Where the hell is Ruth Bader Ginsberg? Proof of life required!!!

You're right, she's probably already dead and the liberals are hiding her body.

Instead of calling this thread, "Where in hell is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?" The thread should be called, "Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in the circle of hell reserved for murderers." Read Dante's Inferno if you want details.
She is already St. Ruth in the liberal Democrat Church of the Bloody Baby.
She's either dead or near death. They're just borrowing time until they can figure out what underhanded tricks they can pull to keep Trump form appointing a replacement.
She's either dead or near death. They're just borrowing time until they can figure out what underhanded tricks they can pull to keep Trump form appointing a replacement.
The Republicans control the Senate even more firmly than before. The Democrats would literally have to start assassinating people to stop Trump's next selection.
She's either dead or near death. They're just borrowing time until they can figure out what underhanded tricks they can pull to keep Trump form appointing a replacement.
The Republicans control the Senate even more firmly than before. The Democrats would literally have to start assassinating people to stop Trump's next selection.
Don't think they're not considering that as an option.
She's either dead or near death. They're just borrowing time until they can figure out what underhanded tricks they can pull to keep Trump form appointing a replacement.
The Republicans control the Senate even more firmly than before. The Democrats would literally have to start assassinating people to stop Trump's next selection.
Don't think they're not considering that as an option.
I know they are.

Republican Senators better not go out for a walk late at night.

Just ask Seth Rich.
Sorry bout that,

  1. In my opinion she is either dead or within steps of being dead.
  2. She has done much damage to the living.
  3. God be merciful to her sinfulness.
  4. She is a broken human, been broke for decades.
  5. Gods mercy can cover her terrible choices.
  6. Only God knows where this will end.
  7. Will the supreme court change the laws that sacrifice the babies?
  8. That is the 80,000 dollar question.
  9. Heaven is populated with these babies, he has taken them every single one.
  10. That you can believe.
Ruth was seen at a club dancing in a mosh pit.
Is the club is called, Club Dead?

They will put her in a glass tomb, like Lenin, her body preserved forever for her "courage" in killing babies. Kids will be forced to file by and put a flower on her tomb.
Yep. Comrade Ginsburg.
Sorry bout that,

  1. In my opinion she is either dead or within steps of being dead.
  2. She has done much damage to the living.
  3. God be merciful to her sinfulness.
  4. She is a broken human, been broke for decades.
  5. Gods mercy can cover her terrible choices.
  6. Only God knows where this will end.
  7. Will the supreme court change the laws that sacrifice the babies?
  8. That is the 80,000 dollar question.
  9. Heaven is populated with these babies, he has taken them every single one.
  10. That you can believe.
I would like to see the look on her face when she meets Jesus in afterlife and realizes the truth of his being on this earth those thousand years ago.
That's very nice, but don't forget how liberal Democrats were dancing on Justice Scalia's grave.

I have not forgotten - they will have to answer to God for their actions, and their despicable behavior is not justification to do the same.
Matthew 7:12 - For in everything, do to others as you would have them do to you.

Since Liberal Democrats did what they did to Scalia aren't they saying it's OK to have it done to them?
This coming week the USSC will be hearing cases on states putting conditions on abortion clinics. So if RBG isn't in her seat this week we know she's done.
When Ginsburg dies, how will they tell?

I heard they are keeping her alive with constant transfusions of blood from hundreds of freshly killed children.

Makes you wonder how much of this is true. I don’t think Chief Justice Roberts would allow this to remain secret.

Makes you wonder how much of this is true. I don’t think Chief Justice Roberts would allow this to remain secret.

It will be interesting when she doesn't show up for the SOTU address how the media will cover her absence. I really haven't seen much discussion in the media on RBG not showing up for work or the state of her health. I know it was reported she was hearing cases from home or wherever, but I imagine she cannot vote from home.
She's either dead or near death. They're just borrowing time until they can figure out what underhanded tricks they can pull to keep Trump form appointing a replacement.

Normally I'm not much of a conspiracy guy, but given what we've seen from the FBI, IRS, FISA these last few years, I can't put anything past the Democrats. They are as low down and dirty as it gets.

On the other hand, if Republicans demand an update on her condition and it turns out she's recovering, that's not what they need right now. If it turns out she is totally incapacitated or brain dead, somebody should have to answer for the coverup.

If she is okay but no longer able to work, then she should find some integrity and announce it so we can move on with running the country. After all, if she was so worried about somebody on the right picking her replacement, she should have resigned several years ago when DumBama was President.

It's been 54 days since Ruth Bader Ginsburg was seen alive, and rumors are getting out of control!!!

What will Democrats do if she dies? Trump will get his third nomination to the Supreme Court, guaranteeing a very conservative court for decades to come!!!

After what Democrats did to Kavenaugh, they will become twice as desperate in their attacks at the next nominee!!!
Democrats got her hidden away in a cryogenic chamber in Nancy Pelosi’s office. :21:

Or in Hillary's closet next to her server.
RBG may be in relative fair health. But if she is incapacitated she needs to take a hike. All of these progressive socialist communists think that we are going to march backwards. We need a period of years or a decade or so to breathe. But the progressives pushing the floor the pedal to the metal in everything is destroying us. Take a break and let the advancements made become part of foundation. The new judge will be more centrist and maybe a constitutionalist and not remove everything you hold dear. Giving some power back to the states is a relief valve.
She is reportedly very seriously ill.

All partisan BS politics aside, my thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out for her and her family at this time.
That's very nice, but don't forget how liberal Democrats were dancing on Justice Scalia's grave.

Scalia died suddenly, dumbass. Scalia was a NaziCon asshole - in life and death. Justice Ginsberg is an honorable woman and very much alive. Save your dancing for after she's gone.

I am pretty sure that 'Lakhota' is the online person Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

As long as Lakhota posts...she is alive....

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