Where The Hate Comes From

We should all stop hating each other, and step one is to stop stereotyping each other. The ideas of who the "other side" is are just astounding. The OP is just as guilty of it as any on the "left."
Exposing the wickedness of the wicked and confronting it has nothing to with guilt. It's about having a conscience which you appear to be void of. You're craft isn't going to fly you anywhere but to hell, Ms. Poppins. This is not difficult. You either stop making excuses for the wicked or you'll answer to God Almighty for it on judgment day.
Are we talking about abortion? I did not know this was an abortion thread.
I would suggest that you read the OP before commenting in the future.
I DID. Well, I admit I scanned some in the middle. Leaving now.
.....and who could blame you? After all, the gods and goddesses of Wicca / Satanism and every other ism under the sun were not enough to decide the outcome of this presidential election! Even with all that human help and collusion with the MSM and other criminals on the Clinton payroll, fixing polls, cooking spirit dinners, sacrificing God only knows what or who ....... and still? No victory.

It's time to abandon the broom and get on board with Jesus Christ! Don't you think?
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The far right cries because the left is giving it back in spades.

One side cannot practice the devil's way, as it did the right, for many years, then act stunned and affronted they are treated tit for tat.
You are either on God's side or you aren't. Protesting for the right to murder babies is the devil's side. Your decision and you'll be living with the consequences of it. Eternally.
No one is protesting the right to murder babies. God knows all of his own, Mrs. M., not you not ever. My decision is to support pro-birth wherever possible, but the final choice is always the mother's and never yours. Your way is that of Satan.
There were approximately 500,000 people in Washington protesting for the right to murder babies on January 21st in Washington. Did you miss that? Murder is not a choice nor a woman's "right", Jake. Murder is murder.
Did you miss that you misuse terms, Mrs. M. Murder is a legal term. Abortion is a medical term.

But let's not hate.

Here are my desires in terms of this topic: no abortions except for the mother's health or such genetic deformations arise that make the baby's life unviable after birth and for pregnancies through rape and or incest.
The far right cries because the left is giving it back in spades.

One side cannot practice the devil's way, as it did the right, for many years, then act stunned and affronted they are treated tit for tat.
You are either on God's side or you aren't. Protesting for the right to murder babies is the devil's side. Your decision and you'll be living with the consequences of it. Eternally.
No one is protesting the right to murder babies. God knows all of his own, Mrs. M., not you not ever. My decision is to support pro-birth wherever possible, but the final choice is always the mother's and never yours. Your way is that of Satan.
There were approximately 500,000 people in Washington protesting for the right to murder babies on January 21st in Washington. Did you miss that? Murder is not a choice nor a woman's "right", Jake. Murder is murder.
Did you miss that you misuse terms, Mrs. M. Murder is a legal term. Abortion is a medical term.

But let's not hate.

Here are my desires in terms of this topic: no abortions except for the mother's health or such genetic deformations arise that make the baby's life unviable after birth and for pregnancies through rape and or incest.

Abortion is a medical term for murder. Here are my desires on the topic: No abortions. No exceptions.
The far right cries because the left is giving it back in spades.

One side cannot practice the devil's way, as it did the right, for many years, then act stunned and affronted they are treated tit for tat.
You are either on God's side or you aren't. Protesting for the right to murder babies is the devil's side. Your decision and you'll be living with the consequences of it. Eternally.
No one is protesting the right to murder babies. God knows all of his own, Mrs. M., not you not ever. My decision is to support pro-birth wherever possible, but the final choice is always the mother's and never yours. Your way is that of Satan.
There were approximately 500,000 people in Washington protesting for the right to murder babies on January 21st in Washington. Did you miss that? Murder is not a choice nor a woman's "right", Jake. Murder is murder.
Did you miss that you misuse terms, Mrs. M. Murder is a legal term. Abortion is a medical term.

But let's not hate.

Here are my desires in terms of this topic: no abortions except for the mother's health or such genetic deformations arise that make the baby's life unviable after birth and for pregnancies through rape and or incest.

Abortion is a medical term for murder. Here are my desires on the topic: No abortions. No exceptions.
Then you are indeed a proponent of murder.
Wrong. Life belongs in God's hands. Not yours. Not mine. Not Planned Parenthood's. Life belongs in God's hands alone. Stop playing God, Jake.

Exposing the darkness - their lust for innocent blood​

After the inauguration I watched a 5 minute video online which perfectly summed up the reason for the insidious hatred which we've been witnessing from the left, since November 8th. With one sentence, the truth rings loud and clear. Their gods have been felled!

Truer words could not be spoken as to the reason for the bitter vitriolic hatred of liberals who were utterly convinced that fake news, fixed polls and massive election fraud would hand their crooked candidate the election on a silver platter. After all, their gods had spoken. It was in the bag. Even their high priest, George Soros said so. Nothing could stop them.........or so they believed.

Instead of seeing their “god” or “goddess” make good on the promise of a Clinton presidency, they woke up to the news that their candidate had been defeated, their gods had fallen and their plans were destroyed. All within a 24 hour period.

What to do? Well, I can tell you what not to do...

Two lost souls blaspheme God's plan of Redemption​

To those of you on the left: Forget about the spirit cooking dinners, the Lucifer worship and Wicca's little lies. The future does not belong to men-hating feminists who stick out their tongues at God's authority. Realize that the only One you should be obeying is the One True God and His Written Word to you known as the King James Holy Bible.

Why? Because God Almighty has openly made a fool and a liar out of your gods. Only an idiot would continue to believe in something that only works half the time (or less!). If you had a 50/50 chance of dying by drinking the "brew" put in front of you, would you drink it? Neither Wicca, Satanism nor any other ism outside of the Kingdom of God has the ability to put a guarantee on anything it attempts to conjure up or accomplish.

So why swallow the poisonous lies the left is trying to feed you? They lost. Their gods have been felled. They are no longer in power and the lawless and rebellious path they have chosen is leading them to their final destruction. Why join them?

In the days ahead, there are two choices set before us. One leads to life (eternal) and the other to death (eternal).

Repent, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. Pray for President Trump that God's will be done so that this country may have one final chance to turn from its sins of murder (the blood of over 50 million babies still cries out from the ground today), witchcraft (never before has America been so inundated with the occult and Baal worship) and put away the altars of Baal once and for all throughout the land (this would include denouncing Islam and all such altars of Baal erected on American soil).

Or you can join them knowing full well where the hate comes from and where it will ultimately take you.

It is the author's opinion (mine) that if you are going to destroy yourselves over a cause you should at least first know where the hate comes from, that is driving that cause...

Now you know.

Is that a sign you made. As a RC I'm am getting really sick of you Christians who think your are holier than thou. Trump is a disaster and a man who has committed so many adulteries according the words of Jesus, child out of wedlock, compulsive liar and thief, are you out of your mind!!

It is a sign a pro-abortion person made and it is on the internet. The Roman Catholics I've seen on this board are all against abortion. Trump is keeping his word and moving swiftly on his promises to the American people.

He has never kept his word. If he said America will pay for a wall to the tune of with a surtax , he would not of been voted in.
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Voluntary human extinction is preferable to abortion. I will give you that
Voluntary human extinction is preferable to abortion. I will give you that
Depopulation is just another agenda from hell. There is plenty of water, land, food enough for everyone. God didn't "fail to plan" in His creation. Man failed to "follow the plan" because of greed. You've taken the bait of Satan on that one.
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Voluntary human extinction is preferable to abortion. I will give you that
Depopulation is just another agenda from hell. There is plenty of water, land, food enough for everyone. God didn't "fail to plan" in His creation. Man failed to "follow the plan" because of of greed. You've taken the bait of Satan on that one.
Your faith is very strong but humans are destroying the planet
These feminist "women" are disgusting cows, mad at the world and worse yet clueless about it. They were either raised wrong or have some sort of mental issues
A large segment of these women fighting for the right to murder the unborn are members of Wicca or Satanism. It's modern human sacrifice to their god of Molech / goddesses, etc.
Didn't we hear from you during the McMartin Pre-School case years ago/
The far right cries because the left is giving it back in spades.

One side cannot practice the devil's way, as it did the right, for many years, then act stunned and affronted they are treated tit for tat.
You are either on God's side or you aren't. Protesting for the right to murder babies is the devil's side. Your decision and you'll be living with the consequences of it. Eternally.
No one is protesting the right to murder babies. God knows all of his own, Mrs. M., not you not ever. My decision is to support pro-birth wherever possible, but the final choice is always the mother's and never yours. Your way is that of Satan.
There were approximately 500,000 people in Washington protesting for the right to murder babies on January 21st in Washington. Did you miss that? Murder is not a choice nor a woman's "right", Jake. Murder is murder.
Wait.....that number keeps going down.....
The far right cries because the left is giving it back in spades.

One side cannot practice the devil's way, as it did the right, for many years, then act stunned and affronted they are treated tit for tat.
You are either on God's side or you aren't. Protesting for the right to murder babies is the devil's side. Your decision and you'll be living with the consequences of it. Eternally.
No one is protesting the right to murder babies. God knows all of his own, Mrs. M., not you not ever. My decision is to support pro-birth wherever possible, but the final choice is always the mother's and never yours. Your way is that of Satan.
There were approximately 500,000 people in Washington protesting for the right to murder babies on January 21st in Washington. Did you miss that? Murder is not a choice nor a woman's "right", Jake. Murder is murder.
Wait.....that number keeps going down.....
That number should be close to 800,000 from their various reports I read.
We should all stop hating each other, and step one is to stop stereotyping each other. The ideas of who the "other side" is are just astounding. The OP is just as guilty of it as any on the "left."
Exposing the wickedness of the wicked and confronting it has nothing to with guilt. It's about having a conscience which you appear to be void of. You're craft isn't going to fly you anywhere but to hell, Ms. Poppins. This is not difficult. You either stop making excuses for the wicked or you'll answer to God Almighty for it on judgment day.
Are we talking about abortion? I did not know this was an abortion thread.
I would suggest that you read the OP before commenting in the future.
I DID. Well, I admit I scanned some in the middle. Leaving now.
.....and who could blame you? After all, the gods and goddesses of Wicca / Satanism and every other ism under the sun were not enough to decide the outcome of this presidential election! Even with all that human help and collusion with the MSM and other criminals on the Clinton payroll, fixing polls, cooking spirit dinners, sacrificing God only knows what or who ....... and still? No victory.

It's time to abandon the broom and get on board with Jesus Christ! Don't you think?

As far as I know Hillary Clinton never had an abortion, why are you bringing her up. She cooked spirit dinners what are they? If Hillary fixed polls she did not do a good enough job, she did win the maj vote. I think the Pubs fixed the polls by making it more difficult to vote.
Abortion is a medical term for murder.

But you don't believe abortion is murder. Nobody does. Only liars say that they think abortion is murder. You're lying in order to push your sick authoritarian control freak agenda.

What, you thought that wasn't obvious?

If I was religious, I'd say you're doing the bidding of Satan, and will therefore burn in hell for all of eternity. Being you are religious, why doesn't that concern you? Remember, Satan will not honor whatever deal you think you've struck with him. You'll burn with all the others who thought they were equal partners with Satan.
The far right cries because the left is giving it back in spades.

One side cannot practice the devil's way, as it did the right, for many years, then act stunned and affronted they are treated tit for tat.
You are either on God's side or you aren't. Protesting for the right to murder babies is the devil's side. Your decision and you'll be living with the consequences of it. Eternally.
No one is protesting the right to murder babies. God knows all of his own, Mrs. M., not you not ever. My decision is to support pro-birth wherever possible, but the final choice is always the mother's and never yours. Your way is that of Satan.
There were approximately 500,000 people in Washington protesting for the right to murder babies on January 21st in Washington. Did you miss that? Murder is not a choice nor a woman's "right", Jake. Murder is murder.
Did you miss that you misuse terms, Mrs. M. Murder is a legal term. Abortion is a medical term.

But let's not hate.

Here are my desires in terms of this topic: no abortions except for the mother's health or such genetic deformations arise that make the baby's life unviable after birth and for pregnancies through rape and or incest.

Abortion is a medical term for murder. Here are my desires on the topic: No abortions. No exceptions.

No its not.

You can desire anything at all but in the real world, we don't all get what we want. Grow up and deal with it.

Fact - your body is yours to control and do with as you wish. There is nothing that will or would give me the right to control your body. Period.
Anyone will prevent abortion under any condition is a potential murderer.
Abortion is a medical term for murder.

But you don't believe abortion is murder. Nobody does. Only liars say that they think abortion is murder. You're lying in order to push your sick authoritarian control freak agenda.

What, you thought that wasn't obvious?

If I was religious, I'd say you're doing the bidding of Satan, and will therefore burn in hell for all of eternity. Being you are religious, why doesn't that concern you? Remember, Satan will not honor whatever deal you think you've struck with him. You'll burn with all the others who thought they were equal partners with Satan.
If you were religious? You're a pagan witch, aren't you, Ms. Blessed Be? I'm pretty sure your coven claims Wicca is a "religion" these days, don't they? If Black Witchcraft is your craft then why are you not calling him Lucifer? Isn't that what Molech worshippers call him? For all the spirit cooking, incantations and gatherings that were meant to give your fellow Witch, Hillary Clinton, a clear victory it gave you nothing of the sort. It goes without saying that Satan has never been God's equal and he certainly isn't an equal to any of God's children. The servants of God have been given all authority over him and his demons. Lucifer is under our feet.
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You are either on God's side or you aren't. Protesting for the right to murder babies is the devil's side. Your decision and you'll be living with the consequences of it. Eternally.
No one is protesting the right to murder babies. God knows all of his own, Mrs. M., not you not ever. My decision is to support pro-birth wherever possible, but the final choice is always the mother's and never yours. Your way is that of Satan.
There were approximately 500,000 people in Washington protesting for the right to murder babies on January 21st in Washington. Did you miss that? Murder is not a choice nor a woman's "right", Jake. Murder is murder.
Did you miss that you misuse terms, Mrs. M. Murder is a legal term. Abortion is a medical term.

But let's not hate.

Here are my desires in terms of this topic: no abortions except for the mother's health or such genetic deformations arise that make the baby's life unviable after birth and for pregnancies through rape and or incest.

Abortion is a medical term for murder. Here are my desires on the topic: No abortions. No exceptions.

No its not.

You can desire anything at all but in the real world, we don't all get what we want. Grow up and deal with it.

Fact - your body is yours to control and do with as you wish. There is nothing that will or would give me the right to control your body. Period.
MY BODY. NOT the body of an unborn child in my womb. My body. Not someone else's. No one has the right to abort an unborn child. I fully understand that many women have done it and I also know God will forgive them for their ignorance in having done such an awful thing but the time has come to educate people to the fact that abortion is murder. It's not an option. It's a crime against your own flesh and blood.
If you were religious? You're a pagan witch, aren't you, Ms. Blessed Be?

Of course not. Paganism is just as silly as any other religion.

You have a problem. You're clearly insane.That's why you see pagan demons everywhere.

Has nobody ever broken that news to you before, that you're just nuts?

I'm pretty sure your coven claims Wicca is a "religion" these days, don't they? If Black Witchcraft is your craft then why are you not calling him Lucifer? Isn't that what Molech worshippers call him? For all the spirit cooking, incantations and gatherings that were meant to give your fellow Witch, Hillary Clinton, a clear victory it gave you nothing of the sort. It goes without saying that Satan has never been God's equal and he certainly isn't an equal to any of God's children. The servants of God have been given all authority over him and his demons.
You are either on God's side or you aren't. Protesting for the right to murder babies is the devil's side. Your decision and you'll be living with the consequences of it. Eternally.
No one is protesting the right to murder babies. God knows all of his own, Mrs. M., not you not ever. My decision is to support pro-birth wherever possible, but the final choice is always the mother's and never yours. Your way is that of Satan.
There were approximately 500,000 people in Washington protesting for the right to murder babies on January 21st in Washington. Did you miss that? Murder is not a choice nor a woman's "right", Jake. Murder is murder.
Did you miss that you misuse terms, Mrs. M. Murder is a legal term. Abortion is a medical term.

But let's not hate.

Here are my desires in terms of this topic: no abortions except for the mother's health or such genetic deformations arise that make the baby's life unviable after birth and for pregnancies through rape and or incest.

Abortion is a medical term for murder. Here are my desires on the topic: No abortions. No exceptions.

No its not.

You can desire anything at all but in the real world, we don't all get what we want. Grow up and deal with it.

Fact - your body is yours to control and do with as you wish. There is nothing that will or would give me the right to control your body. Period.
You only want to regulate her body when its carrying a hunting rifle or a protest sign or where she can work or what kind of car to drive.

So who is really regulating who here idiot? The OP wants to PROTECT human life YOU want to REGULATE it. ONE of the many reasons you want those babies dead in the womb.

They MIGHT hear about God and if they did YOUR power base would shrink. Abortion is the very spear tip of a nations destruction. 55 to 75 MILLION U.S. CITIZENS DEAD.

More then all of the wars put together. Americans lost jobs because YOUR group was killing the future. The need for schools, cars and homes is dropping and that is because YOU killed 55 to 75 MILLION AMERICANS.

Those are the numbers and that is the truth.
Deal with it.


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