after day that America is overrun with parroting rubes who believe whatever they are told as long as it comes from the correct partisan source.

And I mean they believe ANYTHING they are told. They see a video of a guy dropping off ballots and are told it is "illegal ballot stuffing" and they swallow that piss like its lemonade.

So the problem is not money. The problem is mental retardation. Gullible rubes eagerly chowing down on manufactured bullshit and regurgitating it into each other's mouths.
I noticed that liberals never worried much about money in politics (the Rockefellers, etc.) until they started losing elections.

Then suddenly money in politics became an outrage.

Many big donors contribute to BOTH sides before an election. That way, no matter who wins, they can say to him, "I helped you, now you help me."

Any attempt to remove money from an election, invariably does far more harm (heavy govt restrictions, oversight, and punishment) than good.
I noticed that liberals never worried much about money in politics (the Rockefellers, etc.) until they started losing elections.

Then suddenly money in politics became an outrage.

Many big donors contribute to BOTH sides before an election. That way, no matter who wins, they can say to him, "I helped you, now you help me."

Any attempt to remove money from an election, invariably does far more harm (heavy govt restrictions, oversight, and punishment) than good.
I've noticed something similar: conservatives worry about money in politics until they start winning a few elections. Campaign finance limitation has, at different times, been a guiding principle to both ideologies as far back as I can remember.

But, I don't think campaign finance is as much of a problem as people think it is. The constant (and expensive) barrage of hate ads doesn't come out of a candidate's coffers. If it did, then he would eventually have to explain his position - and in politics, if you're explaining you're losing. People need to understand that THEY are driving their political problems. They do it by forming their opinions to match the nonsense with which they're bombarded - especially in a contested district - without filtering. They attach themselves to a single issue which they believe in, and are blind to all else.

You don't get the government you vote for, you get the government you deserve. We have at this point in our history the single most important informational tool ever created - the internet. Used properly, we can find an answer to the question: Is what I'm hearing true (as opposed to who else believes as I do)? This is how the effects of political money are negated.
There are two things which amuse me about the campaign finance debate.

The first is that some idiots never seem to catch on that money flows to where the power is. The more power you keep giving to the government, the more money is going to flow toward it and capture it.

If you take away power from politicians, you take away the incentive to give them money.

But instead, the dumb shits do stupid things like allow the government to take over health care. Those of you who support ObamaCare actually exacerbated the problem. You just put the government control of health care on steroids, and now you are going to see the money influence rise accordingly.


You give more and more and more power to politicians, and then whine like a retard about all the money they are given because they have all that power you gave them. Jesus H. Christ!

The second thing is that propaganda only works on rubes. If you have any critical thinking skills at all, campaign ads will have zero impact on you.

Unfortunately, this forum proves day after day after day that America is overrun with parroting rubes who believe whatever they are told as long as it comes from the correct partisan source.

And I mean they believe ANYTHING they are told. They see a video of a guy dropping off ballots and are told it is "illegal ballot stuffing" and they swallow that piss like its lemonade.

So the problem is not money. The problem is mental retardation. Gullible rubes eagerly chowing down on manufactured bullshit and regurgitating it into each other's mouths.
Agree. The money WILL go to the politicians as long as they have the power to make it more profitable for them and less so for their competitors.
I would not say the electorate is mentally retarded though. Instead they are willfully ignorant. The reality is that we have been enormously successful and that success leads to laziness and apathy.

We have an apathetic public that does not think politics and voting is important enough to devote time to getting it correct. Unfortunately, I don’t think the electorate will wake up until they are starving in the streets – people always wait till it is too late to address major problems.
I think funding should come only from their pockets.
We should elect person who built his own business without help, strong and powerful, or average man without lots of money, but with common sense and experience, not another corporations puppet!
WOW, people reply with thinking about the subject, not name calling, and picking sides. am sure it wont last long but enjoy it while it lasts.
Am not sure that I am in favor of buying elections. but know it would not matter if adds only said what that person would do if elected, not trashing the other persons running.
WOW, people reply with thinking about the subject, not name calling, and picking sides. am sure it wont last long but enjoy it while it lasts.
Am not sure that I am in favor of buying elections. but know it would not matter if adds only said what that person would do if elected, not trashing the other persons running.
Back in the day, if a candidate made allegations toward another candidate the press would actually investigate the claims. There would be stories and articles showing the truth and accuracy of the claims made. These may have even led to scathing editorials. But, we the public had an objective way to compare candidates. Fast forward to today and media coverage is simply a few seconds of a quote - usually taken out of context - followed by hours of opinion. You really have to dig to find the facts and most folks don't have the time or the inclination to do that.
WOW, people reply with thinking about the subject, not name calling, and picking sides. am sure it wont last long but enjoy it while it lasts.
Am not sure that I am in favor of buying elections. but know it would not matter if adds only said what that person would do if elected, not trashing the other persons running.
Back in the day, if a candidate made allegations toward another candidate the press would actually investigate the claims. There would be stories and articles showing the truth and accuracy of the claims made. These may have even led to scathing editorials. But, we the public had an objective way to compare candidates. Fast forward to today and media coverage is simply a few seconds of a quote - usually taken out of context - followed by hours of opinion. You really have to dig to find the facts and most folks don't have the time or the inclination to do that.

More importantly most DO NOT WANT the facts. They actually want to be fed the bullshit that verifies their current political convictions.

The media gives the people what they want – they supply a product that is most in demand. Those that try and do real reporting get trounced in the ratings.
There are two things which amuse me about the campaign finance debate.

The first is that some idiots never seem to catch on that money flows to where the power is. The more power you keep giving to the government, the more money is going to flow toward it and capture it.

If you take away power from politicians, you take away the incentive to give them money.

But instead, the dumb shits do stupid things like allow the government to take over health care. Those of you who support ObamaCare actually exacerbated the problem. You just put the government control of health care on steroids, and now you are going to see the money influence rise accordingly.


You give more and more and more power to politicians, and then whine like a retard about all the money they are given because they have all that power you gave them. Jesus H. Christ!

The second thing is that propaganda only works on rubes. If you have any critical thinking skills at all, campaign ads will have zero impact on you.

Unfortunately, this forum proves day after day after day that America is overrun with parroting rubes who believe whatever they are told as long as it comes from the correct partisan source.

And I mean they believe ANYTHING they are told. They see a video of a guy dropping off ballots and are told it is "illegal ballot stuffing" and they swallow that piss like its lemonade.

So the problem is not money. The problem is mental retardation. Gullible rubes eagerly chowing down on manufactured bullshit and regurgitating it into each other's mouths.
adds help. if a man said if elected i will only let people who hate goats vote, could save my self hours of looking up his record and not vote for him.
WOW, people reply with thinking about the subject, not name calling, and picking sides. am sure it wont last long but enjoy it while it lasts.
Am not sure that I am in favor of buying elections. but know it would not matter if adds only said what that person would do if elected, not trashing the other persons running.
Back in the day, if a candidate made allegations toward another candidate the press would actually investigate the claims. There would be stories and articles showing the truth and accuracy of the claims made. These may have even led to scathing editorials. But, we the public had an objective way to compare candidates. Fast forward to today and media coverage is simply a few seconds of a quote - usually taken out of context - followed by hours of opinion. You really have to dig to find the facts and most folks don't have the time or the inclination to do that.

More importantly most DO NOT WANT the facts. They actually want to be fed the bullshit that verifies their current political convictions.

The media gives the people what they want – they supply a product that is most in demand. Those that try and do real reporting get trounced in the ratings.
True - which just validates my earlier comment that we get the government that we deserve. I think of it like the 3 year old who, no matter how many times he's told that the top of the stove is hot and will burn him just won't believe it until he gets his fingers blistered. Really, unless there's some pain involved, some people refuse to learn.
Why not just vote for them? :thewave:

Why not just have the media appoint them?
if the politician is smart and correct, there is no need for funding correct ?:dig:

Unless there is a reason for the public to have exposure to information other than what the corrupt media, and the public employee unions want the public to know - in which case funding is vital.

In your system, why the farce? Just have our rulers appointed - then no need to pretend.
Why not just vote for them? :thewave:

Why not just have the media appoint them?
if the politician is smart and correct, there is no need for funding correct ?:dig:

Unless there is a reason for the public to have exposure to information other than what the corrupt media, and the public employee unions want the public to know - in which case funding is vital.

In your system, why the farce? Just have our rulers appointed - then no need to pretend.

Isn't that pretty much what we've come to already? It wasn't just the corrupt media which reported on the Vegas funding trips by the Republican field to kiss the rings of the richest people in the country for financial backing. And we all understand that financial backing isn't constrained to direct campaign contributions. Constant barrages of propaganda and misinformation which go unattributed and unchallenged is VERY close to simply having the richest decide for all of us.
Isn't that pretty much what we've come to already?


We have the media, which is just an extension of the DNC. Then we have the public employee unions, again the corrupt DNC - vote for me and I'll open up the public treasury for you to loot.

The offset is PACs - a combination of individuals attempting to counter the natural monopoly the media has on information, and corporations who are often seeking to buy favors.

IF you silence the public, then only the media and the unions have any say. IF only the media and the unions have a say - then you may as well just have the DNC appoint our rulers.

It wasn't just the corrupt media which reported on the Vegas funding trips by the Republican field to kiss the rings of the richest people in the country for financial backing. And we all understand that financial backing isn't constrained to direct campaign contributions. Constant barrages of propaganda and misinformation which go unattributed and unchallenged is VERY close to simply having the richest decide for all of us.

I'm not familiar with the event you are dredging up.

I do recall this though;

Two of the IRS events took place at the luxurious Caesar’s Palace Hotel & Casino, one at the New York-New York Hotel & Casino, and one at the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino.

The report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, released on May 31, focuses on an August 2010 IRS conference that occurred in Anaheim, Calif., at a cost of $4,133,183.00. The report’sAppendix IV, however, lists all 225 IRS conferences that took place in fiscal years 2010-2012. The four Las Vegas events are listed there, with costs and related information.

In 2010, the Communication & Liaison division of the IRS held a “Nationwide Tax Forums” conference at the luxurious Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino. The event was attended by 259 people at a cost to taxpayers of $242,331.00.}

IRS Employees Held 4 Conferences at Vegas Casinos Cost 671 990

I think it was a reward for savaging Obama's enemies such as Tea Party members with audits and other harassment.
Where Should Politician Funding Come From?

Generally new and inspiring events make the news. That is what news is.

Yet Corporate ABC, CBS, and, NBC were 3 of Obama's top ten donors.

Why are Top Media Corporations donating to people who need donations for air time to make them a viable candidate?

I know the small brains think politicians are controlling the media....How pathetic is that.
Corporate Media controls politicians. Follow the money.

Most of these issues concerning campaign finance started with the so called Campaign Finance reform act of 1974-75 vetoed by Gerald Ford and overridden by a Democrat Congress. True this stemmed from abuses by the 72 Nixon campaign, but in passing this resulting in numerous court cases over the years and the proliferation of PACs you now see the result.
if i ever run for Mayor, I will just print up 100.00 bills on the most advanced Epson Printer.

I love to s
I noticed that liberals never worried much about money in politics (the Rockefellers, etc.) until they started losing elections.

Then suddenly money in politics became an outrage.

Many big donors contribute to BOTH sides before an election. That way, no matter who wins, they can say to him, "I helped you, now you help me."

Any attempt to remove money from an election, invariably does far more harm (heavy govt restrictions, oversight, and punishment) than good.

^Now that is Fear Mongering.

We The People control our Government. The Corporations don't control us. Unless you submit to them and think you will get more money by siding with them. *Reaganomics*
There are two things which amuse me about the campaign finance debate.

The first is that some idiots never seem to catch on that money flows to where the power is. The more power you keep giving to the government, the more money is going to flow toward it and capture it.

If you take away power from politicians, you take away the incentive to give them money.

But instead, the dumb shits do stupid things like allow the government to take over health care. Those of you who support ObamaCare actually exacerbated the problem. You just put the government control of health care on steroids, and now you are going to see the money influence rise accordingly.


You give more and more and more power to politicians, and then whine like a retard about all the money they are given because they have all that power you gave them. Jesus H. Christ!

The second thing is that propaganda only works on rubes. If you have any critical thinking skills at all, campaign ads will have zero impact on you.

Unfortunately, this forum proves day after day after day that America is overrun with parroting rubes who believe whatever they are told as long as it comes from the correct partisan source.

And I mean they believe ANYTHING they are told. They see a video of a guy dropping off ballots and are told it is "illegal ballot stuffing" and they swallow that piss like its lemonade.

So the problem is not money. The problem is mental retardation. Gullible rubes eagerly chowing down on manufactured bullshit and regurgitating it into each other's mouths.
adds help. if a man said if elected i will only let people who hate goats vote, could save my self hours of looking up his record and not vote for him.

Political Ads annoy citizens and make them hate politics. If there were not ads and voters simply had to vote on what they researched about the politician, people would care much more about politics. Maybe even have a Fantasy Political Team.
Isn't that pretty much what we've come to already?


We have the media, which is just an extension of the DNC. Then we have the public employee unions, again the corrupt DNC - vote for me and I'll open up the public treasury for you to loot.

The offset is PACs - a combination of individuals attempting to counter the natural monopoly the media has on information, and corporations who are often seeking to buy favors.

IF you silence the public, then only the media and the unions have any say. IF only the media and the unions have a say - then you may as well just have the DNC appoint our rulers.

It wasn't just the corrupt media which reported on the Vegas funding trips by the Republican field to kiss the rings of the richest people in the country for financial backing. And we all understand that financial backing isn't constrained to direct campaign contributions. Constant barrages of propaganda and misinformation which go unattributed and unchallenged is VERY close to simply having the richest decide for all of us.

I'm not familiar with the event you are dredging up.

I do recall this though;

Two of the IRS events took place at the luxurious Caesar’s Palace Hotel & Casino, one at the New York-New York Hotel & Casino, and one at the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino.

The report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, released on May 31, focuses on an August 2010 IRS conference that occurred in Anaheim, Calif., at a cost of $4,133,183.00. The report’sAppendix IV, however, lists all 225 IRS conferences that took place in fiscal years 2010-2012. The four Las Vegas events are listed there, with costs and related information.

In 2010, the Communication & Liaison division of the IRS held a “Nationwide Tax Forums” conference at the luxurious Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino. The event was attended by 259 people at a cost to taxpayers of $242,331.00.}

IRS Employees Held 4 Conferences at Vegas Casinos Cost 671 990

I think it was a reward for savaging Obama's enemies such as Tea Party members with audits and other harassment.

Rupert Merdoch *COUGH! COUGH COUGH!*
There are two things which amuse me about the campaign finance debate.

The first is that some idiots never seem to catch on that money flows to where the power is. The more power you keep giving to the government, the more money is going to flow toward it and capture it.

If you take away power from politicians, you take away the incentive to give them money.

But instead, the dumb shits do stupid things like allow the government to take over health care. Those of you who support ObamaCare actually exacerbated the problem. You just put the government control of health care on steroids, and now you are going to see the money influence rise accordingly.


You give more and more and more power to politicians, and then whine like a retard about all the money they are given because they have all that power you gave them. Jesus H. Christ!

The second thing is that propaganda only works on rubes. If you have any critical thinking skills at all, campaign ads will have zero impact on you.

Unfortunately, this forum proves day after day after day that America is overrun with parroting rubes who believe whatever they are told as long as it comes from the correct partisan source.

And I mean they believe ANYTHING they are told. They see a video of a guy dropping off ballots and are told it is "illegal ballot stuffing" and they swallow that piss like its lemonade.

So the problem is not money. The problem is mental retardation. Gullible rubes eagerly chowing down on manufactured bullshit and regurgitating it into each other's mouths.
adds help. if a man said if elected i will only let people who hate goats vote, could save my self hours of looking up his record and not vote for him.

Political Ads annoy citizens and make them hate politics. If there were not ads and voters simply had to vote on what they researched about the politician, people would care much more about politics. Maybe even have a Fantasy Political Team.

That's the entire point of negative ads - to depress turnout.
There are two things which amuse me about the campaign finance debate.

The first is that some idiots never seem to catch on that money flows to where the power is. The more power you keep giving to the government, the more money is going to flow toward it and capture it.

If you take away power from politicians, you take away the incentive to give them money.

But instead, the dumb shits do stupid things like allow the government to take over health care. Those of you who support ObamaCare actually exacerbated the problem. You just put the government control of health care on steroids, and now you are going to see the money influence rise accordingly.


You give more and more and more power to politicians, and then whine like a retard about all the money they are given because they have all that power you gave them. Jesus H. Christ!

The second thing is that propaganda only works on rubes. If you have any critical thinking skills at all, campaign ads will have zero impact on you.

Unfortunately, this forum proves day after day after day that America is overrun with parroting rubes who believe whatever they are told as long as it comes from the correct partisan source.

And I mean they believe ANYTHING they are told. They see a video of a guy dropping off ballots and are told it is "illegal ballot stuffing" and they swallow that piss like its lemonade.

So the problem is not money. The problem is mental retardation. Gullible rubes eagerly chowing down on manufactured bullshit and regurgitating it into each other's mouths.
adds help. if a man said if elected i will only let people who hate goats vote, could save my self hours of looking up his record and not vote for him.

Political Ads annoy citizens and make them hate politics. If there were not ads and voters simply had to vote on what they researched about the politician, people would care much more about politics. Maybe even have a Fantasy Political Team.

That's the entire point of negative ads - to depress turnout.

Negative ads are for the majority of Americans who hate politics. They just want to know who to vote for. They don't want to think about Politics, it's complicated. Even people who post about politics don't want to think about politics a lot of the time, they just want to repeat what someone told them.

Some people are too busy watching the game. They want to be told who to vote for.

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